
By seventhirty3pm

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Limelight parts 1,2, will all be included in this book. Part 3 will be separate. All her life Delilah Smith... More

Dear Reader
The Bronx
The Limelight
My Crème De La Crème
Whip Appeal
Breaking News
People Make The World Go Round
The Joneses' Boy
Addition To Part One Cast
Adventures In The Bronx
The Show
The Papers, The Beginning
Daddy's Word
Exhibit A. Coming Out
There But For The Grace Of God Go I
Arosing Conflicts
When Fate Calls
Road To Glory
Road To Glory Part 2
Next Big Thing
The Bad, The Ugly
Brewing Plans
A Different Route
Killa's Kill
Something Like Resolutions
California Dreaming
Solo Jackson
With Ruin Comes Hope
The Closer We Get
With Hope Comes Ruin
A Night To Remember
There's A Candle For The Darkness
Pleasure & Pain
Portrait Of Havoc
Shades Of Gray
Voyage To Hollywood
Dear Reader
Legally Misguided
Talking Business
Chasing Inspiration
The Start Of The Beginning
He's The Greatest Dancer
Lights, Camera, Action
Time Is Of The Essence
Hollywood Swinging
Boogie Oogie Oogie
The Thrill Of It All
Addition To Part Two Cast
There's A Key For Locked Doors
'Tis The Season
Business Vs Pleasure
Never Can Say Goodbye
Time Waits For No One
Life In Oz
Bees, Buzz, And Honey
City Of Angels, Land Of Demons
Upside Down

All Is Fair In Love And War

147 6 3
By seventhirty3pm

The camera blurred with a twinkle effect while slowly focusing on them as the song started, Delilah smiling as she sang her falsetto and looked to Jackie who kissed her hand.

" All my love is all I have."

" And my dreams are very special."

" All my life I looked for you."

" And today my dreams come true."

" You need me and I need you."

" Love and us is very special."

" Things you seem to do divine."

" You looked straight into my eyes."

" I know our love was meant to be."

" 'Cause our souls touched tenderly."

" Love is life and life is living, it's very special."

Michael's head remained cocked to the side and his hands interlocked on his lap.

He kept telling himself in his head that they were merely marketing the music.

It was a love ballad and they had to sell the chemistry right? He was less tense with that thought.

No matter them holding hands, smiling, and looking into each other eyes, they seemed to be getting closer and closer the more they sang.

But Michael digressed and stayed calm. It's just for show, it's just for show.

" Hold my hand and take my life."

" Through these days adventure rules."

" Once my love was truly great."

" Then my life was sewed together."

" A change in life can bring good things."

" When you're here, love so supreme."

" Close to you, our lips should meet."

" To remember days so sweet."

" I need you and you need me, very special.
Our love is joyous, yeah, we can make it."

Robert turned to face Michael, who had been silently huffing and puffing for some time. " You awfully silent over there everything okay?"

Michael gave a hard nod to his question. " Of course why wouldn't I be? I just ... never really got the chance to listen to the song. It's a great song but hell it sounds more like her song than his."

" That's because it was meant to be on her album but they figured since she had multiple hits they could put it on his since his deadline was coming up and his album wasn't done yet. They didn't have time to change it so they left it as is."

Michael snorted at the fact. " Borrowing hits but claiming to be the best male artist on the label, okay."

" Am I sensing animosity?" Robert egged on. " I mean you obviously know that's not true so why does that bother you. Or is it because of how much he's flirting with Delilah right now?"

Michael poked his tongue into his cheek.

" I'm just saying. You just did the same thing with Diana-"

" That was just for show just like this is."

" You sure about that?"

Michael turned to Robert with squinted eyes. " The hell does that supposed to mean?"

" Look I'm not even trying to be like that. I'm just saying you didn't talk to her about it so don't just assume that she was okay with you flirting with Diana like that when you're not even ok with this."

" Who says I'm not ok with this? I know how the industry works they have to make things sell."

Robert's expression went blank. " Whatever you say man–"

" It's not like I was expecting Diana to say that."

Robert chuckled." Really? She was doing shit like that all the time for the past five months and like those nights at Studio Fifty-four you were just soaking it up."

" That's how we've always been, you don't understand." Michael brushed him off.

" Seriously? You had the biggest crush on her you even said you thought you were in love with her."

" C'mon I was a kid I didn't know what love was I barely even know what it is now."

