Falling Again || bnha

By Helolo06

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❝BUT IF I HADN'T FALLEN, I WOULN'T HAVE MET YOU ❞ [various x reader] When an unknown... More

"Hello, World!"
Burn Marks
School or Prison. Aren't those the same?
This is why I don't socialize.
The Purple Man
Secrets. We all have them either if we know them or not.
V is for Villain
Midnight coffee
Why can't I have my Sweets in Peace??
Don't you think it's a bit cold for ice cream?
A God/Hero wannabe
A Hug that was worth the wait.
Takoyaki: the love of my life
The goddamn Hero outfit
A Destructible God
Honey and Milk
Just like Home.
Urgh, Where are you, Sleep?
Me? A God? Pfft
Would you hold my hand, if the world was up to flames?
Lil' Museum of covers (Falling Again edition)
The unordinary life of (Y/n) (L/n)
Crazy How Fast this felt Like Home.
My weakest point isn't my mind
The Beast isn't merciful.
I wanna become something else.
A magical girl! That's what I'll become!
Midnight and coffee.
Whatever you say, Brocoboy. Whatever you say.
How long I wanna stay by your side? Does forever count?
Forever is not a number? Oh, then infinity.
Infinity can't be determined? Then as long as you're alive.
I don't care if you're going to live for an hour or thousands of years.
I want you, so stop denying my love.
But I don't want your love.
Seth was big big dragon, with a big big heart.
Yellow is now my favorite color.
A broken home, makes a broken hero.
Aren't broken heroes, just villains?
Give me the goddamn stars
Almost a happy ending.
Love is such a bitter medicine, and I'll never take it.
I think the world likes to see me suffer.
Don't worry, darling, I will always be your safe Haven.
Monsters will always be my favorite.
Wow, so many creative names.
The light has gone out of life. It doesn't shine anymore.
Has no one told you that you should bow before your god?
I'll say a little prayer for you.
The World was only meant for the chosen ones.
I am not worth saving.
For you, I choose death.
We were meant to be. Can you not see it?
You were only a child.
Love is everywhere.
You are like cinnamon rolls

"Eyes blue like the Atlantic and I'm going down like the titanic."

1.3K 58 22
By Helolo06



My power came back.

and there was only one thing I could remember.

"(Y/n)?" Bakugo voice almost trembled at the thought of his friend having such an unfortunate death, struck by lighting on a clear night. What the fuck.

I'm not good.

"Yes, love?" She replied looking back at him, her eyes shining brightly with brighter streaks being formed constantly, like some stormy night.

Revenge makes my fingertips tremble in excitement.

The thought of killing what almost killed me, it's just pure love.

it must be my mothers genetics.

All heroes looked shocked and once again (Y/n) stood in a huge crater, looking once again as undefeatable as the day she fell. This time, no wings holding her back.

What a good fucking gene.

"Are- are you okay?" Bakugo asked as he slowly watched neon blue lightning strike scars form around her neck and hands, he had no doubt that, behind those clothes she wore, bigger and larger ones formed on her body, did it even hurt? No, she was probably blinded by the pure lightning her eyes wore as mere accessories.

"Oh, yeah!" She quickly closed her hand, the filaments of eletricity ceasing to a stop as she looked back and smiled at the boy. "So, how quickly do you want it to be?" she stretched her wrist with her other hand, bringing her focus back to all for one.

"What do you mean?" He looked at where she was looking, shouldn't she be worried about the scars that would shine from time to time like electricity passing through a wire? Or the amount of burns that would surpass any type of emotional damage the Todoroki family has been put through?

Sorry, too far.

"His death. Fast? Slow? Now?" her smile turned into a neutral expression as she watched All for one slowly stand up as she stretched her legs.

"Are you planning on killing him?" their eyes met.

"Not planning. I am." Her lips rested in a neutral form, seriousness enveloped around them.

You can strip a god from their power,

Their origin,

Their lovers,

Their wings,

Their memories,

But you can never strip them from their nature.

