Glamrock Rockin'

By DireLaxion

114K 1.3K 2.7K

Security guard to a security man filled with insecurity 😐 Artists: Ammandica - Roxanne, Freddy, Chica Luckli... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 🍋
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 🍋?
Chapter 12 🍋
Chapter 13

Chapter 9

3.3K 56 93
By DireLaxion

I closed the door then lean my back against it breathing heavily holding my chest in pain, "Did you call the cops?" Andrey asks, "We can't, you already know why" Freddy told him and he lets out a sigh. "Fine, I feel bad for you guys, I'll stay here and wait till 6, what about you guys?" He asked us glancing at us.

"We'll bring them back to their senses, We just need to know how to make them snap out of it" Freddy replied scratching his chin, although it's not his arm, he looks to see that Monty had his arm on his chin. "I like your chin" He says scratching his chin, "Thanks, anyway, We should try showing them what they like" He says which is kinda risky but it won't hurt to try.

"I guess we could try that, who'll you pick?" I ask him, "Chica, her favorite thing is obvious, what about you? Roxanne?" He asks me, "She's tied, I guess I could try" I replied and he hands me over a radio. "Alright, tell me if something happens" He replied then we turn to Andrey, "Can you look after us through the cameras?" I ask him and he nods so we go on our way splitting up.

I walk back to the salon hoping that she's calmed down now, I hope she's doing okay, I opened the door and see nothing but bots. I look around some more and confirmed Roxanne was indeed gone, "Freddy, come in" I radioed for him, "Yeah? Is Roxy there?" Freddy asks me, "She's gone, I don't know where she went, I'll go ask Andrey to look for her" I replied.

"What're you gonna do now?" He asks me and I look around, "I'll try and get Monty" I replied and his voice raised, "What!? Are you high!?" He yells almost making my earring. "Gee, even here you make my ear hurt" I replied, "Are you sure you can take him?" He asks me concerned about my decision.

"Yeah, I might know what he likes" I said and hoped that I'm right, I put away the radio and left to find Monty after telling Andrey to find Roxanne. I head to Monty Golf hoping that I would find him there, of course, I got a frying pan with me just in case he attacks me. "There you are YN!" I heard a voice so I turn to see Roxanne speed walking towards me, "Sorry! But I don't want to hurt you!" I shouted before running away.

"Why are you hiding from me?" I heard her sounding upset, should I take care of her now? Or Monty? I hide behind the prize corner to wait for her to go away, honestly, hiding from her makes me feel guilty. I shouldn't be hiding from her but It has to be this way, if she comes back to her senses I'll apologize to her, even if she remember or don't remember.

"Roxanne's behind you, but she doesn't know" I heard Andrey whisper through the radio, I heard footsteps after he said that so I peek my head out to see her frantically looking around. "Stop hiding from me!" She yelled, her voice cracked pleading for me to come out, I covered my ears to not hear her call out to me.

A hand was placed on my shoulder then I turned to see the map bot, "Surprise mother fucker, take a map!" The map bot shout caught her attention. I dashed out of there immediately having a headstart, Shit shit shit! "YN!" I heard her from behind then suddenly felt something heavy behind me resulting in me dropping to the ground.

Andrey POV

I watch YN get chased by Roxy, "YN run!" I shout at the monitor, he then got tackled down by her, "Oh shit! YN!" I shout and turn around to find my radio... But instead.

A white rabbit.


I turned my head to see tears running down her face dropping on my cheeks and she plants her face on my chest full-blown crying, it ruined her make-up and my shirt, I don't care about my shirt. "Don't leave me, please" She grabbed my shirt tightly so I pat her back while we were still on the ground, she sobs, snob coming out of her nose but she wiped it away.

"I'm sorry" She says sniffling as she looks at me teary-eyed, "You okay? You can hug me if you want, I'm here for you" I calmly told her, stroking her cheek then she wrapped her arms around me tightly. "There there" I gently pat her back, "I'm sorry, that I hurt you, I'm sorry" She sobbed, I guess she remembered, "That, wasn't me, I can't control myself" She says.

"I thought-" I just pat her back not wanting her to continue further, I hold her tightly in my arms, "Let's bring you to your room, okay? You can stay there and wait, okay?" I ask her while stroking her head. "You *sob* are *sob* not mad *sob* *sob* at me?" She asked between sobs, I replied by kissing her on the lips passionately, I stroked her cheek after the kiss.

"I love you" I said and she sniffles rubbing her head on my face, her tail was wagging uncontrollably, "I love you too" She replied and so we got on our feet then walk to her room. I placed her on the bed then walk to her closet to bring her fresh clothes, I returned and hand them over to her, I turned around to let her change, after a minute she told me to turn around so I did.

"I didn't know you like me wearing this" She says and I raised my hand defensively, "No matter what you wear, you're beautiful and still my favorite" I replied which put a smile on her face. "Can I, come with you?" She ask holding my hand, "I don't know, you could get hurt, I wanted to protect you" I replied concerned about what might happen.

