No Regrets, Only Memories

By fullofliesanddreams

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Fate is a funny thing. It can bring you unbelievable hardships and breathtaking views. As my best friend alwa... More

A funny thing happened on the way to the grid...
Ego in check or ego on deck?
Relief never tasted so sweet
I got will and I got faith
You look like shit
Promotional Diversion
Not. Even. Close.
The Beginning of The End
Hidden Disappointment
Caught in the Act
Hidden Feelings of a Different Kind
Existential Dread
I Was Wrong
The Nights
A New Challenger Approaches
Frayed Yarn and Two Idiots
The First Attempt
Time Apart
Missed Connection
El Plan
Close Calls of the Hidden Kind
A Revelation Unexpected
Breaking the Code
Podium Position
Support Unnecessary
The Royal Screw Up Has Arrived
Cross the Line
Bronze and Bubbly
The War Room
A Week in LA
The First Hurdle
A Misstep
One Thing
Birthday Boy
Anti Winner Winner's Club
Cold Summer
Turning Point
The Deal Breaker(and She Doesn't Know It)
The Deal Maker
The New Deal
Oh Brother
The Snowball Effect
What do you want?
Our Side
Let's Make a Deal
Everything is Alright
Tell the Truth
The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth
Over Confidence
Russian Blues and Japanese Cherry Blossoms
Give In
When The Music Stops...
...Reality Sets In
Tell That To The Crowd
History In The Making
What's Gonna Happen
Wide Awake and Incoherent
A Selfish Decision

A Brief Look at the Past

641 19 5
By fullofliesanddreams


Debrief was excruciating. As Daniel sat across from me providing valuable information that he didn't have to for the team, I could only stare at the computer in front of me. With my mind wandering to the events of today, a smile would grace my face every so often as the team discussed important information around me. I had to focus more on keeping my face neutral in those moments than to actually pay attention to what was being discussed, not wanting to explain all of the reasons I was so happy today. Daniel knew too. Catching his eyes every once in a while as we both provided the supposed valuable insight changed to smirks and wandering eyes in a place that I hoped we wouldn't be caught.

Nothing changed though, even once we were dismissed and out the door Daniel was by my side immediately. He didn't touch me in the presence of the team, we had been careless earlier in the day under the guise of my win. The feeling was still there though, I could feel him in my presence and the need to be closer to him. The change had been electric and distracting to say the least.

"What's the plan for tonight? I think they said the club opens at 9?" Michael asked from Daniel's other side as we met up outside of the conference room. We all pushed our backs against the wall to allow others to pass us as needed.

"You should get some sleep. There's another race this week..." Pyrita spoke up from my other side, making us all look at her. She was all business, even in the times of celebration.

"I love and respect you as my PC," I started as I reached out, placing a hand on her shoulder, " but on what planet do you think I have a choice about going out tonight?" Daniel and Michael laughed as I stared at Pyrita with wide eyes. It was simply the truth. I had no choice but to go or else a majority of the grid would hunt me down. Pyrita was simply acting as she should, as my performance coach though.

"Anyways, the plan is everyone gets dressed and first with a drink in their hand wins."

Daniel was adamant in his play, but I knew better. Pyrita and Michael were staying in motorhomes in the camping area away from the paddock. They would have to walk away and we'd have at least an hour before one of them showed back up. That was foiled when my body got the better of me, making me yawn in front of everyone. Pyrita merely chuckled as Daniel looked at me with wide eyes. She was professional enough not to provide the smug satisfaction that she was right so outwardly, but her eyes held all the truth I needed in her feelings. She knew she was right.

"D, it's only 7:30. How are you tired?" Daniel asked incredulously. His arms crossed as he stared at me.

"I dunno. Something about today wore me out. Sue me." I rolled my eyes, hoping he would get the message, be egotistically proud of himself, and stop digging it in when it was technically his fault I didn't get my originally planned nap time.

