The Life of Mia Grey-Shepherd

By liyahhoosein

42.1K 635 301

These are all oneshots! PLEASE LEAVE YOUR REQUESTS IN THE COMMENTS OR FEEL FREE TO DM! Let's pretend Meredith... More

I Always Feel Like Somebody's Watching Me
Keep Breathing Part 1
Keep Breathing Part 2
Without You
After Hours
Wake Me Up Part 1
Wake Me Up Part 2
Into The Fire
Sweet Caroline
Truly Madly Deeply
We Will Rock You
Papa Don't Preach Part 1
Papa Don't Preach Part 2
There Is A Light That Never Goes Out
Another Brick In The Wall
Castle On The Hill
Father Of Mine
Gone Girl Part 1 | The Life Of Mia Grey-Shepherd
Gone Girl Part 2 | The Life Of Mia Grey-Shepherd
Coming Of Age | The Life Of Mia Grey-Shepherd
Enemy | The Life Of Mia Grey-Shepherd
Minnesota | The Life Of Mia Grey-Shepherd
Fighting With Derek | The Life Of Mia Grey-Shepherd
Valentine's Breakup | The Life Of Mia Grey-Shepherd
Abusive Relationship | The Life Of Mia Grey-Shepherd
Cristina Returns | The Life Of Mia Grey-Shepherd
Jealous Of Your Siblings | The Life Of Mia Grey-Shepherd
Bad Partner | The Life Of Mia Grey-Shepherd
Lashing Out | The Life Of Mia Grey-Shepherd
Bailey's Birth | The Life Of Mia Grey-Shepherd
Bad Idea, Right?
Flight 505

Piece By Piece

1.1K 22 15
By liyahhoosein

Description: Mia starts acting out and resenting her mom because of her absence at home and Meredith is in Minnesota.

A/N: Since Season 18 started, I've never found the answer to these questions. Do the kids like Meredith being in Minnesota? Are they gonna hate her for being absent in their lives? Will they meet Nick? I honestly want Zola to just diss him or something because we literally just got Derek on the beach towards the end of the last season. And now they bring in another love interest. I was hoping for her to end up with Hayes, but he's gone. ABC when are y'all gonna let Mer be single? Let me know!

Mia POV:

You know, ever since my dad died I've always felt a little broken inside. He was my rock, my best friend, and the first man that I loved. He was everything to me, even more to my mom and Amelia. Our family has been through a lot of tragedies.

Mom almost dying when she was pregnant with Ellis, Mom getting attacked, Uncle Alex almost going to prison, Mom and Nathan and then the fight with Aunt Maggie, Nathan's fiancé resurrecting from the dead, Aunt Amelia's brain tumour, Alex leaving, there's a whole bunch of stuff that our family has witnessed firsthand.

The last bad thing that happened was when my mother almost died from COVID. She was on a vent for weeks and then she finally pulled through. I was grateful that she made it because I don't know what I would do without both of my parents. My dad already died and I wasn't ready I lose her either. Not to mention the fact that Andrew died and lost his life. He was a pretty decent guy and Mom seemed happy with him. I just want it to be us though. We don't need another guy to step in and try to father us. Nobody can ever replace Dad and I won't let it happen.

After she survived COVID, she had promised that we would all spend more time together again, just like old times.

Unfortunately, that has not been the case with my mother.

When your name is Meredith Grey, people pay attention. My mom is an amazing surgeon, and she's very innovative and quick-witted. She won a Catherine Fox Award, so I'm pretty sure she's well-educated of cutting into people by now.

Earlier this year, she went to Minnesota to check out this lab that was built for her and she's working on some top-secret project that only Aunt Amelia knows about and she's been stuck there ever since. We see her maybe once every few months if she's not busy, which is sad, but it's her job so I'll just have to deal with it. I always have to just "deal with it". I'm the big sister that has to step-up and take care of everyone because the adults are surgeons. I shouldn't complain, I'm just a brat who wants more time with her family?

Anyways, my mother's absence in my life recently has made me more cold, and fierce. And not in a good way. I feel like there's no joy in my life anymore. There's no happiness without her being present. I've been learning how to raise myself, Zola, Bailey, Ellis, and even Scout when Aunt Amelia is gone. They've brought me a little comfort and have kept me occupied.

