Duskwood: A Town of Mysteries

By 001writer

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"It may seem like any place. Cold, monotonous. But can you imagine what lurks deep in the forest of the town... More

Chapter 1: The phone number
Chapter 2: You are the key
Chapter 3: Part of the group
Chapter 4: The kidnapper
Chapter 5: Horror story
Chapter 6: Mysterious
Chapter 7: Keys and secrets
Chapter 8: Chaos
Chapter 9: The sign
chapter 10: Voting
Chapter 11: The final vote
Chapter 12: Trustworth
Chapter 13: The letter
Chapter 14: Welcome to Duskwood
Chapter 15: Call me Sherlok
Chapter 16: Midnight in Duskwood
Chapter 17: Justice
Chapter 19: The meeting
Chapter 20: The next attack
Chapter 21: Missing
Chapter 22: The past
Chapter 23: unlocking memories
Chapter 24: The devil
Chapter 25: The Man Without a Face
Chapter 26: Home sweet home
Chapter 27: Dark side of ambition
Chapter 28: And we meet again for the last time
Chapter 29: Mission Accomplished
Chapter 30: Endgame

Chapter 18: Good and bad news

429 22 3
By 001writer

"At dusk, death came to me in the form of a man"


Part of the afternoon had already passed, and meanwhile, Vanysh was organizing her work stuff and the investigation board when Carol suddently called her.


-I've got news!

-Good or bad news?


-Oh! Did you do it?!

-Yes. I've waited for everyone to get distracted so that I could enter one of the computers.
-It's done, Vanysh. I shared something very, very interesting.

-What is it?

-You will want to see that yourself.

Carol sent Vanysh a photo of a chat between her police station office and another one, along with a screenshot from a news site.

Chat photo

"-Good morning. For security reasons, I come to warn about the importance of finding this hacker wanted by the government. We are currently receiving information that there are suspicions about him having taken a plane to Russia.

-Thanks for keeping us informed. A few days ago we heard about the case, but there was no information about it.

-We will share this to other police stations and higher agents.

-Please do that as soon as possible."

Screen shot

"It is believed by the U.S.A. police that a very dangerous and unknown government-wanted hacker, who they believe to be named Jake, has been located in Moscow this morning due to some suspicious activity."

-Fuck, this is so good.
-More than good. It's perfect.
-Exactly what we needed.

-I think so too.

-Are you sure that no one saw you?

-Yes. I was very careful with that.


-Thank you so much, Carol. I won't ever forget that.

-You are welcome, Vanysh.

-Please let me know if Jake did it.

-I will. And let me know about how things are going there.


-Hopefully things will go according to plan and you will have your hacker "friend" back.


-Ha! You don't even deny anymore!

She laughed.

-That would be useless anyway.


-It's kinda funny how you always end up in the most complicated kind of situation.

-Ha, tell me about it!

-A "criminal" and a police officer. Who would guess.

-Ex police officer. I left, remember?

-But someday you'll come back to us. I just know it.

-Well, If I dont end up with a criminal record as well, who knows.

-Don't even joke about this, Vanysh!


-I need to go now. Please be careful around there.

-You too.

-Bye bye.

-Bye bye.

Vanysh made a celebratory gesture right after hanging up.

-I need to talk to Lilly about it!

She was just going to message her, but Lilly reached her first.

"Ding dong"

-Hey Vanysh.

When Vanysh opened the door and was about to answer, she noticed that her phone screen turned black and started glitching with a red light.

After that, a warning sign appeared.

"Hack detected"

-What the actual fuck?! -She said as she took a closer look at it.

-What's wrong? -Lilly asked, confused.

"⚠️NYM-OS WARNING: An unidentified person is trying to access your device!"

A "Defend" green button was right above it. Vanysh quickly clicked it, and when she did, it started loading.

"Attack successfully blocked✅"

She was shocked.

-Did it happen to you as well? -She asked Lilly.

-Hm? What do you mean?

-Someone is trying to hack my phone, Lilly.

-Could that be Jake?

-No. I'm 100% sure not.
-He protected me.

-Okay, you've really confused me now.

-Nymos informed me about the attack and blocked it.

