Love in the Big Apple

By thesuckyone

78K 1.2K 202

Julie Stobart had no idea when she walked into the pet store that her life was being changed forever. She qu... More

Some enchanted evening
Fate Steps In
Lucky Louie
Here comes the sun
Birthdays and Board Meetings
Vegetative State
Caramel Macchiato
Silent lucidity
Fate Steps in Again
Weekend Confessions
Glimpses of forever
Family photos
Baby Toes
The sun comes out
Home Sweet Home
School days
Moving Along
Rice and Showers
Caroline Marie
Quinn party of three
Santa Baby
Mommy Dearest
Tornado Carrie
War Games
Desperate Heart
Hold Me Now
No Apologies

Baby Love

1.8K 28 6
By thesuckyone

Julie woke up to the sound of Caroline fussing and Brian talking to her and trying to soothe her. He was holding her to his chest and rocking her. Julie watched for a second and then said, "honey I don't think you have the right hardware." Brian laughed, "I was trying to soothe her so you could sleep a bit longer." He brought her over to the bed, Julie was unfastening her bra and put Caroline into position and she latched right on again. Julie sighed in relief.
Brian smiled, she looked like she'd been doing this Mom gig her whole life.

Caroline finished feeding and fell asleep. Julie patted the bed for Brian to join them. He climbed up next to Julie and wrapped his arm around her. Julie laid her head against his chest and fell asleep. Brian didn't know where this feeling came from but he knew that in that moment, he'd die for either of his loves laying in the bed with him. He drifted off to sleep too.

The nurse came in around 6:30 am. Her shift was ending and she needed vitals on Caroline and Julie so she had to wake them up. They were both perfect. Brian got up and stretched, he took Caroline from the nurse when she was done and sat in the recliner with her. Julie ate breakfast, fed Caroline and had gotten the green light to take a shower. The nurse helped her to the bathroom and Brian held Caroline. He couldn't stop staring at her. She was so perfect. Julie stepped out of the shower and put on a pair of lounge pants and a tshirt. Brian thought to himself, she even made that look sexy. She pulled her hair up in a ponytail bun and sat on the bed. She watched Brian with Caroline for a second until he realized she was studying them.
"Am I doing something wrong?" Brian asked.
"Quite the opposite." She said laying back on the bed.
She motioned for the baby and Brian obliged.
The Dr came in around 8am, she was happy with how well Julie and the baby we're doing and could clearly see that Julie had a lot of support. She told them she wanted to keep Julie until around dinner time but if she continued to do so well she would send her home after dinner.
After Dr Lils left the room Julie looked at Brian, he could see she was upset.
"Honey, what's wrong?" Brian asked, concerned about the sudden mood shift.
"What in the hell am I going to do once we get home?" She panicked.
"You're going to continue doing the great job you've been doing for the last 13 hours baby." Brian said squeezing her hand. "You got this Juls, and I'll be there, and my mom will be there." "You've got you're sister, and Bessy too." "You're a natural." He said kissing her forehead.
Julie looked down at the baby, "I just want to give her a better mom than I ever had."
Brian came over and sat beside her and lifted her chin to make eye contact. "You are night and day different than you Mom." "We got this honey, we're gonna be the most kick ass parents on the planet."
"Brian don't say ass in front of Rollie." Julie winked.
"See, you're already a great mom."
Julie laughed and wiped her eyes.
About that time Carol and James came in with a huge bouquet of flowers and teddy bear.
Caroline was awake and her beautiful blue eyes were bright and curious.
Carol came rushing over to Julie's bedside, "good morning!" Carol said hugging Julie and kissing Caroline on her forehead.
"Would you like to hold her?" Julie offered.
Carol held her hands out, "of course MiMi wants to hold her precious girl."
"Sweet Caroline, oh baby girl, your Mimi and poppop already love you so much."
Carol handed Caroline to James, he held the baby and she made sweet baby sounds. He looked at Brian, "blows your mind how quick they steal your heart doesn't it?"
"Most definitely." Brian smiled. "I still can't believe that a baby as gorgeous as her has my dna."
"Brian! Julie exclaimed.
Brian laughed, "well she is pretty perfect."
"Don't sell yourself short." Julie winked.
Caroline fussed and Brian took her from his Dad. You could tell he was in love, head over heels in love.

