Broken Marionette

By Lazy_Sloth120

25.6K 1K 122

A tale of a girl who lived two different lives but experienced the same pain in both. The story of the unknow... More

Character Introductions/Profiles
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
10K Special
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 1

1.9K 63 5
By Lazy_Sloth120


Third person POV

The sound of chattering and loud laughter filled the buys streets of Seoul. Min Jangook , like many others, was now making her back home after a long day of work. A small smile crept on the brunette's face as she started to think about her loving boyfriend , Jeo Yeo-Joon. Smiling at the though of entering their shared penthouse and her boyfriend being there to greet her with a warm hug. However her small smile suddenly turned into frown as she remembered the rumours about Yeo-Joon cheating on her with well known idol and model.

Jangkook Is the current CEO of her world-wide known family business. It seems like a dream. Being the CEO of a family business. The luxuries. The mansions. But in reality it's not what it all seems to be. From a young age Jangkook was taught to be perfect. Perfect grades, perfect body, perfect looks, perfect everything. Not matter what she did or achieved it was never enough of her mother. She always said "Tch. What's the point in getting happy over such a small achievement? I raised you to do better. Don't disappoint me next time". Hearing such harsh words as a kid caused her to pull away from everyone with the excuse "I can't let myself be distracted if I want to do better". As she got older the pressure only grew, realizing just how toxic her mother was she started to fall into deep depression but what could she do. She was too young to runaway and even if she were too runaway, where would she go. She pushed away all the people who genuinely cared and loved her. Her mother also had connections to lost of people, some even dangerous, so there was no way of escaping they would end up finding her. She was trapped. However all was not so bad, Jangkook was able to find comfort and happiness in watching anime, reading manga/Manwha's/novels. It let her forget her situation and allow her to feel like she was in a world different from the she was currently living in. Even if it was for a limited period of time, she still enjoyed.

Opening to the door to her and her boyfriends shared penthouse, Jangkook kicked off her heels whilst letting out a deep sigh. "I'm home" announced the girl. No reply. "That's odd he would have come out out greet me the second I open the door" Mumbled Jangkook to herself. As she was about too walk over to their bedroom, she saw a post stick note on the kitchen counter. Curious she picked it up.

' Come to the roof top'


"I wonder why he wants me to go the rooftop?" questioned Jangkook in her thoughts as she put on a comfortable pair of slippers. Not even bothering to change out of her work attire.

( Authors Note: The work attire)

Climbing her way up the stairs, Jangook started to reminisce the first time she met her beloved boyfriend. How they first met in college. She was a student studying Finance and Business administration whilst He was as student studying textile design and fashion Business, aspiring to to one day become a fashion designer. Yeo-Joon and Jangook first bumped into one another at the library. Finding the female interesting Yeo-Joon pursued her despite the cold treatment he would receive from her. He was stubborn. Eventually Jangook started to warm up to him and the two become friends. Their friendship then soon blossomed into a beautiful relationship during their last year in university. A small chuckle left her lips as she replayed the memories she had about the two of them. Her feet came to a halt as she was no in front of the door that leads to the rooftop. Taking a deep breath Jangook opened the door. "Why do I Have a bad feeling that something is going to happen?" She muttered to her self. Slowly turning around To face the rooftop Jangkook's emerald yes widen at the sight before. Her beautiful lover standing in front a cute home theatre with his signature smile that never failed to make her heart flutter.

(Authors Note: the first picture is what the home theatre looks like and the second is what Jeo Yeo-Joon looks like.)

"I'm sorry for calling you out here event though you just got back from work" Sheepishly apologised Yeo-Joon rubbing the back of his neck. He always has cared for his lover and was considerate of how she feels. Today was no different. "It's fine." She reassured walking towards him, "Did you set this up?" She asked referring to the home theatre. "I did. Do you like it?" Asked the black haired male smiling proudly. "I do. But why did you do this? Is it some special day that I forget about?" Questioned Jangook sceptically. The amber eyed male only chuckled before answering "Is it so wrong to set up a little date for the women I love. And I guess you could say today would be a special day" mumbling the last part. "Awwww. Love. You didn't have to do all this" Said the brunette softly walking up to her lover and cupping his face with her hand. Yeo-Joon said nothing and placed his hand onto of her whilst still looking a the ground, which did confuse the girl a bit.

"I didn't say the women I love is you" Pointed out the male looking up. A sadistic smile present on his face along with crazy look in his amber eyes. "Wh-what do you mean?" she stuttered pulling back her hand and walking backwards , scared by the psychopathic look in his usually gentle eyes. "Oh come on. Don't tell me you actually believed I loved you?" Mocked the male walking forward. "Yeo-Joon that is enough with your silly little prank now. Your starting to scare me now love" Pleaded the brunette still walking backwards to create somewhat of a distance between herself and her boyfriend. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" psychotically laughed the black haired male. "Ah. You seriously don't get it do you? I've just been using you all this time." he confessed. This caused the female to freeze, The very person she loved and cherished was just using her like a toy. Saying nothing she bit back her tears, that were threating to spill, and looked behind her and noticed that if she took on more stop she will end up falling to her death. However that doesn't seem so bad too the emerald eyed female. "I just using you for your wealth and status so I could make my own. Now that I have done that, you are no longer of use to me. " Continued the male tormenting to poor girl.

