Chapter 5:

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  Harley's POV

I walked into the gym for Decathlon and looked around the room, scanning the people who are a part of this little team. There was Betty Brant, the blonde who did the school news. There was Flash, of course. There was MJ, with her face in a book. She actually snapped at me today for calling her MJ. She told me to call her Michelle, but she also said she would probably ignore me. I like her. Over in the far corner of the gym, there was Ned and oh shit.

Of course Perfect Parker would be here. He is way "too smart" not to be.

"Oh! Mr. Keener! So glad you could join us! Um, so this is our first meeting since the blip because I disbanded the team after I lost the most valuable members... I also was going through a lot." Mr. Harrington shook my hand and then his smile faded as he momentarily brought up something about his wife faking being blipped.

"So, uh. This is the decathlon team. Since Abe and Charles and Cindy graduated last year, its only us. Luckily this is all we need. MJ is the team captain." MJ looked up from her book and gave me an insincere wave before returning to her book. Yep. She clearly doesn't like me.

I glanced over to Peter, who was watching the clock, with his foot shaking like crazy. Ned was talking to Peter enthusiastically, but Peter clearly wasn't listening.

"Well, I'm here." I said to Mr. Harrington who smiled gleefully at me.

"So I heard your expertises is in engineering? That is great!"

"Uh, yeah. I build stuff now and then. Back home I had an entire garage full of stuff I used to build. Robots and stuff." And arm cannons and repulsor rays and flame throwers from scratch.

"Yeah, well we will definitely need someone to fill in for Parker when he ghosts us." Flash turned to look at Peter who's face immediately got red.

"I-it's not my fault I- I have a sensitive immune system. I get exposed to things easily." Peter stuttered trying time explain.

"Sure, Penis." Flash sarcastically said.

"Language!" Mr. Harrington announced.

"How long is practice?" I asked. MJ took her head out of her book and looked at me, her face showing no expressions.

"You got somewhere to be?" MJ stated as if it was a fact and not a question.

"I've got a... date? I don't really know what to call it, but we hang out so." Ned's head snapped towards Peter who's ears were a bright red, and gave Peter a smile... Was he making fun of me?

"Ok well practice will be done in 15 minutes so how about you just sit down, while MJ quizzes Peter?"

MJ got behind the podium and Peter sat in a desk.

MJ cleared her throat and began asking him multiple different questions, mostly physics, which he answered with ease. When it came to Chemistry he was not as quick but still answered within a few seconds. I noticed the subject he struggled with was Literature, but even then he got most of the questions correct. Okay, maybe he is really smart.

"Good job, Peter." MJ gave Peter a semi smile and then turned to Flash and smirked, "Do you wanna go next?"

Peter kept looking at the clock every few minutes and I just wanted to know what the big deal was. As soon as the clock reached 4:45, Peter jumped out of his seat, gave Mr. Harrington a quick goodbye and just ran out of the classroom. Everyone just looked at the door like he would come back any minute now.

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