By skywriter404

3.3M 108K 42.4K

Arabella does not wish to marry, but her father has other ideas. Without even given a choice, on her eighteen... More

1. Arabella
2. Arabella
3. Arabella
4. Arabella
5. Roman
6. Arabella
7. Luca
8. Arabella
9. Asher
10. Roman
12. Arabella🔥
13. Roman
14. Arabella
15. Asher🔥
16. Roman
17. Arabella🔥
18. Roman
19. Luca
20. Arabella
21. Arabella
22. Roman🔥
23. Arabella
24. Arabella🔥
25. Roman
26. Asher
27. Arabella
28. Roman
29. Arabella🔥
30. Luca
31. Roman
32. Arabella
33. Arabella
34. Asher
35. Arabella
36. Arabella🔥
37. Arabella
38. Roman
39. Arabella
40. Luca
41. Arabella
42. Roman
43. Arabella
44. Asher
45. Arabella
46. Arabella
47. Luca
48. Arabella
49. Roman
50. Arabella🔥
51. Asher
52. Arabella
53. Luca
54. Arabella
55. Asher
56. Roman🔥
57. Arabella
58. Roman
59. Arabella
60. Arabella🔥
61. Asher
62. Arabella
63. Luca🔥
64. Roman
65. Arabella
66. Luca
67. Arabella
68. Roman
69. Arabella
70. Roman
71. Arabella
72. Asher 🔥
73. Arabella
74. Arabella
75. Luca
76. Arabella
77. Arabella
78. Asher
79. Arabella
80. Roman
81. Luca
82. Arabella🔥
83. Roman
84. Arabella
85. Roman
86. Roman
87. Arabella
88. Arabella
89. Luca 🔥
90. Arabella 🔥
91. Roman 🔥
92. Arabella
93. Asher
94. Roman
95. Roman
96. Arabella
97. Arabella
98. Roman
99. Asher
100. Arabella🔥
101. Roman
102. Arabella
103. Luca
104. Arabella🔥
105. Roman
106. Arabella
107. Arabella 🔥
108. Arabella
109. Arabella
110. Roman
111. Roman
112. Arabella
113: bonus chapter
114: bonus chapter
Books (+the sequel)

11. Arabella

43.2K 1.5K 761
By skywriter404

stuck with you-
-can't fight no more it's just you and me-

I stare at Roman, a bouquet of flowers in my hand, my sister standing behind me and Asher standing behind Roman.

"I now announce you, husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." The priest says from between us.

Roman takes a small step forward, not taking his eyes off me, he holds my cheek in his large hand, tilts his head to the side, and gently presses his lips on mine.

I hold the bouquet with one hand, rest the other on his chest as i kiss him back. I pull away when his tongue tries to slither into my mouth, "I want to go home now." I whisper to him through the crowds cheers and claps

The hall only holds 100 people. There's about twenty on Roman's side of the hall, the rest is filled with my family and friends.

"You're staying longer." He takes his hand off my face. "Ignore the women in the veils, go to your brother."

I roll my eyes at him, dropping the bouquet by my side and turning to see my sister. She lifts my hand up immediately, "Babe i wanted a ring like this!" Gianna shouts.

Roman treated me well with that one. The diamond is huge, massive, followed by smaller diamonds around the band. His initials engraved in the inner band.

"Congratulations, bella." Her husband places a kiss on my cheeks on then kisses my sister on the lips, "You don't look too happy."

"These heels are killing my feet." I keep hold of my sisters hand as she leads me down the stairs to my brothers. I hug Nico straight away. "Did i look pretty?"

"You always do, sorella." Marco kisses the top of my head. "We're always here for you, okay?"

I'm going to need support.

"So let's make a bet." My cousin Helen walks over, "How long until her stomach is swelling with his kid? I say three months." She holds up a $20 bill.

I feel hangs grip my waist and turn to see Roman standing behind me. He puts in $100, "Not until a years time."

I dig my hand in my bra and pull out $100, "Not until i'm ready. No man is having a say in the matter."

Nicolas looks at me, giving me his concerned  twin look.

I look down.

Roman clears his throat, "Make your way to the dining hall." He says to my family.

And they all simply nod and walk away.

I turn to look at him, "I'm not your child bearer."

"Let's not forget who makes the decisions in this relationship, bambina."

My eyes flick behind him to one of the women staring at us through a white laced veil. I won't ask him about them, even if i'm wondering. I don't care who they are. "What food did you choose?" I walk away from him.

"Buffet. Eat an appropriate portion, Asher will be seated with you." He places a kiss on my cheek and then walks away.

I fill my plate of food, walking to the bride and grooms table as i shove a piece of pizza into my mouth. That was my request.

Asher sits two seats down from me, "You look fed up."

"I am fed up and i'm bored, and i want to go home, and i want to take these stupid fucking heels off." I fold one arm over my waist, "And i want to sleep. I got no sleep last night."

He smiles, "I know, was it... Taylor Swift you were listening to?"

"Wanna run away together?" I lean in, asking him.

"I'll get a boat for tomorrow." He winks in a joking manner, "Sit up straight when you eat, i don't want you to get a bad stomach."

I sit up straight, "Who's the girls in the veils?"

"Don't have a clue." He looks out to the guests eating.

Roman makes his way back through the crowd and sits beside me, "You can go now, Reid."

Asher nods and walks away.

Roman looks at me, "I was wondering where your family is." I look back at him.

"Well, my fathers dead and i'm torturing my two brothers for information." He picks up a slice of cheese off my plate and places it in his mouth.

