Chapter 14

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A/n: sorry I haven't been updating. But i will update a few today to make up for it. I'm also making a posting schedule so stay tuned.

Harley's POV

I don't know what happened. One minute, I was complimenting Peter and then I was staring into Peter's perfect beautiful chocolate eyes. I realized how perfect he looked with the sun hitting his face, showing off his features. His cheeks were flushed, and his lips... Needless to say, the rest of last week was uncomfortable. Hopefully today will be better.

I understood why I couldn't get him out of my mind. It was like with Spider-Man. He was so intriguing. Everything about him made me curious. The way he was breathtakingly hot and cute at the same time. The way if you surprised him, his voice would squeak. The way he cared for others and was kind to everyone he passed. The way he smiled.

Every time I thought of him, I would feel all bubbly inside. And I thought of him an awful lot. It was crazy to think that within only a couple of months, I was able to go from hating him to liking him. Like, liking him.

Yeah I liked him. He was easy to talk to and... well perfect. I mean, I would flirtatiously tease him just so I can see him blush.

I pulled up to his apartment building to find him sitting on the steps. His face lit up when he saw me. He walked quickly to the car and got in.

"Good morning." His lips turned up into a smile.

"Good morning. You seem to be in a good mood, but your eyes tell a different story." I said, looking at the bags under his eyes, "God, Peter did you sleep at all last night?"

"Uh, no. Um, I uh... homework." He was able to stutter out.

"Yeah. Homework on a weekend." I scoffed and he turned to look out the window. "Hey, are you okay?"

He nodded a little to quickly. To be honest, it looked like he hadn't slept in days.

"Okay. Um, we have some time to kill. Would you like to get some coffee?" I asked and his smile came back.

"I would love to." He grinned.

We sat in silence for a few minutes until I blurred out, "So... are you going to the homecoming dance?" Dammit!

"Oh! Um... homecoming..." he took a deep breath and let out a nervous giggle, "Homecoming."

"Yeah. Are you going?" I reminded him what I asked.

"Uh, I don't know. Last Homecoming I went with Liz, and I uh... had to bail because Mr. Stark needed me. And then that Monday she was packing up her stuff to leave." He said. I nodded along although I could tell he was lying about something.

I knew it wasn't about Liz, though. Sometimes, the people who also were blipped whisper rumors about Liz and him. They wonder why she, a senior, went out with him. And some girls still seem to be salty that Peter ditched her at homecoming. It kinda hurts to hear him lying about why he ditched her though.

Sometimes I feel like he has this big secret that he isn't telling me. I understand that he has his own secrets, but he doesn't have to lie about it.

"So... how long did you guys date?" I asked. Why am I digging myself into a bigger hole?

He softly giggled, "We never were officially dating. I just finally had the courage to ask her to the dance and she said yes."

"Hmm. Well, I doubt Tony will keep you from going again. So, have you asked out MJ? Not that it is any of my business, but there seems to be something there." He looked at me wide eyed.

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