Kiss Me Knot

By Ravvivare

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Wei Ying wakes up one day only to find out that his wife had left him. It hurt him to no end how his wife did... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 8

21 0 0
By Ravvivare

The night is beautiful. The breeze of the air is fresh and cool.

The engagement party is being held at the Wen Residence huge garden. The guests are already seated at their respective tables for the night. We can see that most of them are CEO's or bosses from huge enterprises from the way they are dressed. Men with their expensive suits and women with dangling silver and gold decorated in the respective parts of their body.

On the sides, we can see some butlers standing on a look out for their masters.

" Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the engagement party of lord Wen Rouhan's son Wen Chao and lord Lan Zu's daughter Lan Wangji! " the host for the night said at the huge stage as he pointed at the two couple sitting near where the stage is located with Lan Zu and Lan Xichen, as well as Wen Rouhan and other sons.

The guests went on a round of applause as Wen Chao stands up and held out a hand towards Lan Wangji. The latter accepted it and together, they went to the stage.

At the back, Wei Ying stands with his disguise. He wore an all white women suit now just like what Xie Lian wore when she was still serving the Young Miss, instead of dresses.

He looks on clenching his teeth as he saw Wen Chao looking at his wife as though he wanted to ravish her here and now.

Lan Wangji wore a simple yet elegant red dress with long sleeves. Her porcelain  back portion is exposed which Wen Chao happily had the pleasure of touching as the two stood together on the stage facing the crowd. Wangji's face may look blank at other people's perspective but Wei Ying can tell that she's very uncomfortable with the gesture.

In Wei Ying's peripheral view, he saw a woman stand as well, and is currently walking towards the front. He turned his head to look at the woman.

" Lan Wangji! " the woman shouted getting everybody's attention. " You dare steal Wen Chao from me! "

There was a gasp heard among the guests.

" Wang Lingjao?! What do you think you're doing?!" said a voice that can only be  Wen Chao.

But the woman ignored Wen Chao Continuing to say, " You heard it right. That woman, she stole Wen Chao from me! Wen Chao is mine! "

" What are you talking about?! Who's yours?!"

" Wen Chao, A-chao my love! Didn't you promise me that we'll be together forever?"

" Shut up you bitch ! I never promised anything to anybody! My future wife is standing beside me! " Said Wen Chao making Wang Lingjiao become silent. The people around waited with bated breaths as they look at the scene before them. It was like watching an actual scene that can only be seen at the television.
But oh well, what we can see on the television actually states something about our own situations. Sadly, we just hesitate to actually consider, what areas in our lives, portraying the same matter.

For example, Wang Lingjiao is obviously an envious obssesed woman with so many issues. What part in your life can you see yourself feeling envious and obssessed for? Watch out for these cause these things would actually destroy you in the process!

Ahem! Going back!

But then a few moments..

" Is that so? Then, " Wang Lingjiao said quietly as she slowly got something out from the breast pocket of her expensive dress.

' Aiya, this drama again! When will this kind of drama ever stop? But then, people likes cliche things so yeah, maybe I'll do something cliche as well! Or maybe not. Haha '  Wei Ying thought as he saw what Wang Lingjiao got out from her breast pocket.

It was a gun. Wang Lingjiao raised slowly it towards Lan Wangji. The people around started to get alarmed and they started to get uneasy in their seats.

" If I'm not gonna have you, then nobody should! "

Wen Chao felt incredibly angry and said, " Wang Lingjiao! Put the gun dow--" but then he was interrupted.

" Young lady! " Wei Ying said coming towards Wang Lingjiao slowly. Wang Lingjiao and the people turned their heads towards him.

" Don't come! Stay there or I'll shoot! " she said and pointed the gun towards Wei Ying making Lan Wangji's eyes widen. But Wei Ying looked at her and winks mischievously before going back to the matter at hand.

" Isn't it unfair of you to do this? "

" It's not! Wen Chao is mine! I love him! "

" But he doesn't love you Ms. Wang. He loves Ms Lan now. Isn't it the reason why he got engaged with her? "

" No! I'm the one he loves! Not that bitch! "

" Sadly, that's not the case here Ms. Wang. "

" Shut up! Shut up! " she said and was going to pull the trigger, when someone knocked her out from the back making her faint. It was Feng Hui, the Lan family's butler.

" Many thanks Sir Feng!"

" No problem Ms. Wang. Good job for taking immediate action."

