Xiaolumi S3: Everything To Me

By Otaku_AriaSnow

58.4K 1.9K 1.3K

"Oh Alatus Nemesis, on the wind your feathers of gold, oh so fair, grasp that light in heavens and conquer al... More

Yaksha's Love
Gifts From The Past
A Red Hot Oni Pt I
A Red Hot Oni Pt 2
Ei's Day Off
Yoohoo~! Lumine's A Target!?
The Stormy Island Mystery PT I
The Stormy Island Mystery PT II
Hear My Song Pt I
Hear My Song Pt II
Hear My Song Pt III
You Are Cordially Invited
Crane In The Harbor
Old Friends & New Ones
You Are A Mystery, Lumine
Sea Gazer
Combing Rite of Fortune
I Will Be Your Only Star
Xiao's Birthday Wish
She Would Have Adored You
A Snake's Wisdom
Gorou's Message
Heading For A New Frontier
Chariot of the Sun
Enjou's Warning
Ominous Revelations
Forbidden Knowledge
Primordial Goddess of Fate
Lumen De Lumine PT I
Lumen De Lumine PT III
Safe Here In Your Arms
Saiguu's Sacrifice
Forgive Me, Sister
Something Amiss
Towards The Future
Author Lumine
Sly Old Fox
Unexpected Reunion
Flower of Khaenri'ah
Crude Plan
Void and Light
Flowing Like Time
Prof. Aria's Files: Yaksha's Soul Bond Ritual
Thanks & Announcements
Bonus Chapter: Vesperi Nebula

Lumen De Lumine PT II

837 39 36
By Otaku_AriaSnow

[A/N: Due to how toxic the abyss's darkness is Xiao's forced into quite the corner even with the protection of the box in their hands. Enjou once again gives a warning to Lumine. Yes I did put Moon Halo from Honkai for this chapter. lol I just think it fits here for some reason.]



The masked miko looked up from where she stood at the statue with the coral glowing gold not far from the camp site. Running straight for her was Lumine and the strange floating fairy creature called Paimon. However it was seeing the dark haired male yaksha on the blonde's back that revealed the truth of what happened. it sent Tsumi running straight for them. "What happened?"she asked. He had no serious injuries on his body that Tsumi could see.

"Paimon doesn't know he just suddenly started coughing up blood and collapsed."Paimon explained.

"P-Please...please you gotta help him!"pleaded Lumine choking back her sobs. Just how did this happen? Lumine didn't know for sure. She had been so careful not to let him wander far and stay within her reach this time. Tsumi wasting no time checking him over on his vitals. His heart beat was fast and breathing labored. With a hiss and furrow of Tsumi's brows she knew now what happened. 

"Quickly set him down over at the base of the statue."Tsumi instructed and Lumine wasted no time, being careful of his wings as she laid him down against it. Tsumi hurrying over in in a odd ripple of primitive energy brought out some kind of vial. "He's been poisoned by the darkness from the void."she explained forcing Xiao to take the odd looking elixir. "This will cure him but he can't continue further with you."

"P-Poisoned but how?"Paimon asked.

Lumine's worry and sorrow and guilt at not forcing him to wait here at the temple was clear on her face. "Stupid! Stupid! I'm so stupid!!"she whimpered as her tears fell. But she was startled at feeling a hand grab her arm. A long drawn out moan as dull golden eyes looked over at her. "Y-Your not...stupid, I am."he came his weak croak. 

Lumine again to his distress broke into tears again but this time tossing herself into his arms. In his weakened state it was startling and wasn't sure how to handle it as his foggy mind slowly processed the situation. His vision still was struggling to stay in focus as he soon remembered what had happened. "Ah shit...great I ended up worrying her and causing trouble for her instead..."he thought wrapping his arms around her. "Shhh...I'm sorry and I'm right here, don't cry."

"What were you thinking? Did you think your race is immune to the void because you live on the surface!? "snapped Tsumi, making the trio flinch in fright. "Just how old are you?"