Robert put his hands up in surrender. " Alright whatever you say Michael just remember all is fair in love and w–" he trailed off as he looked ahead at the television. " War."

Michael turned around stunned to see Jackie holding Delilah's waist as their lips pressed together.

You would think that brown couldn't turn red but the way Michael heated up made hell seem cool.

It happened so fast Delilah could barely process what was happening as she pushed away. The crowd went bananas as the cameras panned across them.

She wiped her lips harshly as she stared at Jackie, who was taken aback, especially after she fled the stage, prompting Ocean and Valentina to follow suit.

" What the hell Dede." Ocean screeched.

" I didn't know he was gonna do that. Why did he do that!"

" So y'all not bouta tell me what the fuck is going on because you just kissed that man on live tv!" Valentina crossed her arms and looked between the two of them.

Delilah scoffed and dropped her arms to her sides. " Are you blind? He kissed me!" she cried putting her head down on her vanity.

Ocean pinched the bridge of her nose and turned to Valentina." Okay okay, so we was watching Michael's performance with Diana Ross and next thing you know she started flirting with Michael. I mean how can she watch someone grow up from a kid then turn around and call them sexy, and you wanna know what this nigga said to that? "

" He called that old heffa sexy." Delilah's head popped up. " Then he had the nerve to ask the crowd if they agreed. And it's not just that it was the way he was looking at her. I know that look."

Valentina shook her head. " Damn and he spent five months with her cougar ass in New York too." her statement made Delilah's jaw clench. Looking at herself in the mirror as her mind wondered. That underlined fear resurfacing that she tried to brush off many nights Michael didn't answer the phone snuck up on her.

Her nose flared out at the thought." That's exactly why I was acting the way I was out there giving him a taste of his bullshit."

" Fuck but kissing him Lilah, I don't think that was a good choice."

Delilah slammed her hands on the vanity." Oh my fucking God -" she paused trying her hardest not to lose it. Delilah took a deep breath. " Tina for the last fucking time I didn't know he was gonna kiss me okay, I didn't fucking know."

" And hundreds of thousands seen that shit too," Ocean said to herself louder than she intended.

" Yeah, thanks for pointing that out that's really helping my mental right now." Delilah grabbed her things and headed for the door until four knocks sounded.

They all looked at each other as if it was such a bizarre thing for someone to be knocking on the door.

Delilah opened the door just as Jackie was about to knock again. He had a pitiful look on his face to show his regret. " Let's talk for a minute."

" Seriously Michael what you gonna do huh? Storm the show? "

" That's exactly what the fuck I'm gonna do! " Michael tried to push pass Robert but he wouldn't budge. " Move out of my way man."

Five months he had been gone and he never expected this. He began to think he should've known with them singing a love ballad.

" Get a hold of yourself kid, you know how crazy that sounds? Picture it ' Michael Jackson storms the Sunny-Side show' as your friend and especially as your manager I can't let you go and do that. You forget that you and Delilah being together is not disclosed to the public? He didn't know you two were together."

" He probably would've still done it."

" Probably, seriously? Look you're not going anywhere but to Stevie's studio session because you promised to sing backup for the record. You and Delilah can talk this out later in private." Robert softened his grip on Michael's arm causing him to yank away.

Michael didn't say another word he walked towards the vanity forcefully swiping everything off of it. Glass shattering and liquids spilling from the different hair products.

Robert's head went back as he thought to himself just what he had gotten himself into.  To be young, talented, and in love in this industry was a sure-fire way towards disaster.

" So you got a man huh?" Jackie leaned against the door.

Delilah blew air from her mouth as she looked upward before looking at him." Yeah I do."

" I figured by the way you wiped my kiss then ran off. Ouch that's a first." he snickered only for her to roll her eyes. Her hands itching to slap the smile off of his face.

" Do you even know what you've just done. Like really? You kissed me on tv and who knows how many were watching."

" I fucked up. I must've miss read the situation those eyes and that voice is a killer combo girl." he tried to lighten the mood but of course, she wasn't budging.

"I don't find shit funny about this. Do you know how hard it's gonna be to deny this shit?"

He cleared his throat. " I was wrong for that. I apologize. I kinda don't think things through in the moment."

" Kinda?" she scoffed.

Jackie cocked his head to the side." Ok wait, but none of that was scripted so what was up with all that hot talk, huh?"

