Infinity || Harry Potter

By kinsweasley

259K 5.4K 2.2K

I hope she is alright, wherever she is. I can't lose anyone else I love, specially not her. She is my 'first'... More

About Y/N
Hogwarts letter
Diagon Alley
Platform 9¾
Sorthing Hat
Getting along
Sirius Black
Padfoot? Sirius Black?
Full Moon
Going Home.
Ash Letter
World Cup
Jealousy Jealousy
The Triwizard Tournament
Goblet of Fire
First Task
Yule Ball
Black Lake
Calming Draught
Final Task
Back to Hogwarts
Dumbledore Army?
Room of Requirements
Christmas At Manor
Going Back
pink women!
late night craving
Date with Harry?
Telling Friends
Joining Umbridge
Prank On Draco
Expecto Patronum
Vanishing Cabinet
Hogwarts Express
Cursed Necklace
Christmas Party
Back Home
Astronomy Tower
A.P.W.B Dumbledore
Severus Snape
Back to Hogwarts
Atlantes Thana
Atlantes's story
Hogwarts isn't Hogwarts
Back to the hell
What's going on?
Marriage proposal
Luna Lovegood
Running the hell out
Dobby the free elf
Bellatrix's Vault
Aberforth Dumbledore
The War Begin
War's downfall
War bring death
Y/N Malfoy
The one that got away
Another Ending!

Slughorn's invitation

1.8K 43 13
By kinsweasley

(This chapter is edited)

Y/n pov:

Blaise convince me to accept Slughorn's offer. Currently, I'm trying to figure out what to wear? It's a real struggle. The thing is I am already late and I can't found anything to wear.

I took out a black dress but it was black less. Whatever. I am already late.

I added jewellery and shoes and walked towards the mirror but I heard a sound of an owl so I turn back and saw Wiskers. She brought a letter.

Dearest Y/n

How have you been? We miss you Little Dragon. Right now I'm at Tom's house as you have noticed by the owl. I wanted to write to you but you know that's not safe. Are you alright? Did something happen? You were not at Hogwarts the day we went back. Dumbledore told us you left and I heard about Sirius and your father. I'm really worried. Owl me as soon as you get this.

I'm writing this on 13-Aug. As soon as you reach Hogwarts I'll owl this. Tom and Andrew said Hi. They are out but they will owl you later.

Stay strong my little Dragon

Your Zackyy~

No, nothing is alright. Things are drifting apart. I looked at Wiskers. "There the cookie on my desk," I told her and she fly towards my desk and started eating. I notice there's another letter.


Hey, it's me, Tom. Y/n/n how are you? We tried to find you in the end of the term but you weren't there. Then Zack told us that Dumbledore send you and Draco back. How are things going? Owl us when you get these letters.

Another one

Y/n/n it's Andrew. We missed you this summer. We hang out with Tom's family. Mrs Lewis friend was a muggle so she took as with them. Muggle's were well...weird. It was a different feeling but it was fun and something new. I wish you were here.

Tom and Andrew.

PS: If something crazy happens there. You're always welcome at our house. Mom and Dad are dying to meet you ;)

After reading these letters again and again I didn't know what to say. Was I ok? Absolutely not! I took a parchment and quill and started writing completely forgetting that I was already late

Dear, Huffls

I'm fine don't worry about me. That day I found out my Dad was in Azkaban that's why Dumbledore send me and Draco back. A lot happens actually. Harry and I broke up. He thinks I cheated on him because of that Bloody idiotic git Alexander Nott. But don't worry about it. Things happen for good right?


PS: Thank you, Andrew for your offer I'll look forward if needed.

After writing I gave it to Wiskers who fly immediately. I looked at the time. Crap. I left my dorm and saw Blaise and sadly Alexander standing in the common room waiting for me.

"What took you so long?" Blaise asked "I was sending a letter" I replied "alright. Let's go" the three of us walked out.

"Hello, Love. You look gorgeous" Alex commented. I rolled my eyes "Don't call me that besides I always look gorgeous" I told him with an attitude. Blaise smiled and nodded

We walked inside and saw Hermione and Harry already there with other students. Turns out we were the one they all were waiting for.

"On-time. Take a site" Slughorn said. I look around and saw two empty sits near Harry and one near Slughorn. Blaise went and sat near him leaving me with Harry.

I slowly walked toward the seat and sat down. He looked at me and our eyes contact. We stare for longer than I expected but it was ruined by Alexander who just sits next to me. Agh!

(They are sitting like this- Alex-Y/n-Harry-Hermione and Blaise is in front of them just like he was in the movie)

"Y/n all good?" Hermione asked trying to make a conversation "Yeah" I nodded not wanting to talk "I like your outfit" Hermione pointed out "thanks I like yours too" I gave her a small smile

We started with our food and Slughorn was talking and asking something to few students. It was a bit awkward but finally, the dinner was over and we were having ice cream.