"He's over 2000 years old. Tsumi why'd you ask?"Paimon asked.

"Your of breeding age but still very young then. But you should've known better then this!! Why haven't your elders taught you just how toxic the Void's darkness is!?"asked Tsumi harshly.

But Lumine had had enough a blast of wind from her palm not strong enough to blow her away but enough to make her point. "Enough! I'm thankful you helped my husband but your out of line."snarled Lumine as she got to her feet. Xiao struggling to try and get up only to fail miserably. Damn he hadn't felt like this since his encounter with Barbatos at the border, soothed and saved by the anemo archon's flute music during a karmic fit.

"You are right...I apologize."Tsumi sighed. "You should go finish the task, Miss Lumine. Your mate will be safe here with me, I assure you. He'll be too weak to aid you any further."

"B-But—!?"he was cut off by a sharp no nonsense stare from the three girls. Lumine going over to kneel by him and removed her flower hairpin to put in his hair. "L-Lumi?"

"Stay here and rest, you promised. Hold onto my hairpin for I'll come back for it and you, my brave."she soothed before reaching forward to cup his chin and pull him into a soft kiss. A silent promise that she would be fine. a soft glow from the Bokuso Box signaling it was time for her to go. "Be careful...."came his soft reply as he slipped into unconsciousness. Lumine could feel his fear and frustration and anxiety. 

But as she began to leave with Paimon on her tail her eyes began to glow gold with her intense emotions. "Enjou!!"she thought in fury as she leaked killer intent. Making poor Paimon nervous as they got the remaining towers activated. The next two hours Lumine purifying and clearing away the darkness like Thoma on mansion spring cleaning day! By the end of it she looked like a disaster, her clothes and hair a mess. Returning briefly to check on Xiao's condition, whom was now raked with a rising fever but Tsumi assured it was a good sign that he was recovering and would be better in a few days. Satisified Xiao was safe, the evacuation going smoothly. Except there was now a darkness coming from deep within the Dainichi Mikoshi in the vishap's den. Lumine still feeling livid, she began her man hunt after being pointed in the direction of the library by Tsumi.

Enjou had not being expecting to see Lumine to be the one helping that lizard. Actually he had not been expecting to feel the intensity of her killer intent that was far more lethal then her twin brother's. "Ah crap what did I do this time?"he wondered out loud. Nervously he chuckled at seeing Lumine approach with her gleaming blade of jade. "Oh, hey....I'd say this is a nice surprise but it's not really not that surprise—!?"Enjou didn't get the chance to even counter let alone fight back as faster then he could blink Lumine had attacked and pinned him to the ground with geo. Her jade sword at his throat as fury burned in her eyes, pupils turning a ominous teal briefly. 

"ENJOU!! Give me one good reason I shouldn't kill you right now! This darkness is your doing isn't it?"hissed Lumine. The blonde at this point so frightening that Paimon was hiding behind one of the crumbling pillars.

"Woah! Woah! Woah cease fire! Parlay!"yelped Enjou.

"Why should she? it's your fault Xiao's really sick now because he got poisoned by the abyss darkness!"countered Paimon from where she was watching from her hiding spot. That alone made poor Enjou break into a cold sweat as the duo being here had not been a factor in his plans. It also meant he had to choose his words carefully as he gulped nervously.

"Oh dear, I'm sorry that happened but that little bird should have been far more careful. I really wasn't expecting both of you here, you Miss Lumine but not your husband too....though it's also not so surprising."Enjou stated nervously, feeling rather awkward. Feeling Lumine's blade press tighter on his neck; damn these siblings were terrifying...actually the prince's sister was scarier. "Easy, lets not be hasty. Still I wonder why are you siding with with them? Didn't expect that one."

"Your just trying to stall for time with small talk again aren't you!?"snapped Paimon as she floated over.

Lumine raised her brow at this as curiosity took hold and her temper eased a little bit. "I better not regret this."she thought stomping the ground to break the crystal geo spears caging him. "Start talking, what do you mean Enjou?"she demanded.