Tucking her lips in she thought of an excuse since she was too embarrassed to say the real reason for her actions." I - I was just putting on a show but still that gave you no reason to kiss me."

He smacked his teeth." Look I really am sorry."

" Back on set in ten." the heavy voice boomed through the megaphone.

They looked at each other and sighed heavily knowing the mess they made would be a hard one to sway away.

" I'll think of a way to fix this."

" You betta." she bumped past him to enter her dressing room for a quick touchup.


Curtis had realized that he was lost a long time ago way before Alyssa's death, way before Dorthy's arrest, even before the Three Sixty.

His childhood left him with no value for his future however even then he didn't see himself as a drunk miserable man in L.A.

Delilah didn't know what he was hiding he called her a few times and only had a quick call from her who didn't sound too pleased to hear from him.

Quite frankly she wasn't- he disappeared without a word leaving her behind and now he called out of the blue and intoxicated.

The guilt made him want to stay away.

He felt like he was a rotten fruit in the basket so he removed himself to avoid rotting the rest.

Even after Chanel dropped him off at home he came right back out and drunk himself until he passed out.

He had been wasting his days like this now. He'd pass out somewhere and wake up to see the morning sky in that place's alleyway after the owner would kick him out.

Curtis thought he hit rock bottom before but this was truly it. He didn't care to live knowing that the only thing he wanted to live for was to protect his family and he couldn't do it. He became the most feared gang leader in the Bronx, shedded so much blood and still, he couldn't keep them safe.

" Aye man you gotta get up I got a job to do." the buff trash-man shook his shoulder after tapping him several times for he was slumped over in front of the dumpster. " You gotta get up or I'll have to call the police."

" Five-o? M-man I ain't fuckin' w-wit nob-b-ody." he slurred and waved the trash-man off.

The trash man cursed under his breath and with a huff, hemmed Curtis against the brick wall. " Look it's been a long ass day you better get your ass on somewhere."

" Fuck you, you smell like trash anyway."

" And nigga you smell like ass and liquor you drunk motherfucka you." the man went on as Curtis stumbled off with a beer bottle still in his hand.

He had two dollars left of the ten that Chanel gave him which was just enough for a short cab ride.

Walking with two grocery bags in her hands Man Killa headed towards the apartment that she lived in for two months now. Going out of the house to do something as easy and mundane as grocery shopping felt good, she felt normal.

She couldn't recall the last time she went grocery shopping because the food was always delivered in the same truck as their supply, and since she was out here, she relied on restaurants and fast food.

" You are just so gorgeous young lady." a black elderly woman told her as she noticed they both were headed towards the apartment steps.

" Thank you." a soft genuine smile graced Man Killa's face

" You must be getting ready to cook, your husband is a lucky man."

" Um- I." Man Killa struggled to get any words out. " I'm not marr-" she stopped talking as obnoxious laughter came from behind her followed by a hand gripping her shoulder.

She immediately dropped one of the bags and twisted the man's hand so hard that he flipped over onto the ground by her feet. 

" Aw shit." he groaned and her face softened once she realized who it was.

" Curtis?" Man Killa looked from him to the elderly lady who scurried inside the building.

With rolling eyes, Man Killa's head went back before helping him up. " What the hell is wrong with you? "

" Me? W-what's wrong with you flipping a nigga."  he struggled to stay up so he held on to the railing behind him.

" You're drunk." she shook her head while picking up the few groceries that fell from her bag. He tried to help her but ended up falling over so to play it off he sighed and sat down on the steps.

" I'm fine."

" You look like shit I barely recognized you. I've been calling you every day multiple times and you haven't answered not one. Now you showing up to my place drunk at twelve in the afternoon." she looked around and let out a hard huff once she noticed him nodding off.

" Aye." she placed her bags down and began snapping her fingers at him." Aye, get the fuck up you not bouta sleep right here- this uppity ass neighborhood." she grabbed his hands and forced his arm around her shoulder.

" I'm sorry." he mumbled weakly." I'm fucked up out here Killa I am."

" It's okay come on let's get you inside," she said as he continued his mumbling.

She dropped him on her couch and let out another huff while she sat her bags down on the coffee table. By the time she put her groceries up, Curtis was asleep so she let him be but as she sat down on the seat by the couch she looked at him.

She once viewed him as an untouchable force yet no matter how much of a force you were it was nothing compared to the force that life was itself.

