An Unexpected Journey

By BubblyYork

62.6K 2.2K 146

Athena seeks out her grandmother to tell her one of her favourite stories. The Hobbit/Percy Jackson Fanfictio... More

Prologue: Grandmama's Story
Chapter One: Thalia Hunter
Chapter Two: The Bright Light
Chapter Three: Welcome to Middle Earth
Chapter Four: Meeting the Company
Chapter Five: Thorin Oakenshield
Chapter Six: More Questions than Answers
Chapter Seven: On the Road
Chapter Eight: Camping Under the Stars
Chapter Nine: Annoying Wizards
Chapter Ten: Missing Ponies
Chapter Eleven: Troublesome Trolls
Chapter Twelve: Thalia the Evil Witch
Chapter Thirteen: The Mysterious Voice
Chapter Fourteen: Being Hunted
Chapter Fifteen: Ouch That Hurt
Chapter Sixteen: Waking in Rivendell
Chapter Eighteen: Dining with Elves
Chapter Nineteen: Escaping at Night
Chapter Twenty: The Misty Mountains
Chapter Twenty-One: Greek Gods of Old
Chapter Twenty-Two: Meeting Poseidon
Chapter Twenty-Three: The Twelve Olympians
Chapter Twenty-Four: The Goblins Cave
Chapter Twenty-Five: Escaping the Caves
Chapter Twenty-Six: Reunited Again
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Azog the Defiler
Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Power Within
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Escaping and Healing
Chapter Thirty: Exhaustion
Chapter Thirty-One: Growing Closer
Chapter Thirty-Two: More Running
Chapter Thirty-Three: The Tale of Cronus
Chapter Thirty-Four: Beorn the Shape-Charger
Chapter Thirty-Five: Strange Gifts
Chapter Thirty-Six: Broken Chains
Chapter Thirty-Seven: A Little Honesty
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Accepting Courtship
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Heading for Mirkwood
Chapter Forty: The Enchanted Forest
Chapter Forty-One: Twisted Visions
Chapter Forty-Two: Sleepless Night
Chapter Forty-Three: Secrets Revealed
Chapter Forty-Four: Lady of Mirkwood
Chapter Forty-Five: Being Locked Away
Chapter Forty-Six: Being Found
Chapter Forty-Seven: Getting Answers
Chapter Forty-Eight: Escaping from Mirkwood
Chapter Forty-Nine: Bard the Bowman
Chapter Fifty: Sneaking into Lake Town
Chapter Fifty-One: Bard's House
Chapter Fifty-Two: Being Caught
Chapter Fifty-Three: Only Have to Ask
Chapter Fifty-Four: The Celebration Banquet
Chapter Fifty-Five: The Difficult Decision
Chapter Fifty-Six: Those Left Behind
Chapter Fifty-Seven: Unexpected Help
Chapter Fifty-Eight: Doing the Right Thing
Chapter Fifty-Nine: Smaug Arrives
Chapter Sixty: A Long Awaited Moment
Chapter Sixty-One: The Lonely Mountain
Chapter Sixty-Two: Tension Rises
Chapter Sixty-Three: Preparing for Battle
Chapter Sixty-Four: Defending a Friend
Chapter Sixty-Five: Dรกin II Ironfoot
Chapter Sixty-Six: Battle of the Five Armies
Chapter Sixty-Seven: The Battle Continues
Chapter Sixty-Eight: Mountain Attack
Chapter Sixty-Nine: Arriving Late
Chapter Seventy: The Final Stand
Chapter Seventy-One: Devastating News
Epilogue: Far from Over
Sequel: There and Back Again

Chapter Seventeen: Daughter of Poseidon

948 35 0
By BubblyYork

“How dare you bring me to see a daughter of Poseidon,” Edward spat in disgust turning to look at Lord Elrond, he couldn’t believe that he had been brought into a room with the child of his mother’s rival.

Thalia furrowed her brow looking at the man across the room, she didn’t know what he was talking about; she wasn’t a daughter of Poseidon, she knew both of her parents and neither of them were a Greek god of any sort.

“Is there a problem?” Gandalf asked watching Edward, he had known the man before him for many years and he was a great teacher for the Elven community; however he had never seen him react like this before.

Thalia wasn’t the first person they had brought to him but this was the first time that he had snapped; the blonde was just another person that they needed him to tell them about.

“There is… I will not help a child of Poseidon,” Edward snarled shooting a glare at Thalia, he was disgusted that he even had to breath the same air as her; he felt sick and he knew that he wouldn’t remain in the room for much longer.

Lord Elrond frowned staring at the demi-god, he had never heard that much hatred from his friend before and it worried him why that might be.

