The Dare

By Neji_simp69

108K 2.8K 9.2K

how will it end after an interesting game of truth or dare. Will someone push it to far? Will a very devasta... More

#1 game~
#2 Back "home"~
#3 at sasukes~
#4 what secret~
#6 Why are you here?~
#7 TEME?!~
#8 why'd I say that!~
#9 truth or dare pt.2~
#10 Exposed~
#11 how can i help you~
#13 the arcade~
#14 Showering?~
pic appreciation post bc why not
#16 The pool~
#17 anniversary ~
#18 anniversary pt.2~
#19 panic~
#20 Watching from the stands~
#21 how do i do this?~
#22 that was too close~
#23 new partner~
#24 the mall~
#25 arcade again?~
#26 at neji's
#27 exposed again
#29 six days left of break?!
#30 last day
#31 home aka sasuke's
#32 I hate mornings
#33 first day
#34 butterflies
#35 Friday
#36 hospital
#37 getting ready
#38 surgery
#39 what happened?!
#40 wait what?!
#42 so thats why...
#43 blown up phone
#44 home again!
#45 out!
#46 The amusement park
#47 last game
#48 happy birthday! pt.1
#49 happy birthday! pt.2
#50 clothes=gone
#51 bestiessss
#52 ha i'm not exposing myself again!
#53 tea
#54 sick
#55 took you long enough
#56 itachis confession
#57 do you know anything
#58 cooking disaster
#59 nerves

the proposalšŸ¤©šŸ¤© (extra)

542 18 36
By Neji_simp69

Ok besties so this is like a little after sasukes college but before narutos like a big soccer player. So like uh...idk 4 years🤩 That's right I sorta gave a time span for the first time be proud🤩 oh also they have their own apartment rn🥰

Naruto pov
"Drop me off right here sasuke!" I tugged on his coat sleeve.

"Are you sure you don't want me to at least wait for you? You don't have a car to bring you back and it's getting late" he grabbed onto my hand as I was about to get out of the car.

"I'm positive. I'll be back by nine ok?" I smiled reassuringly and hopped out of the car "thank you! I'll be back in two hours exactly! I love you!" I waved as he drove down the road.

"If you're even five minutes late I'm coming back for you!"

"I got it! Don't worry so much!" I waved and watched as he drove away.

Once he was out of view I walked down the road to where I remembered my destination was.

I stared down at the ring on my finger and teared up all over again. I rubbed my numb hands together to warm them up and looked around with anticipation as i walked down the dirt path.

Finally I spotted the white gravestone I was looking for and approached it. I stopped rubbing my hands together and sat down on the grass infront of it.

"Heyyyyy so I know I haven't visited in like FOREVER but guess what...Ok well obviously i'm not gonna get a response but HE PROPOSED! LITTERALLY HE PROPSED MOM!" I has to stop because I was laughing out of pure excitement.

I slapped my hand over my mouth to shut myself up, then I wiped tears away from my face.

"Ok so basically this is how it went down!"

*gonna throw in a little flashback action in here or whatever🥱*

I had just gotten back from kibas house. He had invited me over to watch movies that neither sasuke or shino would watch. It's needless to say that I was out for a while.

I got back to our apartment at around five that night but barely had a second to breathe before sasuke had dragged me out to the car.

"Hey sasuke how was scho-what's the deal?" I asked confused as he opened the door for me and rushed to the other side of the car.

"I have a surprise and you're gonna love it" I looked over at him as we backed out of the driveway and for the first time since I met him he was wearing a giddy grin.

I just shrugged and switched in the radio "Ok what could possibly be happening that so interesting right now?"

"Shh it isn't even that outstanding you'll see!"

"Well obviously it is if you're this excited"

"Ok but I'm not telling you so deal with it!"

"It's because you're a bully that's why" I shook my head and clicked my tongue.

"Mmm let's here you say that in 2 hours hm?"

I laughed and held my hand to the side for him to shake "you got it" he shook it though I wouldn't let him take his hand back.

After a long time he finally slowed down and pulled over "Ok close your eyes, close your eyes!" He grinned and handed me a random headband from the cup holder.