-Okay, so that definetely means it wasn't Jake himself.
-Oh my god Vanysh.
-Do you think it was Jake's persuers?

Vanysh kept thinking with a very worried look in her face.

-I am afraid so, Lilly.
-This is the only possibility.

-It can't be...

-LOOK! It's happening again!

"Hack detected"

Attackers are trying to access your location!"


-You see? It's Nymos who's blocking it.

"Attack successfully blocked✅"

-Oh no...

-Ok, we need to keep calm! -Lilly said ironically desperate.

-You're not helping.


-So, Nymos somehow blocked the attack, right?


-So as long as he's there, you're safe.
-That's a start.
-But what does that mean? I always thought Nymos was just another part of the puzzle.

-You were right about the bot thing, but I don't think Jake is using him just for the puzzle.
-It seems to have been programmed to keep my phone safe...

-Jake knew this would happen. Nymos is the proof for that.

-That's just what I was going to say. He probably started programming Nymos to protect me when he made that video.

-You're Jake's weak point, and they know that by now...

-Wretched bitches.

-Have you told anyone any details about him?

-Absolutely not.

-Ok, that's good.
-I think Jake's persecutors want to get information about him through you.

-He has always been careful with stuff like this for this exact reason.
-They won't ever be able to get information because I don't have it either.

-You said they tried to access your location...
-Maybe they think Jake is hiding with you.

-Yes. But that would be stupid.

-Well, you have to keep an eye on it.

-I wonder if Nymos is protecting you too...

-No idea, but if it is, then Jake's persecutors haven't tried to hack me yet.

-Well, it's a good thing that you're here, Lilly. I have news.


-Yes. This friend of mine, who I talked to you about ealier, did it.
-They probably think Jake is in Russia or something by now.



-Oh my god!
-This is the best news yet!!
-But why Russia?

-I don't know.
-But well, it is a huge country and considering it's relation to the U.S.A., I don't think they will cooperate with our government on finding Jake.

-That makes a lot of sense.
-Please be careful, okay?

-You too.

She turned away to leave but then stopped and looked at Vanysh with a concerned face.

-I'm sure Jake didn't want this to happen.

-I know.

Lilly turned foward completely and then left.

-Fuck. This isn't good.
-I can't have the fucking government coming for me now.
-How am I even going to sleep in peace?

Vanysh closed the door and every window or curtains in her house. She has never been so paranoid and relieved.

"Well, this sucks, but if they are still coming for Jake that means they didn't get him yet. He must be safe."

She kept staring at her phone and thinking about what she was going to do, but then she received a notification from Phill and Jessy's chat.

Spy mode

-I talked to your friend Vanysh, again
-She stood in for you in that thing with Cleo and Thomas

-I'm so sorry that I didn't take care of that😔
-But I wasn't feeling well. I even called in sick that day.

-Well, I shouldn't have dragged you into it
-That wasn't fair
-Let's just forget about it

-Thanks Phill

-Tell me
-Is Vanysh single?

-Well there's definetely someone...

-Hm, I see

-No, wait, don't get me wrong😮
-Cause I don't know if she feels the same way as he does
-Do you want me to as carefully? 🤭💖

-Yes :)
-Where is she from, anyway?


-Oh, and come to the Aurora tonight if
you can

They went offline, but then Thomas sent a message in the group.

-This was just on the news

He sent a video of some kind of news program.

"Breaking news update"

"-The missing girl and dead body found case that looked simple, now turns out to be more complicated. Today, the police annouced about the body for the first time and shared some details about it"

Images of the I.P. in the forest along with the body covered in a white blanket appeared.

"The victim is the Duskwood local Amy Bell Lewis"

They showed a picture of her. Amy was a young, blonde woman with an innocent face.
The only wierd thing about her was the fact that Vanysh felt like she had seen her face before.

"The young woman's body was found about 13 days ago in the forest by a man that was going for a walk close to the 13th street.
Possible indectee for her death have not been found or confirmed by the police officials yet"

-They only decided to make this information public now?

-What does that mean?

-Maybe they reached a dead-end in the investigation...