" No worries! I'm just doing my job as the Young miss' assistant and protector! " He said as he looked at Wangji who's already looking at him. She then turned her head away to avoid looking at him further.

' So shy. ' he thought chuckling internally.


Lying in a bed, a man slowly blinked to get himself awake. His sight was blurry until it  finally got a clearing. He eyes hurt as he was faced with a bright light up above. Turns out, it was the light bulb.

" You're finally awake. " a voice spoke making the man look at them.

" Binghe. Where's Xie Lian? What happened after I lose consciousness? Where are we?  Arghh" the man said as he rose abruptly making him feel the pain of the bruises around his  body. The bastards really aimed for his upper body making him unable to even properly breathe or move about.

" Slowly, slowly Cheng xiong. " Binghe said as he started supporting Hua Cheng.

" After you fainted from the hands of the enemy,  some ally interferred spreading some tear gas around the room saving the two of you from the hands of the foe. "

Truth be told, Hua Cheng was badly bruised by the hands of the men since he can't fight due to Xie Lian being held  hostage. They punched him until he can't stand to fight anymore making him faint. All the while, he heard Xie Lian's screams for the men to stop what they were doing to him. It hurt Hua Cheng's heart.

" Ally? " he asked when he finally was able to sit up on the bed.

" Yes. In fact, this is their base. Here drink this first. " Luo Binghe said as he gave water to Hua Cheng. The latter reached for it and then drink it slowly. Afterwards he uttered, " I see. Thanks. " Then giving back the glass to Luo Binghe.

" No problem Cheng Xiong. "

" A-Cheng! " A females voice suddenly exclaimed. She immediately went half running towards Hua Cheng and hugs him.

" Ooof! "

" Sorry sorry. I'm so sorry A-cheng. Did I hurt you? "

" I am fine A-lian. Worry not." he told the woman comforting her from her worries. Xie Lian sighed in relief as she heard the words smiling.

" I'm glad. " she said and went to hug him again. Not seeing how Hua Cheng's face twitched a bit. Luo Binghe saw it and was going to tell Xie Lian about it when he saw Hua Cheng shook his head indicating that he leave it at that.

" I am glad as well. By the way Binghe, who's this ally you were talking about? " Hua Cheng said as he palmed Xie Lian's back up and down to soothe her from her worries.

" Ah, that. They said they we're the Young Miss brother's men. The young Master decided to help her sister with her plans and so he sent some of his men to help us in case we need some help. "

" But aren't they drug dealers? How are we so sure that they can be trusted? "

" It's fine A-cheng. They are loyal to the young master so we can trust them. In fact, I was talking to one of their men earlier before coming here, confirming their intentions. " Xie Lian uttered smiling as she pulled away from Hua Cheng.

" I see. Then, I'll trust your judgement A-lian.  " Hua Cheng said smiling at his wife as well. Luo Binghe pretended to not see anything as he excused himself leaving the two alone.


At the party, the dancing started after the people had dinner. It was as if the ruckus with the woman earlier didn't happen at all. But a certain Wei Ying is currently feeling bitter as he saw his wife dancing with Wen Chao amidst the other couple dancing.

Lan Xichen on the other hand had been watching him ever since he noticed how his girly face went sour while looking upon the couple dancing. He decided to go to the personal assistant of his younger sister to speak to her.

" Ms Wang." he uttered as he reached Wei Ying. Wei Ying turned his face towards the voice. But his eyes are still on the couple dancing.

" Young master! May I help you with anything? " he said making Lan Xichen's eyes widened a tad.

' Ah, I see now why you look like this. ' Lan Xichen thought chuckling.

" I just want to thank you for saving my Younger sisters life earlier. "

" No worries no worries! I'm just doing my job! " he said still unaware of what situation he is in.

" Alright. But, may I invite you out for a while? " Lan Xichen said then went to whisper the rest of what he wanted to say to him. It made Wei Ying's eyes widen in recognition.

Lan Xichen pulled away smiling all the while.

" Ahem! But Young master, how about the young miss? " Wei Ying said uttering in a feminine voice once again as he thought ' Arghh. I can't believe I blow up my cover! Silly Wei Ying! Thankfully, it is only Xichen-ge. '

" Uncle Feng is here. She's safe. "

" Alright!  After you sir! "


' Oh Lord, I can't wait for this day to be over. '

Lan Wangji thought as she danced with Wen Chao. He has been speaking to her all the while and touching her with unwelcomed touches, making her want to slap him multiple times.

