Destiny Of the Butterfly Neck...

By NurainiSalleh

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Get ready for a juicy side story, a spinoff of the Aurora series! Meet Risa Yamamoto, the ultimate right-hand... More

Chapter 1 (Edited)
Chapter 2 (Edited)
Chapter 3 (Edited)
Chapter 4 (Edited)
Chapter 5 (Edited)
Chapter 6 (Edited)
Chapter 7 (Edited)
Chapter 8 (Edited)
Chapter 9 (Edited)
Chapter 10 (Edited)
Chapter 11 (Edited)
Chapter 12 (Edited)
Chapter 13 (Edited)
Chapter 14 (Edited)
Chapter 15 (Edited)
Chapter 16 (Edited)
Chapter 17 (Edited)
Chapter 18 (Edited)
Chapter 19 (Edited)
Chapter 21 (Edited)
Chapter 22 (Edited)
Chapter 23 (Edited)
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 20 (Edited)

32 3 7
By NurainiSalleh

Risa's POV

I looked inside the box that Brandon opened up in front of me and I was confused at first because it seemed like a box full of posters, DVDs, and other stuff too. There were a lot of things that were inside that box, it seems like it also has some random stationeries in there too.

I looked at the items in the box closely and then my eyes widened to see that it all had something in common. It's all merchandise from the movie and TV show that, Mayumi and Kyoko and I were in, Fi3rz Eleganz the show, the movie, and even some stuff from other shows that I was in as well.


"This script is quite interesting, I think this role seems like quite a good fit for me, the fictional character, I can relate to her quite well. Since I have some experience with this type of thing."

"What are you reading Risa?" Mayumi asked.

"Oh, Aiko is making a show and this is her first script draft. The show is quite interesting."

"Oh really? What is the show about?" Kyoko asked.

"It is about a group of girls who are friends and in the day, they are high school students and by night, they are spies"

"Oh, that sounds like an interesting show to watch," Kyoko commented.

"Yeah, it is, I like the script and Aiko asked me to audition for the lead role which is this girl who was raised in a family full of spies and she and 2 other girls started their spy team."

"Wow, we are so happy for you Risa!" Said Mayumi.

"Yeah, we are, you going to get a lead role in a show!" Said Kyoko.

"Thanks for saying that you two. You know, Aiko is still looking for the 2 other lead girls for this show. Do you think that you both might be interested in auditioning?"

Both Mayumi and Kyoko looked at each other, thinking about it. "Us?" asked both of them.

"Yeah, why not?"

"Well, sure, if you think we can do it." Said Mayumi.

"Well, I think you both could do it because, like me, you both have experience in this type of environment and you both did say you wanted to try acting."

"Well, yeah but becoming an actress, I don't know..." Said Kyoko.

"Well, if you both want to maybe consider it, what about if you both read the script first, if you both are interested in the role, I can go back home and since Aiko just came back from shooting on a movie in another state, I can ask her to set up an audition for the both of you," I said while giving them the script that I was holding just now.

They took the script that I gave them and began reading it, I could see they had different expressions on their faces, and I think they might be interested.

They then stopped reading and returned the script to me and I was waiting for their comments of what they thought about auditioning for the roles of the 2 other lead roles in the show.

"So, what do you think?" I asked them.

They looked at me with smiling faces and said, "We want to audition!" they exclaimed.

"Really?" I asked them and nodded at me.

"Yeah, the script seems interesting and so is the storyline. What is the show called?"

"Fi3rz Elganz" i said.

"Oh, that is quite an interesting show Title." Said Kyoko

"Yeah," Said Mayumi.

"So you both are going to audition for this show?" I asked and they nodded at me.

I smiled at them widely. "We are all going to be working together as colleagues!!! And I know we are going to work together in the White Tiger Gang but now we are going to work together as actresses too."

"Yeah!!!" They both cheered and exclaimed together as we all smiled happily thinking about how good it will be working together. I am so happy that we are going to work together on this show!!!


"Oh my goodness! Brandon!" I exclaimed while looking at him, I then started touching the items that were inside the box and took out a poster that was given to fans on the first premiere, and after the first season of Fi3rz Eleganz, we gave these to fans as a form appreciation for watching the show and continued to watch the show and series. 

While looking at the poster, I saw something on it, it was a Butterfly Stamp and also signatures. Then I realized that this is not a poster you find online or even in stores, this poster was a limited edition with all the main characters' signatures which are mine, Mayumi's, and Kyoko's. The Butterfly Stamp was a thing I did in some posters for the first few fans who bought them.

The reason why I did that was to give my appreciation to the first few buyers of our posters, and our other merchandise. I wanted to show my appreciation to the people who wanted to buy the show's merchandise. I only put a stamp and stitched some jacket merchandise for the first few buyers who got and bought them.