One decision can change your life forever, one blink and you can be dead, all it takes is a second. She wondered if she too would give up because she too was one lost away from insanity.


Cobra and Sane stopped in their tracks in the center of Dezzel's large two-way grand staircase.

Taking his cigar from his mouth Cobra frowned as they heard the faint sound of music playing from upstairs.

The closer they got Leon Haywood's I Wanna Do Something Freaky To You became louder and clearer as well ass giggles and moans.

Dezzel's doubled doors to his master bedroom was wide open, displaying him sprawled on his massive bed while two of his naked white girls kissed and played with each other while another gave him a blowjob.

Dezzel couldn't feel a thing since he was so high. His whole attention was focused on balancing the silver platter on the girl's bobbing head so he could fix him another line to snort.

" What the fuck!" Sane blurted causing Dezzel to look up at them after snorting his third line.

" This nigga here." Cobra shook his head while Dezzel dismissed the girls.

" Man put that shit up." Sane shielded his eyes as Dezzel put on his robe.

" I knew his ass was fucking all them white bitches he got working naked in this bitch." Sane shook his head.

" You niggas came into my palace I can do as I please. What do you motherfuckers want man?"

" You so high you forgot I just came from New York to do what Madear ordered?" Sane cocked his head to the side.

Dezzel sat on the edge of his bed, pinched his nose, and let out a big breath.

" You seem stressed how was vacation?"  Cobra put his cigar out in an ashtray nearby.

" That shit wasn't no damn vacation more like a trap. See- see ... see this what I don't understand I told her soon as I got the opportunity to take Limelight Records that I was done with the business. Done! and she agreed and let me go, now she not only wants me but the label that I worked so hard on to be in the mix too." 

" Damn man." Sane shook his head while a snicker came from Cobra.

They both looked at him. " I'm sorry something comedic about this nigga?"

" Yeah honestly, how you gonna ask your owner for freedom, and when they allow you key-word allow - you to be free you actually think you free. She still owns you motherfucker she can take that away from you with a snap of her finger. I mean it is her money that made it possible."

If  Dezzel wasn't so high he would've been right in Cobra's face but even then he knew that Cobra was right.

" Fuck that don't nobody own me, shit, especially now. I put in the fucking work, I got the hottest artists signed, and I went out and bought this fucking mansion with the money I made."

" You right but you ain't show her that yet."

" Look around she can see that shit now."

" But at the end of the day, she knows that it was her money that started it." Cobra continued.

Dezzel leaned forward with a clenched jaw. " With the money, I'm making now, I can drop that shit on her. Times.Two," he forcefully clapped his hands as he said the last two words.

" Then do it." Cobra cuffed his hands and stared directly into Dezzels blazing eyes.

" It's already being done nigga."

Sane chuckled. " This slave tryna buy his freedom. What makes you think she's gonna just take the money and go?"

The question left Dezzel silent causing Cobra to smile at the desperateness in his eyes.

Cobras plot to sit on madear's throne was unfolding under his eyes. He may not need Man Killa nor Malik to do his dirty work but for now he'll keep them in his back pocket just in case.



The hardest part about having responsibilities is that no matter what mood you're in you still have to follow through.

A promise is a promise and I promised Stevie that I would sing backup vocals for his new version of All I Do so after changing into something more comfortable I forced myself to come here.

It was a nice building, Westlake Recording Studios was the name not as popular as LLR's which I liked because that meant fewer people.

As I was reaching for the knob the door opened and I was face to face with Betty Wright who gasped at the sight of me.

" Michael! I know this not my little Michael, boy look at you!" She screeched and gave me one of those tight hugs that crush you but strangely in a good way. " Ain't you as handsome as can be."

I felt my face heat up as she gave my chin a soft pinch." Oh, thank you. How have you been Bessie?" I asked referring to her by her birth name.

" I've been as good as I can be, I've been hearing you all over the radios I'm proud of you."

" I can say the same bout you. This Time For Real is a great album and I saw that Dance With Me reached number eight on the Hot one-hundred and it's still on the chart."

Betty let out a small laugh." I see you still watch the charts like a hawk Mr. Number One." she poked me and I smiled widely.

" And I heard you've been filming a movie look at you."

" Yeah Diana helped me land the role I was in New York for five months now we're filming here to wrap things up."

" Well I can't wait till it hits the theaters I'll be there at the premiere with my own damn popcorn." We shared a laugh as I entered the room sighing when it ended.