"Uhhh ok?" I put the headband on over my eyes. It didn't really cover anything but I didn't peek because I didn't want to ruin sasukes surprise.

Finally he stopped the car again and apparently we were there "can I take this off yet?"

"Huh? Oh yeah right I forgot you couldn't see go ahead"

"How do you even forget that?" I took the headband off. Immediately the first thing I noticed was the huge stadium infront of me.

With my jaw on the floor, I turned to look at sasuke in complete shock "no way you did what I think you did"

"Come on you can say it, I'm the best boyfriend ever" he was grinning so wide that he covered his mouth.

I nodded slowly in amazement but slowly broke out of my shocked state and was overwhelmed with excitement.

"Ok c'mon we gotta go we gotta go! Let's go get a seat!" I quickly un-buckled my seatbetlly and ran to his side of the car.

After pulling him out of the car I put my hands on his shoulder and shook him back and forth "sasuke this is gonna be the most exciting thing ever! You're the best, you're the best, you're the best!"

"St-op sh-a-k-ing m-e!"

"Right sorry!" I steadied him grinning wildly "how did you get tickets they've been sold out since forever!"

"Thats why I bought them as soon as you started making a big deal about the game"

"but tickets are expensive as shit! YOU'RE LITTERALLY PAYING OFF COLLEGE SASUKE WHAT?!?!" I shook him again.

"Na-ru-to c-alm d-ow-n!" He grabbed my arms to stop me from shaking him anymore "don't worry about it just enjoy the game! Let's go"

"Fine! but only because I'm really excited!" I took my hand of his shoulders then grabbed his hand and dragged him to the stadium.

He laughed, running behind me. I noticed he had a tight grip on his left pocket but payed it no mind.

Once we got to the gate he handed the guard or whatever the tickets.

We entered the stadium and I froze "sasuke this is sick!! Like you don't even understand hiw excited I am ti be here right now! You're the best!"

"Oh I think I can tell perfectly well, now let's get seats before the game starts" he laughed at me.

"Huh? AH ONLY TEN MINUTES" I dragged him through crowds of people untill we found seats that we took right away.

"Ok so remind me who's playing again?"

"You bought the tickets and don't know who's playing?! Jeez sasuke come on! It's LA Galaxy going against the patriots" I shook my head.

(Guys I don't know soccer teams pls don't yell at me😭 I googled them and my friend named one)

"Oh duh I knew that, and you want LA to win right?"

I nodded my head vigorously while watching both teams practice "pay attention to number fourteen once the game starts he's a great offensive player. Oh and their goalie is amazing, I mean all professional goalies are but some of the saves he's made are insane Oh and number-"

Sasuke pov:
Hearing naruto ramble on about each team's players thankfully kept me distracted from my growing nerves.

I set my hand on my zipped pocket. When I felt the box still there I sighed in relief and placed my hand on my racing heart.

Throughout the game naruto grabbed my arm, shaking me back and forth vigorously. This also helped keep ny mind away from my growing anxiety...well it my mind off everything because I didn't know what was happening at all "sasuke look look did you see that! Their offense is killer!"

Laughing, I nodded and held onto my arm rest for hold myself steady "yes naruto, I have eyes too"

"Yeah but like did you see the way the kick curved?! And now we're winning!"

I saw him reach his hands out again but I quickly stopped him "if you start shaking me again I think I'm gonna get brain damage"

"Oh your being dramatic! But find I'll leave you be" He rolled his eyes, clutching the arm rests as the reff blew the whistle "Ok We're gonna win this game I don't even care what you say" he stated determinedly.

"Whatever you say queen naruto" I shrugged.

He flicked my head repeatedly "stop it!! I thought that nickname died years ago!"

"Well you obviously thought wrong"

He grumbled, crossing his arms as he turned away from me "whatever little emo boy"

I gasped and elbowed his arm hard "that was middle school! Leave me alone!"

"Exactly! How's it feel? hmmmm?"

"Exactly hows it feel hmmmm?" I mocked him.

He stuck his tongue out at me then whipped out his phone "Wait I need pictures who am I that i'm not getting pictures?!"

