Building Virtues [Completed✔]

By PiscesPleasure

13.1K 1.2K 1.5K

They say chastity is a virtue, but virtues are just old antiquated rules put in place to keep girls virgins b... More

Copyrights and Expectations
Alpha Luna
When in Rome
The Havens
Lost his Luna
To Be Determined
A Good Time
Perfect Opportunity
Forever Mate
Forbidden Juices
Garden of Eden
Run Errands
Grocery Store
Pet Name
Spend the Night
Make it Worse
Make Up
Separate Ways
Sick to her Stomach
Deep Exhale
Will Ever Know
Bitter Sorrow
Wolf Glory and Heartache
Bubble of Bliss
Good Faith and Moonlight
More at Home
Hands to Themselves
Mi Amor
Different Reasons
Shot Clock
Pride & Admiration
The Main Event
Waging War
Save Her
Into Eternal Darkness
Building Virtues

Meeting of the Minds

295 25 35
By PiscesPleasure

Even after a shower so passionately intense and arousing that they caused the water to run cold, Eden and Rome literally made love until they passed out in her bed. For their bodies truly had no more to give. No fluids, no positions, no screams, or moans. They were completely spent.

Hearing her phone vibrate, wakes Rome up. As he lays with Eden sprawled out in his arms, he listens to her low light snores of utter exhaustion. Smiling softly to himself, he just basks in her aura; the aura he's truly missed since before their breakup. This spirals him back to the day on his office couch.

Wrapped in each other as she snores softly and he just gazes at her effortless beauty. Her wild black curls are thrown haphazardly all over her face, and her glorious naked feminine figure is pressed flush against his. Rubbing his nose in her hair, he literally breathes her in and her scent is giving him life.

Yes she smells absolutely mouthwatering, but her pheromones are quite literally the most intoxicating thing he and Legend have ever smelled. Being away from her and that entrancing smell, Rome finally realizes what Sincere smelled that day at his office door. It's a hypnotic smell that has him stuck in a trance. He truly wants to do nothing but lay there exactly like that and smell that heavenly smell all day. Everything else be damned.

Dancing his fingers ever so tenderly against her mocha skin, Rome is truly in love with her. Not has love for her. Not loves her. No, Rome Cannon Haven is utterly IN love with Eden Marley Lightfoot. And if he thought she would say yes, he would ask her to be his forever, to allow him to plan their soul convergence, and mark her; right then and there. His life up until this moment has never felt complete. Up until this moment his life has felt shallow and unfulfilled.

But here in her bed after a full night of uninterrupted mutually passionate intense love making, waking up to her still in his arms instead of her gone, and knowing his son and daughter are under the same roof as them, makes it all perfect. Makes his life perfect, makes it the happiest day of his life thus far.

"I love them so much." 

"I know, Lege. She's perfect on a level of perfection I've never experienced until experiencing her."

"She really is made in the moon goddess's image."

"Yeah, she is." As Rome presses his lips to her forehead, he hears Cairo beginning to whine. "Duty calls."

Whispering to himself, Rome climbs out of the bed to get the early afternoon started with the babies.

Finally beginning to stir, Eden rolls over to find the other side of her bed cold and empty. Sitting up, immediately all the negative thoughts she can conjure begin snaking through her mind as hurt and sadness sets into her heart.

Finally opening up to him and finally getting to privately spend the night with him, and he leaves. Feeling her tears drip down onto her hands in her lap, Eden sniffles softly as her head hangs in despair.

"Oh my gosh, baby why are you crying?"

Rushing over to her bed with Cairo in one arm and a breakfast tray in the other, Rome almost says to hell with the food and drops it to get to her as quickly as possible. Sitting the tray and Cairo on the bed, he grabs Eden in his arms and cuddles her on his lap.

"Baby, what's wrong? Please tell me." As worry stitches through his words, Rome brushes her hair out of her face and kisses her gently. "Edee what's wrong, mama?"

"I-. I'm sorry. I just-. I just thought you left in the middle of the night."

Whispering her answer, embarrassment floods through her as they jointly wipe away her tears.

"No, mama. Never. I promise. Ok?"

Lifting her chin to look him in his eyes, Rome gives her a bright dazzling smile before kissing her tenderly.

"Ok." Nodding, she smiles back.

"EDEEEEEE! You up!" running up the last few stairs, Brooklyn joins the other three in Eden's room.