" So how has Rebbie been?"

" Um she's been good you know she just had another daughter January last year, Yashi Brown." I smiled as I thought about how I couldn't wait to see them again.

" Awn wow so her and Nat still going on strong high school sweethearts." she cooed earning a slight chuckle from me.

Betty twisted her lips to seemingly stop herself from smiling. " So Tito still with that Dee Dee?"

I let out a much-needed howling laugh at her question. " I should've known you were gonna to ask that you a trip man."

" What? You know I was gonna be your sister-in-law before she snatched him up right?"

" You know she's pregnant with their third child right?" I smirked with a lifted brow as she immediately rolled her eyes.

" You Jacksons love popping out babies. You don't have any on the way do you?"

My eyes nearly popped out of my head. " No no no, I have five nieces and five nephews and who knows how many more on the way that's enough for now."

" That's good you're young, you and that girl can wait for a while."

" Um pardon- that girl?" I stood confused there was no way she could possibly know.

" I'm not stupid you're a good-looking young man and the look on your face just gave it away." she teasingly poked me and usually I'd be smiling but the only thing that came to mind about Delilah was her and Jackie Lee's lips pressed together.

" Waters?" a woman suddenly came to the door with a tray of water bottles taking me away from my thoughts.

" Ou just in time I was just about to get some." Betty grabbed two of them and handed one to me before music began play as Stevie stood in the booth listening over the track.

On the couch to my surprise was Eddie Levert, the lead singer from The O'jays, and Jamil Raheem talking amongst themselves until they saw us approaching them.

" Mike! What's up man." Eddie patted my back as we hugged.

Jamil firmly shook my hand with a smile. " Man, It's nice you meet you."

" Yes like wise, like wise." I smiled as we all entered the booth.

" Did I hear y'all say Michael?"

" Yes as promised." I embraced Stevie laughing at his excitement.

" I'm surprised you actually came I was kinda joking when I asked because I know you're a busy man."

" Awe come on have some faith in your cousin." we laughed shortly before we were being called to pose for a picture by Stevie's manager Keith.

As soon as the camera took the photo my eyes blinked from the flash. Think I'd be used to it by now but I wasn't. I still wasn't used to a lot of things when it came to the business. Having to show up when sick, tired, mad or sad. Hell I felt it all as of now.

I barely ate today and I was running on about four hours of sleep. That on top of the events that took place today left me completely drained.

" Michael are ya ready?" Eddie asked in a concerned tone.

I turned around to see everyone's eyes on me. Quickly I got myself in position next to Betty realizing that I zoned off again, something I've been doing all day.

Putting the headphones up to my right ear I closed my eyes and tuned into the melody soon to hear Stevie's great voice gliding through the music.

" You made my soul a burning fire.You're getting to be my one desire. You're getting to be all that matters to me, and let me tell you girl. I hope and pray each day I live. A little more love I'll have to give. A little more love that's devoted and true 'cause all I do is think about you."

" All I do is think about you." We sang together. " All I do is think about you. Ouuu ouuuu." Placing the headphones on my head I let the music speak to me. The irony of thinking about someone so much.

All my mind wondered to was Delilah.

Love was a strange thing how could you want to be with someone but also not want to see their face all at once.

" All I do is think about you ou ou." I sang and it fueled my thoughts about her. The more I didn't want to the more I saw her in my mind, to see her then to see them kissing.

It drove me fucking crazy. It lit my entire body on fire from the inside out.

" I'm gonna tell you girl if I cannot have you for my own. I'd rather be lonely and all alone. I'd rather keep thinking the way that I do cause all I do is think about you."


Clapping as they all exited the booth Michael smiled as he gave Stevie a side hug.

" Gosh that was fun man." Michael said in his most convincing tone as everyone was getting their things together.

" What singing backup for the first time?" Stevie joked causing Michael to gently punch his arm.

" Hey." Michael giggled sitting on the arm of the couch closest to the door that soon opened.

Entered a dark-skinned hefty man with a thick mustache." Now y'all know time is money and y'all are officially one minute over time." he laughed as he greeted everyone with dabs or hugs.

" Michael Jackson what an honor." he shook his hand firmly." My name is Donte Young I manage my step-daughter the talented and beautiful-" his words seemed to have faded into nothing as she entered the room.

She was looking down into her purse but once she looked up the first thing her eyes latched to were his, both her and Michael now tensing up the same.