Back to narutard(Guys i shouldn't have even switched the pov in the first place omg- WHATEVER YOU'RE ALL GONNA DEAL WITH IT🥱)

Within five minutes my camera roll was full of pictures and and videos of the game, but mostly of sasuke and I.

In one I had flattened his hair against his face so it was covering his face and in another I was squeezing his face while making him smile. That one was my favorite and I set it as my lock screen after sending it to the group chat.

(Yes they still have the group chat even after 4 years🥱🥱)

I looked up just in time to watch Hernández score an absolutely killer goal "did you fucking see that?!" I punched sasuke arm repeatedly.

"Ow! Yes I did! I did! Stop hitting me!"

"but he kicked it from like halfway down the feild! AND IT WANT RIGHT INTO THE LEFT CORNER"

"I know I saw it with my own two eyes" he gasped in false shock, groaning when I elbowed him.

"I sAw iT wItH mY oWn TwO eYeS" I mocked while rolling my eyes.

*do I want to write a soccer game? No. So timeskip🥰*

"WE WON WE WON! SASUKE YOU'RE THE BEST BOYFRIEND IN THE ENTIRE WORLD THANK YOU!" I leaned over in the passenger seat and hugged him tightly.

Laughing, he slowed the car down and kissed my cheek when and finally pulled away "Well the day isn't over yet. your surprises aren't done"

"No way you have something planned that can top that game! I think that's gonna be my favroite thing untill I die"

"Well you'll be the judge of that, now won't you?"

"How could you possibly have something else planned?! Heyyyy why are you being so nice" I squinted and stared at him "are you going to pull an elaborate prank on me when we get home and it will seem really real and then I get freaked out and die a little inside?"

"! Where the hell did you even get that from? We aren't even going home yet"

"We aren't?! Where are we going then?! Tell me! tell me!"

"No that would ruin the surprise, just be patient"

"BUT SASUKE I'VE NEVER BEEN PATIENT IN MY WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE! PLEASEEEE!!" I begged and stared at him sadly, hoping to get him to spit it out.

He shook his head, looked at me, looked away, then glared at the road. His eyes twitched and I smirked 'he's gonna tell me! he's gonna tell me!' I stared at him intensly untill he sighed.

"Do I have to?" He whined.

I nodded my head firmly "Yep, mhm, yes, yeah, definitely. You gotta tell me!"

"But it isn't even that exciting!"

"Sure it is! What is it where are we going!"



"Ugh you're so difficult! It's just a firework show and then We're going out to dinner and then home. See not that exciting!"


"Oh wait you're actually excited about this? I thought after the soccer game you wouldn't be" He stated in surprise.

"Sasuke you always forget how easily amused I am I swear! You could say We're going to the store and I would make it fun jeez! anyways FIREWORKSSSS!!"

He just laughed and parked the car. I didn't even realize we made it to the city, where firework shows always were, untill he parked the car.

"Oh damn it We're like twenty minutes early!" He groaned annoyed as he took out his phone with shaking hands.

I quirked an eyebrow in confusion but ignored it "it's fine we can just walk around while we wait!"

"Yeah let's just hope we don't get lost like last time" he laughed and I groaned.

"Don't even remind me! Me feet were killing me after that!"

"It's because you didn't listen to me when I said to go left i'm telling you!" He laughed again and unbuckled his seatbelt.

"Well kiba and lee went to the right too!" I did the same and got out of the car with him.

"Oh because they're the people you would trust to navigate. Shikamaru and neji also argued to go left but you idiots didn't listen"

"Oh shut it we made it back to the car eventually" I rolled my eyes and hooked my arm around his as his hand was already occupied in his pocket.

"After two hours of wandering!"

We bickered as we walked through the streets. I made him stop at just about every candy store or popcorn stand and he had to keep reminding me that we were going to dinner later.

Finally, after walking around for a while, we started heading back to the firework area.

The closer we got the more tense sasuke seemed to get. I felt his arm shifting as he tapped something in his pocket.

"Hey are you ok? You seem stressed out about something" I asked after a few minutes.

"Huh? No i'm fine! Oh look we're here!" He grinned nervously.

I gave him a skeptical look but shrugged it off as we sat down and the firework show started.

I never took my eyes off the bright colors flashing in the sky, occasionally tugging as sasukes arm to point out an especially cool one.

