By chickenwingschill

406 54 0

[currently being edited] For reasons unknown to anyone but herself, Sarah does little to make herself likeab... More

How it all began
Alternative Ending


17 3 0
By chickenwingschill

Despite everything that's happened, I'm actually going to miss this school. Clearing my locker is kinda painful in a way. I can feel my throat closing up.

"So it's true. You're leaving."

Ugh... I know that voice.

"What do you want Audrey?"

I continue removing the books from my locker, refusing to give her the courtesy of my full attention.

"I'm just happy... Now the dance team will be better off. Good riddance. You might be a good dancer but your attitude is toxic and bad for the team."

My attitude? She needs a reality check.

"Wow... do you feel like a big girl now? Standing up to the mean bully?"

I mock as I close my bag.

"Don't mess with us, Gordon!"

Wow... Jeanna's here too.

"Wouldn't dream of-"

I turn to see not just Jeanna standing with them but Erica, front and center.

"What's the matter, Sarah? You look like you've seen a ghost."

So she is finally showing her true colours. That means she probably doesn't know that my parents are filing a case against her. Her parents are trying to negotiate compensation money but Jake and Kiera Gordon aren't people you simply pay off. I guess her parents don't want to tell her that she might be sent to juvie, as she should be.

"I'm just surprised that you would dare show your face in front of me again."

"If anything, you should be grateful that she is even willing to look at your ugly mug."

Jeanna snaps, like a true loyal lap dog.

"Hey! Beat it plastics."

A voice demands. I turn to see Hope with her hands akimbo, glaring at the three in front of me. Behind her, Ryan, Ezra, Oscar, Eliana, Zac, Dez, and even Mike, stand, creating tension. I turn back to face the three with a smug expression.

"What was it you said to me, Erica? I believe it was 'why would anyone want to be friends with garbage like you?' You said you know how to be a horrible person and still keep people by your side, but there's a difference between scaring people into hanging out with you and having friends. You asked Dez and Zac why they stick with me despite everything I do. To be honest, I couldn't tell you either. All I know is that that's what friends do. You are a spoiled, Narcissistic, insecure witch and I can't wait for you to realise how hard Karma's about to hit you."

Obviously, I am referring to the case against her.

"You can pretend to be all high and mighty Sarah but at the end of the day, you're the one leaving."

"Is that supposed to mean you won or something? Are you that stupid? You think because I'm leaving this school you have broken me? Was that your goal? High School's going to end, and you're going to end up alone because no one is going to tolerate your pathetic self. I'm not leaving because you broke me, I'm leaving because you are annoying and reek of desperation which I cannot stand."

She snarls but walks away, realising she can't do anything to me.

"And that's on period."

Hope lets out as Erica and her two puppets walk away. We all laugh and watch them disappear down the hallway.

"Those girls have serious issues."

Ryan lets out.

"Erica! I have your maths homework!"

Tess announces, racing past us to catch up with the three witches.

"Poor thing... she doesn't even realise that she is just a pet."

Eliana pities. I do kind of feel bad for Tess. She seems like she'd have been a great person if she hadn't met those jerks.

"Yeah well, she chooses to stick with them, nothing we can do about that."

Ezra has a point.

"Need any help clearing your stuff?"

"Thanks hope, but Ace is already running around the school doing everything for me so I'm good."

Don't look at me like that, he is the one who insisted. I just didn't object. Besides, what else is a brother for?

"Okay then, come with us to the dance studio! We should do one last performance together!"

Ezra announces.

It's not a bad idea. I mean, if there is one thing I loved about this place was dancing, especially with them. I'll never say that out loud though... I'd never hear the end of it.



"Why is it so dark in here?"

I ask as we enter the studio. There is literally no difference between what I see when my eyes are closed.

"Just... stand right here."

Eli plants me in a particular spot.

"You guys... it's not a surprise if I know it's going to happen."

No one responds. I can hear them whispering and scrambling around the room.

"3... 2... 1!"

Light explodes into the room, nearly blinding me, forcing me to shut my eyes.


They all yell. I open my eyes to see the room decorated with streamers, pictures of our dance team and a huge banner hanging from the ceiling.


Wouldn't it have made more sense to write goodbye Sarah? I am not the dance club.

There are people I'm pretty sure I've never seen before in the room, each one has an instrument. I think it's the music club. The dance team members are standing in formation. It's pretty easy to figure out what's going on. A goodbye performance for me. I feel that awkward tension that happens when everyone's singing happy birthday to me...

"Aww... a goodbye performance? For me?"

I don't know what to do now... this is awkward. No doubt the two goofs planned this, my boyfriend and my best friend.

"Well... she reacted."

Zac shrugs.

"I guess that's the best we're going to get."

