partner in crime?πŸ”—Karl Jacob...

By Savana_love

47.4K 1.1K 143

Ollie_Olive; Ollie, the older sister of the one and only Ranboo. Ollie moved to Florida and shortly after so... More



581 14 3
By Savana_love

🔗Time Skip🔗

🔗Day One🔗

I opened my eyes to the sound of soft chattering. I rolled over and checked my phone, 8:03. I was up before the alarm. I got up and got changed into a light blue mom jeans, Ranboo's pink Hawaiian shirt, a white long sleeve, and my white slip on vans.

After all of that I brushed my teeth and left the RV. I found Jimmy and some of the sound guys outside of my RV. "Jimmy?" I asked walking up him. "Ollie, good morning." Jimmy said with a huge smile. "Good morning, do we have coffee any where?" I asked still trying to rub the tired out of my eyes.

"Chris is up and was gonna go I bet he won't mind if you tag along." Jimmy said as Chris came up from behind him. "No I don't mind." Chris said looking at Jimmy. "Okay great." Jimmy said laughing. "Ready to go?" Chris asked looking to me. I nodded and we went out to the car.

Chris got in the driver seat and I got in the passenger. We were driving for a bit before my phone started to ring, it was Karl. "Good morning." I said answering the phone. "Where are you?" He said in a panic. "I have them buddy don't worry." Chris yelled into the phone. "Chris?" Karl asked yawning. "Yes, we're getting coffee." I said rolling my eyes.

"Did you do your meds?" "Yeah." I said lying. "No you didn't, the box isn't open yet and it's still in the same spot as last night." Karl said as I hear rustling from the other end. "It's fine." "No it's not. Chris please make sure my girl doesn't pass out." Karl said to Chris. "I can take care of myself, bye love you." "Love you too."

I hung up and rolled my eyes. "He just loves you." Chris said looking at me like my dad. "I know." I said with a smile. "I'm glad he found someone. He convinced himself before he met you that he would never be loved by anyone." Chris said still looking at the road.

"How could someone not love him?" I asked Chris who just shrugged. "I don't know, but he did. He really loves you. He also told me that you guys want a kid." Chris said pulling into the Dunkin line. "Maybe eventually. I hope, if he's up to it." Me and Chris ordered a bunch of donuts and coffee and then made our way back to the warehouse.

We sat around and ate until Jimmy gathered us all on the platform. I sat on the edge while Karl wrapped his arms around my waist laying his head on my back. As everyone came in Jimmy stood down at the entrance handing out, 'Hi, my name is,' stickers and told everyone to put there name and pronouns on them.

"Chris check your phone!" Jimmy yelled up to Chris. Chris pulled out his phone, "Jimmy says, that we have to go down there and Ollie is number one helping with pronouns."

We all went downstairs and to the circle. Jimmy went off to film his intro while we went around and helped. As I was helping I heard someone yell my name. I turned to see a girl coming towards me. "Hi." I said as she got closer. "Oh my god, I feel like the biggest fan girl. Hi, I'm Blakely." She rambled holding out her hand.

I shook her hand. "Nice to meet you." I said with a smile. "I love your streams and you YouTube videos." She continued. We talked for a bit and the Jimmy gave some people there own cameras. Me and Karl went off to hang out for a bit. That was until Jimmy said he needed us.

"The first person might be out so go get the car ready." He said as we walked up to him. We did as asked, Karl in the drivers, Nolan passenger, Chris and Chandler in the back, and well I sat on the roof. Jimmy raised the garage door. And Karl drove in kinda slow bit also fast.

There was a lot of cheering and then Jimmy congratulated the guy. Karl went and hugged the guy. "Hey can someone help me down?" I yelled standing up. Karl ran over and just looked up at me. "Jump." "No." "Just do it." So I did and he caught me bridal style.

The was awes from all over and the camera zoomed in on me and Karl. Karl pulled me back to the platform we went and sat up there for a while. After a few hours 3 people had left and Jimmy said it was time to bring in the food.

They had finished eating and a couple more people got out. Jimmy gave us all sleeping bags and told us to pass them out. Once we were done with that we all went back to our RVs and went to bed.

🔗Day Two🔗

Me and Karl were still sleeping when we heard Jimmy on the mic, "Now it's time I introduce the twist. At the end of each day we're gonna shrink the circle a little bit." "What the hell?" I asked rolling over. "We slept through our alarm." Karl said getting and quickly getting dressed. I got dressed, did my meds, and we left the RV.