"What was that? Your first win, the press, or spending time with your best friend?" Michael scoffed behind him, a playful disgust noise that it wasn't meant to come off as. However, the slight widening of his eyes told me otherwise. Michael saw right through Daniel's strange attempts to get me to admit it was him jokingly. He knew he was serious.

"I'm gonna go take another nap," I narrowed my eyes at Daniel before fully turning around to Pyrita," How about you head back to your RV and I'll text you when I wake up. We can all walk over together?" Pyrita stared at my face for a second, she wasn't stupid.

"Fine. No later than 8 though. I value my sleep more than you clearly." She looked at Michael expectantly, asking if he was walking back as well without using her words. It was already 6:45 after all.

"I'll be headed that way shortly. Need to grab some stuff from Daniel's motorhome." She nodded once before walking out of the hall.

Michael, Daniel, and I followed suit just moments later. Michael and Daniel talking about their plans for tonight while I yawned every few steps it seemed. I thought neither of them took notice, but I didn't expect a hand to reach for the door to my motorhome before I could. Daniel stood next to me, now holding the door open for me to step inside as I stared at him surprised.

"What?" He asked after a moment.

"Well I just figured you'd want to get ready?" It came out as a question instead of an answer. One that he immediately scoffed at.

"Don't be silly." He motioned inside of the motorhome again and I shook my head as I stepped in.

He followed behind me, letting me move towards the living area to remove my shoes before I turned back to him. He was leaning against the wall by the top of the stairs, just staring at me with a small smile on his face. His hands were shoved in the front pockets of his jeans as he suddenly took a deep breath and looked away from me. I wasn't sure if something was wrong or if he was waiting for me to speak. Metaphorically, I met him halfway. Moving quietly across the room until I was standing in front of him. His head moved back so he could look down at me in the process.

"Well hello there..." He smiled softly, closed lip and filled with something I would call adoration at my words. The sight made me lift my arms to wrap around his waist.

He stood up straighter, pushing off the wall. His hands came up and held my head softly on either cheek. We stayed like that just staring at each other before he leaned down and gave me a single kiss. It was short and perfect, conveying that same adoration in his eyes as before.

"So before..." I asked, looking away from him coyly. He only chuckled, his chest shaking me as I held him.

"No regrets here. You?" He gave me another kiss, pulling me slowly in the direction of the small bedroom.

"Only that we only had time for one round..." The smirk on my face perfectly conveyed what I was going for. He only laughed.

"Oh I think we can manage a few more rounds, maybe 5 or 6. After the party that is."

All I did was lean into him, putting all my weight against him as he stopped walking. He took the opportunity to move his arms, his hands gripping my thighs before he pulled me up and against his body. To steady myself, I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his hips.

"This doesn't seem like you want to make me wait that long..."He didn't say anything, instead taking the moment to toe his vans off in the middle of the hallway before turning and continuing to the small bedroom area,

"Oh I've waited 5 years. Another short nap and some time with our friends to celebrate won't end the world, D." I wanted to huff and be needy, but the second I saw the bed I realized just how tired I really was.

Daniel noticed it too, I practically moaned at the sight as he carried me up the stairs. He didn't say anything, only moving to sit on the bed first with me in his lap before quickly laying us both down. Our legs tangled together as he pulled the comforter over us both.

"Do you really want to sleep in your jeans?" I asked him as he settled in next to me.

"Well I'm not taking my pants off for someone to find us like that. At least this way we can say we fell asleep talking like we normally do." He pulled me flush against the front of his body, using my left arm that was under his neck as a pillow.

"Well this surely isn't friend behavior, Daniel..." he said nothing, closing his eyes and pretending to be asleep.

As tired as I was, Daniel was the one that fell asleep first. He pulled me as close as he possibly could, our noses touching as we laid under the sheets of my motorhome here in Austria. Today was a dream. Between Daniel and winning a race, I wasn't even sure where today fell in my life though. I had drunkenly admitted to accepting offers for next year, that meant that it was only a matter of time before the other teams came banging on my door. No part of me would be shocked if that was literal, being ballsy enough to enter the Red Bull hospitality area just to try and get a moment to speak with me. I'd see no peace until I fucked up so bad they wanted nothing to do with me or I quit racing. Which was still an option.

