Potato Guns and Web Slingers

By alsoonao

37.8K 1K 873

Harley Keener was promised by the Tony Stark that when he turned 17, he could come live in New York with him... More

Chapter 1:
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chpater 10:
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
chapter 20
new storys
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 4:

1.9K 57 38
By alsoonao

Harley's POV

I can't believe Spider-Man actually agreed! Well, he probably won't show up, but we will see.

I barely got any sleep last night because I was too excited for today. I opened my closet and put on a pair of ripped jeans and a Led Zeppelin T-shirt. Then I made my way to the kitchen.

"Mmm. Something smells good." I walked up and sat down on a stool in front of the counter. Pepper picked up Morgan so she could set a plate in front of me. I smiled at Morgan and pointed to my plate.

"Did you make this... for me?" I let my eyes brighten and she giggled as she nodded her head. "Mmm. I bet it tastes just as good as it smells."

"What has you in such a good mood?" Tony appeared from the hallway. I shrugged as I kept the smile on my face.

"Ooo, is it a girl?" Pepper teased. I scrunched up my nose at that.

"No..." Just you friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.

I finished eating and flung my book bag onto my back and made my way to the elevator.

"Happy is on his way." Tony called out.

"Well, tell him not to wait up. I'm taking the subway!" I held up a peace sign, but not bothering to turn around. I heard Tony scoff as I got in the elevator.

I made my way through the doors of the school and to my locker.

"What's up, new guy?" A voice said as it leaned against the locker next to me.

"Hi, Eugene." I said coolly as I remembered how nobody called him by his first name. I took my face out of my locker to stare him in the eye with a smirk.

"So, since a couple of the people from our decathlon team were not blipped, we are short a couple of people. And for some reason, Mr. Harrington is making me be in charge of finding new people. I mean, I've seen you working on things in robotics. We could use someone like you. Also, you should thank me. I don't give out compliments." He explained, clearly not caring that I called him Eugene. Which confused me, but I just didn't show it.

"I'll think about it, Darlin." I gave him a wink and I saw red creep up on his face.

"Oh. Okay. Um, uh great." Flash stuttered. I got him. "Our practice is tomorrow after school. So if your interested..."

"Of course, darlin." I gave him a pat on the back and went to first period.

After a bunch of chemistry and calculus, the day was finally over. I found Happy out by the side of the school, and hopped in the car. Peter was just sitting there on his phone. I rolled my eyes and didn't even attempt a conversation.

We got out and went up to the workshop. Tony was up there, working on an IronMan suit prototype and Peter went to his corner and dumped out of his book bag a bunch of white fluid. (Get your mind out of the gutter.)

"What is that?" I sneered. He looked up at me and immediately started to get flustered.

"Oh! Um... it's Spider-Man's web fluid.  I make it at school sometimes cause sometimes he needs it b- before I come here and..." He stopped himself and I could see Tony smirking in my peripheral. 

"So you do everything for him?" I asked and my eyes bored into his soul.

"Um well not the swinging around, beating up bad guys part of course." He chuckled and I would have chuckled too, if I didn't despise him. Wait... why do I despise him, again?

"Hmm. Cool." I said and then walked off to my corner.

  I kept looking at the clock and every single time I did, I could swear that Peter would be looking at me.

"What's so fascinating about the clock, Harls?" Tony interrupted my thoughts.

"I gotta cute date soon." I looked up at Tony, "Speaking of, under the mask, is Spider-Man cute?" Tony's eyebrows perked up at that and he looked over at Peter, who was blushing profusely.

Tony smirked, "Adorable." It was quiet for a second before Tony's eyes widened in realization. "Wait... when did you meet Spider-Man?"

"Oh, some dudes with guns tried to mug me last night." Tony's head snapped up at me and he gave a glance to Peter.

"Y-you got mugged?" Peter asked in a weird, higher than normal voice.