My personal favorites were what I liked to call the "chandelier fireworks" or "waterfall things" They were the ones that looked like they were falling down on you from the sky as they faded away.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw sasuke frantically looking between me and the large crowd of people around us.

I could constantly feel him fumbling with his pocket untill he sighed and shifted his sitting position.

I looked over at him in confusion to see him now sitting on both his knees "are you sure you're ok?" I asked.

He nodded his head quickly "Yep, positive! Oh wow look at that firework!" He pointed to the sky and I found myself getting distracted very quickly.

After the finale went off I stretched and got up excitedly "that was awsome!! How did they manage to get the shaped fireworks?!" I asked as I pulled sasuke up next to me.

"I have no clue actually. Anyways did you enjoy it?"

I nodded excitedly "yeah of course I did! It was amazing! Thank you so much!"

He smiled and slung his arm over my shoulder "okay now off to dinner!"

"Oh right I totally forgot! Where are we going?"

"Wherever you want! I did book a couple places in advance but it doesn't matter" he shrugged.

I stared at him in shock "how many places did you reserve?"

"Doesn't matter!" He grinned nervously "anyway where do YOU want to go?"

I blinked and stared at him in confusion for a minute before grinning "is that even a question?"

"Oh my gosh you want to go to ichiraku don't you?" He sighed.

I grinned and scratched the back of my head "yeahhhhhh sorrryyyyyy"

"Nope it's fine let's go!" He linked his arm in mine and started making phone calls canceling reservations.

"Are you sure you don't want to just go to one of the places you booked?" I whispered as he called a second restaurant.

"If you want ichiraku then I'm getting you ichiraku, don't argue it!"

"But I feel bad!"

"Well don't, this is your night so you do whatever you want" he then began dialing a third number.

"Sasuke how many places did you book?!"

"Whatever you were guessing...uh...raise the number"

"Oh jeez sasuke, why so over the top?" I laughed.

"No reason!" He awkwardly smiled as he called a fourth number.

I slapped my hand over my mouth and laughed "Oh my God sasuke!" He glared at me inky making me laugh harder.

The entire walk to ichiraku was taken up my sasuke canceling dinner reservations and me laughing at him.

I stopped counting at ten but there's was definitely more.

By the time we arrived at the little restaurant I was crying from laughing "oh shut it I wanted to be prepared ok?!"

"You booked just about every restaurant in the city you idiot!" I laughed, wiping away tears.

His face glowed bright red and he looked away from me "Well I didn't know where you would want to eat!"

"You could have just asked!"

"Well this was supposed to be a surprise!"

"Well hello naruto and sasuke" teuchi chuckled from behind the counter.

"Whats up!" I exclaimed as we sat down at the counter.

"I assume you'll be getting the usual?" He smiled.

"Of course! What about you sasuke?"

"Uh I guess i'll get the same as you?"

"Ok you got it! I'll be right back!" He grinned and walked to the back to prepare our food.

"Ok I just have to ask. How come you're being so weird today?! What's up?"

"Rude! I'm not being weird! What are you talking about?!"

"Well for one, you plan all these amazing surprises for me! Second, you've been fumbling with something I your pocket all day and you seem stressed out or nervous! What's up?!"

"What's wrong with me planning a nice day for you!" He asked defensively.

"Nothing! It's just unusual! Plus that doesn't explain what's in your pocket!"

"Well see I just wanted to ask if uh- ok boys! Here's your food! Enjoy!" Teuchi set two bowls of steaming hot Ramen infront of us, cutting off what sasuke was about to say.

Sasuke muttured an embarassed "thank you" as his face grew bright red all the way to his ears.

After my tenth bowl of Ramen and sasukes second, we thanked teuchi, payed, then headed back to the car.

"Thank you again sasuke! Today was amazing!" I kissed his cheek as we sat down in the car.

"Yeah of course, I'm happy you enjoyed it" he smiled and we began the drive home.

I blasted music and we sang along, pretty poorly but we still enjoyed it.

Finally we got home at around ten p.m. I yawned as we got out of the car meanwhile sasuke seemed to be talking to himself?

