
Bởi xantiieri

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There was once a pact in the magical community - one that left uncountable repercussions, and only one of tho... Xem Thêm

Prologue: To Make a Deal With the Devil
An Asgardian Dramedy
Political Asylum
Interlude 1
Wizards of Bleecker Street
Books, Stones, and Cooking Odes
Yahweh, God of Israelites
Interlude 2
Rex Mortuus Est!
Magic; The Science of the Unknown
A Ring or Two
Interlude 3
Pater Noster, Qui es in Cœlis;
Three Men, One Wardrobe
The Taxi to New York
Another Fallen Angel
A Girl's First Exorcism
Interlude 4
Not Until the Third Day
Under Supervision
Django, Love at First Sight
One by One
Interlude 5
Resting, but Not for Long
The Wives of the Lord
Too Many Visitors
Interlude 6
Personal Magic Doctor
The Third Day
Soon to Be, Queen of Hell
The Cousin Tingle
Interlude 7
Happy Lughnasadh!
Sabrina, Sacred Saviour
Interlude 8
Desperate Solutions
A Friendly Possession
The Devil's Hour
Double-Edged Sword
Interlude 9
The House of Hell
Interlude 10
Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters
Epilogue: The Three Things a God Requires

To Make a Sacrifice

16 3 0
Bởi xantiieri

Too fast for my liking, the people come and go. Some take longer than others in their sacrifice, but still, it feels like our turn is coming too quickly.

Finally, Strange is next. With a sigh, he walks up to Sabrina, and they both stare each other down. He takes a long moment to think. I don't think he knows what to sacrifice either. After a minute or so, I see him whisper something, and throw his doll into the fire. Sabrina nods, interested, but he ignores Her, walking back to his spot.

Then, Wong. He does not mind as much - after all, I'm pretty sure he's a spiritual man. He mutters his sacrifice almost immediately, throws the doll, and bows down, showing his respect to the dolls. I can tell Sabrina likes him better.

Victoire follows. I concentrate on the scene.

"So? What's your sacrifice?"

"I don't know, ma'am. It's the first time I've done anything like this."

"Well, you can sacrifice aspects of your life you find too hard to leave behind. Maybe things you like but are harmful, or just things you don't want anymore."

"Can I sacrifice something that my ancestors left me?"

Sabrina narrows Her eyes at her. She looks at her entire body for a while, probably sensing the growth in her energy, compared to the first time they saw each other. She's suspicious.

"Yeah. And what would that be?"

"...I sacrifice my power. And what the universe wants me to be."

With hesitation, she throws her doll. The fire turns red for a second. Victoire looks at Her for a moment, and even from where I am I can tell she's too nervous. Sabrina winks at her and makes a gesture so she walks back to the circle, which she does, trying her best to look confident.

It's my turn.

With Sabrina's eyes on me, I slowly make my way to Her side. She smiles, and before I can speak or move the doll, She holds my arm,

—That's it, right? —She whispers, and I frown. —The heir. That demon. It's pathetic. I'm not surprised my brother made it. —

I sigh. —I'm sure we can negotiate. She doesn't want the throne, you can tell. —

—I don't trust it. —for a second, She looks back at Victoire. Then, She focuses back on the ritual, seemingly wanting to ignore our problems until the end. —What's your sacrifice, Starchild? —

—I would rather keep it between me and the gods. —it's a great excuse - that way I don't actually have to think of one.

She shakes Her head. —No, we don't do that here. That's what they have me here for. —

—You are not a god. —

—They think of me as one. —She shrugs. —You don't know what to sacrifice, do you? I think I do. I mean, you've always been on the clouds, Kid, dreaming of situations that aren't possible to achieve. You could sacrifice that. Your hopes, your dreams. You expect a lot from them, and someday, they will hurt you, if they haven't done that already. —

What are my hopes?

Being Asgard's ruler is not a hope nor a dream; it's what I'm meant to be. I have worked hard these last years for the role of princess, and someday, queen. But now, Asgard is probably being destroyed and I have not heard any news from Father. I don't know if I will achieve that goal any soon.

