I Cannot Marry You!

By mizu_Bow

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This story is going to be very sweet and nice at the beginning, till it sets to a darker more graphic scenes... More

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Chapter 1

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By mizu_Bow

Have you ever been reading a good story, a manga story just to suddenly lose your life the next?.

My name is Misa and this is my story of how I was reincarnated into another world. I was working like any normal day, was so tired of flirty rude men, tired of rude comments when I was just trying to write down their order. Only to come home tired and my own mother with no job complains to me for being so lazy when I get home. Just to also be asked for money and lied to that she had a job, i escape this reality with books preferably manga. My favorite is not your typical female lead and male lead, no I love the villainess side of the story why she became like that, just to see is because the female lead was the true villainess all along, framing over and over the so-called true villainess. Only for her to be found out by the duke and would end up only having one choice of a man to marry, sometimes wouldn't even marry any cause they apologize to the so-called villainess and fall for her.

I wish i was in a story like that i would not mind being a side character, being able to dress in those wonderful dresses, seeing the castle, the city how it used to be. Having a simple job that can keep me up on my feet. But for it to be more of a fantasy world where beast-kin people live with humans. There is magic in the world too. It would be wonderful to live in such a world. I walked off work, got on my phone to listen to music and read one of my favorite manga. Only to have been hit by a car, it all happen so fast i could only hear how the man apologized for his broken breaks to my boss, as she cried calling my mother and the hospital, all i could think of was how i'll miss my mom even though she uses me for money sometimes, my little sister and her hugs every five minutes, and lastly my lover my sweet lover whom is very selfless and sometimes gets taken advantage of since he is learning to say no.

I'm going to miss him so much. He was my only healthy relationship. I soon started to close my eyes, unable to keep them open anymore, just tired and in pain. It all faded into black it felt peaceful, the silence I could finally sleep. Only to hear a faint voice 'be quiet i wish to sleep' i thought squirming a bit, just to hear it getting louder ''please wake up little one please be healthy''. The sweet voice said it sounded also tired. I woke up and looked at my surroundings 'my god i got reincarnated yes!.' I thought happily. I smiled happily and cutely to the people I saw that were now my parents. It seemed they were human and a beast-kin!. I hope I'll be a hybrid then. The woman held me happily and carefully "my precious daughter Misa i hope you'll grow up to be smart and healthy'' she said softly and sweetly. I'm going to enjoy this life though I miss my other family already, I noticed we are in the high class. I wish we were commoners, life would be easier without having to be perfect, but it feels nice being tended to by maids and taken out. I see magic and the garden is beautiful. It still surprises me when I see other species that are not humans.

Even my maid is actually a beast-kin. She is a cat species. I'm glad I'm not allergic in this life. She is very sweet. I even have a knight, his species is a german shepard though he keeps his distance. I like to believe he is just doing his job or is shy. My daily life has been like this since i'm just a baby but I make them read me books about this world's history. After all, if I'm in this world with my memories still intact I'm going to do it right this time. I'm going to study hard, and learn as much as I can. I do not wish to be a disappointment to this family. I hope I can make them proud of calling me their daughter. Some time has passed now. I am six years old. I can walk and talk, though that did not surprise anyone since I have been apparently smart since I was a baby only because I seem mature for my age. I get it's because mentally I'm twenty-one, by appearance I'm six year old Misa loved by her doting mother and father. I'm calmly reading in our library on a normal day. Really, I try to stay home as much as i can and not make friends, is not that i hate people or dislike the thought of it. I just can't stand drama. I've had it in my past life too much. I just wish to enjoy some peace and quiet just for a small while.I am calmly enjoying a magic book with silence to follow it only to be scared out of shock when the door is slammed open by none other than both my parents having gleaming faces.

"Mom, dad you scared me. Why are you here all excited looking?'' I asked them both as they looked at one another and walked closer happily, ''well my dearest Misa you will be attending school early'' my mother spoke excitedly and proudly. I was starting to smile, not a happy one more like this is troublesome smile. "But not just anywhere they want you to go to the royal middle school academy!'' my father added loudly. This made me go a bit pale for three reasons. One middle school and academy in one sentence, Two this means I'm going to meet high class people, Three I'm going to have to be careful with my actions or I can get my family in trouble, and Four I might get bullied then saved by a male lead character on accident!, ok so there was another reason 'agh' i do not wish to attend. I looked at my parents as I was about to tell them i do not wish to attend and stopped, they looked so happy, so proud i was chosen, me a middle class girl. "Oh I cannot wait, I'm so excited," I lied with a smile. Yes, I'll do this for them and then I'll think about myself too in this world.

