Chapter 2

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Peter's POV

I made my way to the rooftop of the compound and changed into my suit, swinging my way to Queens.

"Hey Karen."

"Hello, Peter. Mr. Stark has been notified about you starting patrol. He says to tell you to be home by ten. So you don't have to suffer an angry May." Karen explained. I rolled my eyes at that. Mr. Stark has been way too involved in my spidey activities lately. I think May caused it.

"Well, Karen, you can tell him I will be home by eight because I promised I would eat with her for dinner. Hopefully I don't get poisoned and die." I joked.

"Do you think your Aunt would purposely poison you?"

"No, Karen. It's a joke." I chuckled, "Do you have anything for me?"

"There is what appears to be a robbery taking place down 5th and Harold."

"Thanks, Karen!"


"Hey, May." I shouted as I closed my bedroom door. I smelt something burning, so I quickly got changed and May barged into my room before I could get a shirt on. She was waving a towel in her face as she started laughing.

"Well dinner is off the table." She said. She looked down to glance at my suit but didn't mention it. "Let's go get some Thai."

"So how was your day with Stark?" She asked me as she stuffed larb in her mouth. "And that new kid?"

"It was good. I don't think Harley likes me that much." I explained.

"What? Everyone larbs you. I mean You are..." she leaned closer to me, "Spider-Man."

"Well he doesn't know that." I said a little hushed.

"Why not?"

"Cause I don't go around telling people who I am."

She nodded in agreement. Thankfully, she dropped it. I would rather not have to think that there is someone out there other than Flash that hates my guts.

I looked over at the TV and saw red and yellow flames fuming out of what looked like an apartment building. The woman was saying that it was getting so bad that the firefighters are contemplating on risking their lives to go in there. I looked at May and saw worried eyes looking straight back at me.

"Go." She said, giving me a semi smile.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Go be a hero." She gave be a bigger and more genuine smile. I nodded. "But be safe."

I got up and flung my book bag with the multimillion dollar suit stuffed in there onto my back and ran out the door.

When I got there, it was horrible. The fire was becoming out of control and all the firefighters could do was spray a pathetic hose over the roaring fire. I made my way into the burning building on the second floor and started to make my way through the fire. Karen told me she could read four people in there. I had already gotten two that were trapped because of debris, but luckily they were by a window.

Potato Guns and Web Slingersजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें