Book Two - Just Enjoying My L...

By LisaStanbridge

87.7K 2.5K 351

Book Two of The Price of Love Series (Book One is titled 'In Love With Mr Wilson') Entering a new relationsh... More

A message from meeeee :)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6a
Chapter 6b
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
A final note from me and updates on the progress of the series

Chapter 8

3K 80 7
By LisaStanbridge

Hi everyone, here is chapter 8. Once again, apologies for the delay. Apart from being busy, I've been really unwell. Things are looking up though so I hope my next delay won't be so long. I hope you enjoy chapter 8. :)


Emily’s POV

I step outside and almost freeze to death. As soon as Archi points to the bus I make a run for it as if my life depends on it. It’s only a mini bus that seats 10 people which makes sense considering the small number of us. It doesn’t bother me at all because it means I’ll be warm.

Finding a seat, I sit down with a heavy sigh. I’m still seething from the argument Sam and I had. Yes I know I’m at fault too, I didn’t help the situation at all but he was still being melodramatic. I know there’s something not right but obviously he doesn’t want to talk about it. Well that’s fine, I’m not going to let it bother me. I’m here to have fun and fun I shall have.

It’s funny, after all that has happened I don’t feel at all tired anymore. In fact I feel like I’m buzzing and rearing to go. Yes I have adrenalin to thank for that but I love the feeling. I just hope that we get to do a bit of sightseeing today, I want to see what Madrid has to offer. I hear the nightlife is pretty spectacular. I’m not a big party girl but I am eager to see those Spanish nightclubs. Maybe Archi will know some of the popular ones to go to?

Everyone else arrives at the bus and start boarding. The twins are the first on and they are chatting to themselves about ‘young ones today’ and ‘they certainly know how to keep their looks’. It is obvious they are referring to Archi. The shy woman is the next to board. Man number 1 seems to have befriended her and looks totally smitten. She looks quite happy too. Her cheeks are rosy and she has a small smile on her face. Maybe there will be a romance in the making? They sit down next to each other and talk quietly amongst themselves.

The Vizzini look alike is the next to board. He finds a seat and flops down, grumbling as he does so. Man number 3 comes on and sits next to him. He tries to make small talk but to no avail. Graham is next and his face looks dark. Spotting the space next to me, he sits down. Great, now I’m stuck with Sam’s father who I barely know and who scares the crap out of me!

The next on is Sam. He looks at me but I look away quickly, too afraid to look at him in fear of crying. From the corner of my eye I see how surprised he is that his father has chosen the seat next to me. Sam sits in front of me and I just stare out the window, hating the awkwardness between us. The last time I felt this was after we first kissed.

Finally Nancy boards with Archi following. Her face is glowing like a beacon and she looks like the cat that got the cream. Something tells me she has been talking and flirting with Archi. I shake my head and smile, good ol’ Nancy. She looks at me and winks which tells me she has something important to say when we get a moment to ourselves. She sits down on a spare seat of two, obviously hoping Archi will join her.

I decide it’s time to take a long hard look at Archi. The cold has given me a clear mind so I decide to take advantage of it and look at him without being blinded by lust. Almost immediately I sense something isn’t right about him. No one can deny how good looking he is but it’s almost like he’s too good looking. He’s cool, he’s confident and he’s got everyone in the palm of his hand. I’m not trying to throw a spanner in the works but seriously, he’s almost too good. Perhaps I’ll just watch him from a distance and see if I can suss him out a bit more. I don’t want Nancy getting hurt by some womaniser.

Yes I know I was completely smitten with him too at first but thankfully I’m taken so I wasn’t able to be blinded by it. Then again, maybe because I’m in a foul mood I’m looking at things negatively? Ha! That would be typical.

Another man gets on the bus and sits at the steering wheel. The moment I see him I know there is something about him. It’s strange, something just draws me to him. Then I realise what it is. In that split second that I see him, I notice the way he looks at Archi. It’s not a look of disgust, nor is it a look of jealousy. In fact, it’s a look of concern. Is he concerned about Archi? Is there something I don’t know about him? Am I being a paranoid nitwit?

God jetlag does some crazy things I’ve noticed!

Shaking my head I decide to push all the thoughts aside. I feel like I’m becoming paranoid for no apparent reason. I mean we’ve only been in Spain for not even an hour and I’m already questioning everything and everyone. I’ve got major issues, that’s all I can say.