"Oh there they are." Chris said walking up to us, "What were you two doing that you over slept?" "Nothing just tired." Karl said laughing and punching Chris. I went red, me and Karl didn't do anything but the idea just made me blush.

I walked over to Nolan, who Jimmy made fill in the new line. "You good there?" I asked. "My back hurts." He said laughing. I laughed and then wandered off talking to some of the contestants. I looked around for a bit and then I found Blakely.

"How you feeling?" I asked walking up to her. "Good, I think im gonna win." She said holding up her camera. "Good." I said before hearing my name being yelled, "I got to go but I'll be back later." I said waving to her as I ran off.

"Jimmy." I said walking over to him. "Ollie, so your boyfriend is gonna play this guy in a game of rock paper scissors and if Karl wins he's gonna get out. Thoughts?" Jimmy asked turning to face me. "Uh Karl is pretty good so just be careful." I said turning to face the guy. So they played and Karl won, so they guy left the circle.

I bunch of people left again before night fall and we were down to 85 people. I went to the RV to relax but Karl ran in and basically draged me out. He got a package of fruit snacks and chucked it over one of the black walls.

"Oh shit." Karl laughed as quiet as he could. "Did he just?" Nolan asked looking over at me and Karl. "I think I just watched one of the guys reach over the line." Karl said to the camera. Nolan ran and grabbed a laptop to look at the footage. And the guy did. We went out to the circle and showed the guy to footage.

He looked up at Karl and said, "That's half a million dollars worth of fruit snacks, right there." "I don't know who threw the gummies." Karl lied to the guy. Soon after all of that we went back to the RV and went to bed, not forgetting to set an alarm.

🔗Day Three 🔗

Once we woke up we got dressed and ready and while I was doing my meds Karl went off with Jimmy and Chandler. Me, Jimmy, and Chandler all went to the circle the shrink it. "It's the start of the third day, so we gotta shrink the circle again." Jimmy yelled facing the camera. With that came some boos.

"Hey, that's not very nice." I yelled laying on the grass floor. Jimmy let Chandler shrink the circle, and we'll he took it a bit far. Once it came down to dinner Jimmy started barraging tell everyone that if someone got out they would all get Beast Burgers. Once someone got out he said that if another person got out they would all get fries too.

Karl took the mic and started a chant, "Cj, Cj, Cj." Cj being Jimmy's brother of course, got out for everyone, and then we were down to 69 people. I helped hand out food to everyone. Jimmy started up some challenges, and during that time we lost about 5 people. Eventually the day ended and we all went to bed.

🔗Day Four🔗

By the morning we were down to 60 people. I went to hang out with Blakely and gave her my Snapchat, that she promised not give to anyone. Once again Jimmy let Chandler shrink the circle, and that didn't go well. Me and Karl hung out for a bit before the circle got finished being filled in.

Jimmy went on to talk about an ad, and said that by the end he would give everyone who got out 2,000 dollars in Bitcoin. During the ad 2 people got out, leaving us with 55 people left. Jimmy after a few hours had tasked Karl with trying to get people out.

Me and Karl went to the platform and grabbed the mic. "So I wanted to give you guys music to listen to." Everyone started cheering until they heard a loop of the iphone alarm going off. Me and him went down to circle. "It's just a 10 hour loop." Some girl told Jimmy she would leave for a new iphone, so he gave her one.

Karl drove her away on a golf cart and she started to get really close to him. I rolled my eyes and went to walk off. "Ollie, you okay?" Jimmy asked grabbing my arm. "Yep." I said with a fake smile. "Are you sure?" He asked as we walked to some chairs. "She was just really close to Karl that's all." I said sitting down. "Oh." Jimmy said nodding.

After about a minute Karl came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. "I'll leave you two." Jimmy said getting walking away. "You okay, you feel tense." Karl said looking over at my face, that was laced with an annoyed expression. "Your not mad are you?" "A little." "Why?" Karl asked going and sitting infront of me.

"That random girl was really close to you." I said looking down at the ground. Karl just giggled. "What's so funny?" "You. The idea that you think I'm gonna chose some random ass girl over you." He said moving closer to me. "That's just the crazy talking. I would never do that." "Promise?" "Promise." He said standing up. I stood up and hugged him. I placed a quick peck on his lips, that I'm very sure was caught on camera but non the less we went back up to the platform.