"Huh, so you don't know then. Guess your not so clued up after all then girls."huffed Enjou in amusement as he rubbed his poor throat. The pressure from that razor sharp adeptus crafted sword hadn't needed much pressure to draw a little bit of his tainted blood. "Look I understand seeing me again has you rather agitated and I really am sorry about your hubby, truly I am. but frankly, so how about a quick spar to blow off some steam so your calmed down enough to hear me out?"

"Be careful what you wish for, Enjou cause...some times the stars and fate are fickle."smirked Lumine. Paimon flinching with every blow and hit and attack Enjou took from the very pissed off Traveler. Lumine's mood lately had been bouncing around more then an anemo slime lately it seemed. Until finally Enjou called for it to stop as he lay twitching and black and blue on the ground. Lumine still fuming as she stomped over to go sit on a broken pillar.

"There you had your fun, now start talking."spat Lumine.

"Ok, ok ,ok! Yeash...your temper's worse then His Majesty's...."

"Oh but I'm not finished yet."hummed Lumine crossing her legs to rest her elbow on her knee and chin on her hand. An unamused expression on her face as her free hand crackled with electro. 

"That woman, with the snake-like pupils, what did she call herself?"Enjou hastily asked hands up in surrender.

"Eh!? How didja know about her?"Paimon asked.

"Stop beating around the bush. Her name what is it?"demanded Enjou.

"Her name's Tsumi, why does it matter?"Lumine huffed.

"Hmph! That reptilian is pretty good at mimicking humans."snorted Enjou in disgust.

Lumine's eyes turned wide as she recalled the entries from the books she had under lock and key in a secret part of her personal library in her bedroom in her serenitea pot. "Is he talking about what I think he is?"she thought. "Reptilian?"

"Makes sense though doesn't it? The expression on your face tells me you are gettin' the bigger picture here. After all the Bathymal Vishaps are a highly intelligent and fast evolving race. There's been legends about this for thousands of years now."Enjou explained. "The Vishap-people."

"That sounds like something Paimon would come up with. Huh."mused Paimon in mild surprise.

"Took the words out of my mouth."chuckled Lumine.

"Well this one comes from an old Enkanomiya legend of when the vishaps were defeated. They began evolving and adapting to survive....that is to say they began to mimic the victors."Enjou explained. "Eventually this gave rise to a new branch of subspecies of vishaps where the only difference between the humans and them were their eyes. it goes on to state they eventually infiltrated Enkanomiya taking over many high ranking government positions. Remind you of anyone?"

Lumine pondered and her eyes grew wide the more she thought on it. It wasn't just Tsumi that came to mind but Baizhu and even her naïve friend, Chongyun. Both the doctor and exorcist had those snake-like eyes. After a bit more talk with Enjou he took his leave, providing a means to counter the last of the darkness. But once it was cleared Lumine felt a sense of worry and panic. Xiao was back at Dainichi Makoshi alone with Tsumi...vulernable; Too weak to defend himself. "Please...please be ok Xiao!"she prayed under her breathe. 

She had to hurry back and fast before that snake could do anything. Once back she found Xiao just where she had left him, still fighting off the fever. His wings like a shrouding blanket over himself. A sense of relief as she approached to kneel down beside him, stroking his hair earning a soft whimper, "...L-Lumen..."he mumbled in his uneasy slumber. But as she looked around Tsumi was nowhere to be seen and all the soldiers gone.

"Paimon stay here with him."Lumine whispered firmly.

"Paimon will look after him but what are you going to do?"Paimon asked floating over to over near Xiao's side. A look of worry and concern on the celestial fairy's face as her friend got to her feet turning her back to them, taking a glance over her shoulder. "Time for a little game of snake and weasel."she stated simply. Lumine then summoned her sword and began to ascend the temple's stairs. "Just hang on a little longer Xiao, I'll take you home soon."she thought clenching her teeth arriving at the top of the stairs. It was time to confront a snake.

To Be Continued...

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