He doesn't chew.

He simply swallows.

"You're weird." I look at him.


"Why did you just eat it like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like your jaw was broken and your only option was to inhale it."

He leans back, frowning a little. Then he picks up another piece of cheese and places it in his mouth, this time he chews it.

"See. That's normal."

He takes the pizza out of my hand and sets it on the paper plate, then picks up a slice of cheese, "Open up."

I open my mouth, he places it on my tongue. "Let it melt."

I close my mouth again, letting the heat of my mouth melt the cheese. "Is it melted?" He asks.

I nod, "Swallow." He looks me dead in the eye.

I swallow the cheese down, but it didn't feel right so i picked my pizza up and started getting out the cheese from around my mouth.

He looks away, then looks back at me, "I hope you're not like that when my cocks shoved down your throat."

I choke on the pizza, literally choke, coughing, hitting my breastbone as he looks amused at me.

I pick up the coke i'm drinking and down it until the food is gone from my throat. "God you're full of yourself. You're the type of bitch to have a baby carrot too."

His eyebrows raise in more amusement as he leans over, tucking my hair behind my ear. He kisses just shy of my earlobe, "You'll be screaming my name, bambina, a baby carrot won't do that."

I look into his eyes, "What kinky shit are you into?" I swallow thickly.

"Everything." His thumb runs over my bottom lip, "But blood.."

"You're not into blood?

"No, i fucking love blood." He pulls my bottom lip down, "From anywhere."

"So... like... because i'm a virgin you're not going to get grossed out at my blood?" I says quietly.

"I'm going to fucking thrive on it." He taps the bottom of my chin, "Blood gets me hard, bambina."

"That's weird."

"I don't care." He leans in, taking my lips in his again. I kiss him back, because i think he's the best kisser i've ever met. But then he bites into my lip again, i taste the copper too. "Blood is the biggest kink of mine you wouldn't be okay with."

I touch my bottom lip, feeling his teeth marks and then the blood. "What else?"

He smiles, "We'll save this conversation for later, when people aren't watching."

Shit. I completely forgot were in a room full of people.

I feel my cheeks heat and he rests his arm on the back of my chair, "Finish eating."

I do finish eating, and then i send him to fetch me more food. While he's doing that, one of my younger cousins walks up to me.

I place him on my lap, "You're getting so big." I kiss his cheek.

"You look pretty, Arabella." He blushes, "Papa said i won't see you anymore."

"Papa is lying. I will come see you as much as i can." I tickle him a little.

Roman sits back beside me and Enzo stiffens on my lap, "You're scaring him." I say to Roman.

"I'm literally just sitting here." He looks at the kid, "Hi."

Enzo shuffles closer to me, biting his hand. "Don't do that." I pull his hands away, "Say hello back."

"Ciao." He looks at Roman, "Don't hurt my Arabella."

I smile and feel so warm that he said that.

Roman leans forward, "If you don't get off her lap, i'm going to hurt you-"

I push Romans shoulder back, lifting up Enzo and placing him on my hip as i walk away. "I would never let him hurt you, Enzo."

"He's scary." Enzo rests his head in my neck.

"He won't hurt me, and if he does then i'll fight him." I place him on the floor.

He squeezes my biceps, "Too skinny."

I laugh, messing up his gelled hair. "Go back to papa, i'll come see you soon."

He kisses my hand and runs away. I walk back to Roman, "Not cool."

"Funny though."

I shake my head at him, devouring my second plate of food and then burping a bit too loudly and receiving judgemental looks from men twice my age. "Oh, i need to change before i rip this dress." I hold my stomach.

"Let's go." He stands up, holding his hand out.

I grab it and he leads me away from the table, saying something to one of his men and then courting me out of the building. A black car rolls in front of us and he opens the door for me, helps me in, and then gets in after me. Luca and Asher were in the front.

I turn my back to Roman, "Unzip."

He does so gently and i'm able to slouch, "Wooh, can we order chinese?"

"How much do you eat?" Roman looks at me.

"A lot and don't judge me for it." I bend down to start taking my heels off.

But Roman had other plans and pushed my body against the back of the seat and pulled my belt over me, then shuffled down the seat and went down to take them off himself. "Your toenails are blue." He says, "You said they were going to be pink."

"I lied."

He puts my shiny heels on the seat next to him and then sits in the middle seat.

We didn't really talk the entire drive back to the house, i facetime Nicolas to make sure no one was fighting and he showed me after we left, everybody else started leaving.

Once home, i give Roman a small smile.

He looks at me with suspicion and gets out, opening my door for me. I throw myself onto him, he catches me with elegance and got the image, carrying me into the house.

"I'm going to shower." I let him put me on the cold laminate flooring, "And then i'm going to take a nap in your bed." I poke his chest, "And then you're going to order us chinese food, so after we eat it we can fuck in your bed." I poke him a little harder.

"You don't make the rules. You're going to shower, i'm going to join you, and then i'm going to fuck you until tomorrow and see how much you can handle."

"Damn, don't make me jealous." Luca walks past.

"But i'm hungry."

"I'll give you a lollipop." He pushes my shoulder slightly.

"I don't like lollipops, they're sticky."

"This one won't be." He pushes me again, "Go, or i'll have no shame fucking you on this marble.

I roll my eyes at him, beginning to walk up the stairs. It's like 8pm, barely even dark outside.

"Don't do any of your kinky shit on me."

"Don't tell me what to do, bambina. You're mine for the night."

smut is next chapter also someone pls understand the lollipop joke

word count: 1883

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