By bangtan_parkchim

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╚»★«╝ Book 1 of Where We Come Alive The New York Institute and its' shadowhunters, Jace, Alec, and Isabelle... More



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By bangtan_parkchim


The moon was high in the sky, full and beaming down light. A perfect night; to set the world on fire and change it in his image.

Shang Darkblood despised Downworlders. They were filthy and their blood was stained with that of demons, the very monsters they hunted. But most of all, he hated how weak the Clave made Shadowhunters by placing laws and rules upon them.

Nephilim were soldiers, not simple mundanes that could be held on a leash. They were capable of so much more than demon-hunting. They could take over the world if they truly wished it. They had all the power-and he had perfect examples of his sentiments, his sons.

Shang never said it vocally, but his sons were perfect. The type of Shadowhunters that the Shadow World truly needed to be in charge. He molded them to become as ruthless as he, and best of all, he molded them to do exactly as he said.

Fear was as good as motivation as any.

He planned to rule the Shadow World with the same tactic and create more of the same soldiers. But first, he had to get his most prized possession-Henry, his youngest. And once Henry had the blood of the first angel coursing through his veins, Shang would be in charge.

No one would dare go against him then.

On this night, Shang stared out at the lines of dozens of Deviants under his command while he stood at the edge of the pier on a pedestal. His presence itself enough to command the army before him, to take what was within his grasp. Victory.

The crowd parted as the cloaked figure came forth with their hands out flat, holding up a pillow with a blanket over it. Their face hidden under a hood, a masquerade.

Shang smirked down at the other. His pride swelling with every step the cloaked figure took forward.

People parted for her, watching her with awe and greed. All of their eyes burning with excitement.

The cloaked figure finally stopped before Shang, kneeling down on one knee in submission while lifting the prize above their head as an offering to him. "My love," She breathed out in a soft sigh, like she could breathe again.

Shang reached for the cloth covering the object, and yanked it off without care.

Deviants gasped and awed in wonder at the sight of the glowing Mortal Instrument that they could barely see. All that mattered is that it was there, and it was their hope that they would win this war without fault.

Shang's power-hungry gaze ignited with fire as he gripped the chain that the Sanguis Angeli was stuck to, then held the artifact up to his eye level. He could feel the power pulsing off of it and craved it more than anything.

If he could, he would have drank the blood inside himself. However, the problem lied within one simple fact.

In his mesmerization, Shang reached out to graze his fingers upon the smooth surface, but the moment his skin touched it, it burned him like a strike of lightning, fast and defensive. "Urgh!" He retracted his hand, huffing angrily in disbelief.

The Sanguis Angeli was a fickle thing. It took years of research, before Shang found a warlock as old as they came. She'd said that the Sanguis Angeli was pure angel blood, and that only the artifact could choose who wielded its power. Someone pure, untainted, those were exact words.

So, he did the only thing he could do-after all, what was more pure than a child?

Kai was his first-born, and the moment his child was born, he coaxed a young and impressionable Amelia to bring forth the Sanguis Angeli from its confines at its Institute. Her family, the Sommercrests, were the ones who hid it and thus, he made sure to do what he could to get his hands on it.

Even if that meant making Amelia fall in love with him, as his heart always belonged to the mother of his children.

Back then, Shang had dangled the crystal over his newborn son, and rested it upon his little chubby fingers. He still remembers how awfully loud Kai's crying was when the crystal had burned him on contact. And he also remembers the unfiltered rage he felt.

A year later, Bae was born, and Shang called upon Amelia a second time. He dangled the crystal over those small, little fingers. And the crystal had burned him on contact, too. The same with Sam, Lucas, and Johnny. Shang had even tried with another woman, thus Jaehwa was born. And even then, the crystal burned their skins one after the other.

The day Henry was born, Shang hadn't tried the crystal on him, because it was also the day that he had lost his beloved wife to childbirth. The woman he loved since he was a child, ripped away from him in some cruel twist of fate. He grew colder, harder, more abusive after this.

One fateful night, Shang and Amelia met up once more by the Han River, the first holding his week old son in his arms. The first and last time he ever held Henry, and waited with an expression of disbelief that this would work. Henry was far too small, far too frail of all of his sons had been as babies. He couldn't possibly be the bearer, the Chosen.

