Lost (Rainiamtor book 3)

By doctorofhope

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two worlds one fate Charlie is lost, his mind has been racing for the last month a mysities impossible lette... More

different world
more? oh no
an Ego problem
a problem in the end
time trouble
a hard choice
the fall of the nether
broken trust
away from the action
so what do we do now?
team 1 and 2
team 3 and 4
the way ahead
Zagreus's fall
the day in frostbourne
the invasion of frostbourne
new heroes
lost world
unexpected newcomer
the teacher
the Master last plan
hello again
confronting the undead
the Sanctuary
around the world
you've got mail
error detected
a drink
a bad morning
ocean man
the last of ender dragon eggs
back to the future or the past
battle plans
return to frostbourne
another plan
falling to the Darkside
epilogue: beyond

a stupid idea

80 5 9
By doctorofhope

POV 3rd person 

Alex and Sheila were suddenly and unexpectedly standing in the marketplace just out of the dreadfort within the walls of the frostbourne city. "Umm, where are we?" Alex asked confused. 

Sheila looked around closely, "The dreadfort? what should be impossible," she said. then the penny dropped. "We must be in an alternate universe, remember what Nina said," Sheila said. 

Alex looked about, "Ohh, yeah that would make sense," Alex said. "So should we find Ember and the others? they have to be here somewhere," he suggested. 

Sheila shook her head, "No, they defiantly brought us here for a reason and probably not a go...." Sheila was cut short when someone started to yell.

"Come on put your back into it people!" Hilda yelled lifting a bag of stone bricks, placing them next to the gap in the wall, "Ser Patrick wants this wall finished by the week," she added. 

"So this place has been attacked? that's interesting to know" Sheila said. 

Daryll walked over, carrying some drinks. he handed them to Lyria, who handed them to guards fixing the wall, "Here, I got as many as I could. how goes the repair?" he asked. 

Alex smiled, "I've got an idea," and before Sheila could stop him Alex wandered over to Daryll, who was still chatting with Lyria.

"So, Charlie thinks these guys are from another..." Dayll stopped when Alex patted him on the back. 

"Hello...." Alex was cut short when Daryll spun around twisting his arm and pinning him to the wall. "Ouch," Alex said. several guards raised their weapons. 

"And who the Nether are you to just come up and touch me?" Daryll asked, pinning him to the wall, "You don't just do that," Daryll pushed him off the wall, "you two take him to a cell, maybe sometime there will show him not to touch people," 

Sheila sighed following the guards now carrying Alex, he tried to pull away from the guards who whacked him around the head to knock him out. Sheila felt a ping of anger at this, as she followed. the guards took him into the dreadfort. as she went to follow the second set of guards stop her.

"Sorry ma'am but you aren't authorised to enter," the guards said crossing their spears in front of the door. 

'just great how too geet in?' 

the gates to the city opened and 2 Kyles walked in, "I never thought I would see this place so intact, well mostly intact," Emo Kyle said. 

Nether Kyle shrugged, "the red legion done a real number here, come on, we can wait for the others inside," he said, walking towards the dreadfort.


"Come down, that one's on our side, remember," Hilda yelled back, walking over to us, "Kyle, you're back, we were told you were injured," She said. she looked to Emo Kyle, "I don't think we've met, I'm Hilda," 

"Kyle," he said.

"Huh two of you with the same name, what are the odds of that?" Hilda asked. 

"Painful low," Emo Kyle said, Hilda laughed unsure how to respond.

Nether Kyle smiled, "So Hilda I take it Charlie and the rest are back?" Kyle asked. 

"Kinda, Rain, Stella, Crystal, along with the newcomers returned, Charlie and the young Meeps were separated from the group," Both Kyle's faces dropped.

"What!" they both yelled.

"Do not worry we have heard from them, they are fine," Hilda added. 

Nether Kyle let out a sigh of reflies, 'Charlie will keep them...okay Meeps will probably keep Charlie safe,' he thought

Emo Kyle did not, 'Oh god, what if something happens, she might not have a way back, and she's stuck with some complete stranger,' 

Nether Kyle looked Emo Kyle over, "Are you okay?" he asked. 

"I'm fine, yep, fine nothing," Emo Kyle. Nether Kyle didn't believe him" 

"Come on, the other's will be in the fort," Nether Kyle said. 

within the dreadfort, The Kyle's found the others all in the library. Moon was looking about in awe at how many books they were. "I thought our frostbourne had a lot of books," she said. 

"emphasis on the had," Razer said. swimming the books.

"Yeah, don't bring that up, it's unsettling to think about," Stella said. 

Rain placed his book down as Ember removed a book with the word halo on it and the shelf retracted showing off a secret tunnel here, "NO!" Rain called, getting between Ember and the tunnel, "I'm not going through that again," Rain said. 

Ember walked away grumpy, "You are as bad as my Rain," he mumbled. 

Stella snicked, from behind her book, Nether Kyle cleared his throat from the door, the others looked up, "Ahh NetherKin," Ember yelled. 

"Hello again Ember," Kyle said putting up his arcane shield between him and Ember in case. "How come he doesn't do that to you?" he asked pointing to Stella. 

Stella shrugged, "maybe I'm more likeable," Stella said smiling. Ember and his friends all looked at each other, then down and Ember looked slightly guilty about something. Kyle made a mental note about that.

"Anyway, I have someone here you might want to see," He pointed to the door, as Emo Kyle walked through.

Ember and Friends jumped up, "KYLE!" they all called.