She turned her head away to avoid looking at Wen Chao's face. She moved her eyes to look at a certain person who seems to make her feel safe despite only knowing her for a few days.

There, she saw her brother leaning towards Wang Xian, whispering something on her ear. Wangji saw Wang Xian's eyes widen with her cheeks blushing. Afterwards, Lan Xichen walks away, with Wang Xian following behind him.

Lan Wangji frowned in contemplation.


Two people stood at a quiet hall.

" You're Wuxian, aren't you? "

" *sigh* You got me. " Wei Ying said scratching his girly face. Lan Xichen chuckled at him.

" You really love my sister. "

" I do!" Wei Ying replied with a wide smile. " I will do anything in my power to be with her. "

" But she left you. "

" I know!  But that doesn't mean I'll just let her out of my grasp. Not until  she tells me she doesn't love me anymore anyways.  "

Lan Xichen smiled. " I'm glad she picked up a good man. By the way, you're here with Ms Xie and the others, yes? "

" Yes! They were my friends when I was still an agent. "

" I see. " he replied and dropped his smile as his face turned serious. " Wei Ying. "

" What is it? "

" My men reported that your friends were attacked. "

" What?! "

" Rest assured. They are already at our base right now after my men saved them.  "

Wei Ying sighed in relief.

" Thank God! Thank you as well Chen-ge! "

" You're welcome. " Lan Xichen said.

But then suddenly, his face turned mischievous as he leaned his face closer to Wei Ying's face.

" Wha...! Xichen ge?!" Wei Ying said as he saw Xichen's tall figure towering over him. He was not short per se. But the man in front of him was just impossibly taller than the average height!

" Lower your voice and just play along for a bit. " Xichen said making Wei Ying feel his breath closer to his face.

" But why? "

" A lone cute little rabbit is peeping at us right now. *chuckles* "

" Huh? " he asked trying to turn his head but Xichen stopped him as he says, " Don't move your head or she'll know that we're aware of her presence. "

" She? You mean Lan Zhan? "

" Yes. Let's see how she reacts at this. You look so much like her husband's female counterpart after all. "

" Nah, she already rejected me Xichen ge. Surely she'll just turn around walk awa--"

" Brother. "

Lan Xichen looked at Wei Ying with a knowing smile as if saying " See? " He then turned to face Lan Wangji but not with leaving Wei Ying alone.

" A-zhan. Why are you here? Aren't you with Young master Wen? " He uttered as he put an arm around Wei Ying's waist, pulling him close to his side. Wangji's eyes followed the gesture.

" Nature calls. "

" I see. But as far as I can remember, the direction of the comfort room is on the other side, my dear A-zhan. " he said making his sister's ear blush.

Wei Ying tried his very best not too burst out laughing at her reaction.

" Never been here for years. Was going to ask you where. " She said making the two men cackle internally.

" Surely there are lots of people out there who knows this place more than me my dear sister. "

Then suddenly, Lan Wangji crossed her arms and then stomped away from them making Xichen get surprised, his arm loosening it's hold on Wei Ying's waist beside him.

" Did she just..."

" Xichen ge! Don't let this chance go away! We have to take a picture or a video of her acting this way! "

" Right! Right!" Lan Xichen said feeling excited for never in the past did his little sister ever acted so out of her character as she did now. Must be because of her pregnancy.


Walking with a wound is really not an easy feat. But a man kept walking until he gets to speak with his master. When he arrived at the office, he immediately went in after he has given entrance by the master inside.

" Well? Are those pest properly been taken care of?" The master uttered as he felt his servant enter in.

" Lord Wen, forgive us. Several men spread tear gas around the place as we did the interrogation. They rescued the man we interrogated and the woman we held hostage but not before beating us down till we can't stand. The others died from suffocation and beatings. I was the one lucky enough to survive and come to you to report. "

" Did the man tell you what you wanted to know?"

" No. He was loyal to his employer and would not speak. We beat him out till he lost consciousness. "

" Is that so? Did you at least know the name of the man you're interrogating? "

" Yes my lord. The woman we held hostage called the man Hua Cheng as we beat him down due to his continual silence. "

The lord's eyes twinkled in intrigue as he asked, " Hua Cheng? "

" Yes my lord. "

" I see. You're dismissed. "


Having heard the attack happened to the base, Lan Wangji didn't hesitate to go in haste and see for herself if the people are alright. Her brother told her they were already fine but she still want to see them and make sure that they were really alright. She is thankful for all the help she receives from them after all and also, it's because she considers all of them her friends especially Xie Lian. She would never speak it out loud though. She can only do so in actions.