-I knew her
-I've seen her before, I mean

-Me too

-Oh my goodness....
-She is in the same drawing class as me
-I never realized she was missing
-There must be some sort of connection between Hanna and Amy...

-There isn't

-We can't assure anything. There might be, but there also not.

-Cleo, can you tell us more about Amy?

-Probably not a lot😔
-We sometimes used to hang out after the class, but Amy never joined us
-She has always been very reserved

-Well, I've got a few questions about her
-Is she from Duskwood?

-Sorry, I have no idea


-But that's something we could find out pretty easily


-Was she friends with Hanna?


-Not that I'm aware
-But I don't think so. No


-Hanna would've probably only seen her, too


-How old is she?


-Im not sure, but I think she is about our age


-I never realized that we haven't had time to talk about our ages before.


-That is true🤔
-We don't know yours and you don't know ours🤨

-Yea. But it's clear that Vanysh isn't much younger or older


-Well, I am 25
-How about y'all?







-How about the other's that aren't here right now?

-Jessy is 24 and Lilly is 22.

-Hanna is 26 as well



-18 plus how much?


-Come on, old man

-Shut up Tommyboy

-Dan is 27😆

-No way that HE is the oldest one here😶

-My soul is young😎

-Veery young



-Is Jake about our age as well?

-Why'd you ask?

-I'm just curious

-I was wondering the same😅

-Bet he is an old man with a beard

-Prettier than yours?

-Woow wow, that is impossible

-Now let's get back to the main point: Amy.
-Was she married or something?




-How'd you know?


-No idea

-I just do


-Suspicious 👀


-I don't know if this is useful information, but she used to live by the post office


-Does anyone else know anything about Amy?

-Do you, Richy?


-No. I think I have nothing to add.


-Wasn't she one of your costumers?

"What the fuck"

-She was probably with Tool Tastic

-I think it's more likely she didn't have a car. I always saw her riding a bike.

-Jessy and Lilly aren't online. Maybe they know something about Amy?

-I just watched that news segment again
-And I noticed something

She sent a picture of the part where they show the crime scene.

This time Vanysh noticed something as well. A yellow paper on a rock.

-Wait, I think I know what it is!

-Wtf are you two on?

-You see that rock on the left side?

-Go on

-There is landmark

-A bit

-It's like some sort of memorial

-You mean like a tombstone, right?


-So amy was found on the graveyard

-No, her body was found in the forests of Duskwood

-And she wasn't just found at the forest. It was a specific place

-The murder wanted to express something...

-So the murder isn't just an asshole, but an expressive asshole

-Which fits his approach perfectly.

-So Amy clearly did something
-And that's why he killed her

-That makes sense. But what did she do?

-I don't know. I'm not a member of your puzzle club

-If only we could read what It says on the rock...

-We'll see what we can do
-For now, keep your eyes and ears peeled.

-We always do
-Well then


I've passed 1 more hour staring and adding stuff to the board. I need to figure out what is going on before someone else dies or any of my friends get hurt.

So far, all I know is that the kidnapper wants to be known as the man without a face for some reason. Probably because Hanna somehow killed both Jennifer and Isabel that night in the forest.
So far I believe that the MWAF is their father and just wants revenge because of Hanna's action, but there still is a lot to find out.

I wrote some stuff on pieces of papers and added them to the "questions" part of the board.

"Why and how did Hanna do that?"
"Who is the man that went to see Iris along with Hanna that day?"
"Who killed Amy? Was it the same Killer?"
"What did Hanna want with Phill?"
"Was the bracelet Jennifer's?"
"Did Isabel die?"
"What did Amy do?"
"Who's Jennifer and Isabel's father?"

As answers are discovered, the questions will be taken off the board and new ones will be put. It will take me weeks or even months, but I'll figure this shit out.

In any case, it is already a big relief that I no longer need to keep investigating on Jake. Of course, I still don't know a lot of stuff about him, such as how he was the first person to know that something bad happened to Hanna and why he erased my number after sending it to Thomas, in case it really was him. But I am sure that he will explain everything when we meet again.