For good will always be good,

Evil will always be evil

And suffering will always be suffering.

"We want him alive" Endeavor, standing there, suddenly appeared out of nowhere, but this time, for once, he saw what her body was capable of. It was evident that the lightning that struck her could provide energy for the whole world for centuries, and there she stood, with proof that thousands of votts traveled through her heart and she remained there like a Sunday morning.

"Cool." She stood there, saying nothing more as she bored into his burning eyes. You can not throw water at an electrical fire hazard, even less try to touch it. Electricity and fire are incapable of killing one another they simply piss each other of all the time, and no, that isn't even one bit romantic.

No! I won't proceed with this writing until you understand. You shouldn't romanticize things like that. You don't put two things that could kill in a box, you don't put things that would never meet in natural circumstances in a romantic pedestal. Gods and humans? Imortal and mortal? Do you like to see things suffers Or when they don't, you simply suffer their place, because you know that natures law does not obey you mortal fantasies. This book will not satisfy your mortal need for romance. Do you want me to write it louder?


But it's okay, we won't have to suffer in their place, and that's good, right? It's good to see people doing horribly without you, makes you feel important. :)

But still every story has a begining, end and middle, it sucks you got an author who only understands basic math, but it's life. And so, as if hearing you would still have to attend school on a fucking sunday, (Y/n) grimanced as she watched Bakugo agree with the man in front of her. Still, morals are boring, but she understood them in their minimal form.

Sadly, she understood their need when she was weak. sadly, she was once weak. Oh, if we could be forever be strong. So, she marched towards the villain who seemed to only enjoy his sight, somehow, maybe, maybe, really maybe, he was somehow the first human to understand the meaning of a god. Or maybe he was the first in many after that night.

She stopped in front of the villain, wondering how the fuck he could see or even know she was there when he was clearly eyeless.

there was only one way to end a fight. Since primordial times.

He extended a hand towards her, a sinister smile making it's way up his lips.

"You can help me."

I am sick of helping.

"We can change the world"

I don't want to change it.

"We can make a brand new world for us"

I don't want to be here for a second longer.

"We can rule this world, Child-" The second the last word left his lips she fully grabbed his face with a hand and milliseconds later filled with electrical discharges and eyes leaving behind traces of what was once lightning, All for one had this face buried in a mini crater (Y/n) made with his head, now completely unconscious.

It's when you K.O. the opponent

"You don't call gods with nicknames that deem close proximity, your divineness will do just dandy." She smiled as all the heroes gasped, scared that she might've killed the man. Villain's that were around immediately, after watching their boss be finished with a one-shot, left the surrounding before they were caught.

"I mean, as long as you don't call me child- I, uh, your divineness makes me shy" She spoke to herself as she watched heroes immediately grab the unconscious man and take him to an ambulance before he suffered anymore head trauma. "Maybe I was too harsh-"

"(Y/n)!! HOLY SHIT!" Kirishima spoke with such euphoria that made even Iida crack a smile at the horrifying events that just took place "THE LIGHTNING WENT BANG AND YOU WENT BAAAM, though I almost thought for a second that you were gonna become the villain........." Kirishima's arkward laugh was submerged by Midoriya's thousands of questions that suddenly hit (Y/n).

"(...)How did it feel? What even happened? Do you have a power now? What the fuck?(...)" Before she could even look properly at Midoriya, a sudden big hand was placed on her shoulders before it was immediately ripped away from her.

The electrical discharge she had received was not exactly gone and she didn't know what to do with it instead of letting it circle through her body like some kind of formula 1 car in a race track, and she didn't have the opportunity of speaking of it too, so now a weakened form of all might stood before her, calling attention of All media.

"Are you okay?!" A face of worry suddenly and surprisingly made it's way to her face as she looked at All Might's weakened form, she always had a soft spot for old people.

