Chapter 12

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Peter's POV

I got up before the sun even rose so I could swing my way to the compound to meet up with Harley before he dashed off to school. Here I thought he was the one who secretly hated me, but he thinks I hate him. When he told me that (as Spider-Man) I felt so guilty.

I walked into the lobby, being greeted by a very tired lobbyist, who mumbled a good morning to me. I got into the private elevator that only the Avengers, the Starks, and Harley and I are able to use.

"Good morning, Peter. Where to?" FRIDAY greeted me.

"I'm good. Um, the penthouse, please." I said as I rocked back and forth on my feet, trying to pass time.

The elevator door opened and revealed Harley right in front of me. He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Hey." I croaked.

"What- what are you doing here?" He said, looking back at Mr. Stark and then back at me.

"Oh! I just, um... I was thinking, you could take me to... uh, school."

"Oh. Well then, come on." He said, but his eyes still conveying a sense of confusion. He got into the elevator and as it shut, he turned to me, waiting for me to say something.

"I... I felt bad for how I treated you yesterday. I guess I was just... overwhelmed? I don't know. I'm not the center of the spotlight mostly. Either way, I'm sorry."

"Thank you." He flashed me a genuine smile. "It's uh, just that you were like my only... friend since I got here. And I just thought we had a good time." He bit his lip and looked down at his shoes.

Oh. He thought I was apologizing for being an ass, not apologizing for making him think I wasn't his friend.

"I had a great time too. Not just going around the city, but doing it with my friend." I grinned as he looked up at me and he raised an eyebrow. Then I cursed myself for how I phrased that. "Not having sex with you! Not doing 'doing' it! I um... I meant touring the city!" The elevator door opened to reveal the lobby just in time for Harley to burst into laughter at the sight of my probably super flushing face. I looked around to see a few random people staring at us in the elevator, but then they diverted their attention elsewhere.

I looked over to see hope sparkling in those beautiful honey brown eyes of his.

"You really mean it?" He gave me half of a smile. I nodded.

"I wouldn't be here if I didn't. Now let's go get some coffee before school, I woke up way too early just to see your face." I closed my eyes in embarrassment and I heard a soft chuckle come from him. "I swear, I don't mean for my words to sound weird."

"It's okay, darlin'." He smirked and I playfully punched him as he grasped onto his shoulder and gasped.

We finally got to school and this time, I walked in with Harley right by my side. I don't care what Flash thinks. He is not going to keep me from having good friends. God knows I need them.

I mean, Ned and MJ are great and all, it's just... even if it's only when Spider-Man is talking to Harley, it's like he gets it. He understands. Ned and MJ both have 2 loving parents and a shit ton of relatives. Although Harley's dad didn't die, he left him. And sometimes that's what it feels like happened to me.

I remember that night. I begged both of them not to go, but they still did. They left me. I guess I shouldn't feel angry about it, especially since I don't really understand why they had to leave so abruptly, but it still hurts, even today. Of course, I can't talk about Ben as Spider-Man or my identity goes down the spout. (Pun intended)

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