Xiaolumi S3: Everything To Me

By Otaku_AriaSnow

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"Oh Alatus Nemesis, on the wind your feathers of gold, oh so fair, grasp that light in heavens and conquer al... More

Yaksha's Love
Gifts From The Past
A Red Hot Oni Pt I
A Red Hot Oni Pt 2
Ei's Day Off
Yoohoo~! Lumine's A Target!?
The Stormy Island Mystery PT I
The Stormy Island Mystery PT II
Hear My Song Pt I
Hear My Song Pt II
Hear My Song Pt III
You Are Cordially Invited
Crane In The Harbor
Old Friends & New Ones
You Are A Mystery, Lumine
Sea Gazer
Combing Rite of Fortune
I Will Be Your Only Star
Xiao's Birthday Wish
She Would Have Adored You
A Snake's Wisdom
Gorou's Message
Heading For A New Frontier
Chariot of the Sun
Enjou's Warning
Ominous Revelations
Forbidden Knowledge
Primordial Goddess of Fate
Lumen De Lumine PT I
Lumen De Lumine PT II
Lumen De Lumine PT III
Safe Here In Your Arms
Saiguu's Sacrifice
Forgive Me, Sister
Something Amiss
Towards The Future
Author Lumine
Sly Old Fox
Unexpected Reunion
Flower of Khaenri'ah
Void and Light
Flowing Like Time
Prof. Aria's Files: Yaksha's Soul Bond Ritual
Thanks & Announcements
Bonus Chapter: Vesperi Nebula

Crude Plan

974 36 11
By Otaku_AriaSnow

[A/N: Chasm arc continues. Wait...WHAT!? That Abyss Herald's back...Somebody pass me my Master Sword! Oh wait, wrong world...hehehehehe~]


It had taken a long time to get Lumine to calm down but once Xiao did she relayed everything she had witnessed to them. Slight discord had risen between her and Dainslief only to come back to a mutual agreement again. However, Lumine's mood had soured as they progressed growing more irritable as they left the camp behind them to stop at the cliff face outside the cavern. The upside down ruins once again in their sight as they came out.

"Looks like we can see the upside down city from here too guys."Paimon pointed out in her observation.

Dainslief and Xiao though both noticed something amiss causing Xiao to protectively shield both his and her eyes, Dainslief's shout of warning in their ears echoing off the cave walls, "Watch out, cover your eyes!"

"What in the name of the archons was that!?"squeaked Lumine, Xiao lowered his arm's sleeve from their eyes. 

"Where did that light suddenly come from? Ow! Bright, too bright!"protested Paimon rubbing her poor eyes trying to shake the daze away. However that bright light seemed to be bothering Lumine in particular the boys had noticed. With how bright it was now they could truly see her complexion had paled considerably and she looked so exhausted.

"I don't know what's going on but it's not good."pointed out Lumine.

"Agreed. The mutation is continuing...Does this mean the Abyss are making their moves?"Dainslief wondered before turning his attention to Lumine. Concern clear in his eyes and a feeling he was not used to, almost instinctive even. "Can you keep going? You look unwell."

"I'll be fine, I've just been dealing with an annoying headache."she assured.

"Lumine, are you sure? I'm starting to think—!?"Xiao began to fuss only for a gruff, raspy voice and that threatening presence to cut him off. 

"Dainslief, I see your incessant meddling continues to persist, even going so far to once again drag Our Highness's kin into this."hissed the herald. This was not good to see Prince Either's sister, Lady Lumen here. If he so much as harmed a hair on her head he'd be punished just like that fool, Enjou. But at the same time their prince had warned her not to interfere ever again; Clearly she had not learned her lesson. "Regrettably I wasn't able to cut off your control on the network to the exit. To think of all places you'd end up here....This is an error of catastrophic portions."

"Tsk. Idiot."huffed Xiao rolling his eyes at the herald. This wasn't the first time this particular herald had screwed up. "Not the sharpest polearm in the armory is he?"the yaksha thought with an annoyed and rather bored expression. 

"Blockhead."agreed Paimon.

"Not the first time you screwed up. Didn't take much last time for me and Xiao and Dain to track you down last year."sighed Lumine hands on her hips and a deadpanned look on her face. "Enjou was a lot more clever, your not too bright are you?"

"Why you little wretch!"he hissed.

"Hmph! Seems these three have you pegged. Frankly, I'm surprised you dare to face me considering you ran away like a coward with your tail between your legs last time."Dainslief taunted crossing his arms. Seeing that Lumine and Xiao had summoned forth their weapons of brilliant jade poised and ready. 

"His Highness's will must be done, whatever the cost! This time the curse that torments our people must be undone once and for all!"growled the herald.

"Idiot. Ever stopped to consider what you'll do is only going to have the reverse effect? Of course you didn't."snarled Lumine, her patience running thin as her blade of jade began to sizzle and crackle with electro. 

"You are the only ones tormenting them. There's nothing left of those hilichurls besides the curse."snapped Dainslief readying his own weapon of choice.