For years they've managed not to bump paths and quite honestly she had become a closed memory in his mind and he lingered in hers from time to time. They stared at one another in pure shock until that shock changed into something else in remembrance of the feelings they once shared.

Neither of them knew what that something else was but it was there. All of those memories of her hit him like a tidal wave.

" Everyone this is Treasure." Donte introduced her to everyone.

" Aiden?" Michael unknowingly said loud enough for everyone to hear.

Treasure shook out of her thoughts and cleared her throat. " Michael."

The room stood still and silence was as loud as their thoughts until Michael forced words from his mouth. " It's been what like uh five years-"

" Four years actually." she returned the same forced smile inviting silence between them again.

Most of them shared a similar side eye while Stevie scratched his head at the awkwardness.

" Hold on, so you two know each other?" Donte stepped to the side and looked at her with shocked eyes.

Treasure looked to Donte then Michael. " Um yeah, back in the Bronx we grew up together until the move to Atlanta."

Michael tucked his lips together and nodded. "  Yeah," he mumbled as they looked at each other once more.

Since it was time for them to use the studio everyone began to leave. Michael was the last one walking behind Stevie to make sure he knew which way to go. He secretly wished that he didn't let them leave out before him because he surely wanted to dart out of the door.

Yet something in him still had forced him to take his time leaving.

" Michael." her voice called out for him and her hand touched his shoulder.

Michael knew where his heart stood and his love was unwavering no matter if he was lost in the old fantasy of Diana or face-to-face with his childhood lover and friend.

Yet right now his pride was stronger and struck once the thought of Jackie Lee's lips pressing against Delilah's replayed in his mind.

He turned to Treasure once Stevie assured him that he was well off walking on his own.

She was frozen for a few seconds to find the words to say. " I was wondering if we could catch up sometime. I feel like there's so much to tell each other and my you've changed so much since we last saw each other. I mean we were kids but wow."

While chuckling Michael folded his arms." I hope you mean that in a good way."

" You already know I do." she nudged him causing them to laugh, her hand landing on his chest.

Their laughter faded and he cleared his throat. " You changed a lot yourself."

" I hope you mean that in a good way." she mocked him with a grin.

" I mean it in the best." they both smiled. " And yes I would love to catch up."

" How about tomorrow then?"

"Oh" Michael paused at the suddenness," Sure."

" Sorry to interrupt Treasure but time is money darling," Donte said from behind her.

After rolling her eyes, Treasure reached into her purse and took out a notepad and pen." Here's the name of my hotel and the address. There's a restaurant inside that I've been dying to try."

After agreeing on a time, they parted ways. Michael initially considered declining as he went down the corridor, but his decision was driven by his curiosity about what she had been up to over the last four years.

He argued that it would be helpful for him to catch up with an old friend and that it would also help him forget about the events of earlier in the day but for now that would be the only thing tormenting his mind.


The flashes constantly blinded Delilah's eyes as she laid out on the yellow backdrop and posed for the camera wearing the final look of the evening. It was a remake of Eartha Kitt's stunning 1954 photoshoot by Philippe Halsman.

" Ok spread your fingers out a bit Sapphire, yes beautiful!" the overly passionate photographer ducked and dived to get the perfect angles of her. He was a small Hispanic man with blonde dyed hair and a crazy fashion sense.

She found herself holding back laughter a few times especially as Valentina mimicked him. Delilah could appreciate the comic relief from this drama-filled day because of yesterday's infamous kiss.

Overnight it had become the first thing to be typed up soon to be rushed out to several magazines. Papparizi relished in this content to run miles upon miles with for they were already following her around.

Her mind was in a whirlpool whenever she thought about Michael because she knew that he was watching when Jackie kissed her then there was another part of her thinking that he didn't care to watch since he was too busy in Diana's fucking face, blushing smiling and flirting.

Since that was the main reason she did that bullshit flirting act anyway to give him a taste of his own medicine.

Her thoughts stopped as the flash pierced her eyes again.

Once they were done the photographer complimented her on how she effortlessly got the job done.

Delilah's wig was removed from behind her by the set designers and her hand was taken to the room divider for her to change into her clothes.

Valentina came back to assist her still chuckling a bit at the photographer. " Yo, I'm starting to like lil papi chulo over there."

Delilah playfully rolled her eyes turning around so Valentina could unzip up the dress.