Eventually, Mayumi and Kyoko suggested since the jacket had my name stitched to it, they wanted to put their stitching on the 2nd and 3rd customers to show their appreciation and also have their stamp of a butterfly but in different colors and sign their names on it.

 I realized that all of these items in this box had that stamp or stitch on it meant that Brandon was one of our first buyers of our merchandise and Brandon had the stitching that had my signature and stitching on it.

I looked up at Brandon and I started tearing up and sobbing. I felt Brandon kneeling beside me and was hugging me and I hugged him back.

"I love you, Brandon," I said as I kept sobbing. 

"I love you too Risa," he said back to me and kissed my head.

It was emotional for me, just seeing all of these items he bought, I realized that he never forgot about me when he was dating Allie, he bought all of this limited edition stuff and it was when the show started getting popular.

"Brandon, you bought the group's merchandise? All of them?" I asked him still feeling happy and shocked at this discovery I found out about him.

He looked and smiled at me while he held the back of his neck. "Well, not all of them. When your show's fanbase went up the show became popular, it was getting harder for me to even try and buy your merchandise, especially the limited edition ones. I did try my best after work to buy it but it was harder especially when I started working in a new company when I started my internship, all the merchandise I bought was kept in the attic and I even put them in sealed bags so it won't be all dusty."

"Wow! I am just so happy that you were one of our first few fans." I then realized something I wanted to ask him. " Have you watched all the seasons of the show? Even the movie?"

I looked at him and he smiled and nodded and that made me start grinning. "Yes I did, and I am very proud of you and your show's accomplishments," he said as he looked happily at me.

"Thank you Brandon and thank you for being one of the show's first few fans, we appreciate it."

I then walked towards Brandon and hugged him again and he hugged me back. I am so glad that I married him, he was the man that I love and the show's first fan and I married him. I am so happy!

I then realized that Ryo and Vienna were still in the room and Brandon and I looked at them feeling kinda awkward and they could see it too.

"Oh, don't mind us, we're just kinda happy that you guys are happy that's all!" Vienna exclaimed.

"Yeah, and I am just happy to see you both get together again and now married, Brandon, you make my sister very happy and she has been smiling a lot lately. Which is good" Ryo said and I smiled at him and then l smiled at Brandon.

It was true, I have been smiling a lot lately and it was because I married the love of my life.

"Oh, speaking of your show, Risa?" I looked up at Brandon curiously.

"Yes?" I said.

"What is the name of that girl that was wearing those sneakers at our wedding, was it Mayumi or Kyoko, I remember it's either one of those girls, I was kinda nervous on our wedding day so I didn't see her face properly."

"Oh, that was Mayumi. Why do you ask?" I asked him curiously.

"Well, actually my brother kinda found her very cute when he saw her at the wedding and he remembered her wearing sneakers. He wanted me to ask you if she was single so he could maybe ask her out."

"Oh! Jaden likes Mayumi? I said smiling and grinning. "And yes, she is single, she was also married like me, a few years back but they also got divorced too, so my brother-in-law likes one of my best friends?" Brandon nodded back at me.

"Hey Risa, do you know what that means? If Jaden and Mayumi get married, you and Mayumi would be sister-in-law"

"That would be amazing" I exclaimed and I looked back at Brandon excitedly. " You think we should set them up and we can all go on a double date?" I asked Brandon.

"I-I don't know about that Risa, I don't think my brother would like to go on a double date with his new potential girlfriend with his brother and sister-in-law."

"Why not? Ryo and Vienna had a double date with my ex-husband before when I was still married to him. At first, we thought that it was weird but it was fun. We just talk and have dinner, we get to have fun conversations. plus, Mayumi's my friend, and it would be less weird if a friend were there during the date it wouldn't be awkward and it wouldn't feel like they have a third wheel if you come since you are his brother and I am your wife."

"Okay, you have got a point there. Okay, I'll ask Jaden if he is okay to double date."

"And I'll ask Mayumi if she would be interested in going on a date with Jaden and having a double date with us." 

"That seems like a good idea."

"Yes, it does." I agreed and then started thinking. "Hmm, Mayumi Johnson, seems like a nice ring to it."

"Woah Risa, slow down, they haven't even gone on a date yet and you are already thinking about her getting married?" Brandon chuckled.

"Well, I am just excited for her to be my sister-in-law. I thought the same way about Vienna too. Right, Vienna?" I asked Viena while facing her.

"Yeah, she did." she nodded. "She was shocked at first, but she liked the idea of me being her sister-in-law"

We then heard the phone ringing and it turned out that it was Brandon's phone, he took his phone out of his pocket. "Oh, it's my mom." he then picked up the call.