Daniel, the love of my life who currently held me in his sleep, would be racing next year and in a different team. As long as we were both in the paddock, we'd have to remain a secret. It was always the truth, we just didn't bank on us both staying. We didn't bank on me staying, that is. I was the outlier here. Someone that shouldn't be here that just made a huge leap in their career was going to stay always. So the real question is, what do we do from here?

"Maeve? Daniel?"

I must've fallen asleep wondering what I should do. Michael was the one currently asking our names from the main area of the motorhome. Daniel stirred, his arms still firmly wrapped around me as I yawned and tried to stretch. His arms were in the way though and my left arm was still under his head. I bent my left arm, pulling his face a few centimeters closer to kiss him.

While it took just a moment, he did eventually wake up. He kissed me back harshly, pushing me onto my back.

"Guys?" Michael asked a moment later, his footsteps slowly moving towards the bedroom.

"I wouldn't come in here if I were you..." Daniel mumbled against my lips, just barely loud enough for Michael to hear, but I laughed.

"He's lying. Are you ready?" I asked as I turned my head from Daniel to break the kiss.

Daniel wasn't having any of it though, lowering his body onto mine and slowly kissing down my neck.

"Yeah. I just walked back with Pyrita. She went to pack up the room really quick." I pushed Daniel off of me, knowing that meant that we were way past our 8PM start time that I had promised Pyrita.

Daniel whined, reaching out to me as I stood and straightened out my clothes before leaving the bedroom area. Michael was standing next to the closet door, moments and a step away from seeing Daniel and I tangled together. He let out a sigh of relief as I descended down the steps.

"Thank god, I really didn't want to have to wake you two up." I chuckled, patting him on the shoulder as I opened the closet.

"We were fully clothed and literally just sleeping. I promise." Assurances aside, my boyfriend and his big mouth had to ruin it.

"Can't say the same for the morning though since we'll be at the hotel so be warned." Daniel practically cackled as he walked down the stairs, stopping behind me to wrap and arm around my waist as I looked over what my options were for tonight.

"How do you put up with him? He's insane." Michael scoffed, making Daniel really dig it in by kissing my neck again.

"Oh it's worth it unfortunately. For many reasons, no matter how annoying it is." I used one hand to push his face away to emphasize my point, making Daniel whine again and Michel laugh.

"You weren't saying that earlier..." He grumbled, making me turn around to him with wide eyes.

"Daniel, why don't you go get dressed so we can leave. Before anyone else comes looking for us that is."

That was what made Michael finally pull him away from me and to his own motorhome. He also had to pack, just as I had to. Michael would probably do more of it for him though. Mine was easy, throwing everything in my suitcase to be brought back to the hotel by someone else for the morning. The only thing I kept out was a single dress, one that Daniel had purchased for me many moons ago.

It was my first US race, one that I didn't even know if I'd actually make it or not. Daniel was insistent though, making me arrive the Wednesday before just as he usually did. What he didn't tell me was that there was a charity gala he was expected at. One that had a dress code and required me to look like something I didn't usually try to. Daniel was again insistent, wanting me to go as his date and friend. His metaphorical olive branch was to purchase a dress for me to wear that night. One that I admittedly wouldn't have picked for a formal event, having to smarten it up with a blazer over the top and flats that I found at a store near the hotel that weekend. It was perfect now though.

The emerald green dress came down to about five inches below my knees with a slit up the left side to my hip. The thin straps were almost invisible as they held up the dress. Of course I had to pair it with a pair of all black authentic vans. My hair was curled lightly down my back and I swiped on some makeup haphazardly. I looked good in the hallway mirror, I looked happy, and that's because I am.

As I was finishing up gathering my things, there was a knock on my motorhome.

"Come in!" I yelled to whoever the person looking for me was.