"Oh God, I'm naked!" Shrieking in a low voice to Rome, Eden pulls her covers back over her. 

"Hold on Brookie, I gotta get Edee some clothes."


Running into her bathroom, Rome grabs Eden her gray and white robe. After slipping it on, Eden picks Cairo up and makes more space on the bed.

"I made breakfast!" Rome smiles proudly.

Looking down at the oatmeal, fresh strawberries, melons, and orange juice, Eden smiles proudly back at him.

"Ro! You did so good!"

"Right?!" Laughing he kisses her smiling lips.

Nodding she can't help the smile plastered across her face. It's not that the simple breakfast, that a small child could properly prepare, was something worth commending; it's the fact that he thought to do it by himself. All while taking care of his infant and toddler as he let her rest.

As she eats, with much help eating the fruit from both Brooklyn and Cairo, they just bask in the little family dome that they've created. Deciding he can't seem to pull himself from this addicting atmosphere, Rome calls off all his meetings, calls, work, and responsibilities for the rest of the week and coming weekend. 

Just wrapped up in everything Eden and his children. Spending every waking moment with the three of them, he honestly doesn't know how he ever survived and existed without having their little family complete. Sighing in contentment, Rome blinks his eyes as they adjust to the bright light streaming into the bay windows in the room.

Smiling and softly chuckling to himself, he gazes upon Eden, Brooklyn, and Cairo all sprawled on top of each other. More than thankful for Eden's California king bed to accommodate having their family of four crammed into the bed.

And even still with all that space the babies gravitate towards her and Nile's motherly warmth and nurturing nature. Taking a quick picture, Rome realizes that he has an urgent text from Sincere. 

"What the fuck?!" 

Looking down at the gruesome picture Sincere sent, Rome knows he has to get back to his reality as pack alpha and immediately. Sighing and shaking his head, he stands to his feet. Quietly heading to the bathroom, he showers and brushes his teeth in a hasty manner. Emerging fully dressed, he bends down to one knee by Eden and rests his forehead on her's.

"I'm so happy to have you guys back. Thank you for everything you've given me; true happiness, our son, and your heart. I love you." 

Whispering to ensure he doesn't wake her up, he secretly professes his love to her. Agilely moving about the bed he kisses both babies, writes Eden a note, and dashes out of the highrise. 

Finally being woken up by a happily babbling Cairo and a highly entertained giggling Brooklyn, Eden smiles at the babies. Stretching, she sits up and realizes Rome is gone. Looking around in confusion, she furrows her brows.

"Good morning my honeys!"

"Hiiii!" Brooklyn sings as Cairo squeals hearing her voice. "A'mornin mommy Edee!"

Since Brooklyn had been spending so much time with Eden, Cairo and her father, hearing Eden be referred to as 'mommy', Brooklyn decided she wanted to call her mommy too.

"You guys hungry?"

"Yeeessshh! I too hungry, I coulds eat a ef-a-lant!" Brooklyn gestures dramatically as she holds her stomach.

"Goodness, little girl! It's an ele-phant and could you be any more dramatic?!"

"Maybe!" She shrugs sassily.

"Gosh I love you!" 

"I loves you more, my Edee!" 

Jumping into her lap, Brooklyn kisses all over Eden's face.

"Ok pretty mama. We gotta get you and Bubbie bathed and dressed."

"Otay! Where's daddy?! I wokes up and he was poof, dis-par-reared!" Waving her hands as her eyes bulge, Brooklyn giggles as Eden laughs at her dramatization of Rome's absence.

"I'm not sure, hold on." As Eden finally sees the handwritten note she smiles softly.

'Hey baby, You guys looked too adorable to wake up. Emergency at the territory border. Call when I find out more.'
❤ Ro

Realizing he said it was an emergency, Eden picks up her phone and  calls him as she sets the bath for the babies.

"Hey, mama. You guys alright?"

"Yeah we just woke up, we're fine. How are you?! Emergency like what, Ro?"

"Psssh, mama. Some crazy either dark voodoo or witchcraft shit."

"Oh my God! Seriously Ro?! Like what?!"

"The warriors and border patrol were doing their daily surveillance and saw someone dump shit and speed away. So they immediately went to check it out and it was a shifter, fully gutted, but still in wolf form."

"What?! How?!"

"I don't know, mama. No shifter in their right mind would stay shifted if they knew they were gonna be killed, they would shift back to at least try and plead their case."