Getting away from Hell was, probably, one of my biggest dreams. But She's right - it's impossible. It will follow me everywhere, no matter how I feel about it.

And I would consider learning about other worlds, especially Earth, as another dream. Although, at this point, I don't know if I will actually get to do so. Thanks to the mess in Hell I have been stuck in a building, barely learning about humans. But when it's all over - which it will be, soon - I will have more freedom here, and hopefully, fulfil such hope. In my current situation, it's the only dream that seems possible.

But nothing is in my hands. My future does not depend on me, and I don't think it ever will.

—I sacrifice my destiny. —I mutter, —I'm leaving it in the hands of the gods. I'm sure they know what to do with it. I trust them. —

When I throw my doll into the fire, red and green flames engulf it.

—Well done. —Sabrina smiles.

I walk back to my spot, just as Barney starts making his way to the altar. Victoire looks at me with worry, I don't know if it's for herself or me, but I can only whisper,

—She knows. —

It takes about six minutes for everyone in the circle to complete their sacrifice. Next should be the bread eating, but Sabrina has another plan, standing in front of the fire and facing us, ready to start a monologue.

She puts Her hands behind Her back. —I have to sacrifice something, too. But I have already sacrificed too much the last few years, in order to achieve the goal everyone here knows. Today, my sacrifices have proved to be successful, and I can only thank the gods for that. —She points at Victoire, —Come here. —

She doubts for a second, looking at all of us, and we just nod. When she starts walking to Her, I follow from close, and stand behind her when Sabrina crosses Her arms looking at us two.

—I didn't call you, Kid. —

I straighten my posture. —I don't care. —

She rolls Her eyes, and again, talks to the public. —I present to you, the heir of Hell! A demon who doesn't even know anything about demons. It almost made my sacrifices useless. But the gods helped me and now, it's standing in front of me, and my goal is closer than it's ever been. —She puts Her hand on Victoire's shoulder, —Kneel. —

She does as She asked, but I'm still standing.

Sabrina puts Her hand out, and Victoire puts hers on it, for Her to check it out. —Unbelievable, you were conceived? I mean, you do look like him. I didn't know my brother's love for humanity went that far. He's too hedonistic sometimes. —She drops her hand, —Where's the sword? —Victoire shakes her head, and She looks at me, —You have it, don't you? Give it to me. —

I can do this. Victoire's life is on the line. —Yes, I do. —I walk until I'm standing between them, —But I will give it to you after we talk. —

—We're talking already, and we talked before. There isn't anything left to talk about. —

—There is. —I put my chin up, —I found the heir, and she will give up the throne. You will get the sword. You will be queen. There is no point in killing her; it would be a waste of time. Especially in front of your entire coven. —

She chuckles, —They've seen me kill before. Why do you care so much about one demon? —

—I care about my kind. —

—Oh. —Her face drops. —You don't have any idea on what's best for your kind. —

I nod. —Sure, but maybe I know what's best for your image. You should not kill her, in front of your coven and during Lughnasadh. It would disrespect the day, wouldn't it? It would ruin everyone's mood for what's left of the ritual. —

She smiles, —What would you do if I killed it? —

Impulsively, I make the sword appear in my hand, and hold it so the tip rests close to Her neck.

—Oh, holy Hell. —She gasps, sarcastically, —You would kill me? We both know you can't do that, Starchild. It would be a stupid action, and I know you know that. It would get you in some funny trouble. That is, if you even have the audacity to actually kill me. Do you have it? —She waits for an answer, but I don't reply. —You don't. —

—The throne is waiting for you. Just leave all of us alone and go get it. The sooner, the better, am I wrong? —

She raises an eyebrow. —You have to leave that compassion of yours behind, it won't get you anywhere. —She stands on Her tiptoes, looking at Victoire from across my shoulder, —Say it. Say you don't want the throne. —

I sneak into Victoire's mind, telling her exactly what to say,

—I am leaving the throne behind, ma'am. —she says out loud, —I never wanted it, and I'm sure it'll fall on trustworthy hands, those being yours. —

Sabrina looks at me. —That's nice. You prepared her. —She puts Her hand out once again, —Sword. —

We don't break eye contact as I leave the sword handle in Her hand. When She takes a hold of it, red energy travels through Her nerves until it reaches Her eyes, making them shine for some seconds. She smiles.

