Power & Control

By flickr_13

85.2K 2K 6K

He's got Power over me. But I've got Control over him. "Do you think it's funny what you did? Moaning into th... More

1: Electra Heart
2: Bubblegum Bitch
3: Starring Role
4: 505
5: Getaway Car
6: How To Be A Heartbreaker
7: Lies
8: Teen Idle
9: S&M
10: Bloodstream
11: Serial Killer
12: FU In My Head
13: wRoNg
14: Radioactive
16: Look At Me
17: Homewrecker
18: Primadonna
19: bad idea!
20: Real Boy
21: Living Dead
22: Slow Down
23: Numb
24: Champagne Lovers
25: Coffee Breath
26: Perfect
27: For Your Entertainment
28: Without Me
29: Only Angel
30: All Mine
31: Pretty Boy
32: Bad Liar
33: E.V.O.L.
34: I Think He Knows
35: Giselle
36: Art Deco
37: Heavenly
38: Gangsta
39: Written All Over Your Face
40: Blank Space
41: West Coast
42: Snow On The Beach
43: Save My Life

15: Think About Us

1.8K 47 67
By flickr_13


There was something different about tonight.

Not in the crowd, but on the stage. I couldn't find the words to explain it, but the second I stepped onto the stage I had this chill running down my spine. At first I dismissed it and blamed it on the little fabric I was covered in, but it was still there after the first song, where I could feel the room becoming hotter with every passing second.

Or maybe that was because of everything that happened prior to the show.

But I tried to block the memories out, focus on doing my job and giving the fans a show worthy of their money. But every now and then, whenever I'd make the mistake of letting my gaze fall too much towards my right side, I'd catch a glimpse of that cobalt blue even through all the different lights, my mind immediately flashing to the memory of those same eyes peering up at me from between my legs right before the show. So I'd tear my gaze away in an instant, making sure my voice wouldn't waver.

Maybe I enjoyed that sight way more than I should have, because just thinking about it had my skin feeling like it was alight.

The beaming lights, all in hues of reds and purples illuminated everything around me, blinding me enough to make the crowd look like a blur of faces. I'm not gonna sit here and pretend I'm some saint, because I'm not. I've done drugs. But nothing ever got me as high as this, as being on stage, singing the words I wrote, to the melodies I created. Every time I did a show, I'd feel the adrenaline of it coursing through my veins.

But tonight, that adrenaline had skyrocketed. I don't know if that was because of Niall, but I didn't care. All that I cared about was how light I felt, how into the music I was and how my body would move with it, the silk material of my dress clinging to my skin so snug, so softly. And I realised halfway through the show that the sweat coating me wasn't just from the lights. No.

It was from his touch, from the way he knew exactly what to do to have me writhing, begging for him. Just his presence so close to me on the stage, the way I could feel his eyes burning into my back every passing second. And in the rare occasions I'd allow myself to face him, just for a couple of seconds to not trigger any suspicions, I'd be able to spot the glimmer in those deep blue eyes of his when they met mine, the lust when they'd travel to my chest, wrapped tightly in the shiny purple fabric enough for the faint lines of the piercings on my nipples to show, just how he knew they would. And maybe he was right, maybe I was planning on wearing it tonight just to spite him. But now that we were here, after he had pleasured me without getting, without asking for anything in return, I was reminded he had still been left without finding any form of release, and I was the cause of it.

The thought of what he had been cleverly hiding behind the large red Gibson had me smirk to myself as I glanced at him during his guitar solo in 505, that urge to taunt him, tease him even more knowing he'd be affected and unable to do anything about it overtaking me. And I knew exactly how, because Serial Killer was next on the track list.

He so stupidly let me know exactly how to get to him. He let me in on a secret he shouldn't have, because I could use it to my advantage every night if I wanted to. I just hoped that now that he knew what it was like being with me, it wouldn't work less than it did before.