Currently, she is in the car with her brother beside her as Wang Xian manuevers the engine. They are on their way to one of Lan Xichen's safehouse.

When they arrived at the location, Lan Wangji immediately went out of the car and walking fast towards the house not waiting for the others to come together with her.

The two men, one in a woman's disguise, could only look at her back shaking their heads fondly at her actions.


Reaching the main door of the house, Lan Wangji opened the door and went inside. She was met with a call of her nickname from a very familiar voice.

" Zhan-zhan?"

She looked at the source of the voice. It was really him. Shi Qingxuan. Her highschool bestfriend. He is wearing an all black outfit like the several men sitting with him at the living room.

"Uie QingXuan! Did you know who you are talking to?! That's the young miss! Boss Xichen's younger sister! That's not your Zhan -zhan! " said one of the men.

Another man rolled his eyes and said, " Shut up Feng Xin. He's a new bie. Of course he doesn't know who the Young Miss is."

Truth be told, Shi QingXuan is just a newbie, whilst the other men with him has been serving Lan Xichen for many years now and they have seen Lan Wangji countless times years ago before she rebelled. And thus, they know who the newcomer is.

Shi Qingxuan laughed in response to them. " Haha you're right, I didn't know about it at first. But then when I saw Boss Xichen face, I thought somehow his face resembled someone I missed dearly! So I got curious and decided to find out for myself if my suspicion is true. And I'm right! My bestfriend in high school, is also boss Xichen's younger sister! Haha" he said as he stands up and walks towards Lan Wangji excitedly. " Zhan -zhan! You're my Zhan-zhan right? My little bun in high school? "

Wangji's ear blushed at the endearment. Truth be told, Shi Qingxuan likes to give nicknames to people he is close with. And Lan Wangji is not an exception most especially because she is his ' super beautiful bestfriend' as what Shi Qing Xuan used to say during their highschool years.

" Not little. But.. how? " She responded as she looks at him. She noticed how he has grown over the years. The cheeky boy she was friends with years ago stands before her now looking mature and refined yet his demeanor did not change at all. He was still the Qingxuan who was lively and friendly towards people. The one thing that Lan Wangji could never imagine doing for the rest of her life. But thank God, she is learning to make friends these past few years and try to loosen up a little bit from her rigidness.

" Aiya, you still don't change do you? You're still my 'super beaufitul bestfriend who speaks in a concise manner' and I wont have it any other way! Haha " he said playfully making Wangji blurt out a "Ridiculous" which made him laugh even more and then hug her.

"Hmm, your question is ' How did I become a worker for a mafia boss right' ?" he asked still hugging her. " Well, it's a long story so let's leave it for now! Right now I just want to hug you because I miss you! Haha" he said and then hugged her tighter. Lan Wangji sighed in response as he let him do what he wants for in truth, she actually missed this friend of hers if she just wants to be honest.

That was what Wei Ying and Lan Xichen saw as they entered the room. The rest of the men noticed their arrival and greets their boss.

"Boss! "

" Boss Xichen! "

" wow, you got a chick with you! Is that your girlfriend boss?"

" Xichen ge! Why didn't you tell me Zhan-zhan already came back?" Shi Qing Xuan said as he pulled away from Lan Wangji with a pout. Though he put an arm around Lan Wangji's shoulders.

" Shi Qingxuan! Do you hate your life that much?!"

" Yeah! How dare he calls boss Xichen so casually?!"

But then the Boss they are trying to defend merely chuckled and said, " It's quite alright. And to answer your question Qingxuan, it seems that I have forgotten to inform you. Apologies. "

" Xichen ge! I was just kidding! So serious! Haha and it's not like you're obligated to inform me. anyways! Let me hug my Zhan-zhan again because I miss her so much! " he said as he turned to Lan Zhan attempting to hug her. But then a feminine voice interrupted him making him pause in his pursuit.

" Ahem! Excuse me Mr. But MY! Young miss there, whom you call Zhan-zhan! is really worried for her friends you see. It is the actual reason why she rushed coming here after hearing the incident. So if you please, let her see her friends first like a gentleman. " Said Wei Ying with a fake smile as he looked unto the guy.

" Is that right Zhan-zhan? I'm sorry! Haha. I got ahead of myself and didn't think what your reason for coming here is! Go on, go on! But you have to make it up to me! We lost contact all those years ago after all! We need to catch up and talk alright? "

" Mn. " Wangji responded and walks away leaving his friend and the others looking at her back. 