Brandon's POV

I heard my phone ring, so I took it out of my pocket and saw that it was my mom calling me. "Oh, it's my mom," I said as I looked at them and picked up my phone, I saw Vienna and Ryo looking through the box and Risa walking closer to me as I answered the phone call.

"Hi, mom."

"Hi Brandon, my sweet little boy how are you?"

"I'm fine and how about you and Dad?"

"We're fine too but we are kinda trying to get used to you not living with us now."

I then felt Risa tapping on my shoulder and I faced her. "Brandon, can I say something to your mom?"

"Sure," I said to her. "Mom, Risa wanted to say something to you." I gave her my phone but she just held my hand while I was still holding the phone and then she did something cute.

"Hi, mommy-in-law!!! And say hi to daddy-in-law for me!!!" she said and then she gave me back my phone which I was still holding. I started to chuckle as I raised my hand to talk to Mom and I could also hear her chuckling too.

"Will do sweetheart" she said and Risa heard it too and smiled.

"Hi again Mom," I said still chuckling.

"Brandon, your wife is cute and funny."

"Yes, she is."

"Oh and also I wanted to tell you that the event would be in the next few months but I need to run by your father the exact date, I will text you the details, but would you be available the next few months?

"Yeah, maybe I can go to that event," I said 

"And what about Risa? Is she going to be available to attend the event? Is she going to be busy the next few months?" asked Mom.

"Let me ask her, what about if I just put you on loudspeaker, okay Mom?" I said.

"Oh okay, Brandon."

I put the phone on loudspeaker and put it closer to Risa who was beside me. "Risa, Mom want to ask you if you are available in the next few months for the gang's event. She asks if you are busy?"

"No, I am not busy the next few months I'm taking an off day and we are not going to travel anytime soon. So yeah, I'm available to attend the event in the next few months?"

"That's wonderful! So the event is formal and I'll text the details to Brandon. Well, you guys have a wonderful evening, don't have too much fun." Mom said and I even heard her chuckle when she said that.

"Bye Mom"

"Bye Mommy-in-law!"

"Bye Brandon, Bye Risa," she said as she hung up the phone.

"Brandon?" Risa called me and I looked at her as she had a worried look on her face.

"Yes, Risa?"

"Will your dad like me?" she asked me

"What? Why wouldn't he?"

"I know your mom says he wants to meet me but he doesn't know me and what if he doesn't like me?"

I walked towards her and held one of her shoulders to calm her down and then I slowly held her cheek and lifted her head slightly so she could face me.

"Risa, please don't worry, both my parents wanted to give us their wedding rings to wear because they supported our choice for us to get married, if he doesn't like you, why would he agree to give us his ring? You already know my mom likes you, I think my dad would like you too."

She sighed while looking down at her feet and then looked up at me smiling. "Okay Brandon," she said while she walked towards me for a hug and I hugged her back.

"Aww!!! You guys are so sweet!!! It's like I'm watching a romance movie in front of me." said Vienna and we looked at her and Ryo smiling and grinning at each other.

We then heard babies crying from the nursery. "Oh no, the kids are crying but I just fed them. C'mon Ryo, I think they might need changing again."

"Okay, I'll get the diapers just in case."

"Good idea."

Then both Ryo and Vienna quickly walk towards the babies' nursery to tend to their crying babies.

Looking at them tending to their little bundles of joy makes me want one of our own, a baby of our own for us to love and take care of would be so wonderful. But I know it would be kinda early for me to mention a baby now, Risa was kinda of emotional when she told me the story of when she lost her baby, and also even looking at Ryo and Vienna taking care of their babies kinda made her feel happy and sad at the same time, happy that they have beautiful children of their own but also sad that she wouldn't be able to conceive a child with me. 

I know whatever I say to her won't make her feel any better but at least I can be a listening ear when she needs it. I love Risa, she is my best friend and I will try my best to strengthen our relationship and figure out a way to love her as I want to love her and also to love her in a way she deserves to be loved.

Aiko's POV

"Aiko, just call Risa and tell her that you want to do a medical examination on Brandon and also tell her what you told me, James and Toni."

"I know I should but how am I supposed to tell her that the necklace and the ring that should have sparked between them didn't spark when they got married or even that the necklace and ring that I gave her and Brandon were a bonding necklace and ring?

"You have to tell her about the necklace and ring, you need to tell her that because I know that you always treated Risa as your sister and she has to know about this Aiko, it's her marriage to the man she loves we are talking about, you have to tell her."

"You are right, I'll call her and ask if I can come to their house tomorrow to do the examination and then I'll tell her about the necklace and what I know about it."

I took out my phone from my pocket and searched for Risa's name in my contact list and when I found it, I pressed it and press the call button. I brought the phone next to my ear and heard it ringing, then it stopped ringing and I heard a voice, it was Risa's.