Pyrita walked in, given that I had texted her an apology followed by a short 'be ready in 15' message I had expected her sooner. She was dressed in a black and white pin striped dress suit. It looked good on her and only added to the 'don't fuck with me' air that was always around her. I knew her better now though, she was one of the best people I'd ever met and worked with.

"The party started an hour ago." She stated simply, looking me up and down before nodding to the door.

"Are the boys ready?" I asked as I walked out of the motorhome, only my phone in my hand.

"Been ready ladies," I smiled as Michael and Daniel came into view," Looking good though."

Daniel was dressed in one of his infamous party shirts, a gaudy mix of 70s print neutrals and green earthy tones that no one would ever wear.... unless you were Daniel. It was paired with black skinny jeans and some regular vans. It looked out of place and mismatched, but it looked good on Daniel. Michael on the other hand had gone classic, a black polo and regular blue jeans.

"Better than you two for sure. Nice to know the ladies are the party around here." I winked at the boys, making them both scoff.

"Play nice, we have places to be." Pyrita said behind me as she stepped off the motorhome.

The walk over to the club was spent in silence. Around us, we could hear the faint sounds of the attendees still partying and celebrating my win. Surreal was one way to describe it, occasionally hearing the chanting of my name when they didn't even know that I was there. Then we walked in the club, Daniel and I grabbing the doors with Pyrita and Michael behind us.

A collective cheer rang out around us. Making me jump as party poppers were blown, showering us all in confetti. I smiled, looking around the room to see most of our fellow drivers, our entire team, some of the others team's members that I knew from my engineering work over the years, and a comically altered happy birthday banner with crudely drawn paper letters attached to the bottom that read ' congrats on your first win!' There was a champagne tower in the center of the room, lit up nicely with our team principal standing in front of it clapping as we fully entered the room.

"Welcome to the party you two! We were starting to think you'd never join us." He laughed as he reached out to hug us both, me before Daniel.

"I think I deserved a nap after today, don't you?" He just shook his head.

"More than that. Stop by my office tomorrow and let's talk. I think I can sweeten the deal for you..." He winked at me before walking away, just in time before smoke started coming out of my ears.

Daniel knew better though, placing a hand on my shoulder as I watched Christian walk away with a clenched jaw. My expression remained neutral, but Daniel knew where my mind was at. He slowly guided me away from our spot and towards the bar where some of our fellow drivers were.

"Let it go D, it's not worth it. Let's celebrate tonight and not worry about work for a bit. Please?" He pleaded as we approached the bar top.

Pierre, Charles, and Lewis stood there smiling and were happy to greet us. While it took me a moment to get over the fact that Christian had actually let anyone from Mercedes, let alone our biggest competitor, into the club, I was quick to greet and hug each and everyone of them. If Daniel wanted to keep the drama at bay tonight, I would do what he asked. It was his birthday and he needed the focus more than I did at this moment. It was clear he was in his element though, immediately striking up a conversation with the boys as I stood by his side watching them communicate fondly. The conversation was over quickly though, as a tray of shots and four beers showed up next to us at the bar. Lewis quickly thanked the bartender, handing him a tip as it was an open bar.

"You forgot one if those are for everyone, unless they're consolation beers for everyone that didn't win today." The other boys looked at me, more of a glare actually, while Daniel laughed next to me.

"Come off it! If you grab 'em before everyone else," He reached over and grabbed a beer and a shot, shoving them towards me to take before quickly grabbing his own," It's yours." He held out his shot to cheers with me while the other three seemed to look on mischievously.

"Oh they aren't for us." Lewis stated nonchalantly, his face pure and calm as he leaned against the counter top.

I held the shot and beer in my hands awkwardly, confused as Charles and Pierre snickered next to Lewis. There was something going on and I had a feeling I wasn't going to like it.

"Even more of a reason for us to drink!" Daniel clicked my shot glass despite me not moving and threw it back.

"I'm calling a patsy. For both of you, and all of the drivers are in on it." My eyes widened at Pierre, Charles grinning next to him like a child receiving a puppy at Christmas.