It was in the middle of the night when Lan Zu heard his phone ringing. He had just finished checking the state of his factory and was getting ready for bed. He frowned a bit but picked up the call.

" Hello?

Oh! Wen Rouhan my friend! Why call this late night?

Hua Cheng?  that bastard who 's one of the people  responsible with my injury years ago?

What?! He's here?! How.. Then does that mean scum Wei Wuxian is here as well?! Is he planning to snatch away my daughter from me?! Hah! As if he can! Wangji willingly left him!

What did you say? Wangji might have been colluding with scum Wei Wuxian all those days?  I.. That's impossible! "

On the other line....

Wen Rouhan laughed out loud as he heard Lan Zu's response.

" Lan Zu, are you a fool? Do you really think you're daughter would just easily give up a man she loved dearly and happily get married with a scum like my son? " Wen Rouhan shook his head smiling devilishly when the other person on the other line went silent.

" I never took you for a fool Lan Zu. But now, I realized that you are a fool cause you have been utterly fooled by your daughter! Haha

What should you do? Hmm.. Good question, my friend. Then how about we do this..."


Reaching the room, Lan Wangji took a deep breath and then knocked gently so as to not disturb the people inside. They maybe resting right now and she doesn't want to be a disturbance. But then after knocking, the door opened revealing Xie Lian.

" Zhan Mei! " she said delighted as she saw Wangji standing infront of her. Lan Wangji though on the other hand didn't know what to do or what response she should make so she uttered a simple " Mn. " She's not good with expressing her feelings after all.

Fortunately, Xie Lian is already acquainted with this fact in the short amount of time they have been together. And so she smiled at her and opens her arms wide enough.

" You look beautiful Zhan mei. Even more beautiful this day. May I hug you? "

Wangji, surprised at her words and gesture didn't react immediately. She blushed at the compliment and hesitated for a while, contemplating her next step.  But slowly, she began to take a step and close the gap between them.

" There there. Were you worried? Rest assured. I am well. My husband unfortunately, was badly bruised but thank God, he survived. " Xie Lian said as they slowly pulled away from the hug. There, Wangji saw another person sitting on the bed. It was Hua Cheng. He looked worn out and tired but as what Xie Lian said, he looks fine now. Hua Cheng nodded at her appreciating the concern she has shown for them.


At the living room, Lan Xichen's men were having fun, drinking and eating. They played cards and others played chess. Others merely played a mobile game at the side. It was really lively. Wei Ying though, inspite of being a social butterfly didn't feel like joining the fun. He was rather busy staring daggers at a certain man who casually hugged his wife earlier. The audacity!

"  Shi Qing Xuan! You won again?!"

" Haha that's my boy! "

" Maybe he got fired up after meeting his sweetheart again! Haha"

" Haha that's just mere luck brothers! But maybe you're right Pei Mingxiong! Haha "

'Sweetheart?! What sweet heart?! That sweetheart you're talking about is my wife! ' Wei Ying thought angrily in his heart as he clenched the wine glass he is holding in his right hand.

" If looks could kill, he should already been dead by now. " a voice suddenly spoke beside Wei Ying making him turn away his head to look at the person.

" Binghe my boy! Haha Thanks for cooking! "

Truth be told, Luo Binghe, together with his wife was at the kitchen cooking when Wei Ying and the others arrived, making them unable to greet them earlier.

" No problem. Besides, if not for these people, I can't imagine the fate awaiting for Cheng Xiong and Xie Lian. "

" Yeah. Thank God for mercies! But I still don't like that guy though " Wei Ying said as he looked back at Shi Qingxuan who seems to be winning again.

" May I ask why Wei Xiong? " Binghe asked curiously but then Wei Ying gestured with his hands, as if he was telling someone to go away and said, "Nah, don't ask. I don't want my blood boiling."

" Why do you think Binghe? Isn't it because he's jealous of the guy? " said another voice, but a female this time.

Luo Binghe smiled to the newcomer. " A-Yuan "

" Hmmp! Who's jealous?!" Wei Ying said defensively making Shen Yuan snort. 

" You clearly are Wei Ying. Why else would you be acting in such a way? If not, have you finally become a fool that's why you decided to dislike a guy without a reason? So unlike you " Shen Yuan said shaking her head in disbelief.

Luo Binghe smiled incredulously and uttered an " A-Yuan.."