“I am not a daughter of Poseidon… my parents are Nathan Hunter and Kathryn Simmons,” Thalia said staring at the man across the room, she didn’t care if he was a demi-god; she knew who her parents were and nothing could change that not even the way that they treated her.

Edward chuckled darkly at Thalia, his eyes wild knowing that this was the perfect chance to upset the blonde; their parents disliked each other.

“Your parents are liars… I can sense you from here daughter of Poseidon, there is no denying who you are,” Edward said smugly watching Thalia, there was no way that he would break this to her nicely; she was who she was and that was why she had been pulled through the realms so easily.

Gandalf and Lord Elrond looked at one another confused, they only knew what Edward had told them about the Greek Gods but they knew that Athena and Poseidon were great rivals.

“Thank you for your help,” Gandalf said quickly glancing at Thalia, he could see the confusion that was written on her face and he knew that what had been said had been hard for her since she clearly didn’t know.

Edward frowned recognising the dismissal in the wizard’s words, he opened his mouth to say something else when Lord Elrond stopped him; it was clear that his words were intent on hurting the blonde.

“That will be all Edward,” Lord Elrond said as he showed the son of Athena from the room, he didn’t want him upsetting Thalia more than he needed to.


Thorin glared at the elven lord as he stalked towards him, he wanted answers to why no one had been able to go and see Thalia yet; he knew of elven healing and he was sure that she had recovered well now.

Lord Elrond sighed as he crossed his arms behind his back and looked at the furious dwarf king, he didn’t know what sort of connection that Thorin had with Thalia but it concerned him greatly; he hoped that Thalia would stay in Rivendell because of her demi-god status.

“What can I do for you Thorin, son of Thráin?” Lord Elrond asked calmly eyeing the dwarf, he hoped that he would be rid of the dwarfs soon since when the white council came together this quest would be finished; he had already seen the map that Thorin had been left by his father and he didn’t know why he’d want to awaken the dragon.

“I demand to see Thalia,” Thorin said enraged that the elf thought that he could lock Thalia away like this; he worried for her and what the elves could be doing to her while she was being held hostage.

Lord Elrond frowned staring down at the dwarf king, it was clear that he held some romantic feelings for the demi-god; he’d almost had to force Thorin to hand her over when they had first arrived in Rivendell.

“Lady Thalia is resting,” Lord Elrond said simply keeping his face neutral since Thalia had kicked him and Gandalf out of her room after they had attempted to question her about her world and her powers; they were curious as to what she could do as a child of Poseidon.

Thorin frowned not liking that answer nor the title that the elf had given Thalia, he knew that the elf was going to attempt to claim Thalia in some way like they did with all beings that came through the realms and there was no way that Thorin was allowing him to have his witch.

“Take me to her this instant,” Thorin demanded, he didn’t care what the elf said he needed to make sure that she was okay; the witch was a member of his company.

Lord Elrond stared at him for a moment, Thorin was determined to see Thalia and he didn’t want him annoying any of his people with his strange demand; it was clear that there was something going on between the dwarf king and Thalia.


Thalia sniffled wrapping her arms around her legs trying to wrap her head around what had happened; she didn’t want to believe that her parents had lied to her all of her life, she couldn’t possibly be the daughter of a Greek God.

Thalia jumped as Thorin burst into her room, she stared at him shocked as the elf behind him scowled as he attempted to stop the dwarf king.

“Thalia?” Thorin asked taking in the distressed state of the blonde, the elf lord had clearly done something that had upset her and he felt a sudden wave of anger rush through him; he had the sudden urge to kill whoever had done this.

Thalia stared at Thorin for a moment before she burst into tears, she had never felt like this before and she couldn’t believe that this was all happening to her; she didn’t know how to describe the betrayal that she felt.

Thorin watched her for barely a second before it became too much and moved to comfort Thalia, he ignored the protest of the elf that tried to stop him; he could see that she needed someone right now and after weeks of traveling with her, he felt the need to be the one.

“They lied to me,” Thalia whimpered clutching at Thorin’s tunic, she swallowed the horrible lump in her throat knowing that if what Edward had said was true then she would never be able to forgive her parents for their lies.

Thorin comforted Thalia unsure what she had been lied to about as he looked out of the window of her bedroom, the sky was now grey and a heavy rain had taken over the sunny day that they had been enjoying.

Something magical told the dwarf king that this was Thalia’s doing, the blonde had mentioned briefly that she had some control over the element and now with her emotions out of control; she had no control of her magic and abilities.

“It’ll be okay,” Thorin said quietly comforting the witch, he was going to make sure that she was okay before they continued on their quest.

Thalia sniffled, she didn’t know what would happen next but she wasn’t going to be staying in Rivendell with the elves and Edward.

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