I cast him a confused glance and he seemed to have snapped out of a trance. He quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me into our apartment.

"Ah what-" he stopped me in place, closed the door, then before I could even react to anything he was down on one knee holding open a box with a golden ring with aquamarine blue studded diamonds around it.

I gasped loudly and clasped my hands tightly over my mouth, tearing up as he began speaking.

"I've kinda been meaning to do this all day but I've been a little bit freaked out" He laughed shakily then took a deep breath, looking me in my eyes.

Thus time he spoke a little louder, his voice still shaking along with his hands "Naruto, you're the most amazing person I've ever met. I'm so incredibly fortunate that I met you and that you've stuck beside me all these years. Whether as a friend or boyfriend I always have and will love you more than words can describe and I couldn't imagine my life without you. Every day I spend with you is brighter and I want you to keep being the light of my life forever. Naruto, will you marry me?" He finished, now teary eyed himself.

Now crying, I nodded my head vigorously as I wiped away my tears and tackled him to the ground.

I hugged him tightly, to ecstatic to even speak for a minute and just continuously nodding.

I finally wiped away my tears and sniffled "Of course I will you idiot! I love you so so much thank you, thank you!" I burst out in tears again and laughed, smiling so wide that it hurt.

Sasuke sat up and leaned against the side of the couch smiling just as wide as I was, also crying.

He grabbed my left hand and put the ring on it. I admired it for a minute, about to start crying all over again.

It was beautiful. I cupped his face in my hands and kissed him happily. I pulled back and kissed him face all over "you're just the best sasuke I love you so much!" I stopped smothering him with kissed and hugged him tightly again.

He laughed and hugged me back "best day ever?"

I nodded quickly "of course! Why were you so freaked out to ask me I would have said yes even if you asked me like a million years ago!"

"I don't know it's nerve wrecking and I'm pathetic ok!" He laughed and let out a sigh of relief.

"No you just didn't want to make a big deal in public" I pulled back from the hug wearing a knowing smirk.

He glanced to the side and crossed his arms "I mean I guess you're right" he mumbled.

I laughed and stood up, offering him my hand "Oh trust me I know, you hate people" I laughed and pulled him into our bedroom, pulling him in for a kiss as soon as we were past the doorframe.

That was the best night if ny life for so many reasons and when I finally fell asleep, it was the most peaceful sleep of my life.

*end of flashback*

"I'll spare you the details after that" I laughed and wiped away more tears "our wedding is in six months! I can't wait! Mom I just know you would love him! He's sarcastic just like you although he's less expressive. But he's so sweet to me and he always puts up with my random bursts of energy. He even stays up with me really late to watch movies when I can't sleep even if he's exhausted. He even makes me breakfast in bed on his days off and he's teaching me how to cook without burning the food! And mom he's so pretty! You would have accepted him as your son right away! Actually you'd probably tease me and say he's better looking than me and that I'd better watch out or else he'll steal my spot" I laughed and took a deep breath.

"Oh I also have a surgery for my hands again In a few days! The doctors say I'll never be able to use them perfectly again but this will hopefully fix my random muscle pauses! I'm getting sick of randomly dropping stuff because my hands buckle! Anyways, I'll probably be better before my wedding so it's a win win! I love and miss you so much, I wish you could have been here" I smiled sadly then checked the time "oh shoot I have to go before sasuke calls an entire search party to come find me! I love you mom! Goodbye!" I stood up and started heading for the exit.

As I was leaving the gates, a gust of wind blew a ripped up red flower petal into my hands. The way is had ripped made it look like a heart.

I smiled and held it to my chest as I picked up a light jog down the road towards my house.

I was going to be late and after ten minutes, I saw a very familiar car pulling down the road "Oh no way he actually drove ask the way back for me" I laughed as sasuke pulled up next to me.

"Come on get in it's freezing!"

"You're such a worrier" I laughed as I jumped into the passenger seat "I just got caught up in talking!"

"Well you were late and I got scared that you froze to death or got kidnapped or something!"

I gave him an unimpressed look and he shrugged "what? It could have happened!" He shot back defensively.

I rolled my eyes. We laughed, joked, and had funny arguments the rest of the way home.





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