I look back at the bus driver and notice he’s quite young, probably early 20’s, and doesn’t look Spanish. In fact he doesn’t look like any nationality at all. He’s reasonably good looking though. Not as spectacular as Archi, I think that’s impossible for most men, but still good looking nonetheless. He’s short for a man, maybe 5’7 and has nothing really special in the body department. Like he doesn’t have a hot masculine body with a gleaming six pack or bulging biceps. He’s a little bit podgy but not fat. I guess it’s easier to say he’s... normal. He’s got curly sandy hair that is so unruly he could be a Tom Baker look alike. I can’t see the colour of his eyes but they look extremely kind though. I only saw him from the door but it is enough to suss him out a little.

He looks like just your average Joe but something tells me he’s got a lot more to offer than someone like Archi. Archi has the looks but I have no idea what his personality is like. For all I know he may have a really sucky personality whereas the driver is probably a genuinely nice person. That’s usually how it works.

Ok, let’s just focus on this holiday. We’re all here to have a good time, not suss out people and think there’s something odd about them.

Archi holds his hands up to quieten everyone down. All the women are the first to go quiet but the men take a little more coaxing. In fact, it’s the two men behind me that won’t stop talking. They’ve finally managed to find something in common to talk about. At first it started with politics and I switched off immediately. Now I have no idea what they’re talking about. The one thing I do know, and I’m trying desperately hard to control my giggles, is that the Vizzini look alike has a lisp. He doesn’t talk like Vizzini but the fact that he has a lisp is funny enough.

Looking across at Nancy, I notice she has heard him talking and her shoulders are shaking from laughter. This doesn’t help me at all. I bite my tongue to stop myself from laughing but it doesn’t help. I try hard, believe me, but I’m doomed from the beginning. As a result of me biting my tongue, when the laughter finally erupts, the sound that emanates from me is like that of a balloon being let loose. The whole bus silences and all eyes look at me. Regardless of the embarrassment, I can’t stop my laughter. It starts off like one long drawn out guffaw and ends up in snorts and hiccups. It’s not a pretty sight yet I can’t seem to stop. I can hear Nancy laughing with me and for the second time today, everyone is staring at us with gobsmacked expressions.

Sam is looking at me, his face crimson from embarrassment but this time it doesn’t deter me. I’m going to enjoy myself no matter what.

What surprises me the most is the fact that people are starting to laugh with us. Maybe laughter really is contagious! Ok, when I say people I mean the women. The men just look at us as though we have lost our marbles.

“When you’re quite finished.” Graham snaps next to me. “I would like to get this tour started sooner rather than later.”

I stop laughing and glare at him. “Well excuse me for enjoying myself.”

“Emily, don’t be rude!” Sam chastises, his face still red but I think it’s more from anger now than anything else.

“Well I don’t see what the problem is. Can’t a girl have a bit of fun?”

Sam turns back around and I turn to glare out the window. I’m all hot and bothered now and just want to get to the hotel. This holiday has started off really badly and I’m not happy about it. Sam is suddenly in a foul mood, most likely because of his father, and I don’t want to be with him. Not while he’s like this. Yes I threatened that I would bunk up with Nancy but something tells me that’s not a smart idea. She’s got her mind on other things, such as being intimate with a certain tour guide. I’m not going to interfere with that. Perhaps I can get my own room instead. That will be bliss actually.

I feel the bus move and Archi has started talking again. I’m not paying attention though, I think I just want to sit here and sulk for a while. A couple of times I see Sam look back at me but I ignore him. I don’t stop and check out his expression either, I’m too annoyed. I’m sure we’ll talk later but for now I’ll just sulk. On the way to the hotel the bus takes us past Museo del Prado, the Royal Palace and Gran Via. To show how annoyed I really am, I don’t take any notice of either of these places and they’re three places I really want to see. Today I just don’t care though, besides we’re here for a few days, I’m sure I’ll get another chance.

A little while later the bus stops and I look out the window only to notice we are at one of the most amazing hotels I have ever seen. It’s a white multistorey building with two large pillars on either side of the revolving door leading in to the hotel. People are filing in and out giving it the impression it is extremely popular.

Everyone gets off the bus, the older people a little slower than the rest of us, and we make our way into the hotel. The inside of the lobby is just amazing. There are marble floors as far as the eye can see. An oak reception desk expands across one side of the wall with pretty receptionists tending to the customers. A crystal chandelier hangs elegantly in the middle of the domed glass roof then to top it off, male porters dressed in red and white are pushing trollies of luggage to guest rooms. It’s very 5 star, that’s all I can say. To the back of the hotel is a lift area with six lifts. In front of the area is an impressive staircase that has a wide bottom section in the shape of a semicircle. The staircase leads up to all levels for those energetic enough to climb fifteen levels.