We left home to do some shopping for school supplies. I wanted to stay home but i do not have a lot of time with my family so i agreed without being lazy about it. People could not stop staring at my father. I mean I get it he is a handsome snow leopard, while my mother is a beautiful human woman with long locks of blonde hair and honey brown eyes. As for me, I look more like my father. Apparently I have white hair with long white eyelashes and rare white eyes as well. They thought I was born blind for a long while till I began to read and walk. I get it is worrisome but I love them as for my skin is a fair white i look like a porcelain doll to cut it short. Though my ears and tail I hide them, they were not to appear till I mature, my father said, but I think it has to do with the fact im mentally mature enough that they appeared early. Though i do not mind keeping them hidden is more of a mystery, people might think i'm a full blooded human like my mother with my fathers genes is like a twist from all my favorite books and im in one. We soon walked to a store for new dresses so I could dress however I wished in that school thank goodness, but I hated trying so many dresses. I do love the styles now but it gets tiring at some point. After we finished with that we went to buy matching pairs of heels but at least they were comfortable, then we bought simple jewelry which was honestly my favorite part, we then decided to walk around. I was enjoying myself honestly but I wanted to go home and sleep, i stopped dead in my tracks when a sweet delicious scent hit my nose. I followed it without hesitation and found a cute cafe with nice decorations that felt welcoming and warm in your heart. I walked inside as my family followed worried for my sudden disappearance, i walked right up to the counter looking for what they sell for food and drinks, and desserts my eyes lit up as i chose what i craved for " may i please have cold chocolate milkshake, with two macaroons of pistachio, and that delicious fresh baked red-velvet cake please and thank you" i spoke politely.

The waitress blush faintly and smiled "my so polite of course, what can i get for you sir and ma'am?''. She asks my parents happily and with admiration, other workers could not stop looking at my parents and i don't blame them seriously even i look a lot sometimes though that just feeds that ego of theirs. They are doting parents so they are more proud that their child loves their looks. They ended up ordering the same thing as me for I only eat meat and sleep is rare if I crave for anything so they thought it must be good. We sat down by the window as we waited for our food, I ended up getting lost in my thoughts just to gasp softly and stood up running outside 'no it couldn't be' i thought as i ignored my parents calling my name to come back. But I just had to make sure I did not just imagine that person, that one person just walked right on by. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw that person "luka" I said softly seeing a pure black fur wolf boy, his fur so dark you would not be able to see him if it was dark outside only his beautiful piercing red ruby eyes. The male boy soon turned to me, that's when I knew that was not my luka. I quickly turned around when tears started to formed in my eyes, i ran to where my parents were till i thought i did not want to go to them either ' i want to go home my old home, but i know that's impossible, here i am enjoying this the next i'm sad about not having my old life what irony' i thought to myself as i kept running to anywhere i just wanted to get away from it all, just wanted to scream, only to end up screaming when i suddenly got grabbed by someone i hissed and growled biting the stranger scared and frightened only to hear a familiar voice, i stopped and looked up just to see none other than my bodyguard " is me princess is ok" he said in a bit of pain from my bite. He always hides and keeps his distance he probably hates now even more for making trouble. I looked down "let go" I said calmly and softly having regained my composure "I cannot you hurt yourself when I grabbed you'' he spoke worriedly and softly right I tripped trying to get off his grip. "I won't talk about it" i said still looking down biting my bottom lip " Even if my parents ask about it, I'm not in the mood," I added, though he remained silent and started to walk back to my parents' location. When we soon got back to the cafe location my parents saw us and burst into tears running towards us, my mother took me into her arms and held me close while my father held us both together. They did not scold me or yell, they were just worried "why did you suddenly leave like that, we were so worried sick angel" my mother said, worried with tears dripping down her honey brown eyes. Eyes that were always bright with happiness and warmth now red and puffy with worries and sadness "yes you are lucky your guard is always around you like glue.'' My father said a bit mad more worried in his tone "i don't wan-'' i got cut off from my guard as he spoke over me "she was sad she could not play with the other kids since she gets tired easily it got her upset so she wanted to leave" he spoke a lie for me. Why? Why lie for me? Does he not hate me?. He likes to be my guard after all?, i smiled softly laying my head under my mother's neck "yeah" I lied as well going with that lie as well.

They let it go believing the lie and went back home they ended up taking the desserts to go can't be helped after all that has happened in one day. I bathed, got dressed for bed and read a book by myself, remembering the black fur male, and looked at my left hand. "I miss you so much, you're the only one that ever cared for my health and calmed down my anxiety too." I said to myself, I got off my bed and went to my balcony to get on my table and sit there instead of one of the chairs holding a blanket on me. I looked up to the sky and sigh softly, closing my eyes " so boring not having to work when you're born a noble, at least school won't be boring since this place is a fantasy world. With my adhd it would have been hard to pay attention but at least now I would actually love to learn more about this world." I smiled, moving my feet around, " I hope I'm smart enough to take in all the information, history is easy and fun to read" I said to myself once more, "I should ask for a pet.. I'm lonely, and speaking to myself" i sigh deeply and got off the table going back inside my room and climb to the bed laying back down and fell asleep peacefully.

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