...Until, Amelia dangled the sanguis angeli over Henry's little body. By some sick, twisted miracle, Henry's little hands reached out and gripped the artifact with a baby's strength, holding it to his chest while he slept soundly. He had not been burned. Instead, the blood inside of the artifact began to glow unlike he had never done before.

And ever since that night, Shang loathed the boy more than all of his other sons.

Coming back to present time, Shang looked down as the cloaked figure removed the hood on her head. The beautiful blonde woman looked up with worshipping eyes. Her hands reaching out to him but not touching, believing she was not worthy.

"Amelia," Shang reached out and caressed under her chin, guiding her to her feet slowly, "You have always been so beautiful, so loyal," He whispered, sweeping his hand down her arm, "After all this time."

Amelia stared back in awe. "Have I done well, my love?" She whispered back, yearning for his approval.

"You have played your part to perfection," He stated, "Even going as far as to sacrifice your own family to the cause..." Shang's fingers wrapped around her neck, then squeezed.

Amelia gasped. Her eyes burning with desire. She glanced at his lips hungrily, wanting to lean in. But he kept her at her distance.

"No doubt, you have proven useful thus far. And your daughter?" He wondered.

"She's on her way now with her friends," Amelia explained, "I told her we were under attack by Deviants. She'll come and when we capture them, Henry will come to save them. And then he'll be yours, my love," She promised.

Shang chuckled darkly. His head shaking in truly dumbfounded disbelief. "By the angel..." He eyed her love-struck expression with disgust, "...You really would do anything for me." He pushed her away while she whimpered and stumbled back, instead turning to the crowd that still stood there watching him. His arms opened grandly as he held up to Sanguis Angeli.

"Brothers, Sisters." Shang bellowed out for them all to hear. "The moment of reckoning is upon us. Tonight, we will cleanse the Shadow World of all its impurities. Soon, only the strongest of us will thrive in this world, as the Angel Raziel had always intended. With the help of the Mortal Instrument, the Sanguis Angeli," He lifted the artifact and the crowd roared with applause.

Even further, Shang smiled darkly as he suddenly removed his cloak, leaving him in his Shadowhunter gear. A long katana at his side, and on his muscled forearm, there was a specific rune that was faded and meekly hidden under his sleeve.

The Circle Rune.

Amelia glanced at it, knowing but looked away from it.

"Sire!" Loud voices boomed, and the crowd died as they turned beyond the dock. Turning to find a group of Deviants with two intruders. The girl and the boy struggled as they were manhandled down the aisle, before being thrown to the ground on their knees. "We caught them trying to sneak inside the perimeter," One of the guards informed.

Shang's eyes gleamed with delight, while Amelia lifted her chin with an emotionless expression.

"Get off of me!" Lyra tried to shrug off their hands.

Jace grunted as two large men held him down by his shoulders. "I swear on the angel, I'll cut you into pieces if you keep touching her," He growled menacingly towards the men.

The Deviants stepped back, ultimately, leaving them alone but now in the center of the crowd.

Lyra and Jace stood up to their feet, looking around at their position. Surrounded by mean gazes and killer intent.

Lyra faced forward. Her eyes landing on her mother, and filling with betrayal and heart-break. "Mom," She called to her, shaking her head in confusion, "What's happening, Mom, what are you doing up there with them?"

Amelia raised her brows towards her daughter. "I'm here to fulfill the destiny I've always been meant to live up to," She turned her head to the man at her side lovingly, "By Shang's side."

"What about Dad?!" Lyra cried, "Jack?! What about Sera?!"

"Sera remains unharmed," Amelia looked at her with a small shrug, then nodded to someone in the crowd.

Lyra turned, her heart dropping when a guard came forth, holding a kicking and sobbing Sera. "Sera!" She exclaimed, wanting to go forward, but one of the guards gave her a warning stare.

Sera was dropped to the ground. Her skinny arms and legs have been bruises and with very familiar scars on her skin that were fresh, and some just healing. She looked up with wide eyes, finding her older sister's eyes. Her own so terrified and broken. "Lyra," She cried to her older sister, "Lyra, I'm so scared. It was Mom. Daddy, and-and Jack...She hurt them." She pointed accusingly at Amelia.

