Chapter 22

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A/n:somthing very exciting happens at the end of chapter.

Peter's POV

There is something on top of me. Debris is all around me, I can feel it. But that's the only sense that is working: touch. I can't breathe. I can't breathe. I CAN'T BREATHE! All I can see is darkness. I can't see. I can't see. I CAN'T SEE! HELP! SOMEBODY HELP ME! SOMEBODY HELP—

I sat up in my bed, gasping for air as I hear a knock on the door.

"Hey? Are you in there? It's 7:10, dude." I hear Harley's voice from outside my apartment door.

"Shit." I whispered to myself as I jumped out of bed and quickly changed into clothes suitable for school. I ran to my bathroom and patted down my hair so it didn't look like I just rolled out of bed. I quickly brush my teeth and stuff my suit in my book bag and run to the door. I swung the door open to be met with a very concerned Harley.

"Are you okay? You look... dead." He said bluntly.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. W-why wouldn't I be okay?" I said, clearly not sounding believable.

"You just woke up, didn't you?" He said. I leaned backwards so I could look at myself in the mirror by the door.

I looked like literal shit. I had these huge bags under my eyes and my hair was still messy. Although, I did need a haircut too. My clothes were all wrinkled and he was right; I looked dead.

"That obvious, huh?" I let out a forced chuckle as I balanced myself back on both feet.

"When did you fall asleep?" He joked, but at the same time, it didn't seem like a joke. He seemed genuinely worried.

And I didn't need everyone and him worrying about how I take care of myself. I am fine.

"A little after Midnight." I lied, "Had a lot of work to do."

"Peter—" He tried.

"I'm fine, okay? Can you just, take me to school?" I said a little harshly, pushing past him.

The ride to school was quiet. A few times, I felt myself nodding off, but I immediately pinched my thigh when I noticed myself giving in. I saw a coffee shop in front of us. It wasn't my coffee shop, but I needed something.

"Can we stop for coffee? I know I'm probably gonna make us late, but—"

"No, no it's fine. Uh, we can go through the drive thru." He said as he turned into it.

"Your regular?" He asked me.

I nodded, "But uh, could you add three shots of expresso?" He looked at me worryingly but nodded nonetheless.

He gave me my coffee, which I finished by the time we got to school. I still felt tired, but I had a little energy.

My first period was hard. I kept dosing off, but I was able to stay awake for most of it. At the end of class my teacher pulled me aside.

"Are you okay, Peter?" She asked me and I just nodded. "Maybe you should go to the nurse, just to uh, rest for a while."

"I'm fine, but thank you." I said and left before she could say anything else. Harley was right outside the door and I jumped when I saw him. Now my senses were filled because of the lack of sleep. Great.

"What was that about?" He asked me and I just shrugged.

By lunch time, the sight of food made me nauseous. And the smell. I don't remember ever being nauseous at the sight of food because I was tired, so maybe I was sick.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2022 ⏰

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