Thinking about it, I also believe that I don't need to be paranoid when it comes to his feelings anymore. He isn't the kidnapper and it would make no sense for him just to be using me to get to Hanna. Even if that was so, he wouldn't tell me personal stuff about himself or worry about protecting me from his persuers.

Suddently, Cleo called me.

-Hey Vanysh.

-Hey Cleo.

-What are you up to?

-Nothing really important. Why?

-I thought that maybe you'd like to go to the rainbow café. I need to talk to someone...

-You don't have to ask me twice. I'll be there in 10 minutes.

-Thank you, Vanysh.


As promised, I showed up at the café, but I got here a little earlier. Cleo hasn't even arrived yet.

When I checked my phone, I saw a notification from Phill.

"Missed call"

-Did you try calling me, Phill?

He didn't answer or even went online. What the hell would Phill want from me?

I probably didn't see him calling because the signal here at the café is terrible.

-Hey! -Cleo said as she arrived.

-Hey Cleo.

She sat in the table as the waitress came to get our order.

-Good evening, what will you two have today?

-I just want a chocolate milkshake. -Cleo said.

-And I want an iced lemon tea.

-Anything else?


-Alright. Soon your drinks will be here. -Th waitress left.

-So, Cleo, what did you want to talk about?

-Oh, Vanysh, I'm just shocked and a little bit sad.

-I still can't believe It's Amy's.


-I mean, this body suddently became so real.
-This dead woman got a face.
-The face of Amy Bell Lewis from my art class...

-I agree.
-There is so much going on that I couldn't even think about the body.
-Now, more than two weeks later, we finally discovered who it was.

-I am pretty sure now that Amy hasn't been coming to class for quite a while.

-At least two weeks before Hanna disappeared.

-You think there is a connection?

The waitress arrived with the drinks before she could answer.

-Here it is. -She said as she put the drinks in the table.


Cleo drank a little milkshake before answering.

-No. I don't think there is a connection.
-But I think it might be important.

-Something happened in Amy's life.

-And that's why she stopped coming to class.

-What if she was already dead?

-We know the body was found about 2 weeks and some days ago, but not when day she died.

-You're right.

-I will ask my teacher if maybe Amy gave up on doing the class or something.

-Or even if she told her why she was absent.

-It really worries me.
-If I'm being honest, I must say that Amy's death and Hannas kidnapp doesn't seem to be a coincidence.

-Do you think Amy had been kidnapped back then by the same person?

-Yes and no.
-Amy could've been kidnapped, but what I meant was that it probably was the same person who took them.
-Maybe it was just a psycho bastard that likes young woman, but maybe not.
-Maybe Hanna and Amy had something in common. Something that explains why those things are happening.

-Do you have any idea about what it could be?

-Not yet.

-Do you know what Thomas told me days ago?

-What did he tell you, Vanysh...?

-Weeks before Hanna disappeared, she started acting differently.
-According to him, she didn't even seem to be the same Hanna he knew.

-Did you notice that too?

-No. Not at all.

-Thomas told me that yesterday, too.

-And that thing with the bracelet.
-But Hanna was totally normal with me.

-But we must keep this in mind.

-We need to make this killer get what he deserves.

-And we will.

A notification from the group arrived right after that.

-Phill got arrested!

-Cleo, take a look at the group. -I quickly said.

She instantly got her phone.

-What?! Phill?!

-How come?!

-The police just stormed the Aurora and arrested him.
-Please meet me in front of the junkyard.

-Wait, what?😲

-You heard her.

-But I'm already at the junk yard

-Then stay there and call the others.

-Come on, Cleo, we need to go.


I left the money from my tea at the table and we immeadiatly ran to the Junkyard's direction.


When we got there, Thomas, Jessy, and Lilly were arriving along with us.

-What happened, Jessy?

-I was at home just now -She started shaking- And suddently, I was told through the phone that the police appeared and took Phill away in handcuffs like he was some kind of gangster!

-Did they explain why?

-This is why I didn't want to get involved!
-Because this is the kind of thing that happens when you do!! -She started losing control.

-What the hell is going on here? -Dan, who had just been called by Richy, asked.

-The police arrested Phill.

-What the fuck?!

