By chickenwingschill

405 54 0

[currently being edited] For reasons unknown to anyone but herself, Sarah does little to make herself likeab... More

How it all began
Alternative Ending


14 2 0
By chickenwingschill

 "Sarah! Sweetie? You're going to be late for school!"

Mom calls from downstairs. From under my covers, I reach for my phone and text her that I won't be going to school today, ignoring the endless number of texts and missed calls from Dez. Zac hasn't reached out to me since yesterday after what I said. I'll admit, it was harsh and I might've gone too far but even if he didn't hate me then he definitely hates me now and so there is no point in apologizing. It's fine though, I don't blame him, it's my nature to be hated.

"Hon? Is something wrong?"

Mom asks as she enters my room, uninvited.

"Nope... Just lazy. My grades are fine, one day won't hurt."

"What about dance? Won't Mrs Barlowe get pissed?"

Ace joins in... also entering my room uninvited.

"We don't have any upcoming competitions, plus she says i work too hard. If anything, she'll be happy I took the day off."

They both remain silent but I can feel their concerned gazes from under my sheets. I throw my bed coverings off me and sit up to face them.

"I'm fine... really. I'm just not feeling like school today. I'll go tomorrow. This isn't like the time with Dez."

I know that's what they were thinking. After Dez and I broke up I didn't go to school for a while. I refused to tell them the reason but they bugged me till I caved.

"Okay... But if something is wrong, you know you can talk to us, Right?"

Mom insists

"Yes, I know."

But sometimes I have to figure things out on my own.

"What's going on here? Are you having a family moment without me?"

Dad pouts. Honestly, does no one respect my boundaries? They're all walking in here like it's a public restroom.

"Sarah isn't going to school, we came to find out why."

Mom explains

"Really? Why aren't you going to school kiddo?"

"She says she's just not feeling like it"

Ace explains before I can. The tone he uses and the look they all exchange makes me feel like they don't believe me. But that hardly matters, I just need them to leave me alone.

"Could you all leave now? Don't you two have work? and Ace, don't you have school?"

I ask after an awkward moment of us just looking at each other silently. Them wait for me to cave and tell them what's wrong and me being stubborn about keeping my mouth shut.

"Sure. See you later sweetie."

Mom says hesitantly. They both follow her out the door and I let out a sigh of relief once they're gone.


At around one, I gathered enough energy to leave my bed. Motivated by my thirst for answers. I put on a random outfit and called an Uber to drive me to the only place I can get said answers. Now I'm standing in front of the same juvenile detention centre my brother was detained in when we were in middle school. I hate this place. I hate thinking about it and especially seeing it. But, I have no choice because this place is also where Chester and his friends are. I walk in and the officer behind the front desk lifts his head and instantly recognises me.

"Sarah? What are you doing here?"

"Hey Gary... I'm here to visit someone."

Gary has worked here for years. He was here when I'd come to visit my brother and since I came so often we all kind of became close. I never came back after my brother was released though.


He sighs with a concerned look. I'm sure he's figured out who it is I'm here to see.

"I need to talk to him. It's important."

He takes a deep breath after a brief silence and gives in to my firm determination.

"Fine... but I want to supervise."

"That's fine... I don't care, as long as I get to talk to him."

He picks up the phone and calls someone to inform them that inmate 265 has a visitor. After a short wait, he leads me to a large room with tables spread out in it. Sitting at a table in the centre is Chester, in a grey jumpsuit. I take a deep breath and walk towards him while Gary tails me.

"Well, well, well... Look who it is."

He mocks as I sit opposite him.

"I only have one question, Chester."

I deadpan. Part of me is still hoping this is all a misunderstanding and Erica really has nothing to do with this but... there's only one way to find out.

"And why would I answer anything you ask? You're the reason I'm in this mess."

"Your misogynistic mindset and lack of common freaking sense are the reason you're here. Now, answer my question you worthless piece of shi-"


Gary interrupts, allowing me to calm myself.

"You know, your attitude isn't making me want to help you."

My attitude? This boy is getting on my last nerve.

"Listen, I'm not negotiating, you're free to answer or not."

"Ooouuu... where was that tough girl attitude when I had you pinned against a wall?"

A cold shiver crawls along my skin and my chest tightens. Just a few harmless words and all my bones are stiff, I'm pathetic. I maintain a cold expression and take comfort in the fact he can't touch me because Gary is right behind me and four other guards are in the room.

"How do you know Erica Brooks?"

His sudden change in expression definitely means he knows her, and seems to be extremely mad at her.

