Back Another Round - BO4 Zomb...

By DemptofenLover

567 29 12

This happens where the Aether crew were poisoned. (Contains gay and straight smut/lemon content) The Ultimus... More

❗Authors Note and Credit❗
Through The Portals
The New Crew
Aether and Victus
βš”Memory Lane
Snap Back to Reality
An Unexpected Surprise
Flashing Back
A Million Thoughts In My Head
πŸ‹Just Havin' a Bit a Fun
A Familiar Friend
Flash to the Past
βš”Painful Places
βš”An Undead Day
βš”Fleeing the Compound
βš”Painful Homecoming
πŸ’›πŸ‹: Comforting Embrace
Surprises, Surprises, and A Drunk German
:Revelations: Part 1
:Revelations: Part 2
;Recovery and Discovery
A Family Reunion and Shrieking Marine
Dreams and Zombies
A Downhill Night
Splitting Up
Authors Note

Rest and Relaxation

8 1 0
By DemptofenLover

Ben's PoV

I watched Henry leave the room, trying my best not to laugh. I was surprised at how easily my friends had taken to the news of my marriage to Ari, and she now sat next to me, my arm possessively curled around her waist. Her head rested on my shoulder, the long red hair I adored so much flowing over my back. "I don't think I need to say it," I said, "but I'm gonna say it anyway. I love you, Ari. With all my heart." She cuddles up against me at this, and I open my eyes to see Aaron smirking at me and making a heart symbol.

"Oh bug off, Aaron..." I said playfully, "I wouldn't be surprised if Henry starts asking you why you haven't married him yet." Aaron frowned at this. "Well it isn't like I've had an opportunity or a ring." I laughed and showed him both our hands. "Aaron, I didn't have a ring," I explained. "The ceremony wasn't a traditional style one either, we just gathered everyone together outside, held hands, my father said a few words, and I kissed the woman I love." Ari and I both smiled at each other, then I brought her lips to mine for a few seconds. 

After we pulled apart again, I smirked at Aaron. "Pretty much like that, just not quite as long," I said cheekily. Aaron rolled his eyes, groaning. "Showoff," he muttered, to which Ari and I both laughed. My older sister Alex was rubbing her head, and my little sis Danielle was looking at Aaron funnily. It looked almost adoring. I was about to ask her about it when Dempsey got up and walked out of the room, following Henry and Richtofen. I figured he was going to apologize, so said nothing of it. I found a rag and started cleaning my revolvers, their silver-colored barrels soon shining, and once I had finished I turned my attention to my SMR. It had gotten bloody in battle, and the surface of the weapon was covered in scratch marks, paint worn and pitted from constant use. Nevertheless, it was a weapon, and an effective one at that. 

I could see Ari doing the same with her own weapon - an R870 shotgun and a TAC-45 - and smiled. I'd taught her about firearm maintenance from what I myself knew, and her shotgun had never failed her. I liked to think I'd had a part in that. Hopefully it never would either, because I hadn't seen many weapon outlines around to get new ones.

Later on, we were all winding down for the night. I'd volunteered to take first watch, but I'd been told no by Henry and the others - the same went for the rest of the Compound survivors. Nikolai had practically demanded we especially get some sleep after the trauma we'd been through, so after finding a place, Ari and I settled in to sleep. Wishing my wife goodnight, we closed our eyes and slowly fell asleep, safe in each other's arms.

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