Thursday Morning

I'm alone at the kitchen table studying for a biology test today. I feel like I've been studying all week and now my brain is just mush. Aunt Amelia comes into the kitchen, concerned for my well-being.

"Whatcha doing up, squirt?" She kisses my head.

"Oh just studying, what are you doing up?" I ask

"Scout has been keeping me up all night. Wanting milk, not wanting milk, rocking him back and forth, laying him on my stomach, to sum it up, I'm worn out." she groans

"He's lucky he's cute." I laugh

"So, how's everything going? You've been kinda closed off lately, anything bothering you?" she asks randomly.

"What do you mean? I'm" I smile awkwardly.

"When was the last time you talked to Mom?" she asks

"I don't know, a couple weeks ago? I call her, she's busy, she calls me, I'm busy. It's whatever." I shrug

"I know you miss her, she'll be home soon." Amelia hugs me.

"She said that before, a bunch of times. I don't believe it. The last time I saw her was two months ago. She's practically living in Minnesota. Maybe she likes it there than being with us." I say

"That's not true, she loves you guys." she says

"If she loved us, she would've been back home by now. Maybe she's having fun in Minnesota. Whatever, I don't really care. I'm gonna go take a shower." I argue

Author POV:

Thursday Evening

Mia drives the kids home from school and they all get settled in.

"Hey, Mi? Do you know when Mommy is coming back from Minnesota? She's been gone for a very, very long time." Ellis asks

"No, babe. I don't know when or if she's coming back anytime soon, so let's all just have fun with each other, okay?" Mia says

"You seem mad, are you good?" Bailey asks

"I'm fine, don't make this a thing." Mia rolled her eyes.

Amelia walks through the door and the kids are surprised.

"Hey, you're home early?" Mia smiled

"I decided to take the day off and spend the day with you guys, plus Tom is there so I don't really need to be. How was school?" She asked

"It was fine. I finished my test early. Zola nailed her science experiment, Bailey's teacher says that he has been getting better at reading, and Ellis is no longer coloring outside of the lines. Hi, Scout!" Mia holds Scout in her arms and gushes over him.

"I think we should have a movie night tonight, what do you guys think?" Amelia asks

"Best. Idea. Ever!" All of the little kids surrounded Amy and showered her with love.

When it was time to watch the movie, Mia was missing. Amelia knew that Scout had gone down for a nap and the other kids were with her, so where was she?

"Hey, the movie's starting and I made us popcorn. You coming?" She knocks on Mia's door

"I'm just gonna rest a little, thanks!" Mia replies and hears a bit of whimpering and sniffles.

She opens the door and sees her favorite niece in tears while looking at her phone. She sees a picture of Meredith and Derek on the screen.

"I miss how things used to be. I miss how things were when Dad was still here. I miss him so much. We used to ride the ferry every Thursday morning together and we would go fishing on the weekends. " She cries and rests her head on Amelia's lap.

"Aw, honey. I miss him too, more than anything. How about we go on a ferry tomorrow? Just you and I, Maggie and Winston can watch the kids? Would you like that?" She asks

"Really? But don't you have some brain tumor to cut out of someone tomorrow?" Mia is shocked that her aunt would rather hang out with her than be at the hospital.

" I can move it and do it in the afternoon. You're growing up and you'll be off at college soon. We won't have the chance to do stuff like this in the future, why waste anymore time?" she smiles

"Don't tell Aunt Maggie, but you're the best aunt anyone could ever have!" Mia returns the grin.

"I am so telling her!" She jokes

Friday Morning

The kids don't have school today, so it's a nice day to regroup and rejuvenate. Amelia and Mia look out at the edge of the ferryboat, seeing the orange sun bounce off of the crystal blue water. It's all magical. It reminds Mia of the first time that she had been on a ferryboat.

"This was really nice of you to do. I appreciate it." Mia says

"Yeah it's nice here. One of my favorite things about Seattle since I've been here with you guys. I know Dad would've enjoyed every bit of it. He's probably with us right now, soaking it all in." She comments

"He's always here, he watches over us. I talk to him sometimes. Before I go to sleep, I pray and I talk to him." Mia admits

"That's sweet. I'm glad you're finding some way to connect with him." Amelia thinks of the final moments with her brother, wishing that everything had played out so much more contrary than it had.