Lyra felt sick to her stomach, her own tears spilling out. Her eyes flickering to her mother.

It was unsightly how ruthless and unforgiving her mother look. Dare she say it, she almost looked like Shang, who stood beside her. Like he had poisoned her mind so long ago.

Her whole life-their family, it was all a lie. Everything that she had ever known was being stripped from her on this day.

"What did you all do to her?" Jace growled lowly, "She's a child! She doesn't even have her runes yet," He pointed out.

Shang shrugged. "I started my son's training far younger than she was. I swore to Amelia that she could keep one of her children, at least. Why not offer her the skills and training that my dear sons have? She's quite a fast-learner," He said in this sickly proud tone.

"You sick, son of a bitch," Lyra growled, but it wasn't towards Shang. She stepped forward as she pointed to her mother. "How could you do this to us?! Look around you, look at what this man is doing to your daughter! I mean, how could you possibly be so heartless? Our whole entire life, our family-we were beautiful and we were perfect! We all loved you, and you don't even care? Did we even mean anything to you-did you just flip a switch and erase us from your memories-Why are you doing this?!" She screamed in agony, furiously wiping her tears.

Jace held her back, holding her in his arms as she cried.

Amelia pressed her lips together firmly. And for a moment, there was this flicker of humanity passing through her eyes as she looked at Lyra, her first-born child, her beautiful daughter.

"A small sacrifice to pay," is all she said.

Shang smiled evilly, beginning to laugh.

Lyra's lips trembled. Her resolve found. She turned her hatred filled eyes to Shang. "You took everything from me," She growled.

His eyes filled with amusement. "I'm not afraid of you or your friends, little girl," He chastised.

Lyra narrowed her eyes. "You will be." She raised her hand, the signal.

An arrow shot out from the crates above, striking as fast as lightning.

Shang cursed out loud as the arrow sliced into his hand, capturing the little chain of the necklace and stealing it from his grasp.

People gasped and went on alert, looking around wildly.

Shang turned around furiously, just in time to watch as a shadowed figure caught the arrow single-handedly. His face filling with instant dread when his son, Kai, stepped into the light now holding the Sanguis Angeli. "Kai," He gasped, stepping back instantly.

"Hello, Father," Kai greeted in the darkest of tone.

Shang bumped into Amelia as he continued to try and put as much distance between himself and his first sons gaze. "Enough," He growled, "Give it back, now." He used the same voice he used to use to scare them when they were kids.

Two more shadows dropped down behind him, knocking out the guards that had kept post of the pedestal.

Lucas and Johnny stood up, both of them with the deadliest of glares.

"Lucas, Johnny," Shang looked between them in shock, before anger filled his gaze, "Don't just stand there. Attack him!" he ordered them.

Lucas tilted his head tauntingly. "I don't think so," He decided.

Johnny smiled wickedly, as creepily as ever and sending chills down his father's spine. "The fun's just starting," He giggled insanely.

Jaehwa and Sam appeared out of the shadows with their weapons ready and in hand. Both of them with silent, deadly auras.

Shang looked at them, terrified and fury. "You insolent children! I will beat you for this-!" He stopped as he bumped into another, and spun around to see a muscular chest. His blood ran cold, and he slowly looked up.

Bae stared down at his father, his jaw clenched tight and eyes dark as coal. "If you even lay a hand on another one of my brother's, I will rip you apart," He warned, leaning down a little, "And I get my temper from my Father," He promised.

Shang growled angrily, shaking his head in disbelief. He stepped back as his son's surrounded him. His eyes on each of them. "You think you can beat me? I trained each of you. I made you what you are. So, come on..." He dared them, smirking, "...Hit me!" He ordered.

Lucas yelled out, running forward. He raised a fist toward his father.

Shang turned around, sharply, not moving as the fist stopped within an inch from his face.

Kai and Bae scowled in unison, confused. Johnny tensed completely, all confidence gone. Sam and Jaehwa looked at each other, fearfully.

Lucas felt like he couldn't move, genuinely. He furrowed his brows, as he tried to bring his fist down.

Lyra and Jace froze in their spots, watching the scene in disbelief.

Shang laughed again, right in Lucas' face. His head shaking. "What's wrong, son, cold feet?" He tilted his head, and when Lucas paled, his sick smile grew wider.