"Yeah," he coughed blood "no." Midoriya completely panicked calling the paramedic's- no, everyone's attention as he almost had a panic attack. After a few seconds of watching Midoriya almost dying and seeing Death lightly laugh before waving her goodbye, (Y/n) rolled her eyes as they finally got All Might on an ambulance.

"You're not really alive, are you?" Momo looked deep into (Y/n)'s eyes invading her personal space, as (Y/n) stepped back not to hurt Momo.

"Alive is a relative term" (Y/n) care-freely smiled at the girl, before looking at the destroyed surrounding, as her eyes landed on a Kirishima who was talking to Bakugo, who was getting help from the paramedic's himself.

Today was for sure a headache. Not only for (Y/n), but for the world who had to watch the number 1 hero fall down from his on position after the fight her had with All for one, and the enormous accidental electrical discharge he suffered from (Y/n).


"So, when you get hard, is it all of your body or..." (Y/n) suddenly asked Kirishima as she stood in the middle of a hospital room, waiting for the doctor to find somewhat of a solution to her extreme electrical charge. Ground wires proved to be useless.

"I'm pretty sure you've already asked that, (Y/n)" Kirishima had the courtesy of accompanying (Y/n) to the hospital, obviously not bothered by any of her questions, since he also one day wanted to ask her some.

"Did you answer it though?" Grabbing both ends of a multimeter a doctor had handed her, it once again received error, obviously this wasn't a job for the hospital but they were curious of how a body could handle this much electrical charge, as if it wasn't already normal for quirk users.

Kirishima arkwardly laughed and looked to the side, "Shouldn't you be worried about other stuff?" their eyes almost met as Kirishima saw (Y/n) once again pay attention at another test the doctors were doing. "Like how All Might almost died because of your electricity, if you can even call that....."

"It was obviously his fault for not wearing shoes." She looked to the side, " shoes with rubber sole... it doesn't still prevent, does it?" she mumbled the last part to herself as she bit her thumb nail "you get the point" Kirishima raised a brow as their eyes met. "electrostatics and electrodynamics" (Y/n) spoke as she made a mental note to restudy it.

Kirishima made an oval shape with his mouth, obviously he knew some electrodynamics but nothing he remembered. "We are done here," the doctors spoke, as they came up with zero note-worthy conclusions, none of the tools seemed to be able to measure her eletricity, it would be too risky, therefore, to use any other tool to take eletricity out of her it case she also broke it.

Sighing, (Y/n) watched them leave "Well, that was boring." She grabbed her backpack from the hospital bed, however, before she could leave the front door, Kirishima pulled on (Y/n)'s bag, placing on his own shoulders before saying "Lead the way" with a smile on his face.

"So, dorms, huh?" Kirishima looked down at his phone, looking at the notification he had received from school.

"Oh! I gotta tell Aizawa I'm done here." Kirishima stopped for a second, letting (Y/n) open her backpack that he was holding.

"It still feels weird hearing you say our teachers first name without honorifics." Kirishima laughed to himself.

"I mean, I'm older than him"

"That also feels weird to hear" This time it was (Y/n) who gave a little laugh, and suddenly a little explosion sudden behind Kirishima followed by a phone falling to the ground and a little 'ouch'.

"What was that?" Kirishima glanced back to (Y/n), only managing to see her face looking down in pain.

"That was a fixed phone going once again to the trash." Kirishima turned around, facing the girl's hand that was now completely filled with second degree burns.

"What happened?!" Kirishima gently approaches her hand, before she ripped it away from him.

"Don't touch, you'll get fried just like my phone." She sighed and bent down to grab her phone with her other hand, it seemed to have received a ton of electricity and because of that it exploded on her hand. "I'll fix it later, can you call Aizawa for me?"

"Don't treat it like it's nothing." Kirishima said as he watched the girl pass by him.

"Kinda is, I had worse."


"Yeah." She slightly smiled in pain.


Sorry, for the delay! I hope you liked the chapter :3

Sorry for any mistakes or horrible plot, not exactly a writer haha

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