"You don't want to be late for your surgery. I'll text you if there's anything wrong. Bye, love you!" Amelia drops her home before heading to the hospital.

She sees an unfamiliar car in the driveway and doesn't know who is inside. She sees her car, Maggie and Winston's car, and a Black SUV. She decides to stun herself and walk in the door nonetheless.

"Hey, how was the ferry? It's lovely outside!" Maggie remarks and Mia is joined by two extra guests. She doesn't let out a single phrase.

"Uncle Winston, can we play on the trampoline outside?" Ellis begs

"Race you!" They sprinted out the back door with the rest of the kids, except Scout who Meredith was playing with.

Her mother and some tall, dark-haired, mischievous-looking man. His arm is encircled around her, tightly.

"Hey, Mia, this is Nick. He's um... He's my..." Meredith tries to find the exact expression while Mia looks like she's having a stroke.

"Your mother and I have been dating for an adequate time. It's good to finally meet you, Mia." Nick attempts to shake her hand and hug her, but she's frigid.

"She's like a freaking statue!" Bailey giggles

"Mia?" Maggie pats her shoulder.

She drops her keys and finally blinks.

"Sorry. I-um, I don't feel that great right now." She trots to the washroom and pukes in the toilet.

The feeling of getting a rush of adrenaline is a classic sign of shock. A person might feel uneasy or nauseous in their stomach, as if they're going to vomit or have sickness. It's likely that they're thinking will be cloudy or that they won't be able to think clearly.

"Is she okay? Should I check on her?" Meredith asks

"I'll be back. You two should get settled in. A lot has changed around here. Just unwind and relax." Maggie smiles nervously.

"Honey, are you okay? Did you eat something bad?" Maggie asks while wiping her face.

"I just wanna rest. I'm fine, thanks." Mia forces a smile and locks her bedroom door.

Maggie notices that she also seems a bit distraught, but she doesn't look into it.

Maggie returns downstairs with the unexpected guests.

"Well, she's not up for any visitors at the moment. She just wants some rest." Maggie says

"Oh, okay. Maybe we can talk with her later. We got the whole weekend, so we can enjoy it together. Who's my little guy? My boy is adorable!" Meredith bounces Scout in her lap.

"He likes Auntie MerMer!" Nick laughs and plays with Scout's fingers.

"Yeah, well I had to learn how to bond with him when there was a worldwide pandemic going on and people were dying in record numbers. Not to mention that we all got little sleep with him. But he's a cutie!" She chuckles.

Amelia gets home later on in the evening.

"Hey, oh my God, you're here? Hey, Nick!" Amelia hugs the two of them immediately

"Yeah, I thought that it was time to come home. Did Mia eat anything weird today? She threw up and went upstairs to rest. She's been up there a while." Meredith tells

"Uh, I don't think so, but I'll go check on her. Hi, my little muffin!" Amelia kissed Scout on the cheek before heading upstairs.

"Babe, why is the door locked? Can you let me in? I just want to see how you're doing, I heard that you're sick." Amelia knocks on the door.

"I'm fine, Aunt Amelia. Empty...but fine." Mia groaned

"Just open the door, stop being difficult!" Amy whined

"Fine, but close it behind you." Mia warns

Amelia walks in and expects to see her niece, looking a little green and hiding under the covers. Instead, she is pacing around her room and pulling at the skin on her fingernails. She doesn't look too happy right now.

"What's wrong?" Amelia asks

"Did you know that she was dating again? Did you know that she was gonna bring a guy home?" Mia asks angrily.

"Okay, I'll be honest. I have talked to Nick a couple times before over the phone and I did know Mom was dating, but she asked me to keep quiet. I'm sorry, are you mad?" Amelia worries

"Not at you. Does she honestly think that she can just waltz in here and bring a guy home? After not talking for weeks and being away from us for so long. She just springs this on me too? I told you that she was having too much fun there. No wonder she hasn't been back home. She's probably been screwing him, but she can't come home to see her family. I can't believe this." Mia shakes her head.