This was their plan all along. They wanted to get us so drunk that we probably wouldn't remember tonight. My eyes drifting to the tray again made me worry, ten shots and four beers says I'd be lucky to survive tonight let alone remember it. We had a race this week. We needed to be in top form for our race this week. This was a bad idea.

"I'm game."

Daniel shocked me, reaching past me again for a second shot and downing it quickly before smiling down at me, the smallest bit of clear liquid on the corner of his mouth as he did so. He used the back of his hand holding the shot glass to wipe it as he held my gaze. Now he was messing with me, playing into the hand he had so carefully dealt today. Care had been thrown out the window already twice today, this was him saying he didn't care. That alone was dangerous.

"Daniel 2 and Maeve 0? Never thought I'd see the day." Lewis laughed as I was still stunned by Daniel's behavior.

"Nah she just can't keep up with me. That first win really gets to your head you know..." He winked at me, finally looking away to smile at Lewis.

"Listen here buddy," I started before taking my first shot,"Technically I've been apart of many wins previously," bravely, I switched the shot glass for a full one and downed it," On top of that, a few of them, were your wins that I helped facilitate," I smirked before grabbing another one. The Tequila burning my throat as I downed it, but I didn't dare make a face as it went," Some of us just know how to take our time and pace ourselves, I reached for the next one meant to be for me, narrowing my eyes before I downed it," Saving tires and all."

I slammed the shot down on the bar top, my head already a little light as I grabbed the fifth and final shot meant for me. Daniel was now fully watching me, in shock or awe I wasn't sure. His mouth hung open slightly and his eyes were wide though as I took the last shot, not bothering to break eye contact with him.

"Now boys," I slammed the shot glass down next to the other four and took a sip of my beer," Are you conserving tires or going for fastest lap because according to my count, it's Maeve 5," I held up a finger jokingly as I closed my eyes for just a moment and took a deep breath. In one go, I finished off the pint of beer and placed the glass down next to the shot glasses," Sorry 6, everyone else 2"

I gave Daniel a snooty smirk as he stared at me before looking at the other three. Lewis held a wide smile, a known rival of my level of party ready to get the night started and knowing that was simply the tip of the iceberg compared to what my small frame could handle. Charles and Pierre simply looked mortified at my small show of dominance.

"There's my girl!" Lewis patted me on the shoulder before turning back to the bar, presumably for more drinks.

My focus was on Daniel though. He wanted to play a game, one he thought he could win. He very well could and probably would, but I wasn't going down easily. No, I was going to make sure everyone had the entertainment they wanted in the two best friends partying in public for the first time in months. There was reason to celebrate and everyone wanted that to happen. They just didn't know what the night would be leading to.

To be fair, neither did I as Daniel caved and quickly downed all of the remaining shots before sipping on the beer in his hand. His eyes remained on mine as I smirked, well aware of the fight I was really starting between the two of us. There was still time to back out, to remind myself, and by proxy Daniel, that we still had a job to do this week and a flight to catch in the morning. Even I wasn't impervious to the immediate effects of the amount of alcohol I had consumed though. My thoughts were spiraling quickly, forgetting all the reasons why not and suddenly planning all the reasons why to.

"So, how does it feel?" Pierre broke the concentrated stare that Daniel and I held as he addressed me.

"Ask me in the morning. I have a feeling that's when you'll get my real answer." Charles laughed as Pierre looked between Daniel and I. All of our starring had surely been a weird site for him. Usually we were better behaved than that.

"Yeah, I'm hoping that you don't remember this tomorrow. Respectfully." Charles added, a devious edge in his words.

"Be careful Charlie, I'll make sure to return the favor for your first win. Not that it'll happen in that Sauber." I winked at him as Daniel shoved me playfully.

"I won't be there for long. I promise."