"Now that she's out, we're gonna keep playing that." Karl said into the mic. After a lot of yelling Karl changed the sound. "They didn't like the phone alarm sound. So now I'm playing man screaming for 10 hours." Karl said turning to face the camera. Karl left the platform and went to go do stuff.

I sat on the edge of the platform when they started throwing water bottles at Karl's phone. Once they knocked the mic down Karl came running. They saw Karl running and started throwing full water bottles at him. "Don't throw water bottles at my baby." I yelled into the circle. And they stopped.

Me being the only girl there they seemed to listen to me. I had made a title for myself. Queen Ollie. Once Karl got his phone we left the platform. I went and sat with Jimmy, Chandler, Chris, Sapnap, and Nolan. Some people from the circle started calling Karl over. I sat watching as some of the guys grabbed him and shoved him in the porta potty.

Once they got him in Nolan went over to help and then also got put in a porta potty. Karl came out of the porta potty looking pissed off. "I fell down onto the floor." Karl yelled walking over to us with his legs spread and his arms out. Everyone started laughing and that pissed him off more.

"It's not funny, do you know how many germs are in one of those things?" "No its not funny." I said trying hard to hold back my laughter. "Are you really laughing?" He asked rolling his eyes.  "No, no, but lets go get you in the shower." I said walking over to him.

I helped Karl get undressed because he refused to touch his clothes. He got in the shower and then got changed and we laid down for bed.

🔗Day Five🔗

By the start of the fifth day we were down to 54 people, which wasn't much of a decrease. Not much happened except the fact that we dropped down the 49 people and the circle shrunk so more.

🔗Day Six🔗

By the time I woke up and was ready for the day everyone was throwing around a ball made of grass, so I joined. Jimmy put Nolan in charge, and he made everyone stand. Soon Nolan walked close enough into the circle and a bunch of the guys forced him to the ground.

I went to the RV and hung out with Sapnap who FaceTimed Maddie. The more time they had to stand for the more people got out. The day ended and we all went to bed.

🔗Day Seven🔗

"Hey Ollie, you gotta get up." Karl said trying to shake me awake. "No." I said rolling away from him. "Yes, its a week in." Karl said leaning over to look at my face. "You look really pale." "My head feels cloudy." "Okay, I'll check your levels." Karl said reaching over and grabbing my phone. "Yeah your low take the day off. I'll let Jimmy know."

I nodded and Karl left. Sapnap came in and sat with me for awhile. I heard Jimmy on the mic and then yelling, "Feel better Ollie!" I got up and went to the RV door. I still had on my pajamas which consisted of, Karl's a shirt, socks, and my shorts. "Thank you guys." I yelled back at all of them. "Isn't that Karl's shirt?" Someone yelled from the circle. I just laughed and went back inside.

The rest of the day was spent with Sapnap. We watched cartoons, FaceTimed Dream, ate food, and just lounged around. Karl came back after a couple of hours and laid down. After a while it got late and we went to bed.

🔗Day Eight🔗

Jimmy decided to start the day by splitting everyone up by their shirt colors. Jimmy brought out a wheel with three options. 3,000 dollars, hammock, or leave the circle. A guy stepped up to spin the wheel, he wound up with 3,000 dollars, so he spun again. Once again the wheel landed on 3,000 dollars, and then again for a third time.

The rest of the day was boring and not much went on.

🔗Day Nine 🔗

By day nine we were down to 31 people left. We mainly hung around until a lady got out for touching the line. Me, Karl, and Jimmy all went over to give her money and say bye. We were standing around until one of the guys called her over. He got down on one knee and Chris came running over.

Karl wrapped his arms around my waist as we watched. He asked her to marry him and she said yes. I looked over at Jimmy who seemed to be tearing up. Everyone started clapping. Jimmy came back with a briefcase filled with 10,000 dollars.

The woman and Jimmy walked off. "Karl is that how your gonna propose to Ollie?" Chris asked walking up to us. "I don't know." Karl said looking down at me with a sly smile. "What?" I asked looking up at him. "Nothing." He said looking to Chris winking. "I saw that." I said as I pulled away and we started walking to go sit down.

Me and Karl sat in a hammock talking to Chris, Chandler, and Sapnap. We were hanging out until Jimmy said we had to help duct tape peoples legs together. For the rest of the day no one in the circle was aloud to sit down.

Jimmy got some footage of one of the guys, Neil try to step over the lone but instead stepping on it. He told us but I didn't go with him so I'm not sure what happened from there.