I didn't let that possibility stop me. I danced to the sensual beat of the song, allowing my flirty side to shine through a little more than usual, but I didn't look towards him once. When the time for the bridge came, I dropped to my knees at the edge of the stage, looking at the crowd. With my legs spread enough to be provocative, but not too much where I'd risk showing anything, I rolled my head and leaned back, arching my back. I moaned into the microphone.

Like, actually moaned.

Like I would if he was pounding into me, hard and fast while he carried me over the edge of my orgasm. Like I did when his mouth was on me just before the show. The crowd roared and I lifted myself up on my knees, closing my legs with an innocent smile before I got off the ground, prancing around confidently through the last chorus for the song.

The adrenaline was there even through the ballads, my hands shaking as I played the piano. It was an effort to not hit a wrong key and it was probably the first time I couldn't tap into the heavy emotion and heartbreak those few songs carried. But the fans still poured their hearts out, making up for the lack of emotion from me.

When the show was over, I was still into overdrive. My energy hadn't faltered, the excitement from the show still evident, not letting any trace of tiredness show. And since I'd normally be an exhausted wreck after each show, it took the people around me no effort at all to notice the difference.

"You're weirdly hyper." Ty nudged my shoulder as he passed by, taking out the in ear monitors from his ears while I pulled the chord of the control panel out through the back of my dress.

"Enjoy it while it lasts." Mockingly winking at him, I glanced behind my shoulder to the rest of the band in the cramped area, all taking their stage gear off. Niall was there, chatting with Duncan while packing his guitar in its case.

"Does this sudden burst of energy mean you're finally gonna join us?" My gaze sharply turned to him, the invitation sounding interesting for the first time since this tour started. After most shows, the band gathered and went out for drinks. I honestly never understood how they found the energy to do so, at least not until tonight. My eyes were fixated on the grey shade of his as I contemplated the decision.

There was no reason for me to not go. I knew that if I went back to my hotel room, I wouldn't be able to sleep. I'd be tired either way tomorrow morning, so I might as well make the most of it.

"Actually, I think I will." Ty smiled at me at my words, falling into step beside me as I made my way back to our shared dressing room. The rest of the band, as well as Louis and Calum weren't far behind, filling the small room instantaneously in a chaos of people as we all prepared to leave. Amongst the chaos, I was informed of the plans of the band by Perrie, who was more than shocked to find out I was willing to join. She told me we'd swiftly stop by the hotel to get changed before leaving. I was glad about that, because my only wardrobe options were the dress I had been sweating in for the past hour and the clothes I came here with, which were definitely not fitting for going out. Louis was offered an invite too, but said he had a meeting over the phone pretty early tomorrow and couldn't make it, so he left to go to the hotel.

Coming out of the bathroom once I was back into the T-shirt and leggings I was wearing before the show, I scanned the only people left in the room, which was just the band. Calum and some other people on the touring team had left to attend to their duties. I went to the vanity, where my phone was left to charge in the little time we had. I unplugged it and twisted the chord of the charger around my fingers, trying to not tangle it too much before packing it.

"So you're going." It wasn't a question, rather a straight up observation. With a side glance, I watched Niall as he was stood close to me, but not too close, casually picking up a sealed bottle of water from the row of them and uncapping it.

"Yeah. Got a problem with that?" I made sure to keep my voice quiet, my words harsh. He took a big chug of the water, sloshing it around in his mouth before swallowing it down. He was still coated in sweat, hair damp and completely disheveled. There was some satisfaction knowing it was that way because of me.

"Thought we agreed I'd be coming over to your room." He glanced at me through the mirror, leaning towards it a bit more as he attempted to tame his hair in some way, running his fingers through the front to sweep it up and to the side.

"I didn't agree on anything." I slightly shook my head, mostly to force my gaze away from him. A muscle twitched in his jaw momentarily before he released an unamused chuckle.

"Fine. Then I'm coming too." There was no emotion in his words, or in his face as he turned around and walked away.

