Never Been too Late to Love

By Its_Jessy_Stories

7.8K 350 81

Jazelle Owen is born with a silver spoon in her mouth. She's filthy rich, but she has only one goal. To save... More

Character Introduction
My Life Story
Past Story
Unexpected Help
I'm doomed!
Teammates cum Friends
Cooking Deal
I'm sorry
Taylor Irwin
Helping him
One step closer
Gift- Dylan is back
Sara and Jonas
Getting along
Mom's diary
Loving You
Being with them
Family and Friends
To the present
The happily after


168 7 0
By Its_Jessy_Stories


The next day, I woke up with regrets in my mind.

Jonas was the one who stayed by my side after everything that happened. But how can I accuse him like that? I need to apologize to him!

After taking a bath, I walk out and find Jonas not around. I walked to his room and hesitantly knocked on the door. I feel guilty for throwing such words at him and for slapping him.

Seeing no response, I opened the door and found Jonas, not inside the room. His things were gone too.

He left...

I went to meet Olivia at her company.

''Where's Jonas?'', I asked reluctantly.

''He went on a business trip for two weeks'', Olivia replied in a flat tone.

''Two weeks? But he didn't inform me''

''How can he inform you if you are not in a good state of mind Jazelle?'', Olivia puts her pen down on the desk. I looked at Olivia.

''My brother supported you in every way and you call him a son of a bitch? Do you think his heart is made of stone? Can't you listen to what he wanted to tell you? Is your mind filled with only anger? You are so stupid! Because of your anger, you are going to lose everyone around you!'', she stated angrily. ''Leave!'', she said as she continued to write on the paper.

I was walking in the street while thinking about Jonas. It's my fault. I hurt him. I tried to call Jonas but it went to voicemail.

''Crap, he blocked my number...'', I facepalmed. ''What have I done? He's angry'', I sighed.

Few days passed. I feel lonely without Jonas. I even stopped going to my office since I was feeling down. Someone rings the bell.

When I opened the door, I saw a woman in front of me. She smiles at me.

''Jazelle?'', the woman greeted me.

Suddenly I remembered that woman. It's Diana, Sara's mother.

''What the hell are you doing here? This is not your lover's house'', I was about to close the door, but she stops me using her hand and allows herself in.

''Whoa... so fierce'', she said in a friendly tone. ''You are the opposite of Alana but a split image of your father'', she chuckles.

''How you know my mom?'', I raised her brow. I don't remember mom stating in her diary that she met her.

Diana turned to see me and smiled. ''She came to meet me once'', I was surprised by Diana's words.

''You are lying'', I asked seriously.

''Trust me, I'm not'', she said as she walked to the hall and sat on the couch.

''Why are you here?'', I asked.

''To meet you, what else?'', Diana raised her brow. ''What was his name...'', she thinks of someone's name. ''Oh yeah, Riley, he came to meet me with his girlfriend'', she stated.

''Riley?'', I asked in disbelief.

Why did Riley go to meet her?

''Yup, that guy...'', Diana winked.

''What now? You want to take revenge for hurting Sara?'', I spat.

''Whoa... Is Sara hurt?'', Diana was surprised but she didn't look worried. I was puzzled seeing Diana's expression. ''I'm not worried about her. I'm sure she's in good hands'', she smiled. ''I'm more likely worrying about you'', she pointed out.

''I can take care of myself'', I glared.

''I'm sure you can take care of yourself but not now'', Diana shrugs. ''Look Jazelle, it's true that your father and I love each other, it's true I was pregnant with his child and I had a miscarriage, but it's not true to say that Richard had an affair with me. Sara was born when I was intoxicated and I slept with a stranger and it was a mistake'', she explained.

''Richard never came back to meet me until the death of your mother. Not to be with me but to fulfill Alana's last wish'', she stated.

''Mom's last wish?'', I furrowed my brows together.

''Yes, your mother wrote a letter for him before she passed away. She asks Richard to find me and marry me to live happily and she says she entrusts her children to me and asks Richard to take care of Sara as his own'', she smiles.

''When he came to meet me, Richard told me that she fell in love with Alana. But it was too late to rectify the situation since she was dying. He told me he couldn't do what Alana wanted. Hell no, even I don't want to be with Richard'', she scoffed.

''W..Why?'', I asked; still shocked with her confession.

''Why?'', Diana smiles. ''Because our love was gone the moment he married another woman. Of course, I felt angry at him for marrying another woman, I was devastated... but when I see Alana, my anger is gone in a second. She's such a wonderful woman and I accepted the fact that Richard is past and he's not meant for me anymore'', she said sincerely.

''When I met Alana, she didn't tell me that she's Richard's wife. We befriended quickly. Suddenly she disappeared and I thought she went abroad but then I received the news from Richard. I feel sad that I couldn't meet her before she...'', Diana paused.

''You are mistaken about your Richard. He loves your mother but it's just he was late realizing it. To respect your mom's last wish, I asked Richard to bring Sara with him and raise her as his own daughter. Sara is kinda like Alana. So I thought she could bring happiness to him and his children'', she explained.

''I'm a doctor. I've volunteered to do social service in different countries. So I feel it's safe for Sara to raise Richard. Until now, Sara or Richard didn't know where I am or what I'm doing or whether I'm alive or not'', she shrugs.

''Don't you miss your daughter?'', I asked.

''Of course, I miss her... she's my daughter after all. But it's better if I don't meet her or Richard for everyone's sake'', she replied. My expression changed.

Without knowing the truth, I scolded dad badly, I've been rude to everyone that cares about me. Dad went to meet Diana because of mom's last wish, but not to be with her. How selfish am I?

Someone holds my hand. I see Diana in front of me, smiling at me. ''You made a mistake. That's all. Anyone would be angry in your situation. That's why I'm here. You are not a bad girl, Jazelle'', Diana palms my cheek. ''You are just like your father...'', her words make me emotional.

''I'm leaving now...'', she smiles.

''Where?'', I ask.

''Jeez... literally your friend kidnapped me from my work using his private jet. I need to go back to my work. See you'', she winks as she walks forward.

''I... I'm sorry'', I said while holding my tears. Diana turned back to see me. ''I'm really sorry for everything'', I said sincerely.

''Don't be... Do what you feel like to do'', Diana smiles. 


Diana seems like a good person, isn't it?

Seems like the truth has been revealed. Let's see what Jazelle is going to do....

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