' DIARY OF A WIMPY KID ' - vi...


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IN WHICH vinnie hacker finally meets the beautifully spritited girl who breaks him out of his shell. #14 unde... More

0♡; prologue
2♡; vinnie met a girl
3♡; get in line
4♡; last name
5♡; vinnie say hi
6♡; new board
7♡; naileas coming over
8♡; sleepover
9♡; for the better
10♡; frank ocean
11♡; im studying
12♡; kinda wish you were here
13♡; hometown
14♡; minnesota
15♡; what if
16♡; austin with ally
17♡; hair credits
18♡; the fight
19♡; camp rock
20♡; podcast
21♡; yas coachella
22♡; panic! in the bedroom
23♡; fear street
24♡; the final chapter
25♡; epilogue
thank you (ily)

1♡; banana fish

11.2K 188 88

third person
january 8th, 2022

'i wish that we had better timing, i'll save a dance just for you.', the music blared out of Lola's speaker as she did her makeup, humming along to the song that was playing.

"lola! we leave in 10 minutes, i hope you're ready!" lola heard Veondre yell from downstairs, making her roll her eyes. "yes, girl, i'll be ready." she yelled back as she applied her lashes.

lola and veondre met in 2019, they both attended an ariana grande concert and ended up getting seats next to each other. they ended up chatting with each other the whole time, and exchanged numbers at the end of the show.

they stayed long-distance best friends until late 2020, when veondre started getting bigger on social media for speaking out about trans-rights and her life as a transwoman.

as soon as she had the money, veondre flew lola out to california.

lola was originally only supposed to stay there for 3 weeks, but after begging her mother, she and veondre decided to move in together while she attended a cosmetology school in los angelos.

it definitely wasn't as blissful as they thought, living with your best friend. they'd had countless of arguments, but the good definitely outweighed the bad. neither of them could have asked for a better roomate.

lola quickly applied some lipgloss before getting dressed, not wanting to hear veondre bicker about the fact they're going to be late. soon enough, lola was walking down the stairs with her mini purse in hand.

"lord, took you long enough," veondre playfully rolled her eyes. "yeah, took you long enough!" lola heard micky's voice yell from the kitchen, muffled from what was most likely their cereal.

lola shook her head with a smile as she and veondre walked into the kitchen, and sure enough, Micky and Daniel sat at the table whilst eating bowls of lucky charms.

"do you guys ever eat food from your own apartment?" lola lightly smacked the back of daniel's head as she sat next to him at the table. "hey, free food is free food," micky shrugged.

daniel and micky are their neighbors, their apartment is one door down from lola and veondre's. they met the brothers when they first moved in, micky was hitting on them like crazy, which they both found amusing since he's still a sophmore in highschool.

daniel quickly apologized for his younger brother's actions, and explained that they were staying at the apartment complex since their parents kicked them out. the girls, of course, befriended them. at first, it was just because they felt bad, but it quickly turned genuine when they realized how fucking funny the boys are.

they were like a little family, that lived next door to each other. the boys literally came over everyday, and although they have plenty of money, you'd think they were homeless the way they stole from lola and veondre's pantry.

"alright, listen, me and lola are going out, so just don't make a mess while we're gone, okay?" veondre instructed as she put the cereal box back into the cabnet, knowing that the boys probably already forgot to do so.

"yeah, yeah, whatever. where are you going?" daniel asked, watching as lola got up from her seat. "hanging out with these tiktokers that think we're pretty. anyways, no party, okay? okay." lola nodded, grabbing a sprite bottle out of the fridge before walking towards the door.

"oh, have fun, if you see a cute girl give her my number!" micky yelled after them as they walked out the door.

"you spilled the fucking milk!"

"i thought i saw a roach!"

the girls heard the boys' muffled screams from outside the apartment, making them laugh as they walked to the car.

as the girls got into their car to begin driving to the skating rink, Avani and the others were already halfway there.

"i'm nervous. can you guys please turn around and drop me off at home?" Vinnie frowned as he sat in the backseat, Anthony driving them to their destination.

"chill, don't get all anxious. you'll love them, i promise! plus, i think one of them is into skateboarding, too." avani reassured him from the passenger seat, keeping a friendly smile on her face.

"well, yeah, but...they-they're girls." vinnie mumbled as he looked out the window, thinking about how badly he'll fuck up their first impression of him.

"dude, you sound like a fucking 4th grader," Aaron snorted from beside vinnie, making him punch him in the shoulder.

vinnie is terrified, and i mean terrified, of girls. not in a misogynistic way, he just genuinely gets too nervous to act like a normal person.

vinnie knows that he acts all confident on social media, but in reality he was just a sweetheart. he didn't even like going to parties, big crowds make him anxious, he just wanted to stay home and read manga all day.

i mean, yeah, he had female friends, but they were all childhood friends or already in a relationship, he was already comfortable. but hanging out with two pretty girls who had never spoken to a day in his life? he quite literally felt sick.