Eli concludes that he places his fingers on his guitar. He starts to strum the melody to the song he played for me the other day confirming that they planned this together. He sings on his own at first then the drummer smashes his drum sticks together three times before completely changing the song's vibe from sweet and mellow to hype and upbeat. Zac and the rest of the crew start dancing as soon as the first drum beat hits, it's not too bad. I actually feel worse about leaving now. I'm doing my level best to hold back tears because of how unbelievable it is that they did this all for me. They probably rehearsed their butts off for this considering how coordinated it is. Not a single person is missing a single beat. All the dancers movements are synchronized and none of the musicians have messed up a single time.  The song has more verses than it did before, I guess Eli finished it. The upbeat music stops but Dalton continues strumming the melody. To my shock, Zac starts to solo what I assume is the final verse. Eli joins in and the two of them harmonize beautifully. I am flabbergasted. Are they friends now?  I will not allow myself to cry! I refuse! Done enough if that for one life time. The upbeat music returns leading to the performance finale. I stand in silence as they all pause and stare at me anticipating my reaction.

"You're all so dramatic."

I let out unable to think of anything else but my voice breaks which sells out how moved I really am.

"Aww, admit it. You loved the performance."

I turn to see Mrs. Barlowe standing behind me by the door, alongside mom, dad, Ace,  SAMUEL FREAKING KROV! And his wife.

My jaw drops and I use every ounce of willpower to stop myself from screaming. I've met Mr. Krov twice! TWICE!!

"Well of course she did, she has to... I choreographed the dance."

Sam Krov... choreographed the dance? That means they all got to work with him! I turn to glare at my former teammates.

"Okay... yes we did work on the dance with my uncle and I can tell you are a tiny bit jealous..."

Zac starts to explain.

"I'm not jealous.."

I am totally jealous.

"Good... because I already arranged with your parents and you will be joining my dance studio so I can introduce you to the world of professional dancing."

I must be dreaming because I think I just heard Sam freaking Krov say I will be joining his freaking dance studio.


I exclaim, turning to mom and dad for confirmation.


Mom and dad confirm.

"Would you look at that... she can get excited."

Ryan pouts but I'm too busy living my dream.

"Well... we are always searching for new talented dancers plus you are my nephew's girlfriend so..."

I don't think I have ever felt so happy in my life.

"Wait... Zac is your nephew..."

Ezra points out, confused as always.


Eli confirms.

"That means-"


Eli interrupts before Ezra can say it out loud. We agreed to remain friends but he also reminded me that he still believes we'll end up together in the end. He also said as long as I'm happy he will be happy.

"You think I'm talented?!"

Is all I can think to say because Samuel Krov just made all my dreams come true. BEST. DAY. EVER!

"You're very talented Sarah, I've told you that a million times."

Mrs Barlowe joins in.

"Yeah, but he is Samuel Krov... when he says it I know it's true."

Mrs. Barlowe folds her arms and glares at me. I have a feeling that came out wrong... but objectively, he is a better, more experienced dancer so...

"I like this one."

Mr. Krov approves after a loud obnoxious laugh.

He likes me!!



Mom and dad arranged for the entire dance crew and their families to spend summer with us, Eli's family too. Mike came too, and he is a surprisingly fun person when he isn't being Audrey's yes man. We've done so much this past three months. First, we went on a cruise for the first month and a half. We even got to perform and got paid a lot of money. Eli's songs got even more popular since we danced to some of them and our dance videos went viral. He now has 1.5million followers. Zac and I had many awesome dates, we modeled for professional underwater photos, had a chili eating contest during one of our stops ( i won by the way), visited creepy caves that are supposedly haunted by the ghosts of people who got lost and died in them. We also had dinner dates and all that but those were hardly as fun. Hope and Ryan started dating, and Eli, believe it or not, is now dating Eliana; she asked him out on the last day of the cruise. They are actually a cute couple. After the cruise, we came back home and joined Mr. and Mrs Krov's 3-week creative minds camp for artists. There were all kinds of creative courses; acting, dancing, music, sculpting, painting e.t.c. Flora was a camp advisor for the acting course she is an aspiring actor. Ace joined the acting source just because he has an embarrassingly huge crush on her, such a moron. After the camp, mom and dad surprised us with a trip to the Maldives. Apparently, the adults planned it during the last week of the cruise. We spent the first two weeks doing all sorts of stuff like snorkeling, that thing where you go underwater in a cage and see sharks, visiting a lot of tourist attractions, and occasionally meeting fans of either our dance group or Eli. Now it's the final week of our stay and we decided to just relax and enjoy the beach and be lazy., but for some reason, I'm awake at 6 a.m.

"Hey, Sarah?"

Zaccai whispers from outside my door after a soft knock.