As I soon learned once we were gathered in the hotel lobby ready to leave almost an hour later, Niall hadn't joined the band on a night out either. No one outright told me that, but it was painfully obvious from the looks on everyone's faces once he showed up, so casually like he's joined a dozen times before. I didn't even know if he was actually invited but none of my friends dared say anything about it except from exchanging glances. We split between two cabs. I shared with Leigh, Perrie and Julia while Jillian went with the boys. By the smile on her face, I had a feeling she preferred it that way.

The club Ty had scoped out wasn't far from the hotel, which was a relief on its own. It was a hectic night. Between finishing a show and running back to the hotel with barely any time to change, I was glad we at least didn't have much of a long drive. My makeup was salvageable from the show, only needing some powder to set it. My hair wasn't in as much of a good condition, the sweat making the strands around my hairline revert back to their natural curly state. I quickly straightened them over to blend them with the rest of my hair before slipping into black jeans and a beige top. Simple outfit, but it was the best I could do in the time I had, which wasn't even enough for a shower but I guess it would be pointless since we'd soon enough be sweaty again. So I applied deodorant and perfume generously instead.

My guess was correct the second we stepped into the crowded club, the abnormal warmth of the room due to the bright lights and masses of people evident even from the entrance. Ty had taken the lead in getting us sorted, leaving me at the very back of the group with Leigh. We were led towards a large, tall table past the centre of the room, which was overflowing with dancing and grinding bodies. I doubt there were more than three stools at the table we settled around, but most of us didn't come here to sit. Especially Perrie, who was already dancing in her spot as a waiter came over to take our orders. I shook off the oversized blazer I was using as a jacket and handed it to Duncan, who offered to fold it and place it in the pile of everyone else's atop one of the stools.

The music was ear deafening, a cloud of smoke seeming to float in the atmosphere that I was instantly able to recognise as cigarette smoke from the smell. The thumping of the base could be felt all through my body. But I oddly liked it. I hadn't been in a place like than in so long, I honestly forgot what it was like. And I needed it. I needed to get all the pent up energy out of my system. Flanked with the three girls I shared a cab with on one end of the rectangular table, I was bombarded with their excitement that I finally decided to come along for once.

"I honestly thought you'd spend the entire tour hiding away in your room." Julia mused, glancing back at Ty as he patted her shoulder to begin handing out our drinks brought by the waiter.

"No, give her some credit. She came with us last night." Leigh laughed, taking her cocktail from Julia.

"Did you?" Her eyes widened in surprise as she gave me my own drink. Gin and tonic.

"Yeah, I was surprised too when she gave in." Perrie laughed from my left, already sipping through a straw from her drink.

"How was it?" The question triggered all the memories from last night. From being dragged to that room filled with filthy looking men, to ending up in Niall's bed. I looked down at my drink, taking a generous sip.

"Kind of a bust honestly. We left earlier than intended because I almost threw up on the dancefloor." Leigh laughed in embarrassment, Julia's eyes going wide once again. Perrie leaned closer to us to be heard over the music, tittering under her breath.

"Well, the two of us left. This one stayed." She jerked her head to me, inevitably capturing Julia's attention. Before I could even think of something to say, Leigh cut in.

"Said she ran into an old friend of sorts." There was clear amusement in her face, a slight smirk that was quickly mirrored by Julia.

"What kind of old friend?" I nervously chewed on my straw, trying to come up with a response. I glanced across the table to Niall for a split second. Both surprisingly and unsurprisingly, Jillian was stood next to him. I paused my thoughts for a second, my attention on her plump, pink lips as they brushed over his ear while she whispered to him, her hand holding onto his bicep as he angled his head accordingly to listen. His eyes were down on the bottle of beer in his hands, eyebrows furrowed as he paid attention to whatever it was she was telling him. He turned to her and leaned closer, whispering something in return. Her face hid my view from his, a smile creeping up on her lips, along with a pink tint on her pale cheeks. She giggled, facing him once he pulled away and picked up his beer.

He looked straight at me, as if expecting I'd already be looking at him. Predatory, harsh and intense stare fixed on me, his eyebrows slightly scrunched as he took a swig of his beer, licking his lips right after. He was taunting me. He knew I saw him talking with Jillian, who was not so subtly glued to his side. I forced my eyes away and turned to look at the three girls that were evidently confused by my zoning out.