"No." I scoffed. "Spider-Man saved me, and he is going to show me around Queens in about," I looked up at the clock and grinned, "thirty minutes. See you two losers later!" I grabbed my jacket and ran to the elevator.

Peter's POV

As Harley left I started to pack up my things with my cheeks still burning up in embarrassment.

"So... Spider-Man. A date, huh?" Mr. Stark smirked at me.

"N-no. I'm just showing him around." I said. "You know, I was just planning on standing him up, but then I just saw how happy he was so..."


"I still don't know if I wanna hang out with someone who has only been cold to me since he came." I admitted truthfully.

"Hmm. Too bad you can't be an asshole even if you tried." I rolled my eyes at him and made my way to the balcony.

"Have fun! Don't do anything I wouldn't do! Or anything I would!" Mr. Stark pointed at me and I gave him a mock salute as I swung myself over the railing.

I made my way into an alley to change and then I webbed my book bag onto the back of a trash can. I took a deep breath as I swung to the alley where I saved Harley.

This is gonna end badly.

There he was. Just standing there, with his blonde, perfect hair flopping in the wind. God, was he hot... Wait, what?

I flipped down from the building I was perched on and landed right in front of him. He put on his signature smirk, not really paying attention to the few people on the street giving us weird looks.

"Mm. 3 minutes late. To be honest, I didn't think you were going to show, darlin." He winked. I could feel my ears redden.

"I didn't think you thought so little of me. But also, is it normal for you to flirt with the Avengers?" I asked, trying to show a bit of confidence.

"Only the cute ones." He smiled and I could feel my heart hammering out of my chest, while I could hear his just beating a little faster than normal. How does he do it?

"Wow. Smooth." I said sarcastically after I regained my composure. 

"So. Mode of transportation. I doubt you can go around like... that." He gestured to my suit. "How about we swing? I've never done that before." He smiled.Oh, was he gonna regret this.

"Okay. Hold on!" I grabbed him faster than he could come up with another snarky remark and as soon as I flung a web and I jumped he yelped. As I started swinging, his eyes widened but after the first few swings, he relaxed and closed his eyes, rested his face in the nook of my neck. I could feel my breath quicken but it slowly started to slow. I decided to take him to Delmar's so he could get dinner.

"Um, you should go in and uh, get the sandwiches. I'll be..." I looked around before pointing up on the roof right across the street.

"Okay, what do you want, Darlin?" He is gonna have to stop calling me that.

I told him my order and told him to pet Delmar's cat for me. He walked in and then a few minutes later he walked out and waved to me. I jumped down, landing on my feet with ease which he playfully rolled his eyes at. He gave me my sandwich, then I grabbed him by the waist and started swinging until I found the perfect rooftop to view of the sunset.

"Hmmm. The longer we hang out, the longer I'm thinking this a date. Just so you know, this is definitely date-ish." Harley joked. I chuckled at his stupid joke and let my legs swing off the roof as Harley looked down and crossed his legs. I smirked, and God, I wish he could see it.

"I guess we will have to see what I have planned for tomorrow, Hmm?" His head snapped up at me.

"Really?" I nodded.

"Yeah, why not? I had fun." I said, letting my trying deep voice falter. I realized my mistake right when I did it.

"Oh my God. How young are you?" Oh. He didn't recognize my voice.

"Um... promise you won't freak out?" He knitted his eyebrows together and then finally nodded.

"16." His eyes widened at that, "But I turn 17 in a week!"

"What the hell? Tony recruited a fucking 13 year old?"

"Well I had just turned 14 when he took me to Germany." I said but Harley gave me an unimpressed look. "I feel like he knew that I wasn't going to stop anyways, so he instead made me a multimillion dollar suit to keep me safe." Harley nodded in understanding.

"Well, I think it is awesome what you do. Going out there, saving people. It's... you are a hero. No wonder why Tony took you under his wing." Harley said and then playfully bumped into me. When he said that, I felt my heart soar.

I think I could get along with this Harley.

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