When two worlds collide

By Pelumi_A

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In school Jaden was a player, but with looks like his who could blame him? Whenever anyone started to think h... More

Introduction pt.1
Introduction pt.2
Bus Ride=Revenge
'Sup fuckboy'
Duck lips and mailboxes
Good friends & Anonymous texts
Heart break and Haterade
Ninja turtle Mask and awkward convos
Drunk friends and Speeding Tickets
Hi Isaiah
Carnivals & Knights in Shining Armour
Jealousy and Good Advice
Snooping and Revealed feelings
Lace Panties and Lots of Flirting
Please Read!
Throat lumps and New therapists
Flashbacks and Classified Information
Emergency Catch up & Dress up Meet up
I Got Dressed Up for a Hill?!
Social Media Update

Rollercoasters & Unconsiousness

107 4 0
By Pelumi_A

Still Jaden's Pov
I pull my baseball cap over my head and I'm officially ready to go.
I tell my mom I'm going out and try to leave before she derails me but of course I'm down on luck today and she intercepts me as soon as I reach the front door.

"Not so fast, where do you think you're going"? My mom asks as she raises her hand like she sees officers do in her cop shows.

I sigh, see this is what I was trying to avoid, my mom and all her weirdness.

"Mom, I'm going to the carnival with Kyle", I try not to roll my eyes.

She opens her mouth to pester me some more but I beat her to it.

"The carnival closes at 10:30 so I should be home by about 11, 12 at the latest if me and Kyle hangout somewhere else".

"Okay, fine no later than twelve, bye babe, I love you", she kisses my cheek and finally let's me go.

"Bye, mom love you too, oh yea I 'me taking your car by the way". I laugh and run out the door before she could protest.

I know I know, the bad boy is actually a momma's boy how ironic.

I head out the front door just as my mom's boyfriend pulls into our driveway. He gets out and we greet each other before I get in my mom's car and head to Kyle's place.

As I pull into Kyle's driveway I hear shouting, that of which could only be from one of his parents' infrequent fights. It's funny how Mr. and Mrs. Brown are the most lovey-dovey couple...usually but when they have one of their rare fights the whole world has to know about it.

As soon as I ring Kyle's doorbell the yelling stops. I see a face peek out of the front foyer window and I'm suddenly staring at the smiling face of Mrs. Brown, I can just barely see Mr. Brown making a face at her from behind her back as he heads up the stairs. I stifle my laugh and ask as politely as possible for Kyle.

"Kyle! Jaden is here for you", she yells.

When she gets no response she calls for him again.

"Kyle! I said Jaden is here, get down here"! After a moment when Mrs. Brown is about to call him for the third time we hear footsteps making their way down the stairs.

"Okayy mom, I'm coming", he yells.

Kyle finally comes down the stairs and we bid his mom goodbye and get in the car. I put the key in the ignition and pull out onto the street.

We've just arrived at the carnival and the parking lot is almost full but we get lucky and pull into a spot as someone pulls out. We get out and head into the carnival. As soon as I take a few steps my nostrils are immediately attacked by the mouth-watering scent of pizza. It's at that moment that my hunger makes an appearance and I drag Kyle to the pizza parlour and buy us both slices.

As we continue walking I spot the bumper cars up ahead then do a double take when I see what looks like Haven from the back. I point her out to Kyle and we both look a little closer and I find out it is her. It looks like her and stupid Isaiah just got of the bumper cars. I decide to follow them until Kyle speaks up.

"Jay, we came here to let you give her some space and to have fun. Are you sure you wanna follow her around when you could be having fun, if you want to then I won't stop you I just want you to think about it"' he says.

I think about it for a moment then I decide to have fun, Haven clearly needs a break from me and maybe I need one from her too.

"You know what, you're right Kyle, let's go have fun".

I give Haven one last look and me and Kyle head in the opposite direction as her and her 'date'

After going on two awesome roller coasters and Kyle throwing up I decide to take a still slightly woozy Kyle to the bathroom for a break. As we walk there Kyle starts to gradually feel better and when we reach the bathroom area he seems good a new.

Just my luck Haven and Isaiah are just a little ahead of us. I think Kyle spots them at the same time I do because he quickly pulls me to the side and out of their view. We see them both enter their designated bathrooms and decide to just wait for them to leave before we go.

After two minutes Haven comes back out but Isaiah seems to be taking a loong time. We see Haven go up to the door looking worried when all of a sudden we see a masked guy grab her from behind and start to drag her. For a second I stand there confused but I quickly spring into action.

I jump out from where me and Kyle were hiding and run behind the bathrooms to where the guy dragged Haven. I see him put something in her mouth and she slowly slumps to the ground. As he's about to pick her up I quickly grab him from behind and throw him off of her.

Al I can see is red, I'm so enraged and before I know it I'm on top of him punching him over an over until he's unconscious. I don' stop until I feel Kyle's hand on my shoulder. Then the world slowy comes back into view and I stop. I get off the unconscious man and tell Kyle to call the police. As I go over to Haven I get the feeling I'm being watched and as soon as I look up I think I see Isaiah run away.

He thinks he's free, I know he had something to do with this.


After the police and ambulances arrive they deem Haven as ok, she wasn't hurt in any way and I can take her home. Well she's not awake yet and I don't know where she lives so I decide to just take her to my house.

After our long eventful evening I drive Kyle home and he wishes me good luck and I take me and Haven to my house.

When we reach my house I'm finally lucky for the first time today and all the lights are offf meaning that my mom is asleep. I carry Haven in my arms, get out of the car, unlock the door, and tiptoe past my mom and Paul (her boyfriend) that're all cuddled up sleeping on the couch.

When I get to my room I see the time, 11:57. I set Haven down on my bed and as I'm about to change I hear Haven's phone beep. I know I shouldn't snoop but I just have to, it's her fault for not having a password.

I check and the text is from her mom. There are fve more texts and ten missed calls.

Mom: Haven? Are you almost home

Mom: Haven??

Mom: Seriously, if this is a joke it's not funny

Mom: Why aren't you picking up the phone?

Mom: Are you hurt?

And the most recent one,

Mom: It's a half hour passed your curfew and you're not picking up your phone, where are you?!

I felt kinda bad because I could tell her mom was worried sick, she probably didn't even know where Isaiah was taking Haven in the first place. After debating it in my head for a moment I decide to call her to clear everything up.

I use Haven's phone and it rings approximately 0.5 times before her mom picks up. Before I can open my mouth she's already talking.

"Haven! Is that you? Young lady you are in so much trouble, wherever you are you better get your butt home, I've been worried sick!" I could almost feel the anger and relief Mrs. Johnson omitted.

"Um, hello Mrs. Johnson, this isn't Haven, this is Jaden, I'm a...friend of hers. There was a bit of an incident at the carnival that some fool took your daughter to...",

I then proceeded to explain the whole situation that I knew to her. She said Haven should just spend the night at my house but I should let her know to call her mom as soon as she wakes up. As I hang up the phone my heart almost jumps out of my chest when I hear a voice speak behind me.

"Jaden? Is that you"?

A/N this was a super long chapter. Kinda cliffhanger. Thanks for voting and commenting <3

Ps. Creds to afirediana for my fabulous new cover❤️❤️

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