" Yo imagine if you could take this dress with you." Valentina smiled with a nod of excitement and approval at the way the dress hugged Delilah's body and flared out at the knees.

Once seeing that Delilah didn't share that same excitement Valentina rolled her eyes. " Look I know you still messed up about everything but c'mon you're about to be on another magazine cover girl, RollingStone. Carlitos said it's rare that someone so fresh gets on rolling stone, especially if you not white." Valentina tried to instill some positivity in her, but Delilah shook her head and looked at her reflection, realizing that the situation was far worse than she thought.

She could feel it in her gut that he was far more upset than she intended, how could some small and petty payback escalate into something much worse?

That's what happens when pride and ego lead the way.

" Sapphire, Sapphire! "  the paparazzi and press bombarded her and Valentina as they were escorted to their ride. " Sapphire, is it true that you and Jackie Lee are courting?"

" Was that kiss with Jackie Lee telling the world that you two are a couple?"

" Sapphire-"

" Sapphire-"



" Sapphire, are you and Jackie Lee really soon to be engaged?"

" What?" Delilah screeched as one of the guards covered her with his jacket before they finally entered the limo.

The crowd pressed so hard that Delilah toppled back in the seat. The feeling was completely different than rushing from a crowd of fans. She huffed and closed her eyes while all the absurd bogus questions and accusations stuck in her head.

" Mierda." Valentina ticked her teeth. " Those motherfuckers really need help. They almost knocked my head off."

Delilah shook her head." What the fuck am I gonna do Tina? You heard the questions they had who knows how far they bouta take this."

" Well you can always clear up what happened he definitely need to tell it and apologize in public."

" But what if they don't believe it-"

" Fuck what they believe, if you clear it up then it's just false rumors. Look." she turned to face her more. " You know Rob is not gonna let this get too out of hand and Michael- I know he somewhere pissed the fuck off right now."

Delilah's eyes narrowed at her.

" But... it's gonna blow over eventually, and honestly, you just need to talk to Michael ."

" I been trying he won't pick up."

" Maybe you're calling when he's not there."

" Or maybe he's somewhere smiling in Diana's fucking face."

" Dee, I was with you all night and all today and I only heard you call him once." Valentina gave a knowing glare forcing Delilah's eyes away from her.

" Ok but I wouldn't even have flirted like that if he wasn't gushing and blushing in her face. I mean what the fuck? Sexy? She literally watched him grow up. And then he had the nerve to sit there and not only say she was sexy but ask the damn crowd ugh." she lost her mind just thinking about it.

"Plus how was I supposed to know that Jackie's dumb, arrogant, selfish, stupid ass was gonna kiss me." Delilah went on and Valentina listened long enough until she couldn't take it anymore.

" Ok um, driver? What time it is?"

" Ugh, it is a quarter past five ma'am."

" Good that means Michael should be on set right?"

With rolling eyes, Delilah peered out of the window feeling that unpleasant knot in her stomach." Right."

L.A. traffic was the worst Michael checked his watch and sighed by the time he would get to the place it would be time to go back on set. There was a meeting Diana called for so he urged the driver to turn around whenever there was an opportunity.

Delilah and Valentina walked on set greeting back a few people who recognized them.

Although Delilah was mad at Michael she still felt a bit nervous about how mad he'd be.

Soon they spotted Nipsey Russel The Tin Man sitting in one of the seats drinking a bottle of water.

Delilah smiled a bit" Hey Nip."

" Oh hey miss lady." he turned as much as he could since he was still in costume. " I hope you're not looking for the Scarecrow he left about an hour ago, just me and ol lion over there. " he chuckled a bit.

Delilah's hands gripped her hips as she looked around. " Hm and ol Dorothy?"

" Oh she left around the same time he did but they should be back for the meeting."

A phony smile appeared on Delilah's face as her gaze briefly shifted to Valentina." Ok just do me a favor whenever he does come back, I'll be waiting for him in his trailer."

Around thirty minutes later Michael walked back on set dragging his feet along. He had gotten back earlier than he expected so that left him about another half hour until the meeting.

" Hey Mike." Nipsey called out. " You might wanna head to your trailer man." the smirk on his face made Michael's eyebrow rise.

Michael didn't rush to his trailer but he didn't take his time either. By the way Nipsey said it to him he couldn't expect anything although he should've already known.

He opened the door and felt a plethora of emotions building up and forming a power-ball in his chest when Delilah stood from the couch.

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