"Hey, maybe just be nice and get to know Nick. Mom says that he makes her very happy." Amelia suggests

"Oh I'm sure he does. Stupid Ken Doll." Mia heads downstairs and Amelia chases after her, concerned that her niece may explode.

"Hey, you're feeling better?"  Meredith says

"Oh, yeah, I'm greater than ever." Mia's sarcasm always seems to come out when she's angry.

"You want me to help you in here, or?" Amelia asks as Mia starts grabbing things from the fridge to make dinner.

"Yeah, please. I need someone to be a buffer." She whispers

"Please don't cause a scene, she deserves to be happy." Amelia sighs

"I won't, but I'm still mad at her. She's  done this before. I'm always the last person to find out information. First it was Mark and Lexie dying, then Dad, then her and Nathan getting together, and now this? You should understand where I'm coming from. We were told by other people that Dad died and then she took us halfway across the country for almost a year, almost died, and then Ellis was born. Our family is really screwed up, you know. And she hasn't even explained why she hasn't been home in forever. Is this secret project so important and necessary that she can't take a few days off or has she been prioritizing her human Ken Doll over us?" Mia rolls her eyes at the couple.

"Okay, Fine i agree with you, but now is not the time to bring up old issues from the past. We should just savor the time we have with her while she's here. Okay? Be the sweet, good girl that everyone loves...the amazing Mia that i love. Can you do that for me?" Amelia pinches her cheek.

"Only because I love you. Can you take out the salmon, please? It's done now." Mia points to the oven.


"Wow, you cooked all of this? This is amazing, honey! You should make dinner more often!" Meredith said with enthusiasm.

"I do. I make dinner here almost every night." She said and Meredith and Amelia could hear the slight undertone of rudeness in it.

"So how are all my babies doing in school?" She asked

"I'm gonna become an artist!" Ellis said excitedly and everyone was laughing except for Mia.

"That's great sweetie, how about you two?" She questioned Bailey and Zola.

"I like making stuff explode and Bailey made the softball team." Zola smiles

"You okay? You've barely touched your food and it's really good." Amelia whispers

"I'm not that hungry, I'm fine. I just don't wanna be here. It's too much." She replies

"What are you two whispering about?" Meredith chuckles

"Nothing, Aunt Amelia how is everything at the hospital?" Mia asks, quickly changing the subject.

Before Amelia answers, she is interrupted by the big-mouthed Ellis.

"Sissy doesn't want to eat because she's mad at really, really mad!" Ellis emphasizes her words.

"Mia, is there something you want to say?" Meredith asks worriedly.

"No. We can table it. I don't want any drama." She says

"Thank you." Amelia says

"No, we can talk about it now in the open. Say what's on your mind." Meredith nods

"No. Aunt Amelia and I talked about it already, so we can talk about it later." Mia's frustrated with her mother forcing her to confide in her in front of everyone.

"What does Amelia have to do with this? I'm your mom and we are supposed to have an open and honest relationship!" Meredith snapped

"Should I go?" Nick asks

"No, you're a guest, babe and I'm sorry for her behavior-" Mia scoffs at her mother's remark.

"You're not my Mom though! You've barely been here! Amelia is more of my Mom than you are and she's doing a much better job, so you should just go back to Minnesota. You don't call back for weeks, we haven't seen you in months? But then you expect everything to be normal and so okay that you could bring a guy here! You couldn't have gave me a heads up? Oh, wait, that's right. You don't ever take my feelings into consideration, you just do what makes you happy!" Mia storms out and leaves the house.

"Mia, get your a*s back here, right now!" Meredith demanded

"No!" Mia put on her shoes and grabbed her bag.

"No?" Meredith was shocked at her daughter's behavior.

She slammed the door behind her and got into her car.

"Is she okay?" Maggie asked

"It's eight o'clock, where would she go?" Zola asked

Mia POV:

I decide to go and visit Dad's old land. Someone had bought it when we moved out so there's other people living in that house now. The sun is starting to set and I park my car on the trail near the forest. I look at the land and I start to remember when we had first moved into the dream house.


After we had moved all the boxes in we all laid in their bed that was in the master bedroom.

"This is our new home guys, do you like it?" Dad asked

"It's beautiful, you're a great builder Dad!" I say and he kisses my cheek.