"Honey, it's you that needs protecting" She says firmly gripping my hand, "I must've kicked you hard on the chest, I'm sorry about that" She apologized, "That's okay, I'm fine, see?" I said trying my best not to show that she broke my rib. "You're having difficulty breathing" She says getting on her feet then touched my chest instantly made me wince in pain.

She raised her brow at me, "Take a deep breath" She told me, "Why? I'm fine!" I protested, it didn't help because her glare made me uncomfortable so I took a deep breath and felt the pain. I glance at her and it looked like she was about to cry again, "No no no, I'm fine please don't cry" I reassured her, "I could have accidentally killed you! And you say you're fine!?" She sniffs and I cup her cheeks making her look at me in the eyes.

"Look at me, I am the protector now, and how many times do I have to tell you for you to be alright?" I told her looking into her eyes. "I'll be going, you stay here" I told her and she grabbed me by the wrist, "I'm coming with you whether you like it or not" She says walking to the door, I didn't want to protest anymore, I'll just protect her from Monty.

"Alright, let's go" I said holding her hand as we leave her room, "Who are we looking for?" She asks me, "Monty" I replied as we walk through the main stage hoping we would find a wild gator.

A wild Monty had appeared!

"There you are!" Monty shouts charging towards me, "Roxy! Use bitch slap!" I commanded and she straight up slaps Monty across the face resulting in him staggering back. "Did you just straight up use me like a Pokemon?" She turns me to with a raised brow, I just stand there embarrassed at what I've said, "Let's talk about it later" She says before turning to Monty.

Monty used a steel chair

Monty grabs a chair from one of the tables and tries to hit her, but she catches it then kicks him on the abdomen, "Oh you don't know how I feel to kick Monty's ass" She says running a smile on her face. She turns to me, "I'm the best!" She says praising herself and I noticed Monty raising his head.

"Roxanne watch out!" I shout but I was too late as he grabbed her by the leg then began to roll like an alligator would do, "Ah shit!" Roxanne shouts and Monty gets on his feet to throw her across the stage. He lands his eyes on me and charges towards me, "Oh shit!" I tried to run but the pain in my chest stopped me from doing so.

"Oomph!" I drop to the ground as Monty bash me from behind, I groan in pain holding my chest, I tried to breathe in and out but it pains me. He grabs me by the neck then began choking me and I tried to look through my pockets to use something against him.

I felt something long in my pocket and I assume I got a gun with me, I guess threatening him will work so I pulled the gun out and it was a banana all along. "Ah shit" I cursed as he glanced at the banana, "YN" I heard his voice, his grip loosens up letting me breathe in the air.


Monty drops to the ground completely knocked out by someone, I turned to see Roxanne with a couple of bruises on her body. "YN! Are you okay?! Did he punch you on the chest?!" Roxanne came to my side as I get on one knee trying to regain my breathing, "Yeah, I'm fine" I replied before helping me get on my feet.

"Did you knock him out?" I ask her concerned about Monty, "I think I knock his teeth out" She replied and I look at her bewildered, "I'm just kidding! I hit him in the forehead" She joked and I sighed relieved. "Okay, let's see if that punch brings him back to his senses" I said before walking to Monty's side, I flicked his nose and he didn't react, Roxanne then slams her hand on his stomach forcefully waking him up.

"Roxanne! What did I tell you on not to wake me up!?" Monty yells at her and she wasn't fazed at his yelling, "You almost choked YN to the death you pickle death roll" She insults him as he turns to me seeing me in bad shape. "YN! I'm sorry! I didn't know what came to me! I just saw Vanny and it goes black, I'm sorry" He then rests his head on my shoulder hugging me tightly and I tried my best not to die from his hug.

"Monty don't hug me too tight" I told him and he refrained his hug, "Sorry, but sorry for asking this" He says and I turn to him, "Where's the banan?" He asks me, yeah, the banana is the first thing that comes to your mind. I grabbed it and hand it over to him and he smiled before eating it, "Thanks" He thanked me, and Roxanne tug my shoulder with a pouty face.

"Alright, don't think I forgot you" I said patting her head, "Good girl" I said and she didn't like it, her tail didn't wag and her face looked disappointed. "How about this then, Best girl!" I complimented her and her tail wags rapidly upon hearing it, "So uh, you guys know where Vanny is? Cause she's the reason why we're attacking you guys" Monty says and I scratch my chin.

"Where'd you last see her?" Roxanne asks him as she runs her hand through my hair playfully, "I think I know where, I need to get to Andrey first" I said and they both walk beside me with Monty and Roxanne checking in to see if I'm still alright. We arrived at the top of the Fazer blast and Monty breaks down the door to see no one.

"I didn't know there's a secret room here" Monty says looking around the room touching the Princess Quest video game, "I guess she's not here" I said grabbing my radio to try and contact Andrey. But no answer, I tried again and again then we heard a loud thud somewhere around us, we glance at Monty to see that he broke a door.

"Woops" He says with a hint that he doesn't give a flip, "Let's go check Andrey, he hasn't responded yet, he was supposed to" I said and so we walk to the office. We arrived there not long after to see Andrey with Vanny, although, she's patching him up.