"May I come in?"



"Ugh, fine... whatever."

I jump off my bed and skip to the door.

"What do you want?"

I ask once I swing my door open.

"To spend quality time with my girlfriend."

"It's literally six am right now"

"Meaning you can go watch the sunset at the beach."


"It's cold."

"We aren't going to swim."

"I don't want to watch the sunrise."

"Yes, you do."

Yeah, he had me at sunrise but can't let him think it's that easy.


I ran back to grab my beach kimono sweater.

"Aww... that looks so cute on you babe."

He compliments as I trot out the door.

"Don't call me that."

I warn, cringing my face.


I arch my brow at him and turn back to enter my room, but he grabs the key from my hand while simultaneously shutting the door with his other hand.

"Give me my key back."

I demand as intimidatingly as I can.


I try to snatch it but he does the one thing that he should never do and stretches his hand above his head.

"You think I can't reach?"

I bluff

"I'd like to see you try peanut."

That might sound like a cute pet name but he is making fun of my height, a crime he shall pay for dearly. I summon all my energy and launch myself at his hand, but alas, I don't even reach high enough to graze it.

"Aww... better luck next time kiddo."

Now... I am determined.

"I will get that key."

"I'd like to see you try."

He senses my determination and starts running. He's a fool. I will catch him. We run down the stairs, using some of our dance skills for easy parkour. Once we exit the building I increase my speed since I no longer have to worry about upsetting other guests.

"Get back here you Masochist freak!"

I demand. He is pretty fast. But not fast enough.

"Aaand, GOT IT!"

I announce after grabbing my room key.

"Woah! Ever heard of breaking?"

He rhetorizes while stopping my plunge roads on the ground.

"I was hyper-focused on getting the key."

"Yeah well, we're almost at the beach so..."

He throws me over his shoulder and continues to walk calmly.

"Is this really necessary?"

I ask, having accepted my fate because I'm too tired to protest.

"No. I just enjoy it."

He carries me all the way to the beach and plants me on the shore. The waves gently wash the ground under my feet and I turn to see the gorgeous sunrise staining the calm clear water orange.

"I've never seen you make that face before."

Zac comments.

"We're here to look at the sunrise, not me."

"How could I look at something as plain as that sunrise when you're right next to me."


"That was really cheesy."

I point out and turn to face him. The golden lighting highlights all his facial features, giving his skin a beautiful glow. His brown eyes have turned hazel and I am now stuck staring into them, like some kind of medusa spell.

"I thought we were here to look at the sunset."

How dare he use my sarcastic comment against me!

"Would you just shut up and kiss me already."

Without hesitation, he wraps his arms around my waist, pulls me in, and kisses me. I wrap my hand around his neck instinctively and he lifts me like I weigh nothing. Normally I'd be insulted at his lack of energy use while lifting me but... I enjoy this. DO NOT tell him I enjoy being carried.

I am so happy right now... You can tell him that, but I'm pretty sure he knows.



"Are you ready?"

Ace asks as we arrive at the CrystBrook gates.

"I mean, does it matter. I'll have to go in anyway."

"Jeez... I was just trying to be a good big brother and give you a motivational speech."

"Please don't."

"Hmph... fine. But please respect me even a little, I'm a senior."

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"I have a reputation"

Reputation, my foot.

"I'll do my best."

He sighs and drives into the school gates once they finish inspecting the car. It's a huge school but there are not many students around.

"It's pretty empty for such a prestigious school."

"Well it has a really low acceptance rate and most students only come when they have classes"

That's cool.

We exit the car once it's parked and head straight for the admissions office.

"Hey, Rebecca! How are you doing?"

Ace greets the lady behind the desk.

"Ace! Welcome back. And who is your friend?"

She asks and turns to face me.

"This is my sister Sarah, the dancer, I told you about her. She just got accepted. Actually, she got accepted during her freshman year but only now decided to join."

"Wow...not many people turn down a spot at CrystBrook. I figured it was the new dance program we started, you know... since you're a dancer and all."

Dance program? CrystBrook doesn't have a dance program.

"What dance program?"

I ask

"The one we applied for."
A familiar voice replies. I turn to see Oscar along with Hope, Eliana, Ryan, Ezra, Mike, Zaccai, and even Dez.

"I didn't apply for the dance program, I got in freshman year too but didn't come because you didn't."

Dez explains. So he also lied about not getting in. I wonder if Erica got in too? Nah, she would've told us she got in but won't go because she 'loves us' or something.

"You guys are all in CrystBrook uniform."

I point out. Before any of them can explain what in the heck is happening, SAMUEL FREAKING KROV steps in.

"Yup. I know most of the board members and convinced them to start a dance course. They were mostly convinced by your dance videos, especially your duet with Oscar. They wanted me to run it but I have my own studio to run, but I got an amazing coach for you guys."