"Dada made us huge house!" Zola exclaims

"Daddy is pretty amazing, isn't he?" Mom smirks

"I love my girls, all of you." He cuddles Mom, Zola and I.

"Welcome home." Mom says

(End of Flashback)

We all slept together that night, excited for our future in our new dream house. Mom, Dad, and I were still grieving over Mark and Lexie, but it happened to be a blessing in disguise. It was the light at the end of a very dark tunnel. I just hate that it didn't last longer, we were only there for 3 years. And then Mom sold it like it meant nothing to her. He built that for her. That's how much he loved her. He built her a house that they would love in together and that they would raise their family and grow old in.

I stay there for a few hours, just trying to think of all the good old memories that we had here. My phone buzzes and I get a text from Mom, Amelia, Maggie, Winston, Zola, Uncle Owen, and Uncle Richard.

They all consist of telling me to come home and that they're worried about me, so I decide to head back home.

I enter the house and it's 11 o'clock, so all of the little ones are asleep. I see all of the adults in the living room waiting for my arrival.

"There you are! Don't scare me like that again, okay? You should head to bed now, it's getting late." Amelia instructs, but my mother grabs my wrist.

"You're grounded. Phone. Now." She held out her empty hand.

"Take it! I don't care!" I drop the phone into her hand and head up to my room upstairs.

"Dad would be so disappointed in your behaviour right now." She shakes her head.

"That's okay, he was a way better parent than you'll ever be,"  I tear up at my own words.


I wake up a little later than everyone else and I see them all ready to head out the door.

"Wheres everyone going?" I ask

"You're grounded, so you're not coming. We're going to the mall." Mom says

"Thanks, you're the best!" I smile and she scoffs.

"Sorry, sweetie. I can stay with you if you want?" Amelia pouted

"No. It's fine. Go and have some fun." I insisted that Amelia goes out instead of keeping me company while I face my consequences. My mother is...UGH!

The door locks and I figure out what to do since I don't have my phone. Maybe I could clean the house? Break into Mom's room and try to find my phone?

I decide to put on some music and clean the house. It's not a surprise that I'm grounded. My mother loves to punish me and I'm the oldest, so I'm expected to be perfect.

Maybe once she sees the house is clean and there's food, she'll apologize. She provoked me. I told her that the conversation could wait, but no. She loves drama.

As I dance, the hours go by quicker and everyone is back home, although I don't happen to notice yet.

I haven't danced since Dad died. I was an all-around dancer, but mostly jazz and lyrical. I was in rehearsals for a competition and Amelia had picked me up and told me everything. Then I quit the team before Mom moved us to San Diego, then we were back in Seattle almost a year later. Anyways, I haven't danced in about 7 years, since I was ten.

It brought me comfort and Dad always said that I was the best on the team. I'm sure if he was still here, I would've won a lot more trophies.

"Hey! Turn off the music!" Mom yells and I jump.

"Oh, sorry." I turn it off immediately.

"You're a really good dancer. You have a lot of talent." Nick says and I nod. There's a lot of awkward tension.

"Uh, there's food on the stove. I'll be up in my room." I say and my mom just looks at me without saying a word.

Author POV:

Meredith goes to the kitchen by herself and starts to cry. Maybe it's because her daughter is right about her? She hasn't been in their lives recently, She hasn't been home with her kids who she promised to take care of after their father died. Part of her feels that she's become her mother.

The ambitious, talented surgeon who didn't have time for kids. The one that was cold and dead inside and never showed any affection.

She now realizes that she made Mia feel how she felt when she was a kid. She's all alone. Derek wouldn't have left her. He would have stayed by her side the entire time. Meredith moved on so quickly, and so has Mia, but she can't forget what happened. She carries it with her.

She wipes her tears and Amelia walks into the kitchen.

"Hey I was getting a glass for Maggie, are you okay?" She asks

"She hates me, Amy. She doesn't love me anymore." Meredith cries

"Of course she loves you. She's just mad, she'll get over it." Amelia hugs her.