"Say what you wish, Dainslief and Lady Lumen. I'm going nowhere!!!"shouted the herald before charging straight for Lumine. The blonde swiftly bringing up her blade to block and push him back with a violent shock of electro. Only to be attacked rather swiftly and violently by Xiao, his mask she noticed was being worn. The herald then having to deal with the fast and swift strikes from the left from Dainslief's own sword. 

Actually Xiao noticed fast the way Dainslief fought with the blade was not only swift and strong but held an elegance to it. Befitting one of his former rank in the Khaenrian military forces. But noticing Lumine and Dainslief fight it was eerie almost. Despite how Lumine was just barely avoiding getting his by the herald's blades and hydro attacks they seemed to fight rather similarly. Did Lumine learn Khanerian swordsmanship perhaps? That was the most logical conclusion in the yaksha's mind and he plunged down to attack from above. The fiend screaming in agony struggling with the bombard of attacks from the yaksha, the Traveler, and the Twilight Sword respectively. 

"Do you really think you can use that device to break this curse?"hissed Dainslief as the battle raged.

"Don't underestimate the powers of the Abyss! That device can amplify the cleansing abilities of the water not ten times but a hundredfold!"hissed the herald as Xiao and Lumine easily dodge its attacks. Only to let out a sharp cry at being struck by Dainslief's sword.

"Then you are a fool. Dainslief clearly overestimated you, and i pity my brother having fools like you at his side."Lumine spat.

"Your plan is crude and flawed."agreed Xiao.

However Lumine as she tried to get out of the way found the world around her begin to spin. Her line of sight becoming a jumbled mess. "Lumine watch out!!"she heard them cry. Xiao and Dainslief both raced for her but this time it was Dainslief that was faster grabbing the young blonde, sliding out of the way with her safe in his arms. "It's alright I got you."assured Dainslief. There was defiantly something wrong with his old travel companion's kin. Headaches, irritability, how she felt cold to the touch, her disorientation right now, and now seemed they could add pale complexion and vertigo to the list. Seeing she was safe, Xiao sighed in relief but shared the concerns. His attention turned as instincts screamed and raged however. 

The intensity of the aura and killer intent reminding them all this was no mortal being. "You like toying with lives? You dare to target her?"he growled venomously as he slowly walked towards the herald. To the herald he felt like he was being cornered by some ferocious predatory beast, the aura seeming to form a vicious carnivorous bird reaching out with poised talons for the kill. Striking at its prey...and he was he prey. "Disappear!"he snarled striking a fatal blow to the herald. Not a speck of mercy or hesitation from it as the fiend fell with a dying wail over the cliff edge. Xiao looking down as his mask vanished to reappear on its chain where it belonged. Blood running down the side of his face as he felt his karma snap painfully beneath the surface. He hadn't felt that degree of aggression since Beisht, his fury still quietly simmering as he suddenly felt Lumine hug him from behind.

"Xiao it's alright, I'm alright I promise."she tried to reassure, his emotions laid bare for her to feel. No words escaped him but a soft hum as he reached up to gently stroke her head. 

"Can you keep going?"he whispered while Dainslief chatting with Paimon joined them. His answer was a slightly tighter embrace around his chest and arms. Feeling a slight and quiet nod to confirm she can keep going. As she held him like this he really could scent it now, the intensity of her inteyvet astral scent much stronger then it used to be. Actually there was a subtle difference, the scent of Sumerian flora had joined it....But why? It was odd. "Alright, you always are so stubborn. But you must tell us if you can't continue, Lumi, don't be reckless."he stated wincing as he rubbed the blood that had blinded his eye. 

"Alright."Lumine agreed with a soft mumble before pulling away. Xiao had gotten hurt again, something she knew he was used to experiencing. That's not what bothered her right now or frustrated her. It was how Dainslief and Paimon were looking at her like she was made of glass, unsure how handle or approach her right now. And it was a feeling she hated but maybe Xiao had been right maybe she should have just stayed home or go see Baizhu. "I'll go see him after this job's wrapped up."she decided, feeling Xiao carefully lead her after Dainslief post haste. They had a device that needed to be stopped after all but as they made it to the chamber with the fountain's cleansing waters it was too late, the device had activated. 

"A-Am I too late...!? Their in agony, this no way for them to meet their end!"Dainslief's pained scream raking their ears as it echoed through the chamber. the blonde Khaenrian clearly in a great deal of agony. However the light energy was having the reverse effect to Xiao and Lumine. Her armors gaining a brilliant golden glow she knew extremely well, even strengthening her it felt so odd. Xiao had a similar experience but it had healed his karmic wounds even lessoned his karma. But they cared not as Dainslief's pained screams reached them as he managed to choke out his plea, "Find a way...t-to stop that device Lumine and Alatus!!" But it was then a familiar anemo black serpent knight, despite its own agony appeared. Pressing forward straight for the device.

It was Halfden.

To Be Continued...


[A/N: Aw we're almost over S3. I kinda did a typo when i gave an update announcement that there was 2 chapters left. Well now there is two with this one finished. Some of you have indeed been catching the bread crumbs I'm leaving behind unfortunately you won't find out until S4 at the start of May. I do wonder what is wrong with Lumine and will our lil' group make it out of Chasm in one piece? You'll find out next chapters~]

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