"But what if they were caught off guard?"

"Mama you know how impeccable our hearing and smell are, you can't catch a wolf off guard, not really. Plus it seems like a young female too."

"Oh my goodness. But I thought once we die, our fur sheds and the human form is revealed, since the wolf spirit is untethered and returns to the Moon Goddess?"

"You're so damn smart little 'She-Alpha'!"

He chuckles, teasingly calling her what Wisp the moon pixie called her.

"Oh hush! I'm serious though, why hasn't she begun the change?"

"That's what makes us think it was a dark curse or dark charm. It's been told that there is dark magic that forces a shifter to change to harness their shifting, temporarily. But everyone knows its a myth."

"I remember hearing that from a couple of our shaman that live on tribal land. I don't know any witches, but I did make friends with someone who has New Orlean shadow realm voodoo ties."

"That shit really exists?!"

"I didn't know either until during my two years of architectural apprenticeship in New York, where I met her. I was commissioned to build a memorial clinic for her company."

"That's hella lucky for us. Do you think she'll come across the country to help us?!"

"Uhh, there's more, that you might not like."

"What, baby? Hell as long as she's not one of those fuckin East Coast blood suckin, dead leeches, then we straight!" Rome laughs, half serious.


"Eden get the fuck outta here! She's a vampire?!"

"Nooo, but her chosen is the leader of the Bapti-."

"LAURENT BAPTISTE is her fuckin man?! He has a HUMAN wifey?!"

"Uhh, mother of his children, actually."

"Fuuuccckkkk! Noooo! We'll find someone else."

"No, Winter is amazing! And the stuff she's done to try and smooth out the relationships between humans and supernaturals is soo commendable and amazing!"

"Baby, no. The Baptiste Clan has ruled the east coast for centuries. After the war over 1,500 years ago the wolves and vamps decided to split the country down the middle. We got the West coast they kept the East coast. We all hid until they did the fucked up shit to the humans that Laurent allowed some 20 years ago. I don't fuck with their kind. We live in secret harmony with our humans as long as we stay to ourselves and so do they. No, Edee,"

"Please, Ro?! If anyone knows about voodoo it would be her!"

"How are you so sure?!"

"We got really close during the build of the memorial building for ABO+/- Corp that Laurent owns. It was to honor a shifter."

"Like a wolf?!"

"No, she still thinks we're myths!" Eden giggles. "He was an Egyptian jackal!"

"Goddamn! How the hell a little human pull an old ass royal vampire and an Egyptian God?! She got the juice!"

"Oh shut up!" Eden laughs. "No, but she is gorgeous! Um, cause she's the reincarnation of an Egyptian Goddess."

"How the hell did you find this out without telling her what you are?!"

"I couldn't because of not knowing their territory's bylaws about wolves, so I told her I was a witch so she'd be more comfortable. She knew I was a super, she just didn't know what kind. But anyway her mother-in-law is Marguerite Zola La Fleur Baptiste."

"Goddamn! Let me get this shit straight! She is an ancient Egyptian Goddess, her man was fuckin Laurent Baptiste, she has connections to Anubis the ancient Egyptian jackal, her mother-in-law is literally the oldest known queen of the Voodoo Shadow realms, that no mortal being has ever been to, who just so happens to also be a vampire, and she got some hybrid kids just running around?!"

"Identical twin boys, LJ and Nox! Oh they are beautiful and gifted! Nile loved them! That Nox is something else though, he was pickin up on Nile and knew we weren't what we said we were."

"Eden, that sounds like a sci-fi shit show!"

"I know, but she can help. I know she can. I haven't talked to her in about a year or so, so I'll have to see if she's available, but please let me help?"

"Hhhhh, mama this is going completely against my better judgement, but yes. Call her. Ask her if she minds coming out here and hopefully we can figure this shit out."

"Alright. I'm gonna finish getting the babies together and I'll be there shortly."

"Aight. I miss you."

"I miss you too, Ro."

"See you in a bit, baby."

"Of course."

Smiling ear to ear, Eden hangs up and begins getting herself and the babies ready to make the ride to the main pack house. Walking through the winding corridors, Eden makes it to Rome's war room with Cairo attached to her hip and Brooklyn clinging to her hand. Stepping through the large double oak doors, Eden is met with both past and present alphas, Israel and all the warriors, and both past and present betas.

"Wow." She whispers to herself as they step into the meeting of the minds.


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