"look, vin, it's not like you're flirting with them or anything. you don't even have to spark a conversation right away, just follow our lead, you'll be okay." anthony gave him a reassuring smile as he pulled into the parking lot. vinnie sighed and nodded, trying his best to smile as he put his hat onto his head.

the group got out of the car and walked into the establishment to go ahead and pay for everything, while veondre and lola pulled into the parking lot.

"shit, we're late! i knew you were taking too long to get ready," veondre groaned as she quickly unbuckled and gathered her things.  "acting like you ain't take just as long as i did," lola scoffed as she got out the car.

"well, damn, sorry i was tryna look cute for vinnie hacker! you know he my favorite white boy." veondre shoved her lightly as they walked towards the entrance.

"girl, bye." lola laughed as she pulled the door open, walking in after veondre. "oh my god, hey, you guys are even prettier in person!" avani squeled once she saw them, causing the others to turn around as she quickly ran up to them.

as vinnie saw avani hugging them, he instantly became more nervous. he didn't even know her name, but one of the girls was surely too beautiful to be real. saying he thought he was dreaming wouldn't even be an exaggeration.

her beautiful melanin skin, big brown eyes, soft plump lips, the light-brown hair that complimented her skin so nicely, and a nose piercing that just topped it all off. vinnie felt as if she put him in a trance.

there has to be a catch, he thought as they began approaching them.

"okay, so, guys, this is lola and veondre. lola and veondre, this is anthony, aaron, and vin," avani introduced them as they all began shaking hands, while vinnie remained speechless.

"hey, i'm veondre, or ve!" veondre beamed as she shook his hand. "i'm vinnie," he smiled back as he shook her hand. "oh, she know! she stay watching all your lil videos!" the girl that vinnie thought was, oh so pretty, spoke from beside veondre.

"ima beat your ass, girl, shut up!" veondre quickly punched her shoulder, making them all laugh.

"fuck, she's hot and funny," vinnie thought, "i'm whipped."

"i'm lola," the girl revealed her name to him as she shook his hand, a smile still remaining on her face from when she was laughing. "u-uhm, hey, i'm uh, vinnie," vinnie stuttered as he shook her hand, praying it wasn't sweaty from his nerves.

avani noticed how his cheeks became rosy and the way he stumbled over his words, but decided to stay quiet as a small smirk appeared on her face.


vinnie chewed on some fries as he watched the rest of his friends laugh at anthony almost falling down from across the room.

he hadn't skated much, not because he didn't enjoy it, but because he was terrified of fucking up infront of lola. he had barely even spoken to her, and she already made him nervous.

he felt like if he started skating and caught a glance of her gorgeous face, he'd fall right on his ass.

he wouldn't be able to handle the embarassment.

vinnie suddenly found himself wishing his seat would swallow him alive as he saw lola start skating towards him.

she gently stepped up onto the carpeted platform, stumbling towards the table as it was hard to walk on the fabric with the skates on. vinnie smiled at this, watching as she eventually made it to the chair and sat down.

"hey," he said softly, feeling too nervous to even speak loudly, as the smile stayed on his face. "hey," lola smiled back, putting her elbow on the table and resting her chin in her hand, "why don't you come skate with us?"

"eh, i don't know, i'm just not good at shit like this." vinnie chuckled softly, playing with the straw that was coming out of his cup. "you skateboard, right? cmon, this is way easier than that. you know, i was kinda nervous too, but veondre refused to let me stay home and watch anime." the girl giggled a little, making vinnie's heart melt.

"you watch anime?" he let his soft tone become a little louder, suddenly feeling more comfortable around the girl. "fuck yeah, i do! i swear, i cried like a bitch to banana fish." she shook her head a bit, taking one of his fries without permission.

the boy was too stunned by her perfection to even care.

he nodded slowly, searching his memory for any remembrance of the show, "y'know, i don't think i've seen that one."

"deadass? holy shit, you have to watch it and tell me what you think! just have avani give you my number," lola beamed as she started getting up. "uhm, yeah, sure," he smiled widely, fiddling with his fingers.

"alright, now get your ass up," lola smiled as she began stumbling back to the floor. vinnie laughed as he quickly re-tied his skates and followed her onto the floor.

aaron smiled at them as they approached the rest of the group, and they all began talking and skating together.

"guys, wait, wait, wait, hold on!" avani said, quickly clicking the 5 second timer on her tiktok and setting her phone up against the wall, before going back to the group.

the group wobbly did the dance, laughing very hard as they stuggled stay up right. vinnie smiled wide as he watched lola dance, and shortly after she glanced up at him with the same smile.

she swore she'd never be able to find a white guy attractive, but maybe vinnie was an exception. she could never date him, but he was really pretty, that's all.

the tiktok finished and avani quickly grabbed the phone, typing up "we slick w it" as the caption.

"we should do this again," anthony linked his fingers with avani's as the group resumed skating.

"yeah," lola smiled, putting her arm around veondre, "we should."

authors note
hey so just wanted to say that, if you arent aware, im blasian. as in black and chinese. we rarely EVER get any rep when it comes to fanfics, so if you have a problem with my ocs always being either black or asian, then simply dont read my books 😁 thats all goodbye

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