" Tche! Fine! I was jealous! I was jealous because that man! That man over there hugged my Lan Zhan so casually! "

" And in return, ' your Lan Zhan' let him hug her didn't she? "

Wei Ying scoffed in response and then drinking wine.

Luo Binghe scratched his face on the side not knowing whether to laugh or cry at the situation.

" Calm down will you. Surely he was just a close friend from the past. I don't think the Young Miss is the kind of woman to let just anyone touch her in such a way. " Shen Yuan said consoling her friend making Wei Ying relent.

" I know that. Xichen ge told me earlier that they were just bestfriends from highschool. "

" Then? What are you worrying for? "

" Well, sure Lan Zhan thinks it was just a friendly hug! But for the guy, it's definitely not just a friendly hug! "

Shen Yuan rolled her eyes in response. " So what if that's not the case with him? Young Miss is already married. Surely she knows how to distance herself when that guy would attempt to get too close with her. "

" Ms. Wang and company! Won't you join us and play? " a voice suddenly spoke interrupting their conversation. The others agreed with him. It was the guy Shi Qingxuan.

" Oh, is that a challenge? " Wei Ying said softly, now in a feminine voice with a bite.

Shen Yuan and Luo Binghe looked at their friend.

" Haha, not really. But you can take it like that if you like! "

" Very well. " he said and then went towards them.

The married couple behind him looked at each other before following their friend, who seems to be fired up for some reason.


Excusing himself after a few rounds of playing with his men,  Lan Xichen got up and walk towards the kitchen to drink water. But when he got there, he found his Younger sister and Xie Lian eating healthy snacks while speaking with each other.

He paused in his walk, suspended outside the door. He didn't want to destroy the peaceful atmosphere surrounding them. He smiled at them as they speak. His younger sister really loves Xie Lian huh. She wasn't smiling per se. But you can see that she is happy if you look closely in her eyes. There was that twinkle indicating that she is indeed happy though unsmiling. Well, you didn't really need to smile to tell people that you're happy. Cause if you're happy in your heart, then no one can say otherwise.

" ..I tried cooking but then, those who ates the food would either have a bad stomachache or directly faint. " Xie Lian uttered with a blush. It looks really cute! Wangji on the other hand huffed in response.

" Would like to try. "

" No! No! You can't Zhan mei! "

Lan Xichen chuckled at the conversation making the two turn their heads towards him.

" Ah, I got caught didn't I? " he said as he walks towards the refrigerator and get a bottled water.

" Young master! How long have you been standing there?" Xie Lian said, a bit surprised at his appearance.

" Not that long Ms. Xie. But please, call me Lan Xichen or Xichen. You're no longer our employee after all. "

" Ah, is that right? Then, please. call me Xie Lian as well. " Xie Lian said smiling at him.

" Very well. Excuse me " Lan Xichen said as he turned away and drink the water.

" Go ahead. "

Wangji looked at her brother and then at Xie Lian who's looking at her again smiling and saying, " So, where were we again?"


" Woah! You're not only beautiful! You're good at playing as well! " said Pei Ming one of Lan Xichen's men as Wei Ying won another round.

" Right! As expected of the assistant of the Young miss! "

" *giggles* you flatter me gentlemen. " Wei Ying said in that feminine voice of his sounding humble.  But truthfully, he was feeling smug. ' Take that Qingxuan! Haha how does it feel to taste defeat huh? Not only did I defeat you in this, I also defeated you pertaining to conquering Lan Zhan's heart! Haha! '


Back to the kitchen, the three people chatted for a while. After a few moments,  Lan Xichen decided that they should head home now. It's already so late and sleeping late is definitely not good for his younger sister's pregnancy. The said younger sister actually had the audacity to pout making Xie Lian laugh softly.

" Wangji, I know you love to speak more with Xie Lian but for your pregnancy's sake, please. "

" But brother.. "

" Zhan Mei, worry not. We still have some time to get together in the future! We'll surely be talking non stop about things! In God's appointed time " Xie Lian said enthusiastically at the young lady. Lan Wangji did not really want to go home yet but she decided to do what's the best for her child.

" Mn. " she said and stands up to head on to the door.

Lan Xichen looked at Xie Lian and uttered a ' Thanks'. Xie Lian replied with a 'no problem' and the two head on towards the door following Lan Zhan.

As they walk towards the direction of the living room, they saw Lan Zhan stands rooted on the ground, looking at something happening outside. The two looked at each other and then went to see what she was looking at.