"Vanny?" I call out catching her attention, "Oh YN! Sorry, I couldn't grab the radio so soon" I heard Andrey turning to me. "Vanny? Where!?" Monty says looking around the room, "I don't see her" Roxy says looking around, Vanny sighed then grabbed a water bottle then pours it on her soaking herself.

"Woah! She appeared right in front of us! That's magic shit!" He says running towards Vanny grabbing her by the shoulders, "You're cute, date me!" Monty immediately confessed. She was taken by surprise by his sudden confession, "W-Well, um" She stammered and a loud thud was heard.

We turn around to see a bunny in a wheelchair.

"Ew, what the fuck is that?" Monty then approaches the rabbit, "Is this the mastermind?" He turns to Vanny and she nodded. "I'm gonna break his limbs" He says turning to him cracking his knuckles as he approaches the rabbit but Vanny intervened.

"No! He's harmless! I'm just doing what I was told!" Vanny stopped him, Freddy returns with Chica eating pizza, his makeup is completely ruined so I hand a towel to him then he wipes it off. Damn, he's handsome, I turn to Monty who was getting more and more aggressive.

"How dare you make Vanny do all the shit for you!? Don't you care about her life?" Monty shouts at him, "Whatever... Crocodile" He insults him in a raspy voice, "I'm an alligator you lil disabled trashy father figure rabbit! I should throw you off, the stairs!" He tried to lunge at him but Freddy blocked his way.

"Monty! Stop this instant!" Freddy shouted at him but Monty wasn't having it, "This has nothing to do with you, so get out of my way!" Monty glares at him, "Or what?" He sternly replied. "Or uhh... I'll punch you in the BOOBS!" He points at his chest, "I don't have boobs! These are pectorals" He replied.


"Ow! My boobs!" He holds his boobs while he's on the ground.

"Monty! Stop!" I jump in front of him as he was about to punch him but stopped as I intervened, "Corner, now" I sternly said and he walks to the corner then sat down. I then turn to Vanny, "Kill them Vanny" He told her, "No, I'm done doing your bidding, you don't even give me in return" She replies and hugs me softly. 

"Thanks! Now I know why I feel empty inside for a long time, I'm not your servant anymore, but I'll still take care of you" She turns to him, "Since you're my father" She says and he looks down guilty. I noticed Roxanne looking at me jealous and angry, I glance at Monty to see her having the same expression as her.

"Monty will tell you everything you've been missing, also, he likes you" I whispered to her, she pulls away to make eye contact, "That green Gator?" She asks and I nod. She nods then hops to Monty and sat beside him, he looks confused and I just smiled at him before turning to Freddy.

"You okay?" I ask him as I help him get on his feet, "Yeah, my boobs hurt" He says, I just chuckled that he said boobs instead of pectorals. I need a long rest after this, I take a seat on the floor and let them do the rest, the first thing is what they will do to him.

"We should have our 2 or 4-day break after this or a full week!" I sighed holding my chest, Roxanne sat beside me and Chica did the same to Andrey while the two talk to the two rabbits.

Time flip

Poppy POV

We stand in sunlight right in front of a building, the reason why we're here is to catch up again, "So, what are we gonna do here?" He asked lowering the volume on his earphone. "Well, remember this place?" I ask and he looks around for a good second then back to me, "I think I remember" He replied and I smiled.

"Do you still remember where you hide it?" I ask him hoping that he still remembers, "I think I do"


I woke up feeling refreshed, my phone rang and I yawned stretching my arms and legs, I tried to grab my phone but realized... I'm not in my home. I look around to see that I'm in a hospital, what the hell happened? Did I pass out last night? I was in deep thought that I didn't notice Roxanne standing in front of me.

"Earth to YN" She waves her hand close to my face and I snap back to reality, there goes gravity and I almost fell down the bed but she caught me. "Thanks" I thanked her and she sat beside me, "You'll be fine, right?" She asks me, I nod and the door opened to see a doctor.

"Hello, my name is Dr. Giton Yornees, let's get to the point because it's not that major, You have several broken ribs but it'll recover in about a month or so, just don't do anything too extreme, I'll give you what you need like pain killers" He says giving me a prescription before taking his leave, I thanked him as he left which he gives me a thumbs up.

"So, what do you wanna do?" I ask her hoping we could kill some time together, "Well, you don't want to find out what happened after you pass out?" She asks me, "I guess" I replied and she wraps her arms around me planting a kiss. "Well, the two rabbits decided to stay with us, and Freddy and Andrey pushed our managers for a week off, isn't that great?" She asks me and I smiled nodding. 

"And we'll have a week together, you'll be with the best~" She says referring to herself, "Dad also wanted to see you, is it alright if we visit them after?" She asks me so I agreed, not like I have a bad relationship with him. The door opened once again and Freddy came in then the rest, "How are you YN?" Freddy asks me in a gentle manner.

"Yup!" I replied, "How's my best bro?" Monty asks, his arm draped on Vanny's shoulder. "Fine and broken inside" I joked and we both laughed, "How are you and Andrey?" I ask Chica, "Pretty good, he's recovering and be able to get out of hospital too" She replied.

"Anyone up for UNO?" Freddy asks and we all agreed, "I'll win this time" Monty says and I doubt that.

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