-What made us think that we could just get ourselves involved in some kidnapping case?!

-Yoah... Hum-

-Jessy, you need to calm down.

-Easy for YOU to say, Cleo. -She shouted as Cleo took a step aside.
-I don't have time for this. I need to find out what happened to my brother.

Jessy left the Junkyard in a hurry while we kept staring at her and then to each other.

-Oh man.
-That was really unexpected.

-I wonder why he got arrested.

-Me too.

-I don't know if I'm allowed to say that without a membership card but, the timing just reeks of the body from the forest.

-What is that supposed to mean?

-It's unlikely to be a coincidence.
-I mean, Amy's body and Phill's arrest.
-I'm not saying it was him, but maybe the police thinks so?

-The police kept the body's identity as a secret for half an eternity.
-Then suddently makes it public and arrest our barkeeper.

-You have an interesting point here.
-Maybe the police got the the wrong conclusion and Phill payed the price.

-Vanysh spoke to Phill recently.
-Maybe you want to say something about that? -He looked at me.
-Specially for Lilly and Dan, because they weren't included back then.

-I went to the Aurora to investigate him days ago.
-Phill was very cooperative and friendly.
-But he gave me no signs about being the killer or anything.

-You forgot to mention that he didn't want you to leave so soon and tried to flirt.

-Yeah, something like that.

-Aaargh, that reminds me that Hanna's kidnapper had Vanysh's number from the begining.

Thomas, Lilly and Cleo widened their eyes.

-In case you are wondering how we know that, he has been threatening me over the phone since the day we've met, if I'm not wrong.

-And that's why we wanted to know if any of you gave Vanysh's number to anyone else who's out of the group.

-Nope. Why would I?

-Of course I didn't pass her number.

-I did.
-But you already know why...

-And we're not about to forget.

-But your video came much later.
-I'm talking about when Vanysh first joined us. A bit less than three weeks ago.

-In that case, no.

-Me neither.

-Did you give your phone number to anyone, Vanysh?

-Nope. When I first arrived the only ones who had it were you guys and probably my boss's secretary. After all, I came to Duskwood because of my job.

-But this is useless information.

-Then we have to assume that Hanna's kidnapper saw the last message she sent Thomas.

-You didn't know Phill when you came to us, did you Vanysh?

-Of course not.
-You guys were literally the first people I met in this town.

-Could it be that Phill sent me your number, Vanysh?
-From Hanna's phone, I mean.

-That seems unlikely.
-The last detail worth mentioning right now is the fact that, 10 minutes before we found he got arrested, Phill tried to call me.


-Yes. I just don't know why he chose to call me instead of Jessy or anyone else. We couldn't even talk since I didn't answer right away due to bad signal.

-Now that's even more strange...
-Well, I think we should take a break here.

-Things are getting negative again...

-We found out 20 minutes ago that the police arrested someone we know.
-Let's at least give it some thought before making assumptions again...

-Richy is right.
-We can talk later.

Everyone went to their own way after that.


When I got out of my car and looked at my house, I saw Jessy sitting in front of it. So I immediatly went to talk to her.

-Hey Vanysh... -She looked terrible.


-I'm sorry for running away and leaving you there. -She got up.

-You don't have to apologize.

-I was on the phone with my sister Angela until just now.
-I was hoping that she would come to Duskwood, but she can't because of her job...
-But she got Phill a lawyer.

-Phill called me minutes before the arrest.
-I probably couldn't even see him calling because I didn't have signal. I wasn't home.

-What do you think he wanted to tell you?

-I don't know. Maybe he knew something or thought I did.

-You know, Phill mentioned you.
-First I thought he was just making conversation, but then he asked where you came from.


-Really? -I pretended to be surprised.
-Why would he ask you that?

-I don't know Van...

-Have you found out why he got arrested yet?

-I called the police earlier, but they didn't want to talk to me.
-Angela said we'd have to wait for the lawyer.

-As someone who kind of understands police shit, I can tell you that, at the moment, waiting for his lawyer is all you can do.
-They must be eating him alive with questions or trying to solve their own case by now.

-How do you understand so much about it?