"Hear that Sarah... amazing coach"

Mrs Barlowe brags

"Mrs Barlowe?"

"Did you not notice me standing here the whole time?"

"You were standing here the whole time?"

Everyone laughs but I really didn't see her. Maybe that's why they're laughing.

"I guess you all know each other."

The school bell rings and students start walking up and down the hallway,

"Hey, Ace..."

A group of girls intone in unison

"Hey girls."

He waves and they all giggle. Is this the reputation he meant? Is my sweet, innocent brother a player?

"You can show them around, right Ace?"

"Sure, no problem. It's my job as council president."

Ace leads us into the hallway where we hear a different girl greeting Ace flirtatiously every two seconds.


A voice cries from across the hall.

"Oh no..."

Ace lets out before bracing himself for something. A tall, well-built, long-haired dude crashes into him.


The boy hails.

"Hey, Derek. Guys... this is Derek."

I've met Derek a few times. He's The captain of one of the sports teams and the sports rep on the student council. He is also Ace's best friend.

"Sarah, looking good in that uniform."

He also hits on me every chance he gets. Before I can shut him down, as usual, I am shielded by a wall of Zac, Eli, and Oscar, and Ace glares at him.

"Jeez.... So you refuse to date me but you got yourself three boyfriends?"

No... he is not a bad guy. He doesn't really like me, he's just a flirt.

"I have only one boyfriend."

I correct, pushing past the wall of boys.

"And that's me."

Zac finishes then wraps his hand around me.

"No need to be jealous, Derek is harmless."

I assure.

"Harmless isn't the word I'd use."

Ace has a point. Derek has never been in a relationship for more than a week but he has never not been in a relationship. But somehow, non of his exes hate him.

"Hey, I can't help it if I'm irresistible."

"Yeah, I'm kind of jealous. How do you get so many girls to like you? I'm always stuck in the friendzone."

We all stare at Ace in shock. Is he kidding or does he genuinely not know that every single girl we have walked past flirted with him?

"Dude... Lola literally confessed her feelings for you before the summer break."

"What?! No... all she said was she would miss me and that she'd be thinking of me and that she hoped I felt the same way."

So... he is oblivious.

"And what did you say?"

I ask reluctantly

"I said, of course, I felt the same way, she's my friend after all."


"Let's just continue with the tour..."

It's better this way, Ace would feel horrible if he thought for a second he hurt anyone.

"Wow.. all of you are here?"

A woman's voice announces as we walk down the hallway.

"Nurse Daisy? You're here too?!"

I exclaim.

"Yeah, I applied for a job here a while back and I finally got it, but what are you guys doing here?"

"We all transferred here?"

Ryan explains

"That's great! I can see you're looking a lot better Sarah."

"Well, I can't really be miserable with this band of clowns surrounding me all the time."

I say bluntly. There is a short silence before Ezra speaks.

"Did she... Did she just say something nice?"

"Was it nice though? I can't tell"

Ryan questions

"It was something nice! Sarah, are you feeling okay?"

Ace adds, sounding worried.

I roll my eyes and keep walking.

"Interpret it however you want to, I'm going to check out the dance studio."

"You don't even know where it is!"

Ace yells. I just point at the giant map on the notice board that highlights the directions to every part of the giant school.


They all start trying to catch up.

"Wait for us!"

They yell in unison and Nurse Daisy chuckles. With friends like these, who could hate the world? I mean they're so annoying, everyone else seems tolerable by comparison. But I guess they're not so bad

This is my life now I guess. I didn't want to come here because I thought it'd be a pain to join a new school with no one familiar. But now I have my whole dance crew, my best friend and my boyfriend. Not to mention my big brother. On top of everything, I am going to be learning with Samuel Krov at his studio after school and Mrs Barlowe is still my dance instructor. And my favourite nurse works here too. It would be cool if Flora worked here but she got a major movie deal thanks to Mrs. Krov.

Oh! How could I forget the best part! The case we filed against Erica was ruled in our favour. Her parents tried bribing the judge and he just exposed them for it. Erica got six months in juvie and six months of community service. It would have been 3 months of community service if she hadn't threatened me in front of the judge after being found guilty of inciting a crime. Oh well. Her parents were sent to jail as well for bribing a judge so their reputation was ruined after all. Ironically, I'm sad all this happened to her. I still don't believe she was always like this, I think that she changed at some point. That means at some point she really was my best friend, and somewhere inside the cold rotten flesh, my best friend still exists. But she made her choices. I hope she changes and finds new, real friends as I have.

This is the end of this story. Of course, there are plenty more adventures to come but for now... let's just leave it at, we lived happily ever after.

See yah. 

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