"Hey babe. why did you want to meet me here. Isn't your girlfriend home tod-" Greeted a new voice opening the door of the rooftop. The two of us looked over to see who it was. Both of our eyes widened in shock but for different reason. Mines out of shock whilst his out of suprise and happiness. It was Min Mi Young. A well known Model and Idol not just in Korea but Worldwide and.... the younger sister of Min Jangook.

(Authors Note: This is Min Mi young. The younger sister of our protagonist)

"Love! Your here!" Exclaimed the bright and beaming Yeo-Joon running into the girls arms. Jangook stood there still shocked. Why was her sister here. And when did she get so close to Yeo-Joon. "Mi young. What are you doing here?" asked the emerald eyed female fighting back her tears as she feared for the worst. "Oh. Did Yeo-Joon not tell you yet? Me and your dear 'boyfriend' have been going out behind your back." replied the purple eyed female with a smile on her face.

Jangook felt her world crumble beneath her feet as the word rolled off her sister's tongue. So many questions ran through her head. Why? Why would they do that to her? What did se ever do? "So this whole date thing you set up was for my sister?" asked Jangkook her head hung low. "Now your getting it!" Exclaimed the male. "Why?" muttered the female. "Huh? your going to have to speak up sis" advised Mi young. "WHY WOULD THE TWO OF YOU DO THIS TO ME?! WHAT DID I EVEN DO TO THE TWO OF YOU?!!" yelled Jangkook at the top of her , lifting her head up to revealing the tears streaming down her face that held a pained expression. The two were a little take aback by her sudden outburst but was very quick to recover. Smirks making their ways on both of their faces , the two slowly walked forward. "You wanna know what you did wrong?" asked the sister walking towards her. The emerald eyed female tried to take a step but was was quick realize she on the edge of the rooftop. Only one step away from her death. Panic started to take over her mind and body, however not wanting to show this to her so called 'boyfriend and sister' she hides her trembling. "You were always good at everything!! Anything you did you would excel at it. Everyone admired you. Everyone looked up to you!! Even now when I worked hard and became a well known Idol and model, People still refer to me as the sister of the Min Jangkook the successful business women and Ceo of Raven Wings. HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT ABOUT ME. OF COURSE YOU HAVEN'T CAUSE YOU SELFISH BITCH YOU WHO CAN'T EVEN THINK ABOUT HER OWN SISTER FOR ONCE!!" yelled Mi young.

Jangkook stood there slightly take aback but also confused. Her selfish. What is she going on about her not caring about her sister? She always cared for her little sister. Ever since Mi young was born Jangkook always loved and took care of her. Played with her despite being busy with all her extra classes. She always made time for her sister. Prioritizing her needs over her own. Even when their mother started to play favourites with her little sister, no matter how much she hated it and how much jealousy would consume her, she never had the heart to hate her sister. Cause at the end of the day Mi Young was her precious little sister that has done no wrong. She was now starting to regret showing so much love towards her little sister. What was the point of it all if in the end she only betrayed her? Stabbing her where it hurt most. what was the point of loving wither of them two? They only ended up stabbing her in the back.

"So two get rid of both of our problems. We have to get rid of you" Stated Yeo-Joon, wrapping his arms around the purple eyed female's waist. Mi Young leaned back enjoying her lover's warm embrace and the hurt and broken expression on her older sister's face. "Goodbye Jangkook/Noona" said both of them. Pushing her back wards by the shoulders. Not even bothering to fight back, Jangkook let herself fall down the fifty storey building. Let herself fall to her death. Her face held no emotions what so ever, as if she knew this day would one day come. People always say how they have no regrets when face to face with death. Jangkook had regrets. Many of them. She regretted never standing up for herself against her mother. She regretted pushing away the only people who cared for her. She regretted ever loving the wrong people. She regretted never following her heart. But her biggest regret in life was Loving Jeo Yeo- Joon and Min Mi young.

Looking to the side she admired the now rising sun. Glad that it was the last she was able to see before her death.

"If there is another life after this one. I wish for it to be a life with no pain or suffering." mumbled the girl speaking her final words.


The CEO of Raven Wings, Min Jangkook was found dead. Bystanders Sated how they saw her falling down from the top of  a fifty storey building. Police have conclude that the cause of her death was suicide. Her lover, the best fashion designer in all of Korea, Jeo Yeo-Joon and sister , Korea's beauty, Min Mi young have also stated how Min Jangkook has been distancing herself as of lately. The two said they tried their best to help her but overall decided to give her some space.  Min mi young and Jeo yeo- Joon has asked for us all to share Min Jangkook's story to bring awareness to depression and suicide. And help those who possibly are going through the same thing. This is KKC News.

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