-I used to be a cop, but that was a long time ago.
-I swear that someday I will explain this shit with details to everyone, but now it isn't important.

-Okay then...

-Are you okay, though?

-I'm better now.
-You know, I mainly left because I was scared to hear one of you say that Phill might be the killer...

-That hasn't happened yet.

-With the emphasis on "yet", right?

-You know how it works. We need to discuss things we don't want to when it's necessary.

She sighed.

-Let's talk about the attack again.
-You really didn't see him coming or notice anything?

-No. I couldn't see him coming.
-I just know that he was very strong. I had no chance to defend myself.

-You were caught off guard.

-No. Even if I was prepared I wouldn't be able to do anything.
-But you saw him, didn't you?


-Did you notice anything?

-I noticed a lot of things that night, Jessy.

Now we were both sitting at the little stair in front of my door.

-I couldn't see him coming because I got distracted. And that's all he needed to begin the attack.
-When he hit you, he imeddiatly came on my direction.
-I've never seen such a calm and agressive body language before.
-In the end, he just wanted me to see you there, fallen and asleep on the ground.
-Oh, and he was armed. He made sure to show me the gun so that I would stay still, almost as if he knew I was going to fight him.
-Which I was, since I can fight very well. But that wasn't fair.

-That is such a good observation.

Jessy put her head on my shoulders.

-Who knew we would be on the move that day?

-And Richy.

She started thinking.

-And Jake?

-No. I didn't tell him about that and he wasn't reading my messages back then.

-How do you know that?

-He said he wouldn't read them anymore.

-Do you believe him?

-And believe me, Jessy, Jake has got bigger problems to deal with right now.

-Well, then apart from that, only you knew.

We kept silent for a moment.

-You know... That made me realize that it happened because of me, Jessy.
-He wanted me to see what is going on. To make me give up on finding Hanna and leave the group.

-If this is the price we have to pay for you to be here, then I'm prepared to pay it.
-You're irreplaceable, Vanysh...
-For all of us.

-I really appreciate it, Jessy.

-You'll always be with us.
-You will, won't you Vanysh? -She looked at me, worried.

-I will.

-You promise?

-I promise.

She smiled, but closed her face with a worried look once again.

-I need to ask you a favor.

Fuck. What will it be now.

-I know that I'm asking a lot, but it could be very important to Phill.
-Can you tell me what you and Jake found out so far?
-And send me any files you might have?

Fuck. Me.

Not this again. I don't even know what to do or to say.

-I would like to finally explain everything to everyone, but I can't.
-Nothing I have here can really save Phill.

-But maybe you do.
-We don't know what information the police have so far.

I kept silent, just looking at the ground.

-It's because of Jake, right?

-Maybe I can convince him, but I won't do anything without asking first.
-And that isn't because I depend on him or am afraid he will be mad, but because we are a team. We worked together and this is something both of us need to think about.

-I understand...
-I'm sorry. I didn't want to put you in this kind of sticky situation.

I wish I could tell her the truth, but that would just create more chaos. I can't talk about Jake when the government is trying to access my phone and spy on me.

-I want to be honest with you, Jessy...
-I cannot talk about this kind of stuff right now.
-So could we just leave it at that?

-Of course.
-If you say you can't talk about this, then I will accept, of course.
-Even though I don't understand...

She kept staring at the ground along with me before getting up.

-Alright then.
-I'll get going, I guess.
-There is this thing I want to check. I'll let you know if I find anything.

-Alright. See you, Jessy.

-See you, Vanysh. Take care.

-You too.

I left the outdoor of my house and came inside. It's getting dark and I can't risk it anymore.



Half an hour later, Vanysh had already taken a shower and was now listening to some music as she looked at the window.

The neighborhood wasn't the same anymore. People were always quiet and would rarely leave their houses.

The only thing that never changed was her wierd dawn neighbor, who always got home at 3:00 A.M. and made a lot of noises. But when there is a killer and a kidnapper lurking around, it is expected for people to be more careful.
Neither Vanysh was going out every day or showing herself to the world as much as she used to.

Everything in her life was getting darker and hard to deal with. People are dying, her friends and even Vanysh herself are being threatened and Jake wasn't getting in touch anymore.