—When you make a sacrifice, —She says for the public, —The gods pay back and you get the harvest you wanted. The harvest you deserve. That's why we celebrate Lughnasadh. —

Half of the public cheers, the other half prays. Sabrina puts Her free hand out, and I shake it.

—I knew you were a good girl. But, —She gets closer to me, until She's whispering in my ear, —Don't you ever do that again. This is a warning. —I feel something sharp against the palm of my hand, and when She steps back, I notice She cut it with the edge of the sword. It's not a deep cut, fortunately, but some blood gets on our clothes. —I like this sword, it's always sharp and beautiful enough. —

She makes a gesture to Her helper, who, very awkwardly, walks up to us.

—I'll be leaving now, I've got things to do. —Sabrina says. —Kid, do me a favour, finish the ritual for me. You know what to do. Make sure you don't get blood on the bread. —

Very easily, She opens a door to Hell right in front of the altar. The public gasps, and She smiles at them,

—See you later, everyone! My destiny awaits! Happy Lughnasadh! —

With a bow, She leaves the scene.

I hear Victoire stand up, and when I look at her, she hugs me, stressed. —Is it over? Like, completely over? Am I still in danger? —

—No, no, it's over. You're not going to be queen anymore. —

I look at the helper, who's waiting for us. I have a ritual to finish, at least as one last favour for Sabrina.

—Go back to the circle, let's finish the festival. —

She nods, and jogs back to her spot between Wong and Barney. The public looks at me, expecting, as they fix their posture again to fit the formality of the ritual. The helper holds her basket in front of me, where the loaf of bread sits.

—What's your name? —I ask her,

She smiles shyly. —Martha. —

—Alright, Martha, let's get this over with. —I grab the loaf from the casket, and hold it up,

I will admit, Wicca celebrations are one of the few things I miss from my childhood.

Months ago, we planted seeds, and through the summer watched them grow. We have tended the fields in our lives, and now we are blessed with abundance. The harvest has arrived! Thank you, lord of the harvest, for the gifts yet to come. We eat this bread, grain transformed by fire, in your name, and honor you for your sacrifice.

I wipe some blood off my hand with my dress and break a small piece of the bread for myself, which I immediately eat. It lacks flavour, compared to the things the wizards made me try. Still, it tastes like childhood.

Martha takes a small portion of bread, too, and I walk up to my guys, handing the rest of the loaf to Victoire. —Grab a small part, eat it, and pass it to the person on your right. —Martha hands me the big cup full of wine, after taking a sip from it. I drink some too, and give it to Victoire when she finishes with the bread. —Do the same with the wine. —

As the bread and wine are passed around the circle, I walk back to the altar. Some dolls are still burning in the bonfire, one of which is mine, looking very stubborn. The green and red flames are still present. This fire should be kept lit up until the end of the day.

—Everyone finished eating and drinking, ma'am. —Martha whispers next to me,

I nod. —Thank you. —I turn back to the public, —I hope we all reflect on what we sacrificed and what the gods gave us for that - and what they will give us. If you want, you may leave other sacrifices in the altar. Otherwise, we can move on to the feast. —

Everyone claps, and some traditional witches bow down in respect. After some seconds of celebration, the public starts moving onto the big table where more foods and drinks wait to be consumed.

My guys rush to me. —So? —Strange asks,

—She's queen now. The portals should start closing very soon, and demons will have to go back. After that, well, I have no clue what rules She will make regarding travel between worlds. —

—Good, good. —he nods. —We should leave now. —

Barney whines. —There's food, though. I saw some cakes. Can't we stay here some more as, you know, like a celebration? —

—I don't think this is the best celebration we could do, Bar. —Victoire shakes her head. —But I'm hungry. I like the idea. —

Wong smirks. —I like the idea too. Maybe we could stay for another hour, don't you think, Strange? We can't do anything but wait. —

—Whatever. —Strange sighs.

Happy Lughnasadh, everyone.

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