"Why should I tell you that? I don't have to help you, you know. What do I get in exchange for my cooperation?"

"I already know she's the one who told you to assault me..."

His next answer will confirm whether Mike told me the truth.

"If you already know that, then what do you want from me?"

So it was her...

"I don't have any evidence to prove it was her. If I did, I'd be able to prove she is guilty of instigating my assault and she'd be punished too. I know she left you high and dry and you want to get pay back."

"Sure... I was pissed. I am pissed. But you need this information more than I need revenge. So... what's in it for me?"

Lol... he thinks he can manipulate me. Chester is a self centred jerk who'd do anything to protect himself. All I have to do to get the information I need is...

"Well, I guess I can't force you. I mean, there is the chance your sentence will be reduced if you cooperate, with good behaviour, you could be out in a year. But I can always ask Alex or Jax... I'm sure they'd be more cooperative. I mean, why should they stick by you when you dragged them into this mess."

He's trying to hide it but he's scared. But he needs a bit more of a push, he still suspects I'm bluffing. But I'm not... the only reason I asked him first is because he seems to be the group leader and therefore the one Erica was most likely in direct contact with.

"Gary, is it possible for me to see someone else but the name Alex Abner?"

Alex seems like the one most likely to break, Jax is probably as loyal as a dog.

"Wait! I'll tell you."


"Are you willing to tell me now?"

"Yes... Erica called and told me what to do before I left for LA. She gave me all your details and even sent pictures of you. She told me to delete all our conversations but..."

"Go on."

"I guess she didn't know my phone records calls... I still have the recording of our conversation on my phone...Also... she paid me to do it so obviously the transaction details exist, but i can't prove what she was paying for, just that she did, in fact, pay me"

She paid him? Just to hurt me? Even if he has no reason to lie, even when all the evidence points towards her being this horrible person... i still don't want to believe it.

"Thank you for your cooperation Chester, I'll be sure to tell my lawyer about how much of a help you have been. Ciao!"

I get up and walk out of the room, trying my best to remain calm. I can feel my skin heating up. I want to scream. I want Erica to pay.


"Sarah... was everything I just heard in there true?"

Gary asks as we approach the door.

"Sounds like something out of a cringe drama, huh?"

I don't think he appreciates my sarcasm.

"Sarah... you shouldn't be dealing with this on your own."

"Dealing with what on her own?"

Gary and I both halt as we notice the figure standing in front of the exit.

Of course he had to be here. How am I going to get out of this situation? If I lie and Gary doesn't follow suit, this will be a pain to deal with. Maybe I should just bluntly tell the truth, leave out the important bits and not give enough time for Gary to interrupt.

"What are you doing here?"

I start.

"I could ask you the same thing. I have a feeling I know the answer but I am hoping I'm wrong."

"Let's just go with you're wrong and move on, Kay?"

"Were you here to see Chester?"

Ugh.... here we go.

"And what if I was?"

"Why on earth would you do that?"

"Why on earth do you care? I believe I told you I'm bored of you and I don't want you to speak to me again."

"I remember."

"Okay... then stay out of my business."


I walk past him before he can say anything else but he just follows me out.

"Leave me alone Dalton."

I demand as I take out my phone to call an Uber.

"No! Clearly you're not thinking straight! Whatever happened yesterday is affecting you somehow."

Just before I can confirm my location, he grabs my phone.

"For goodness sake Dalton! Can you mind you own F***ing business! Why are you obsessed with me? Huh?! Why can't you just take a f***ing hint and leave me the heck alone?!"

"What happened yesterday?"

"None of your-"

"-don't say it's none of my business because it is! I tried to give up on you, I did. I didn't text or call or reach out at all because what you said hurt and I hate you for it. But as mad as I am, as much as I hate you right now, I can't stop worrying about you! And it's driving me insane. When something happens to you, when you get hurt... I get hurt too, I lose it. So when i think you're doing something stupid that will get you hurt, i'm going to stop you."

Wait a minute...

"Why are you here Zac..."

I ask with a more curious tone before announcing my conclusion.

"You came to see him too..."

He looks away, confirming my suspicion.

"I didn't want to talk to you but I didn't entirely blame you for what you said. I had a feeling he, and what he did had something to do with why you started acting weird yesterday. I blamed him. I came here to make sure he knew how much of an a**hole he is and how he deserves all he gets in juvie."

Why does he care so much? He said it himself, he hates me... so... why...

"I don't know what to say to that. I don't need you to defend me-"

"-would you stop with the tough girl act."

"I'm not being tough. I just want to go home and you're in my way."

He glares at me and heaves.