Lucas strained hard enough that his eyes watered. He tried to swing his other fist, but again, his fist stopped. His own mind blocking him from doing such a thing as hitting his father.

Shang tched. "All of your scheming, and none of you thought of this?" He looked at Kai more importantly while laughing. "Did you really think I would create deadly weapons...and not add a safety switch?" He asked.

Kai scowled. "What did you do to us?" He asked, breathless...and actually scared.

Shang gripped Lucas hand, and twisted, cracking it out of place and making his son scream in agony.

"Stop it!" Johnny yelled, running forward with his war fan out. He raised it, but he stopped, straining against the urge.

Bae's breathing halted, fear seeping out of him.

Shang turned to him. "You want to try to? Hm? Give it your best shot," He bucked at Bae, Sam, and Jaehwa as if to strike them.

They flinched away instinctively.

Bae's eyes watering as he felt like that scared little boy once again.

"I trained all of you to not attack me at the smell of my pheromones. The training prevents you from committing any violence towards me," Shang explained simply.

"Oh, shit," Jace whispered, looking to Lyra who looked just as concerned.

Shang walked forward, to Kai, who began walking backwards. "How does it feel to know you've sent your brothers to their deaths?" He asked, looking at the younger man who trembled.

Kai shook his head, "I may not be able to hit you," He clenched the Sanguis Angeli in his hand, "But I can keep this far away from you." He raised his arm, and threw the necklace into the air. Whistling.

Rook cawed as he soared down into the sky. His little caws gripping the chain and carrying the artifact away.

"No!" Shang yelled, turning to his army furiously, "Seize them! And get that bird!" He roared.

The army turned their sights to Jace and Lyra, and the brothers immediately surrounded them protectively.

Meanwhile, up on the crates, Rook landed on Henry's shoulder while dropping the necklace into Henry's hand.

Beside him, Alec and Isabelle were watching the beginnings of the battle with shocked expressions.

"How are we suppose to stop your father if you can't hit him?" Isabelle asked.

"We could do it," Alec decided, looking to her.

"No." Henry trembled, cursing under his breath and shaking his head. "It has to be me. Neither of you would even get close enough to scratch him." He clenched his jaw, then turned to Alec expectedly."You have to break my nose," He ordered.

"What?" Alec guffawed, "I'm not going to hit you!"

"If I smell his scent, I won't be able to stop my father. You need to sever the nerve so I can do so without worrying about it," Henry exclaimed, gesturing the other to give it his best shot, "Dammit, Alec, just hit me!"

"I don't want to hit you!"

"You've done it before!"

"It was an accident-!"

"By the angel, Henry!" Isabelle turned the boy around fast, then swung her hardened fist at the man at full force.

Henry's head buckled back when her fist collided, quickly followed by pain aching throughout his face and the taste of blood falling down his broken nose. "Son of a bitch-!" He cursed loudly.

"Izzy!" Alec scolded, holding his boy in his arms so he wouldn't fall back. His eyes wide and worried.

Isabelle rolled her eyes. "Did it work?" She asked.

Henry took a moment, trying to breath in the scent of salty water. Then he turned to Alec, leaning forward a little to try and smell him. His usual scent of pine and cologne that he adored so much.

But he couldn't smell anything.

Henry nodded, looking at Isabelle proudly yet a little fearfully. "It worked." He made a pained expression. "Nice hook by the way," He hissed a little.

Isabelle shrugged.

Henry looked back down towards the battle. His hand unsheathed his katana, while his runes felt like they were burning with the amount of rage he felt. "Let's end this," He said to them, glancing at Alec.

Alec met his gaze. His eyes filled with so much fear and worry. He leaned forward, capturing Henry's cheek delicately, and he kissed him as carefully as he could.

Henry kissed back, despite the pain.

The two of them kissing as if this might be the last time. And both prayed to the heavens, that this was not.

Alec pulled away, leaning his forehead against Henry's. "Just..." he whispered, "...Stay within my sight, please?" it was all he could ask.

Henry nodded, a promise.

Isabelle watched them with a small smile.

The three of them turned back to the battlefield, and with no more left to say, they jumped.



next chapter will probably break many hearts, but it'll be the best chapter I've ever written, in my opinion 😅😂❤️

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