We all stand huddled in a group while Archi approaches the reception desk. I can’t help but watch him and how he acts around the reception girls. He’s a real flirt that’s all I can say. All the girls stop when they see him approach then while one serves him the rest flirt. He flirts back, just as much – he laughs, he makes eye contact, he holds gazes longer than is necessary – it’s sickening really and it becomes obvious to me that he is acutely aware of his looks. I look over at Nancy and see her looking in his direction. Oh good, she’s noticed his flirting! Now she’s looking at me and I expect to see a look of disappointment but I don’t. She still has a love-sick smile on her face! Perhaps she hasn’t noticed. Now I know why something didn’t fit right about him. Not only is he a charismatic charmer, he’s one hell of a flirt.

I know I need to say something to her but if I do she’ll just get angry and I don’t really want her and Sam angry at me. Then again, if she gets hurt and then she finds out I’ve noticed what he’s like, she’ll be angry anyway for not telling her.

What to do, what to do.

Nancy comes up to me and sighs wistfully. “Isn’t he so amazing? We talked so much on the way here. He’s so intellectual!”

“And a flirt.” I mutter under my breath, deciding against telling her right away.

Nancy glares at me. “What did you just say?”

“Uh I said that’s a first.” I lie. “As in it’s a first that someone like him is actually intellectual.”

“I know! Oh god Em, I think I’m in love!”

“Nan, don’t you think -”

She smiles at me and takes my hand. “Don’t worry about me, Em I’m perfectly fine. I know it’s sudden and all but he’s different from everyone else.”

“Can’t you see how much he’s flirting though?” I suddenly blurt, not thinking about what I should say.

Nancy’s eyes fill with hurt and her bottom lip trembles. “That’s just cruel, Emily. Just because you and Sam had a tiff doesn’t mean you need to try and ruin my chance of happiness.”

I sigh and take her by the shoulders. “I’m not trying to ruin anything, Nan. I’m just worried about you, that’s all. I’m your friend, I have an obligation to warn you against men.”

“I can’t argue that I suppose.” She sighs and looks back at Archi. “I’m not blind, Em. I know he flirts but who doesn’t?”

I shrug helplessly. “Touché.”

Archi returns at long last and gestures for everyone to crowd around him. Nancy runs to his side like a puppy, the women are drawn to him like magnets and the men just grunt and slowly join them. I stand back and watch, suddenly aware of the magnetism he holds. How does he do it? Even Sam doesn’t have that effect on women despite how good looking he is.

“I have the keys to your individual bedrooms.” Archi says, offering Nancy an inconspicuous wink that only I seem to notice. The way he says bedrooms sends a shiver down my spine. He just knows how to say certain things to hook a woman. He continues, “I will call out your names then you can get your key. A porter will be standing by to take you and your luggage there. We will meet back here at six o’clock tonight for dinner. I will go through our itinerary for tomorrow then take you to the restaurant.”

Yes I know I was looking forward to my own room but now that I know I’m getting one I don’t know if I like the idea. I’m certain Sam and I will talk about our little tiff later and when we do I’m going to regret saying I wouldn’t stay with him. Then again, it’s probably done this way for a reason.  Besides we have to lay low around his father. Damn him!

As Archi calls my name, Sam stands next to me. Right, it’s time for me to be mature about this and I need to think maturely. It’s obvious we’re both just jetlagged and grumpy so it’s best if we don’t talk about it until tomorrow. My intention is to have an early night after dinner then see Sam first thing in the morning.

With Sam standing next to me I have a sudden urge to jump in his arms, kiss him and beg for his forgiveness. Not that I’ve done anything wrong, still it would at least fix the situation. Of course I control myself. Not only will Sam not appreciate it but the way Graham is glaring at me, he won’t appreciate it either. Geez, what is it with these two? For some reason Graham has taken an instant disliking to me and it has rubbed off onto Sam. I’m not saying Sam dislikes me but Graham’s attitude toward me is making Sam completely different. I don’t like it.

I look at Sam and he looks at me at the same moment. It’s obvious he wants to say something and I wonder if perhaps he’s realised how snappy he’s been. Finally, maybe we can sort this out and start enjoying our holiday! He opens his mouth to say something but suddenly Archi is calling my name again and the moment is ruined.

I shrug and turn away only to hear Sam say, “You won’t see me at dinner.”

Really? Is that all he was going to say? I turn back to look at him but his attention is taken by the Vizzini guy. He doesn’t even make me laugh anymore, I feel way too miserable for that. I’m so miserable that even when Archi hands me the key and gives me the sexiest smile I have ever seen, I’m not affected. I just force a smile and follow the porter to my room.