"I'm driving you home."

"What?! Absolutely no-"

Before I can finish rejecting his offer, he grabs my arm and hurls me towards his car.

"I wasn't asking."


As we drive along the road leading to my place, I spot Erica's house. My body is heating up and my heart is racing. I need to hear it from her. She's probably not home now though because, well, school.

"So you're just not going to tell me what happened yesterday?"

It was perfectly fine when the two of us were silent.

"I don't want to talk about it"

I can only hope he gets the obvious hint.

"Does it have anything to do with whoever lives in the house we just passed?"

"What makes you think that?"

"You were glaring at it. I've never seen you glare so intensely at anything. With so much hate."

"What do you mean, I glare at you all the time."

"Out of annoyance, but right now, that was pure red hate."

Do I hate Erica? I never imagined hating her. But, then again, I never imagined her hating me and secretly making my life miserable.

"Looks like you have a visitor."

Zac says jealousy, as we arrive at my house gate, referring to Dez's car that's parked inside.

Why on earth is he here?

"Well... tell your boyfriend I said hi."

"Wow... that didn't sound like jealousy at all"

"Don't be sarcastic with me. I'm still mad at you and even more so now because clearly, you're not bored of Dez."

"I didn't invite Dez and I've been ignoring all his calls and Texts so I don't know why he's here. I don't even know why I'm explaining this to you."

"Whatever, just... get out."

I don't really want to face Dez right now.


I exit the car and stare at the front door from outside the gate.

"Aren't you going to get in?"

Zac asks. Still not leaving.

"Aren't you going to leave?"

"I'm not leaving until I see you get in."

"I could just leave the house after you're gone."

"Ace and Dez's car are parked right in front of us and I'm pretty sure I can see the back of your mom's Porsche sticking out of your garage. There is now way you're leaving the house once you get in."

Dammit... he's right. I didn't even notice Ace or mom's car. But it's not like I have anywhere I want to go so I'll just walk in, head straight to my room and lock the door behind me.

"Well... you have a point."

Before I can even touch the gate, my phone chimes and I use it as an excuse not to go in just yet.


Mike told me everything. I'm sorry but he had to, the guys on the soccer team were looking for him and I had to help him out. Unfortunately they got a hold of him anyway and he's in pretty rough shape, i', taking him to the hospital right now. I don't think it's a good idea to come to school for now. Erica is as crazy as Mike said she is, It's not safe.

The burning sensation from earlier is back. There's no denying it now. Mike was telling the truth, and Erica is a jealous psycho. She is going to pay.

"Dangerous? I'll show her dangerous."

I mumble to myself.


Ace and Dez call just before I start darting towards Erica's house. I don't have time to deal with them right now. This ***tch is going to pay.

I see the blond wack job at her gate as the house comes into view. For some reason, I stop. Seeing her face makes my body freeze. I haven't really seen her in a while since I've been actively avoiding her this whole time and she hasn't exactly been trying to see me either. Despite knowing what she's done... I still just see my best friend. I must be stupid.


I call as I approach her. She scrambles to enter the gate but I reach just in time to stop her from shutting me out. I force my way inside despite her desperate efforts to keep me out.

"So... you can do all that s**t behind closed doors but can't handle a one on one confrontation?"

Why is she glaring at me like I'm the one who paid some jerks to assault her.

"What's the matter, Cats got your tongue?"

I provoke, hoping she'll snap and tell me the truth.

"Sarah?! What the heck are you doing?"

Ace, who followed me apparently, cries.

"Stay out of this Ace, go home."

I demand, still keeping my eyes locked on Erica.

"We aren't leaving Sarah, just tell us what's going on?"

Dez followed me too?

"What did we literally just talk about Gordon?"

Zac too... I'm not that surprised he followed me, I saw him get out of his car from my peripheral vision.

"Ignore them Ri Ri, this is between me and you."

I taunt. I step closer but she steps back. She looks terrified, as she should be.

"I don't know what you're talking about. You're crazy."

"Oh! Look at that, you can speak. I wasn't sure seeing as you haven't said a word to me after dragging Dez so he can make out with you. Are you seriously that pathetic?As for you not knowing what I'm talking about, I have a call recording and transaction receipts that say otherwise."

Her terrified innocent expression morphs into a confident and carefree smug.

"I guess you know, but that is private information. You can't use any off it without my consent."

Ha! Does she actually believe that?

"You see Ri, that's why I was the smart one of the group. You see, that call recording and bank info is Chester's, and with a promise of reduced time for cooperation and good behaviour, why wouldn't he give it to me?"