"Hello, Aiko?"

"Hi Risa, how are you?"

"I'm fine, is there something wrong?"

"No, nothing is wrong? Why would you think anything is wrong?" I asked nervously.

"Well, you usually just text me on message or Whatsapp, so that is kinda why I asked. So what's up?"

"Well, I kinda want to ask you something."

"Oh okay, what do you want to ask?"

"Is it okay if I come by tomorrow?"

"Sure, you can come by tomorrow" 

"Oh, thank you Risa and would Brandon be there tomorrow?"

"Well actually, he would be at work tomorrow since the wedding was kinda sudden so he didn't ask for an off day for our honeymoon. Why do you ask?"

"Oh right, your honeymoon..."

"Yeah and speaking of you coming by tomorrow, do you mean at the apartment or the hotel?"

"I think the hotel would be fine since you guys are staying there, i kinda forgot for a moment that you guys were staying at a hotel for your honeymoon."

"It's fine, sure you can come by, I'll text you the address and our room floor and number."

"Do you mind if we can go to the apartment instead? I think that would be more appropriate also do you mind if Brandon is also there tomorrow or maybe we can go to somewhere homely like your parent's house or maybe outside? When does he finish work?"

"Okay, what is going on Aiko?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why are you asking a lot of questions? Especially about Brandon, are you sure there is nothing wrong? Is there something that I should know about?"

And then I suddenly felt very nervous and anxious at the same time, I had to tell Risa but I had to tell her in person. For now, I just have to tell her I need to give him an examination or maybe I can ask her to come here in the morning when Brandon goes to work.

"Risa? You are right, I need to tell you something but can you come to the house tomorrow morning? So we can talk and discuss this, you can even ask Ryo and Vienna to come too and also bring the kids with them."

"Oh okay, sure"

"Okay thank you. Bye Risa"

"You're welcome. Bye, Aiko."

I then hung up the phone and faced Kei who was smiling and chuckling.

"Stop laughing Kei, this is not funny," I said as I placed my phone on our nightstand and sat on our bed.

"I know it's not funny Aiko, but you are so cute when you were trying to ask her if you could come to the apartment and then the hotel and then eventually asking if she could come here to discuss everything. You are cute Mrs Yamamoto." Kei said as he leaned towards me to hug me.

"I was just nervous and anxious too, I didn't know what to say to her, Risa has experienced a lot of sad things and I don't want this to be a part of it. First, she had her first heartbreak from her crush which was Brandon who went with another woman, and then when she found a guy, they got married and they got divorced and then the baby... oh, the baby Kei" Tears started forming in my eyes.

"I thought that the gang was going after the leader of the White Tiger gang, I didn't know that they would go after Risa and her baby" I started sobbing. "It was her first pregnancy and her first baby and she kept blaming herself for it, but it was not her fault and I couldn't say anything that would have made her feel better because my pregnancies were fine, except when Kyo was in the NICU but Kyo pulled through and was healthy after that."

"Aiko babe, don't overthink this, just talk to Risa and then continue your research on the necklace after you give Brandon his examination. For now, you just have to be calm and collected and-"

"Mommy!!! Daddy!!!"

"So much for calm and collected," I said while chuckling and getting off the bed to open the door and I heard Kei whining.

"I thought we could maybe have some private time with each other."

"You do know that because of us having some private time with each other is the reason why we have kids right?" I reminded him as I opened the door and both Kimi and Kyo came running into the room and started climbing on the bed and hugging their father.

"Daddy!!! Daddy!!! Can you read us a bedtime story!!!" both of them said in sync as both Kimi and Kyo gave the storybook to Kei and he held it.

"Sure," he said as he opened the storybook as the kids lay beside Kei on our bed, they then looked at me and Kyo patted on the bed.

"Mommy, come sit with us, daddy going to read us a story," he said.

Kimi then looked happy like she had an idea. "Mommy, you want to read with daddy?!"

"Sure, why not" I said as I came to walk towards Kei's side of the bed, he then scooched over and so did the kids, and then I picked up Kimi and placed her in between Kei and me, Kei also did the same with Kyo and we started reading the storybook that they brought from their room. 

After we read their storybook, both Kimi and Kyo fell asleep and so did Kei. I was still awake and was just going through some papers about the necklace and ring and there was very little information about it having problems with the sparks not appearing.

Suddenly my phone rang and I walked towards our nightstand and I picked up my phone and saw the caller ID, it was my mother-in-law and I answered the call.


"Hi Aiko-chan, can I talk to you about something? Are you busy?" she asked me and I could hear the excitement in her voice. 

"Of course, you can talk to me, Mama, and I am not that busy, just doing something. What would you like to talk about?"

"Kei, Ryo, and Risa's O bāchan have come to visit us!"

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