"What?" Leigh huffed at my question, Perrie rolled her eyes and Julia stifled a laugh.

"You were about to tell us about your friend, remember?" She mused, raising an eyebrow. Hit with realisation, I scrambled to come up with a lie.

"Just someone I knew from back home. Turns out he lives here now." I made an effort to sound casual, bored even over my explanation, shrugging one shoulder.

"And what did you guys do?" Perrie questioned, stirring her drink.

"Where did you go?" Leigh added.

"When did you get back?" Julia jumped in, all of them talking on top of each other.

"Girls, girls! Calm down." Ty came from behind me and Perrie, laughing at the almost attack I was under. His arm draped over my shoulder, a sly smile on his face

"To put an end to your questions, she was with me last night." His cocky response earned him a good elbowing on the ribs from me, which had him yelping and leaning forward.

"Don't say that, they're gonna believe you."

"Hey, we're not that gullible." Julia frowned while Ty straightened up, keeping his arm around my shoulders. I was relatively close with him, so I didn't mind.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that. Perrie almost bought it." Leigh chuckled, pointing at the blonde next to Ty. She frowned, her mouth opening and closing as she tried to come up with an answer.

"Let's go dance, shall we?" She finally decided, taking the drink from my hand and placing it on the table along with hers. I lightly laughed, but let her take my hand and pull me out of Ty's grip. I didn't wait to see if the others would join us, noticing how they huddled up ready to engulf in conversation. Duncan joined them, and I had to force myself to look away once I realised Niall and Jillian were left alone on one side of the table.

I let Perrie lead me through the crowd of people, bumping through shoulders to get to the middle. She kept a firm grip on my hand, as if she'd lose me and turned on her heels once we were amongst the dancing crowd. No words were exchanged. We just started dancing. And it was honestly exactly what I needed to wear me out. We had gone dancing together countless times, so neither of us shied away from physical touch.

And it was sure to catch people's attention, two women dancing so closely without a care in the world, holding each other by the waist and singing along to a mix of the biggest and latest club hits. She lifted my arm and twirled under it, the blonde waves her hair was in moving from her turn. Smiling ear to ear, she rolled her head back and went on singing, living in the moment like she always did. I sometimes envied her for that, how carefree and pleasant she was. If the sun was a person, she was it. And that light in her was evident even to strangers. Perrie always had a talent of catching peoples' eye, even if that wasn't her intention.

Tonight posed no exception to her appeal as I scoped a tall brunette man stalking our way through the crowd. He must've been in his mid thirties at most, dark brown eyes fixated on the blonde bombshell in my company. Walking up from behind her, he tapped her shoulder to get her attention, talking loudly next to her ear in an effort to be heard.

Thank God he didn't start grinding on her as a hello.

She whirled her head to him, drinking in the sight of him for a split second before she smiled. Living up to her reputation as a notorious flirt, she responded to whatever it was he told her that I was unable to hear due to the music. She sent me a glance, making sure I didn't mind being left alone. I nodded at her and she mouthed a quick 'Thank you' at me before she turned on her heels, focusing her attention to him.

Finding no reason to linger on the dancefloor by myself, I decided to leave Perrie and the tan stranger to it and return to my friends. I barely made it past four or five people before a hand was on my hip, pulling me back in one swift motion. My back slammed against a broad, hard chest as a second hand pushed my hair off one shoulder before landing on my other hip.

"Малышка." I would've used all my strength to shove the man holding me off, or maybe I would've panicked right there, in the middle of the dancefloor and began screaming for help. One of the two would've happened if I hadn't recognised that gruff, low voice. If I hadn't smelt the beer mixed with the mint gum on his breath as it fanned onto my cheek. If I hadn't felt the callouses on his fingertips digging into the exposed skin of my midriff. If that worn out musky cologne wasn't there. But that combination, that very specific combination along with the word that he spoke gave him away in a single heartbeat.