We take the elevator to the tenth floor and I step out at the same time Nancy comes out of one elevator and the bus driver out of another. Nancy waves at me frantically and bounces off after the porter. It’s only then I notice the bus driver has stopped and is watching her. He glances back at me curiously, I smile in greeting then follow my own porter, my curiosity getting the better of me.

Just as the porter opens my room, the elevator dings and Sam and Graham walk out. I watch as they walk in the direction of their rooms. Graham stands in front of one and Sam is opposite him. I make a mental note of his room number and decide that the only way we will ever sort this out is if I visit him unexpectedly.

I walk into my room and the porter has just placed my luggage on the bed.

“Is everything to your liking, miss?” He asks.

“Yes thank you.”

He nods and walks out, leaving me alone. At last! My room is really amazing. I have my very own king bed. It’s huge! I mean five people could sleep comfortably in there and I get the whole thing to myself. I run over to it and flop onto my back. Wow it’s so soft and comfortable and -

The knocking at my door wakes me up and it takes a few moments for it to register where I am. Suddenly it sinks in and I jump off the bed. Whoa, I shouldn’t have done that, my head is spinning like crazy. I run to the door and open it only to come face to face with Nancy who looks totally frazzled.

“Aren’t you coming to dinner?” Nancy asks.


“Yes! You’re not even dressed, it’s already six.”

Nancy pushes past me and into my room. Unzipping my case she starts flinging my clothes around. By this point I’ve woken up a bit more and realise I’m super late for dinner. It’s no wonder she’s frazzled.

“Can’t I just go in this?” I ask, looking down at my shorts and Sam’s jumper. I’m not so cold anymore.

“Don’t be so daft.” Nancy says throwing a dress at me. “Put this on and be quick about it. Everyone’s waiting.”

I sigh and put the dress on. Just as I finish touching up my hair and place my shoes on I catch Nancy’s gaze.

“That dress looks familiar.” She says looking thoughtful.

Looking down at what I’m wearing I burst into giggles. It’s the dress I took from Nancy’s the night I kept her company. I didn’t even realise I still had it, let alone packed it for the holiday.

“It’s yours!” I say when I finally stop giggling. “I borrowed it.”

She slaps my arm. “You thief! I love that dress. Make sure you give it back, I might wear it while we’re away.”

As we walk out the door I say, “You didn’t even recognise it!”

“So? It’s technically mine.”

“Ok, ok we’ll share.”

We get in the elevator and I catch my reflection on the metal. I look terrible! I touched up my hair but not with the aid of a mirror, I just combed it back. Now that I look at myself I can see how matted and oily it is. I look such a disgrace!

“Stop stressing.” Nancy says seeing me eyeing my reflection. “You look fine.”

“But my hair!”

“Nobody’s going to notice.”

I fold my arms across my chest and pout. “I don’t like feeling ugly.”

“You’re not ugly, Em. You’re obviously still jetlagged, stop being negative.” She stops then looks at my chest. Her eyes widen then she exclaims, “Whoa girl! You have one hell of a cleavage!”

We just happen to be walking out of the elevator as she says that at the top of her voice. I swear the whole hotel goes quiet. Nancy and I stop in our tracks and look around at the people staring at us. How embarrassing!

I have completely forgotten how much cleavage this dress shows when I fold my arms. I quickly unfold them and look up into Sam’s inquisitive eyes. He doesn’t look angry. Finally. Instead he has a glint in his eyes, a glint that says he’s remembering that day like I am. He smiles at me and I smile back. The tension between us drops just a little and I think maybe we’ll be ok. We just need to talk.

God I miss him. It’s only been a few hours but I feel like I haven’t seen him for days. Plus he’s been in one hell of a mood so he hasn’t been himself. All I want is to be cuddled up on bed in his arms. Maybe I will sneak out and see him later.

Everyone goes back to their own business and just as I think we’ll be able to get through dinner event free, Nancy suddenly starts giggling. At first I think it’s just from the incident but then when I look at her and see her pointing and giggling at my feet I realise it’s much, much worse.

Looking down at my feet I notice I didn’t put on the dress shoes I thought I had. Instead I am wearing my pink fluffy slippers. Neither Nancy nor I noticed. Oh wow, I’m so stylish.

I should be embarrassed, annoyed even, but I’m just not. The situation is just too darned funny. It’s only a matter of seconds before Nancy and I are both giggling uncontrollably. Again. I can’t stop, seriously it’s just too funny. This time though I hear other people laughing and as I look around, I see our tour group in hysterics. Suddenly I feel like the class clown.

“Excuse me.” I say at last. “I guess I should go and change my shoes.”

This just causes more laughter and I quickly run back to the elevators and go back to my room. Seriously, I need to get myself under control.


As always, please let me know what you think. Thanks, as always, for your support. :) <3

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