My attention shifted, my body turning fully towards Charles as I stared at him in the eyes. I didn't need the rest of the pieces to solve the puzzle that Charles was already eyeing the Ferrari seat everyone knew he was gunning for from the beginning. This was the first time he had been so sure so outwardly in his pursuit for a seat with the prancing horses.

The contract had been presented and he was going to sign it.

I wasn't one to spoil the fun though, he would announce it in his own time. Instead, I focused on Pierre.

"What about you? Did you have a plan?" He shrugged.

"Those Red Bull contracts don't seem to expire." I nodded, knowing it was the truth. When the team invested in you, you were theirs until the day you quit and no sooner.

"Well we'll get you into a Red Bull seat soon enough. Just be ready." I assured the Toro Rosso driver before Lewis had two more drinks placed in front of me.

"One's water to balance out the first round." I laughed, picking the water up first and ignoring the fruity colored mixture next to it.

"For someone I never hang out with, you seem to know a lot about my party days..."

I looked at Daniel before looking back at Lewis. Daniel's face held no discernible expression in my brief glance at him, but I didn't have time to investigate as Lewis struck up a fond conversation about Daniel and his storytelling capabilities. Even as Pierre and Charles wandered off somewhere out of my eyesight and even as Daniel left my side to visit with Seb and Kimi a bit down the bar top, I continued speaking with Lewis.He was easy to get along with and great to converse with. Our time ranging from his first wins to my first times racing.

Then my attention was split to the drivers that took turns walking up with drinks. Eventually I was led around the club to say my hellos and thank yous, a few more drinks showing up in my hand in the process. I was well on my way to not remembering the night as Lewis had hoped, taking down my number to remind me of anything silly or stupid I did during the night. Now I was on the dance floor with a few of the F2 boys, Pierre, Seb, Kimi(who was known for his own party days and clearly trying to relive them), and Esteban. It was all innocent fun, extremely fun and laughable based on how bad we all were at dancing. Each of the boys took turns to make sure that my glass was full throughout the night.

"Are you enjoying yourself?!" George asked over the music as he danced next to me.

"Hell yeah! We should win more often." He laughed before the music changed, something slower and more of a proper dance song.

The boys seemed to filter away, finding their significant others, or in Charles and Pierre's case each other, to dance with. While I stood in the middle of the floor, intoxicated and confused on what to do next. I didn't wait long, a hand placed on my shoulder from behind that I recognized instantly just from the warm feeling it gave me.

"May I have this dance, darling?" Daniel spoke in my ear with that ridiculous fake southern accent of his, too close to be a friend with his body pressed against mine and his lips grazed my ear.

I was drunk though, not a single care in the world. A quick turn and my arms were tightly wrapped around Daniel's neck, pulling his head down so I could speak in his ear.

"Only if I get a ride later, cowboy..." I laid my head against his shoulder as if I wasn't drunk and practically begged him to take me to the hotel now.

The rumbling in his chest as he laughed just made me smile. I thought he'd be mad or give in immediately, but his slurred words told me his exact thoughts.

"So much for being discreet..." He whispered in my ear as we began moving around the dance floor like the other couples.

"Who cares! We're drunk and in love. They all ex-expected it anyway." The drinks were seriously starting to catch up with me, my body wobbling against Daniel's being no help as he swayed as well.

"Well that's our secret, babe. No one needs to know that. I'd lock you in a tower away from the world and the media if I could..." His hands slid to my hips, turning us like the other couples around the room as did so.

"I'm not a damsel in distress, Daniel. We've gone over this." He nodded, his head moving against mine as he did so.

"I know, I just....," he moved his hands up, wrapping them tightly around me as he spoke," I love you so much, D. I don't want to see anything happen to you, but I want to be with you." He pulled back looking straight into my eyes as he slowed our motions.

"My days are brighter with you, as if the sun wasn't really shining until the day I met you and continues to hide when you aren't around. My mind is clearer when I'm with you, your touch calms me down and excites me all at the same time as if you're my own personal brand of coke. Don't even get me started on what your body does to me," He looked down over my dress before meeting my eyes again,"I never want to lose you. I just want you to be mine forever, just like I am yours..."