"What are you doing Niall?" I almost snapped at him, frantically trying to spot our table. But we were too far into the crowd and I guessed that since I couldn't see them, they couldn't either.

"Dancing." He simply responded, guiding my hips to sway from side to side. He was close, breath fanning over my neck and ear and arms wrapped around me firmly. But he wasn't close enough to grind against me. Yet. I bitterly laughed at his response, giving in to the movement he was guiding me towards and placing my hands over his. The leather jacket he was wearing earlier was missing, leaving his forearms bare. The silver watch he wore on his left wrist looked hefty, luxurious and vintage, the cold metal barely coming in contact with my skin.

"Never took you as much of a dancer." I leaned my head back onto his shoulder, tilting my head just barely to make it easier for him to hear me. Our eyes met for a second before he wrapped his arms around my waist completely, holding onto his bare wrist to lock me in place and buried his face into the crook of my neck.

"You never asked." There was an added gruff to his words, almost like a growl once I was pressed completely against him. Indeed, his hips were moving in time with mine, right on beat. There was barely any space between us. All I'd have to do was arch my back just a little, and my ass would press against his crotch no problem. But I resisted doing that, having to remind myself that we could be being watched at any given moment. I twisted around in his embrace, pressing my hands flat on his chest to provide some form of distance between us.

Maybe that wasn't the best move I could've made. The pressure I was putting on his chest did close to nothing when his arms around me tightened. His face, harsh and flustered disappeared into the crook of my neck as his hands were dangerously close to gripping my ass, resting just barely over it to keep me in place. The song playing had more of a reggaetón beat to it, which he followed perfectly with the movement of his hips.

If I wasn't attracted to him already, I definitely was now.

"People might see us-" I gasped, my words being cut off once his hands pushed me flush into him, eliminating any sliver of space between our warm bodies. One of his hands found its way onto my back, sliding under my shirt to rest on my bare skin. Just that, just the limited direct contact of his palm was enough to slow everything down around me. His touch was like fire, spreading through my entire body painstakingly slow. That, in combination with his breath hitting my neck was enough to ignite me whole.

"You're not being nice, petal." I sharply breathed in, completely taken aback from earning another name from him. I never was one to favor pet names. always finding them corny and pointless. So why the fuck did I like this one?

"How am I not being nice?" He was being handsy, one hand remaining on the small of my back while the other held a firm grip on my hip. Somehow, one of his legs had found its way between both of mine as we danced. We couldn't get any closer, and I secretly reveled in that. His face emerged from my neck as he faced me, eyelids half closed as he looked down at me. I was still reluctant to move too much, but he made sure to guide my body with his along with the beat.

"Had to go a whole damn show after our fun little time in the dressing room, then you made me wait even longer by coming here." His jaw was clenched, his grip on my hip so tight it almost hurt. I really hoped we were too hidden into the crowd from the band and that Perrie was too preoccupied with her boy toy for the night, because what I did next was definitely something I could never be able to justify to any of them.

My arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him down enough to be able to speak next to his ear. He breathed out heavily once my fingers carded through the hair at the back of his head, giving away once again it was something he liked.

"Have you been thinking about me pretty boy? All this time we've been in this club, have you been thinking about us alone?" He groaned. He actually groaned just from my words. I consider that a win on its own.

"You know I have. Want the details?" He rasped into my ear, the hairs at my arms instantly rising. I was trying to avoid getting into anything more than what happened in the dressing room with him. I was slowly losing that internal battle. I don't know what he did differently that time, but his thigh rubbed up against me. I tugged on his hair, dropping my head into his shoulder. There wasn't that much friction, but it was completely unexpected. With his hand leaving my hip to grip my ass, he managed to get me to grind against his crotch. I had to forcefully hold back a whimper.

"I wanna fuck you with your hands tied behind your back, ass up in the air so I can spank you whenever I please. I wanna make you cum while I'm inside you, and then I wanna make you cum again on my face." My stomach churned at his filthy words. Just the image of him doing all that to me was enough to make the temperature between my legs rise. I involuntarily rolled my hips into his, taking notice of how his grip on my ass tightened.