When they looked, they saw the men surrounding two people in the middle. One man on the side, and woman on the other side. They were doing an arm wrestling as the people surrounding them cheered on for them. Some chanted Qing Xuan's name, some chanted Wang Xian's name.

" Oh, so Ms. Wang is into these kinds of things too? " said Xichen feeling amused at the situation. But then suddenly, Lan Wangji walks towards the group.

" Qing Xuan. " she uttered with an authoritarian voice making the people went silent as they turn their heads to look at her.

" Zhan -zhan! Wait for me! I'll defeat Ms Wang first before I come to you! " Qing Xuan said feeling enthusiastic, hand still connected with  Wang Xian.

' Dream on dude. ' Wei Ying thought in his heart.

But then Lan Wangji shook her head and said, " You disappoint me. Shouldn't have fought with a woman. Wang Xian, we're leaving. " she then turned away and head on towards the door.

" Huh?! But she was the one who challenged me! Zhan Zhan! " says Shi Qing xuan and was going to stand up to follow the Young miss. But then his friends stopped him saying he's already drunk.

' Did she just...defended me? ' Wei Ying thought smiling widely as he uttered, " As you wish Young miss. " he then started to stand up." As much as I would like to continue, duty calls and I have to carry it well. Gentlemen, thank you for the fun evening! I'll be taking my leave!  Bye Xie Xie! " he said to the men and then waved at Xie Lian beside Lan Xichen then walked away with a slight bounce. The men also responded with goodbyes at him as he heard a pathetic voice that states " Noooo! Zhan zhan! You can't do this to me! I apologize! Just come back to me pleaseee!"  making Wei Ying internally laugh boisterously as he took his exit.

Lan Xichen merely shook his head and gave his farewell to the people as well. He then followed the two outside afterwards.


During the ride home, Wei Ying still wore a big smile as he manuevers the car.  Subtly he looked on the rearview mirror to see a certain person sitting at the backseat beside Lan Xichen. Although he was far from being a damsel in distress earlier, he still felt incredibly giddy when Lan Zhan uttered such words defending him. He was looking back and forth at the road and then at the rearview mirror, when suddenly, Lan Zhan, his incredibly beautiful wife, thank God for her, called him.

" Yes, Young Miss? " he responded after calming his feelings of giddiness.

" Hurt?"

" Huh? Hurt? You mean earlier? Ah no no! Haha. Actually, not to be boastful but, I really can take Mr. Qingxuan on earlier and win had you not come interrupting us. Though, I really appreciate you defending for me Young Miss. " he said making Lan Xichen chuckle and Lan Wangji sighing.

" It's true Wangji. Ms. Wang is rather sturdy despite being a female. " said Lan Xichen looking at Wei Ying with a knowing look at the rearview mirror meeting the latter's eyes, making said 'female' cough and laugh a bit awkwardly.

Lan Wangji looked at the two back and forth. She saw Wang Xian blushing and then at her brother looking at Wei Ying with an unusual smile. Wangji can't help but recall what she saw at the quite hall of the Wen Residence during the party. It was her brother towering over Wang Xian. Was he going to kiss her at that time? Somehow, she feels complicated at the thought of Wang Xian being kissed by her brother.

" You two..." She started making the two men listen with rapt attention.

" Mm?"

" At the halls.."

'Ah' thought the two men.

" What about it Wangji? " Says Xichen with a normal tone but you can tell that it is somehow intended to tease the hearers.

" Were you going to.."

" Mm?"

" Nevermind. " she finally said not wanting to know what actually happened. She was just going to leave it at that when her brother spoke. " Were we going to kiss each other?"

Making Wei Ying choke in his own saliva. Surely he knows what Wangji would like to say but it is really entirely different matter when he hears the whole sentence said out loud.

" Young Master, no need to tease the young miss. "

Lan Xichen laughed making Lan Wangji huff. Then, the former decided to drop the subject and change the topic.

" Wangji, I forgot to inform you earlier but, we already got a hold of monitoring lord Wen's factory. "

" Woah! That fast Young Master? As expected of the Young Miss' brother! " Said Wei Ying making Xichen chuckle.

" Mn. Many thanks. "

"No need to thank me. When will we expose them? "

" Wedding day."

" Huh?! Young Miss, don't tell me you really want to get married to that pervert?!" exclaims Wei Ying making Wangji scoff as if the idea is too ridiculous of him to even mention it.