"I'm the worst mother ever. I never wanted to be my mom. I wanted to be better than her, but I'm a failure." She sighs

"Meredith you are better. You've just been busy with work and everything, I get it. Don't cry. She loves you a lot. We all do. She's the one who's been missing you the most, that's why she's upset. Because she loves her Mom more than anything. You're her best friend." Amy suggests

"What am I supposed to do? This is all my fault! I should've been here for the kids. You've been stuck with them this whole time." Meredith said

"Just give it some time. She'll come to you, she always does. You're her only parent left. Everything will be okay soon, I promise." Amelia comforts her sister and they head back into the living room.

Mia POV:

I'm full of sorrow and regret. I can't believe I talked to my mother that way. I'm the worst daughter ever. I'm pretty confident that I did much worse than hurt her feelings. I ruined our relationship. I ruined us. I shouldn't have screamed at her. It was wrong and completely rude of me. I feel criminal about every word that escaped my mouth. I don't think she'll ever forgive me. I'm her daughter. I said horrible things to her.

I'm supposed to respect her, cherish her and love her with all my heart. She could be gone one day and I wouldn't find anyone like her. She's special. If Dad was here, he would've wrung my neck. I would be dead.

I head downstairs and I see Mom sleeping on Nick's shoulder on the couch. She looks so relaxed and peaceful, so I go back to my room. She needs her rest. I've driven her insane this weekend.

Sunday Morning

I wake up at 7 o'clock and I slip a note under my Mom's door. Hopefully, she reads it and understands that I am sorry for what I did. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt her. I don't want to lose her because I don't know if I'll make it without her. After all, she's my Mom. I'm a part of her.

I make breakfast for everyone and do a little bit of cleaning. Shortly after, everyone wakes up.

Author POV:

"Mmm, I smell pancakes!" Bailey cheers

"Yeah, you got a whole breakfast buffet. This is for you guys." Mia hands Meredith and Nick a plate and a cup of coffee each.

"Wow. You didn't have to make this much food!" Meredith says

"I'm apologizing. You know that when I'm sad I usually whip something up, so I'm sorry okay? I never meant to hurt either of you at all. You guys are adults. I don't get to have an opinion on your relationship. I'm a kid, a relatively terrible one."

"You guys seem happy together and I don't want to ruin that. I want you to be happy. After everything, you deserve it. You've been through so much heartache and suffering and death and I'm just adding to it with my drama. It's fine if you're still mad at me. I would be too. I didn't mean what I let out, I was just hysterical. But I shouldn't have said anything at all, I was immature. I'll stay grounded for however long you want, it doesn't matter. I just want you to know that I still love you, Mom. I'll always love you and nobody can take your place. No offence, Auntie Amelia. You don't have to forgive me right now at this second. You can date whoever you want, it's none of my business. Your life is your life and I'm not a part of that. You don't owe me an explanation for anything. You've been taking care of me my entire life, so the least I can do is be a decent daughter." Mia says

"Jeez, she's got a way with words. Mia, you don't have to apologize to me. I know what it feels like when a stranger suddenly appears in your life. I have a niece that's your age." Nick chuckles

"You do?" He responds with a nod.

"Come here." Meredith waves her hand.

Mia stands in front of her mother, waiting for her next move.

Meredith looks into her eyes and sees them filled with remorse and guilt. She can tell that Mia truly is sorry. She feels dreadful.

She suddenly wraps her arms around her seventeen-year-old and pulls her into her chest.

"Mmm, I love you, baby. I read your note this morning. I'm sorry for not being here. You're growing up and I'm missing out on everything. I understand why you were upset. You missed me, but I missed you even more. I missed seeing my favourite girl in the mornings and kissing her head before bed at night. You're the one who's been holding this place together, making sure that it doesn't collapse."

"You're a strong woman, I knew you'd always be. I love you, Mia. And thank you for apologizing and doing all of this. My sweet girl. And you're a part of my life. You're the one who made my life better. All of my babies did, but you made me a mother. I wouldn't be where I am today without you. So, you're forgiven. There's nothing to fight about. I want my girl back. Soon you're gonna be older and we won't have time to spend together anymore. You might even have a boyfriend soon. Oh, God!" Meredith laughed

"You're the best Mom ever, do you know that?" Mia smiles

"Mm-hmm. You're cute. Thanks for breakfast!" She kisses her head.

"Thank you for being a good girl. You have a big heart." Amelia says

"She's my Mom, how can I hate her?" Mia smiles

The End


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