"Bold of you to claim you can manage to do both of these things in one night." I had a hunch that he could. Hell, just the thought of him touching me could get me off. But I wasn't gonna give in just like that because he had a talent of talking dirty. He chuckled right next to my ear, smoothing both hands up my back from under my shirt. I breathed out shakily, goosebumps spreading all around my body.

"Here's what's gonna happen, princess." One of those hands that could turn me into putty embarrassingly easily left my back, gripping my jaw instead to tilt my head up. Licking his lips, he looked down at me as one corner of his mouth curled up into a cocky smirk.

"When we get to the hotel, you're gonna go straight to your room. You'll have half an hour to get ready. You're gonna put on some pretty lingerie and you're gonna wait for me like a good girl." His voice, his damn voice was so deep, smooth like honey yet gruff and raw. It had my breathing slowing down. I didn't wanna enjoy the sound of him giving me orders, because I was doing everything in my power to go against his wishes. But all I wanted at that moment was to hear him praise me all night long. And he knew it. The bastard knew exactly what he was doing to me.

His grip around me vanished a second before he did, leaving me high and dry in the middle of a dance floor. I barely managed to see his back as he pushed through people, going the opposite way from where our table was.

God dammit, how am I supposed to ignore him after that?

I forced myself to look away, and then I forced myself to go back to the table I originated from. Ty and Duncan instantly smiled at me once they saw me, Leigh turning around the second she realised I was making my way to them. I smiled back, going to Leigh's side and looking around the table to find Julia and Jillian gone.

"Where are the girls?" I almost shouted to make it possible for the two guys across the table to hear me.

"They went to the bathroom." Ty informed me with a shrug as he sipped his beer. Leigh pushed my half gone drink back to me and I gave her an appreciative smile for keeping an eye on it.

"What about Perrie?" Duncan leaned over the table, and I barely managed to hear him.

"Dancing with some bloke." I pointed behind me to the dance floor before bringing the straw to my mouth, taking a generous sip. I could use all the alcohol I could get after an encounter like that.

"Oh." Duncan's face dropped as he straightened his back, slowly nodding. I furrowed my eyebrows at him, but didn't get to say anything else before Ty spoke.

"Finally mate. That was a long phone call." He spoke to whoever was coming over from behind me. I didn't get to turn back before Niall appeared in my peripheral vision, standing at the head of the table on my left. Ty clapped him on the shoulder as Niall nodded, rubbing his forehead.

"I know, but I had to take it." I couldn't tell if he was flat out lying, or if he actually had to take a call but decided to make another stop before returning to dance with me. Whatever the case, I had to constantly remind myself to seem unbothered by his presence, even if his elbow was barely brushing against mine. And that slight contact was enough to make my throat dry up.

I remained silent, listening to -pretending to listen- the conversation Ty and Leigh had picked back up. I kept my gaze mostly down to my drink clutched in my hands, the knowledge Niall was standing so close to me in front of all those people minutes after we were grinding against each other bringing me some odd form of guilt and uneasiness. I always hated having to keep secrets, but I had no other choice when it came to whatever him and I had.

Which I had no idea what it was, and I honestly didn't wanna think about it too much. We weren't friends, so that ruled out the 'friends with benefits' label. But even then, that would require to be a regular thing. We've only technically been together once. And that was the main reason I was trying to avoid letting anything happen again. He had made it pretty clear he didn't agree with that.

Julia, Perrie and Jillian all returned together after a while, joining the rest of us for a third round of drinks. Perrie had a wide grin on her face, showing she enjoyed herself while she was gone. Julia fell right into a conversation I had with Leigh, Duncan and Ty. However, I was harshly pulled out of that conversation when Jillian slipped through the small space between Niall and I. I stared at the back of her head for a second too long as she immediately began speaking to him. And I absolutely hated that I felt my stomach drop at the sight.