" Ms. Wang, Wangji is right. At the wedding day, lord Wen and father would be focused on the wedding rather than to other things. The police would have free access to raid the factories and arrest the men working there. "

" Leaving Wen Rouhan and Lan Zu, caught off guard and will not be able to defend themselves when the police arrests them during the wedding day. Hmm... I see! Haha "

" Yes. "

" So, have you discussed this already with the police? "

" Yes. I communicated with a long time friend whose working at the police department. "

" You have a police friend?! So he knows you're a mafia but then..young master I mean no offense "

" No worries. I totally understand what you mean. To be honest, he really doesn't know who I really am. I was afraid he'll hate me if I revealed to him my true identity so I decided to conceal it from him all those years."

" Really? He must've been shocked now that he knows who you really are! "

" Quite the contrary actually. "

" Huh? What do you mean?"

" He said he had somehow known my true identity but he decided not to discuss it with me the past years. He wants me to be the one to actually reveal who I really am. "

" Is that so? Wow! What a friend we have in Jesus! Haha kidding kidding! What a good friend the man is!"

Lan Xichen chuckled. "He is."


After the driving for a while, the car finally arrived at the mansion. Wei Ying parked it at the lot beside the mansion. He then immediately went outside to open the car door for his Young Miss as Xichen opened the car door for himself on the other side.
They three walked together towards the main door of the mansion. The maidservant waiting for their arrival, opened the door for them and greeted them. Lan Xichen gave his thanks to the said servant and they went inside.

" Finally! You have arrived! " said a voice that sounds like Lan Zu. The three then saw, that it was indeed Lan Zu, sitting leisurely at the long expensive and comfy sofa.

" Father, you're still up. Did something happened? " Xichen uttered as he and the other two walk towards Lan Zu.

" Nothing much, Xichen. Though I have something to discuss with all of you. Come sit. Sit. You as well Ms. Wang. "

The three went and take their seats.

" What is it Father?"

" Wen Rouhan found a tiny thin camera inside his office. It was exactly the same as the cameras found at my factory. He traced the code of the said device and he found out that one of the man monitoring his office was Hua Cheng. " said Lan Zu.

" Hua Cheng?  the one whom you encountered with during your time in yiling?"

" Yes. Exactly. That bastard! Rouhan's men was just going to make him speak who he was working for when some pests interrupted the interrogation successfully rescuing Hua Cheng and the woman Rouhan's men held hostage. "

Lan Xichen ticked off a bit as Lan Zu referred to his men as pests.

" Rouhan was suspicious that maybe Wei Ying the scum though now an ex agent, sought help with his pest agent friends Hua Cheng and the others in order to stop Wangji's wedding. But I doubt he only wanted to stop the wedding seeing how he also made a monitoring at my factory as well. Now I realized that Xie Lian the traitor was also with them! She was the one responsible for putting the cameras in my factory after all. But good riddance! Haha"

" Wei Ying..ex agent? " Lan Zhan said flabbergasted with what she heard. Lan Xichen was surprised when he heard his younger sisters question. Wei Ying subtly moved his eyes to look at the floor.

" A-Zhan, you didn't know about it?"

" My my,  I thought you already know Wangji! You're his wife, well, ex wife and yet he didn't even tell you that he was an ex agent? Haha good husband he is! Well, then, let me tell you everything my dear. "

Lan Zu was doing usual business years ago. The agents at Yiling were exactly Wei Wuxian and his friends mainly Luo Binghe and Hua Cheng. Naturally, because Lan Zu was doing an illegal business, the agents in Yiling would not sit back and relax.

Their hide and seek went on and on for months until they finally caught Lan Zu. But then he still escaped because Wen Rouhan offered him some help making him return to England. Yet not without having a  bad injury.

Lan Wangji felt really complicated about the information she has heard. Lan Xichen on the other hand realized now, why his younger sister didn't recognize who Hua Cheng and the others is and also, about why she was never suspicious about Wei Ying's disguise. It turns out that Wei Ying didn't tell her about it.

Well, it must be because Wei Ying is already an ex agent and he no longer thinks it matters to tell Lan Wangji about his past.

" Wei Ying he's.." Lan Wangji said standing up but then suddenly, she felt like the world was spinning making her lose balance.

Fortunately, Wei Ying immediately caught her before she falls.

" Yes my dear. He was an agent! An ex agent! He hurt your father! Good thing you wake up early and left him! Hahaha. Don't worry, he can never do anything to stop your wedding! Haha. Well then, that's all my children! Have a good night! " said Lan Zu as he stands up and then walked away leaving the three of them with complicated feelings on different matters.

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