Jimmy called us all out to get a balance beam next. Chandler, Chris, and Nolan all carried it out while I walked beside them. "Ollie!" Everyone in the circle yelled as I walked out. I smiled and did a little spin. "Why do they love her so much?" Jimmy turned to the camera and asked.

Jimmy placed 10 grand at the end of the balance beam, and told people that if they could cross without falling they could have it. Just by doing this we dropped down to 25 people. The rest of the day we hung out and then it got late and we went to bed.

🔗Day Ten🔗

By the start of day ten Jimmy gave us all spray paint and told us to mess up the circle. One of the guys, David asked Jimmy for his magic 8 ball. I was sat up on the platform with Karl and Sapnap while this was going on. He shook the magic 8 ball and it told him yes, meaning he had to leave the circle. He backflipped out of the circle bringing us down to 22 people.

Jimmy called to bring out 'The Thing.' I wasn't quite sure what was going on due to being a bit further away. Jimmy went on to explain that some things had punishments and others had prizes.

Once they finished some guy got strapped onto the tire swing for the night. It was already late afternoon so the rest of the day was just spent hanging out. Later that night we all went to Jimmy's RV to hang out. The boys were playing video games and I just sat on Karl's lap the whole time. Then it started, they all started acting like middle schoolers and farting.

It was all fun in games until it started to smell really bad. I left the RV and went outside. I looked around and found that Blakely was still awake, so I made my way over to her. "Hey." I said sitting in the grass next to her. "Sup." "Sorry I needed a girl to hang out with, I love those boys but it's been to long." I said pointing back to the RV.

"Maddie right? Isn't she your best friend?" Blakely asked. "Yeah, I spend most of my days with her." I said laying in my back. We laid and talked for awhile before I we got tired and fell asleep. I woke up to Karl sat next to me. "Hey, you wanna get to bed?" Karl asked rubbing the side of my face. I opened my eyes just enough to see a camera.

"Are you recording?" I asked pointing to the camera. "Ollie, got so tired she fell asleep in the circle talking to Blakely." Jimmy said facing the camera. I closed my eyes and Karl picked me up. He carried me until we made it to the RV and he dropped me down onto the mattress. I felt him take my jeans and shoes off. I curled up in bed with him and went back to sleep.

🔗Day Eleven🔗

At the start of day eleven Nolan woke us all up at 6 am. The tire swing guy was still on the tire, we took a big shoe from another guy, and a blanket and pillow from another guy. "I need you guys to go get the grass patches." He said to me, Sapnap, and Karl. We got all of the grass patches and brought them to the circle.

"There is twenty of you left, and I have twenty little circles of grass." Jimmy said as we all walked out. "I'm sorry." I yelled as we walked out. Jimmy gave everyone 10 seconds to get on a patch of grass. Jimmy had the boys fill in the rest of the circle while I sat at the top of the platform with him.

"You and Karl are good now, right?" He asked looking over at me. "Yeah." "Good, that would be awful if something like that split you two up. You have such a good relationship." He finished watching all of the boys. "It would." I looked out into the circle to see Karl looking around and then waving at me.

We waited until they finished and then Jimmy told everyone that they had around 5 minutes to get out for 10,000 dollars or it would drip down to 2,000. One guy got out for 10,000 dollars and a PS5. Everyone just stood around for 10 hours not really doing anything.

Until more people got out for more money. We were down to 17 people, until we lost another guy from putting his knuckle on a blad of grass while squatting down. The rest of the day was boring and nothing really went on.

🔗Day Twelve🔗

16 people, was all we had at the start of day twelve. Then Jimmy being Jimmy, gave everyone outlines of their feet to stand on. Jimmy said that if anyone got out in the next few minutes he would give them, 10,001 dollars, and sure enough 6 of them got out and we were down to ten.

Which was exactly what Jimmy wanted. Jimmy turned on the flashing rainbow lights and went and stood on the 500,000 dollars, I went with him, and so did Karl. Jimmy after, went on to introduce the plot twist. Which was that the video was in two parts, and the second part was a game of tag.

After all of that we packed up for the night and went to Karl's house. We all hung out at Karl's house, eating pizza, and just enjoying each others company until everyone went home. Me and Karl went up to his room and passed out.

A/n: the end! For now. Anyway this was the longest chapter I've wrote out of any of my books! I took a lot of time so if you don't mind voting and leaving some comments that would be nice. Anyhow if Karl is uncomfortable with any of this plz let me know! Byeee love you all so much!!

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