Even the slur in his words didn't make them hit me any less than they would have if they had been said sober. It made my chest swell with love and the want to kiss the man in front of me. Never had any of my significant others made me feel the way Daniel did, of course I didn't spend 5 years secretly being in love with them. Really, anyone else I met at that time never had a real chance. Before that I was too young to know what love really meant or to think about a lifetime with someone, but Daniel was it for me. Despite the short amount of time we had actually been together, he had everything from me. Every rational part of me wanted to fight it, to not be ok with it happening so fast, but here we were slowly breaking all of the rules just for a few moments together.

"I'm yours Daniel, I promise... and when we are back at the hotel I'm gonna kiss you so hard you won't know what to do with yourself." He chuckled, laying a delicate kiss to my forehead.

"Oh I know exactly what to do with myself, earlier was just the preview. The main show is much better..." He winked at me as I bit my lip.

"Are you sure we can't leave now?," I wrapped some of the curls at the nape of his neck around my index finger of my right hand, tugging lightly," I'm sure everyone else is also drunk enough that they wouldn't notice..." He looked around us.

"Actually I think everyone else is stone cold sober compared to the two of us. Speaking of which, this party is dying. Should we liven it up a bit?" He smiled widely, mischievous as he stared into my eyes again. I knew what he meant, but oh boy how would we do it.

"What are we thinking? Queen? Chumbawamba? Abba? Backstreet boys?" His eyes widened at the last one and I knew I found a winner.

"You get the music and I'll find us another drink?"

He kissed my temple before speeding off to the DJ booth as I laughed. When I reached the bar, a drink didn't sound like enough. It was Daniel's birthday and my first win. So I reached over, grabbing a bottle of 1942 and a bottle of Grey Goose before turning to find my boyfriend in the crowd. Which wasn't hard to do once the music cut out and he took the microphone.

"Is this thing on?" His accent was clear on the speakers and he jokingly asked the crowd. I smiled, making my way towards the DJ booth where he stood.

"Great, well we've done the congrats, but I think we need to liven this party up a bit." I stepped up to the booth, handing Daniel the Grey Goose bottle as he laid eyes on me climbing up into the elevated platform.

"I'd call it karaoke, but no one wants to hear me sing."

The crowd laughed as Daniel now had the bottle of vodka and the microphone in the same hand as his other one fiddled with the laptop the DJ had. I took the chance to grab the microphone.

"I on the other hand want to hear everyone here belting this as if their life depends on it. Or I'll take it as a personal attack and we all know how well I can hold a grudge."

Laughter quickly changed to cheers as Everybody by Backstreet Boys started playing. I was drunk, I didn't care anymore as I climbed on the Dj's counter and started motioning for everyone to cheer as the words started, singing along myself in between sips of the tequila. I could see Lewis, Kimi, Charles, Romain, and Sergio laughing and cheering from the bar in the back while filming us. I made it a show. I wouldn't let anyone tell me I wasn't the life of the party. Daniel just added to it, queueing up a few more songs before joining me on the table to cheer with everyone as Bohemian Rhapsody came on next.

My last memories of the night were of Daniel and I dramatically performing to the Queen hit as the entire club sang along. I wouldn't have it any other way.


A/N:Wow I am so so sorry for the delay in this chapter. All that traveling for work really took up my time and I just wasn't able to come back to this. Looking at the analytics though, there's been at least one person reading this everyday and for that I am so grateful! I rewrote this a few times to give y'all a longer chapter for the wait. hopefully we will be returning to our regularly posting schedule soon. I also have a Charles story that I started and will hopefully have out soon. Let me know what you think and thank you for reading! <3 <3 <3

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𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘸 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘴 𝘢𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘮𝘺 𝘴𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘴... 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘐'𝘮 𝘣𝘭𝘦𝘦𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨
3.9M 89.9K 72
"The only thing i want from you is to see your name under mine when the race is over." "Pretty sure you want me under you more than you want that." ✼...