The best way to deal with that? Shots. So that's what we did before we left.

What none of us were expecting was the amount of paparazzi waiting outside, cameras ready to go. Upon having Ty ask the bouncer, we discovered it was because some big basketball celebrity was inside. But just because they weren't here for me didn't mean they wouldn't grasp the opportunity to profit off of me. And that became evident when all cameras turned to our group the minute we stepped out to go to the cabs waiting for us.

"We'll walk at the front." Ty offered, patting Duncan on the shoulder before they took off. Right next went Perrie, Leigh and Jillian, leaving me with Julia. I glanced at Niall before stepping out, realising he remained last. I locked arms with Julia once all the rest were already gone, walking a few steps behind the other three girls. The focus was bound to be dropped to me, the flashing lights blinding me instantly. And they didn't mix well with the alcohol. I shielded my eyes with my hand, keeping my head low as I walked. Questions were thrown at me. Some in Russian, some in broken English. I was too intoxicated to even attempt to understand.

I was clearly the target, which was something I had grown to be used to. And maybe it was the alcohol clouding both my vision and my head, but this time it felt more intense. The people shouting at me were closer, to the point of making me uncomfortable. There were barely more than five or six, but when they're close to surrounding you like vultures it does feel like dozens. And one of them clearly got too close, the camera snapping right into my face and temporarily blinding me. I stumbled back, losing my grip on Julia completely.

I would've panicked right then and there if I hadn't felt an arm wrap around my waist, pulling me into a hard chest. I quickly blinked before prying my eyes open, barely able to make out anything around me. But I did make out the navy colour of Niall's shirt, the cool material of his leather jacket rubbing against my shoulder as he pulled me into his side. He held one arm out in front of me, ready to push back anyone stepping too close again while shielding me from view as he quickly walked us to the car waiting. I didn't dare look up to his face, instead focusing down on my shoes to make sure I didn't trip in the speed me was walking us. I did my best to conceal my eyes, trying to regain my vision fully.

Niall didn't say anything. Neither to me, nor the paparazzi. Once we reached the cab, he took over holding the door open from Julia, who quickly slipped inside. Squaring his shoulders, Niall blocked the view of the paparazzi as I climbed into the car and scooted to the centre seat. Leigh was already occupying the passenger side, eyes wide in shock. In a split second, Niall was beside me and the door was closed, the car taking off.

"Those pricks!" Leigh scoffed, shaking her head.

"Are you okay?" Julia got ahold of both my hands, running a thumb across my knuckles. I swallowed hard before nodding, finally able to see clearly again. And it finally sank in just what Niall did, protecting me when no one else could by shielding me from prying eyes.

"Thanks for that." I didn't even fully turn to face him while I spoke, still overwhelmed. Waving a hand, he dismissed me and looked out the window.

Well damn, I was just being nice.

"Hey, Niall. You did Brody's job better than him." Julia joked in reference to my actual body guard. Niall turned to face us both, completely emotionless as he shrugged.

"She's my boss. Think I practically had to step up and get those pigs to step back." I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at him, allowing the cabin to fall quiet for the rest of the drive. A couple minutes of silence later, I felt a slight nudge on my knee from his. I glanced at Niall, finding a ghost of a smirk on his face. He rose one eyebrow, as if warning me to follow his earlier instructions.

I blamed the alcohol when I rushed to my room once we were back at the hotel. I blamed the one nice thing he actually bothered to do for me when I couldn't stop my heart from pounding while I showered. I blamed the gravel in his voice as he whispered in my ear when I picked out the nicest lingerie set I could find in my suitcase. And I blamed my curious nature as I waited for a knock on my door in the middle of the night when I should be asleep.


Ooo y'all I really liked this one.

Thanks for reading!


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'The arena was huge. I mean, I knew this girl was famous, but this is as big as the stadiums I would play in during my One Direction days, and those...
1.4M 35.9K 37
18+ / Very Mature "So you've been stalking me?" "Completely." I laugh at his candor and I watch as his eyes light up, "I applaud your honesty." "Why...