Granted I don't have either yet but I'm confident I'll get it somehow.

"You b**ch!"

Good... she can't tell I'm bluffing.

"Really? Me? I'm sorry, I could've sworn it was you who paid people to assault me."

"You like to play the victim but the truth is, you're no better than I am. You knew i had a crush on Dez so you asked him out before i could!"

"I asked him out because I wanted to. How was I supposed to know you liked him? And is this really the reason you caused all this? Because of your stupid little crush?"

"No, it's all of it. You got everything I wanted, captain of the dance team, top of the class, student council vice president! You got everything without lifting a finger! I worked hard, everyday, but I still remained in your shadow. You treated everyone like garbage and no one disrespected you. I was nice to everyone but I'd always hear people whispering and spreading rumours about me. It wasn't fair, so I fixed it."

Didn't lift a finger? I danced even when my feet were covered in bruises, I barely got any sleep while working as the student vice president. Sure, debate and school work weren't difficult obstacles but it's not like I just sat and did nothing, I still studied for both.

"Fixed it? Ha! What did you want me to do? Apologise for being better than you?"

"Better than me? If you were so much better, why didn't you figure it out until now? That I'm the one who sent Trevor and his after Ace when we were in middle school. I Ace wanted to fight them for bullying you and gave them details of where he'd be. I knew you'd confront them since Ace was involved and Trevor wasn't the type to refrain from hitting a girl. It was the perfect plan and you never figured out it was me. None of you did, not even Trevor realised I was just using him. That's when I realised how easy people are to manipulate. I kept doing these little things that triggered chain reactions ending with you being hurt and none of you figured it out. So tell me Sarah, are you still better than-"

My fists collide with her face before she can finish her speech.

She's the reason Ace ended up in juvie.


I scream after grabbing her shirt. I feel myself being pulled away from her but that won't stop me from making her pay.


"I already regret meeting you Sarah, that's why I did all this."

Is she really the Erica I've grown up with? Has she always looked so cold? Was it me who just refused to notice?

"All because you were jealous? You were my best freaking friend Erica. I refused to believe anything Mike or Chester said despite all the evidence because I thought you could never do this to me..."

"You really are a pathetic piece of s**t Sarah, you know that? Why would anyone want to be friends with you? You treat everyone like garbage and think you deserve better? Like i said, you and i aren't different, i just know how to be a horrible person and keep people by my side unlike you who pushes everyone away. You underestimate the value of friends, I made friends with the right people and now, I pretty much rule the school. One phone call and I had Mike being rushed to the hospital for betraying me. Just because you have the popular guys wrapped around your finger doesn't make you powerful. But now, since they've chosen to stick with a reject like you, their popularity won't last long and soon enough, everyone will hate them too, then, nothing will stop anyone from coming after you. "

"Shut up Erica! Come on Sarah, let's go home. She is crazy, she doesn't know what she's talking about."

So Ace is the one holding me.

My nervous system fails me and I crumble to the floor. She's right... about everything. I can't hold it together anymore. I'm tired of being hated. I wish I could just go back in time and tell myself to be nicer to people. Or... I wish I had just jumped back at the hotel.

"Sarah, come on, don't let her get to you. You never let people like her get to you."

As encouraging as Ace's words sound, Erica isn't just a person, she knows me better than most. I have allowed myself to be vulnerable around her. She's one of the few who can easily get to me.

"You spiteful witch!"

Dez hisses.

"So... all this time, you were behind everything that happened to Sarah?"

Zac joins in with a cold furious tone.

It doesn't matter how angry they get... it's all true.

"Don't bother... just leave..."

I plead with them, unable to lift myself from the floor.

"Why are you guys still following her around anyway? I heard about what she told you two yesterday. How can she say something so horrible to you and you still stick by her? I bet she said it because she knew what a jinx she is and wanted to push you away before the entire school hates you as much as they hate her, right Sarah?"


Tears stream down my face and I grab on to Ace, who is crouching down beside me, to prevent him from doing anything. Ace rarely yells, even when he is angry, if i don't hold on to him, he is going to attack her.

"Why don't you want her to hear the truth, Ace? No one likes her because she is a good for nothing jerk, that's not my fault. I just took advantage of the situation. Just like I did in middle school. The only reason Ace ended up in juvie... is you Sarah."

And just like that, all my strength and then some comes flooding back. Suddenly, I feel numb to all other emotions besides anger. I look up at Erica.

"What did you just say?"

A rhetorical question to test if she really has the guts to repeat herself. It doesn't really matter tho because i am going to destroy her anyway, i just want her to be terrified first. 

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