Professor Slughorn started asking about 'family' but I was not paying attention at all. He asked something to a guy who was sitting next to Blaise. He was talking while eating. His mouth was full of food and he was not stopping.

One of the rules in our house is 'to never talk while eating' we never say a word while having dinner.

"What about you Miss Granger. What does your family do in the muggle world?" Slughorn asked Hermione "my parents are dentists" Hermione replied and all heads turn towards her. Dentists? What are dentists? There was a silence "They tend to people's teeth" she added. What in the world? I made a weird face

"fascinating and is that considered dangerous perfection?" Slughorn asked. I wanna know that too. "No!" Hermione replied and looked around "although one boy Robbie Fenwick, did bite my father once. He needs 10 stitches" Hermione awkwardly laughed. What in the world is she talking about.

Everyone stopped eating and looked at Hermione. There was an awkward silence. Then I heard the door open and saw Ginny Weasley walking in.

"Ah, Miss Weasley. Come in come in" Slughorn said "look at her eyes. They have been fighting. She and Dean" Hermione whispered in Harry's ears but I heard that. "Sorry, I'm not usually late" after apologizing Ginny said down on an empty chair. I didn't even know when the person left.

"What about you Miss Malfoy?" I looked at Slughorn "Professor?" I asked "Tell us about your family" I can feel Harry's eyes on me "I apologize professor I am not comfortable talking about it" I replied

"Alright. What about you Mr Nott?" Alexander looked up "rich, pure blood's, father work in the Ministry and He's finding me a wife actually" Alexander said looking at me. I quickly looked at my empty plate

Harry gave him a look. I just rolled my eyes "wife?" Slughorn asked "you know professor purebloods are bound together from young age. Maybe my future wife is somewhere here?" Alexander smirked.

"I'm sorry for her" I mumble which made Harry laugh

I felt a hand on my thigh. I could feel the hand on my bare skin as I was wearing a short dress. I gave a look to Alex to take his hands off but he just smirked.

"Take your hand off of me otherwise you'll no longer have it" I threatened him "Pitty I see" He started moving his hand. I mumbled a few words suddenly he stood up and started shaking his hand "ouch AhH" Alexander shouted. "Are you alight Mr Nott?" Professor asked "Y-Yess...I was just entertaining" he awkwardly sat done and glace at me.

It was a simple jex that made his hand burn. I smirked and ate my ice cream. I can feel Harry's eyes on me "What?" I innocently asked "Nothing" Harry said quickly "He did deserve that" He whispered. I looked at him and let out a chuckle.

The dinner was over and we all walked out except Harry. I told Blaise to take Alexander with him because I don't want to walk with him Blaise agreed and they left.

"Y/n" it was Hermione. I didn't look at her and kept walking "Y/n Malfoy I want to talk to you!" Hermione shouted "Just hear me out" I didn't say anything "I believe you"

I stopped

"I believe you y/n/ you would never cheat on Harry. He's an idiot to think that" she walked towards me "What happen to you? We were friends. Now you don't even look at us"

"Things are complicated Mione, I just don't know what to do" I whispered "Talk to someone. You have me and Harry is going to come around sooner or later. Maybe Ron can help too with his food to cheer you up" I let out a small laugh

"And to my surprise, Malfoy and Parkison care about you. Talk to them if you want" I nodded

Maybe I can talk to Pansy. Her parents are death eaters too.

(I don't know if Parkinson's were death eaters or not but can we just pretend they were)

Hermione looked at someone behind me I turn around and saw Harry standing there "I'll leave you two" with that Hermione walked away.

"Y/n I-" harry started but I cut him off "First hear me out" he nodded "Nothing I repeat nothing happened between me and that git" I told Harry. His expression softened "I can't even process what was happening and the next thing I knew you are standing there"

"I am sorry for not believing you I was just so mad about the whole breakup thing and then I saw you with Nott" Harry apologise "I understand. I would have thought the same" He smiled "But-But why did you want to break up?" he asked.

I frozed. I can't tell him "I-I errm.." I looked down "A lot happening Harry and I just want a break...from everything," I told him. It was true but I didn't want a break from him. "I understand," He said.

'no you don't' I thought

He put in hand on my cheeks "I'll give you some time" Harry said. His eyes travelling down my lips "but first---" He pulled me into a kiss. My stomach was full of butterflies. I kissed him back with full force It was a different kiss like the kiss which speaks 'I missed you. I smiled in between.

No, I planned on staying away from Harry as much as possible. I slowly pulled away.

"I have to...go" I whispered "I will walk with you" Harry offered "oh no it's alright besides Slytherin stay up late and if anyone saw us and told Draco it will be trouble" I lied "yeah alright. See you later?" Harry asked I just nodded.

Thank you for 5.00k+ reading 😍❤😭 made my day

I'm planning on writing another story after I complete this. It would be Harry Potter x reader but something to do with Marauders! 😍😆
It would be small as things would be quick. I have already planned it 😌❤

What do you guys think?

What's the weather where you live? Here it's 10°
Love you. stay safe all of you❤❤

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