She knows that this agonizing feeling towards Jake was largely due to the fact that she had become attached to him and was possibly in love, but on the other hand she was really worried and afraid of him ending up being "erased" from the map by his pursuers.

This feelings and thoughts are messing her up.


Minutes later, the phone, which was away from Vanysh because after that hacking attack she didn't want to be close to it anymore, started ringing and she went with no hurry towards it.

It was Jessy.


-Hanna only had one single address saved in her car's sat nav.
-And I'm right in front of that house now.

-What the fuck, Jessy?

-Phill needs my help, Vanysh.
-And I've been thinking of taking a look at Hanna's sat nav for a while.
-But Richy was convinced that she didn't have a sat nav in her car at all.
-Lilly knew better than him.

-Is it at least in Duskwood?

-No, uhh...
-Ashview Hills.
-It took a while to drive here, but I hope it's worth it.
-Alright, I'm going inside. Wish me luck.

-Be careful, Jessy. And let me know if anything happen- Her phone stopped working before she could finish talking.

That same thing happened again. A warning sign appeared.

"Hack detected"

Attackers are trying to access your camera!"

-Fuck, not again.

She immediatly clicked the "defend" button, but when it finished loading nothing happened. The warning was still appearing, but the time that counted a minute under the button was still running.

-Defend... -She started getting nervous as she would click but it wouldn't work.

"It isn't working... They managed to bypass Nymos's system"

-Fuck! Fuck...

The time was almost over and Vanysh had already covered the camera with her finger because she knew it wouldn't work anymore despite trying.

After the last loading, the screen went black again.

After that, all she could see were two masked men wearing black suits. The image was reddish and they were staring at the camera as if they could see her.

Her heart finally stopped and her body froze when they showed her a notebook with a messed screen. It looked like some hacking program.

The man holding the computer pressed a key and half of Vanysh's cell's screen was occupied with a black image that had a bar loading and something disturbing written on the top.

"Camera: Vanysh"

With every spin the download bar made and every time she saw them look at her, her blood pressure dropped. Vanysh desperately covered her camera as she walked in circles and breathed in as much air as she could, which was barely nothing.

"I am finally fucked, and there is nothing I can do now"

The other man was now pointing at her and trying to pass the message when the screen went crazy.

Everything was shaking and glitching. Her screen flickered so much that she couldn't even see the agents anymore.

Suddenly, her cell phone returned to normal as if nothing had happened. Vanysh didn't know if they finally invaded her phone or if Jake managed to stop them. The only thing she did was throw her phone away and desperately get a tape to cover the camera.

-Where is it... -She said desperately and with her teeth practically glued together as she rummaged through the drawer where she had left a tape.


When Vanysh covered the camera in a hurry, she finally decided to test her cell phone to see if everything was all right or even if Jake had returned, but to her surprise nothing had happened.


Ten minutes had passed and she was trying to catch air after such a big scare.
Vanysh wanted to cry and explode, specially for the fact that nothing was happening anymore and she didn't know what it meant.

-It's ok, It's ok.
-They're gone now. I should be relieved.

She was calming down when the "relief" was gone with the sound of the doorbell ringing.

"Oh no... I don't have a good feeling about this.
It's already 8 P.M., who could it be? The government people? Someone who they hired to get me?"

She carefully and very slowly went in the window's direction. There was nothing outside, but she couldn't see the door from there anyway.

"Fuck fuck fuck..."

It rang once more.

"Fuck it"

She took her gun, went downstairs, walked towards the door and took a very deep breath before opening it. Whoever it was, she was ready for them.

When Vanysh opened the door, all she could see was a tall, thin man wearing a black hoodie, a backpack and a mask that would cover all of his face except for his eyes and forehead.
It was pretty hard to see him in the dark, but there was somehing that didn't go unnoticed. He had blue eyes that sparkled like a billion dollar worth jewel, which shined even more because of the dense, dark circles around them.

Vanysh strongly held the gun in the hand that was hidden behind her back as they both faced each other.

Before she could make any questions, he took the mask off and smiled to her.

-Hello, Vanysh.

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