"Kyle?" Rain asked.

"Yes?" both Kyles said. 

Rain slumped down onto the table, "Oh, why? What have I done to deserve this?" Rain asked. Stella patted him on the back. and hugged him. 

"Ralla," Ember yelled. 

almost as if on queue, Daryll raced into the room, "Someone say Ralla?" he asked. Ember burst into laughter. 

everyone kinda hung out in the library, while they waited Emo Kyle talked with Razer, Nether Kyle sat down next to Stella, "So, What happened to the sky? it's like it's on fire, like some kind of Skyfire," he said,

"Something about a rip in reality, I didn't understand Azura's explanation, nor what Charlie meant, although he did mention 4 more people from Embers world, I guess over there is one of them," Rain explained.

Patrick was curious about this prisoner Daryll had taken, so he went over to the cells. "So you're the idiot who touched Daryll?" he asked, Alex sat up to stare at the grandmaster. 

"It really is uncanny," He mumbled. "Would you believe me if I said this was a horrible mistake?" Alex asked. 

"No," Patrick said, "I just assumed you're idiot, we've had a lot...." Patrick paused, he hit his chest a helmet appearing around his face as he spun pulling his spear off his back blocking a katana. 

Sheila pushed back, Patrick moved and swung, Sheila blocked and managed to knock the spear out of his hand, he quickly pulled the second one off his back, 'whoever she is, she's good,' Patrick thought. 

he played in defence making sure never to turn his back to her. she was trained to a level that easily would match anyone of his soldiers, but he was a different matter, but things changed when "So there we were fighting in the blizzard," Hilda started, Patrick was thrown off when he heard her. 

Sheila knocked him down and went to strike when someone went running towards her, Without thinking and sliced her sword through the air. the yell of pain wasn't from Hilda, but a younger voice, a much younger voice, Lyria fell back in pain from the slash across her chest. 

Sheila stopped realising that was the target she thought it was, Hilda now enraged pulled her mace off her back, and raised her shield. Alex worked at the lock of his cell when Patrick stood back up pointing his spear at him, Alex backed up from the cell doors. 

Hilda smacked into Sheila, quickly and unexpectedly, Sheila quickly recovered, and charged at Hilda, Patrick used her spear to trip her up, and Hilda smacked Her around the face with a shield knocking her out.

"Hey stop that," Alex said, pulling at the bars of the cell.

"Be quiet or I'll give you the same treatment as your girlfriend," Hilda spat still enraged. opening the cell next to Alex's before chucking the unconscious Sheila in there. 

"Where the Nether did you two even come from? I haven't seen training like that in a long time," Patrick asked. 

Alex shrugged, not seeing the harm in saying it "Terrayite," Hilda and Patrick blanked him. 

"Never heard of it," Patrick answered. they both turned to Lyria, "come on, we'll get her the medical attention she needs," Patrick said. 

Crystal woke up, once again in the medical wing in the dreadfort, she was alone in the room and got up, her first thought was to open a portal to Charlie, but she couldn't, whatever knocked her out has messed with her powers. 

so Crystal got up and started off, making her way first to Charlie's room, not finding anyone there, then trying to the lab, finding Azura working on something, "Hello crystal, it's good to see you up and about, can I help you with something?" Azura asked.

Crystal shrugged, "I was just looking for Charlie or anyone really," Crystal answered. 

Azura gestured to Crystal to sit next to her, Crystal awkwardly sat next to Azura, Crystal felt awkward around a lot of people in frostbourne, but Azura, Patrick, Rain and Stella. she always felt Rain and Stella were judging her after what she let the Entity do to them. 

Azura and Patrick were different, it was their wedding day, she helped to plan to destroy, planting a bomb to disable Stella's magic, then allowing the Red legion into frostbourne, nearly killing the two. "Charlie's not back yet, but we know he's safe, he's communicated to us, he's walking back from Glacierford," Azura answered. 

Crystal smiled dimly 'he'll be fine, it'll take more than that to finish him off,' Crystal thought, "The others?" Crystal asked. 

"Hanging out in the library, I think Patrick wanted Rain and Stella to keep an eye on them, I don't think he believes the idea there from another universe, what's stupid when you think about it, because you know Charlie and Kyle are from another universe," Azura said, she put down what she was working on and turned to Crystal. "I don't hold it against you, what happened with the legion I don't speak for the other, but I don't blame you, you've made Charlie happy, and care for Charlie," 

a short time later Crystal made her way to the library, she found everyone there, and how there'd split off into different groups. Rain, Nether Kyle and Stella sat at one table, Ember following Moon around while she looked for something to Read, Emo Kyle talking with Razer. 

She looked around and decide to go sit on her own, she grabbed a book, 'Battle of Mordor,'  and sat, she read reading some of the pages, but she couldn't help but feel like Razer was watching her the whole time. 

Razer and Emo Kyle seemed to move towards her, stopping when Patrick entered rubbing a hurt shoulder. "Well, that was interesting. Daryll arrested some idiot who random touched him, while I was talking to him, some crazy woman with a sword and some top-notch training came at me," he sat next to Stella. 

"What did these two look like?" Moon asked. Patrick not hearing her, 

"she made a mistake, attacked Lyria while Hilda was in looking distance, she went all mommy bear on her," Patrick explained.

"WHAT DID THESE TWO LOOK LIKE!" Ember yelled, repeating his girlfriend's question. 

Patrick described both Alex and Sheila. "Of course, it would be them," Razer mumbled.  

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