Caroline was getting hungry again so James made a quick departure. Carol decided to join him just because she didn't want him feeling like the odd man out.
Julie was feeding Caroline and Brian sat in the chair next to the bed. Julie looked at Brian and smiled.
"What are you smiling at?" Brian teased.
"We're a family, for the rest of my life I'm somebody's mom and you're somebody's dad. Doesn't that blow your mind?"
"It does and it also scares the shit out of me." Brian said half joking.
"Oh Brian you're going to be an awesome Dad." Julie said with confidence.
"I hope so, I want to be." He agreed.
A few mins later after Julie was done feeding, Sal and Kelly came in with a huge balloon bouquet and a darling little pink outfit for Caroline. Kelly came over and hugged Julie. "Oh my God JuJu, I always new you'd be a good Mom but you're like, June Cleaver."
"Oh my God Kelly, whatever." Julie said laughing. Kelly snatched Caroline from Julie and snuggled her close. "You and Aunt Kelly are going to have so much fun, we'll get our nails done, and we'll have tea parties and we'll go to Disney World and dress like princesses."
Sal chimed in, "Kelly as a princess, now THAT I've got to see."
"Play your cards right and maybe......."Kelly joked. Brian cut in, "ok ok none of that smut around my daughter you two." Laughing.
Carol and James came back and they all sat and talked and snuggled Caroline. Julie fell asleep. They didn't mind, everyone knew how hard the last few days had been. Kelly and Sal stayed for about an hour and decided to take off for a bit.
"I'm really happy for you Buddy." Sal said hugging Brian.
"Thanks man, that means a lot." Brian patted him on the back.
Kelly hugged Brian, "you've made Julie so happy. I can never repay you."
"Keep making my best friend happy and we'll call it even." Brian said leaning into her.
"It's a deal." She said smiling.

A little while later Julie woke up to the sound of Caroline fussing. She sat up and apologized to everyone for falling asleep.
"Julie you just delivered baby less than a day ago, I think you should be tired." Carol said empathetically.
"And you should definitely sleep while you can." James chimed in.
Julie held her arms out to Brian who was trying to calm Caroline down unsuccessfully.
"I changed her diaper. I checked it to make sure I didn't pinch her in the diaper. I dunno." Brian said handing her over.
"I'm gonna feed her Dad." Julie teased, "you're welcome to stay but I don't want to freak you out."
"She's hungry" She said holding her close. She quietly put the nursing blanket over her shoulder and positioned Caroline under neath it. Caroline latched on. Brian smirked, he realized his dad would freak out if he realized what was going on.
About that time the nurse came in and asked if they were ready for visitors.
Julie said, "not at the moment, I'm feeding the baby."
Brian added,"I'll come get them when she's done."
James looked up and jumped out of his chair. " I shouldn't be here!"
Carol laughed, "oh James, she's feeding your granddaughter for cryin out loud."
"Pop you're fine, I'm not going to flash you but if you're not comfortable, it's ok to step out." Julie added.
Brian joked, "pop I catch you lookin at my wife's goodies you're in trouble."
"Brian!" Julie said surprised. "Don't torture you're Dad."
Julie finished feeding Caroline and Brian took her from Julie.
Carol stood up, "I'll go get your visitors!"
She walked out into the hallway to find Bessy, Joe and Murr. She gave them all hugs and updated them on how great Julie and Caroline were doing and they all went in. Julie had fallen asleep again. Brian was holding Caroline and stood up when everyone came in. They all tried to be quiet so they didn't wake Julie up. Bessy rushed over to Brian and hugged him. "You make such an awesome Dad." "That's not something I thought I'd ever say, but you look like a Dad."
"Why does everyone keep saying that?!" Brian questioned and laughed. He handed Caroline over to Bessy, who kissed and snuggled her. "I thought Dominic was a gorgeous baby, but Rollie, oh my God she is so perfect and beautiful." "They're going to make cute babies together." Bessy added.
"Whoa, hey, my daughters not having sex. Ever....." Brian teased.
"Let's just hope she doesn't meet anyone like her Dad." Joe added. "They didn't call him Q the panty dropper for nothin."
"Oh really?" Julie added. She surprised everyone when she spoke. No one had realized she woken up.
"Juls, look at me, do you really think I ever made panties drop?"
"Well, I am laying in a hospital bed having just given birth to your child, and I'm not cheap or easy, soooooo." Julie winked at him.
"Ok point well made." Joe cut off the conversation. Everyone laughed.

Everyone took turns holding Caroline. Then the jokers gang took off.
James and Carol decided to head back to Brian and Julie's. They were optimistic that Julie and Caroline would be discharged in a few hours and Carol wanted to have dinner ready for everyone.
Not long after they left Lisa and the Girls came up to visit. Molly and Claire were so excited to meet their baby cousin. They held her ( with their Moms help) and gave her kisses. It warmed Julie's heart. Tears swelled in her eyes. Brian grabbed her hand and squeezed it. She looked at him and they smiled. She couldn't believe how happy she was and how very much she loved him.
About 30 mins later the Dr came in and they talked. She was very happy with Julie's recovery and Caroline was perfect so she gave them the thumbs up to head home. Brian had already brought the car seat up. Lisa and the girls said they'd head to their house and meet up with them when they got there.
At that moment, it was just the three of them, Brian, Julie and Caroline.
"You ready to do this?" Brian said rubbing her shoulders.
"As ready as I'm gonna be." Julie said standing up to get in the wheel chair. She was still sore and tired so it took her a second to get into the chair. The nurses told Brian to pull around to a side door to pick up the girls to avoid fans and press who had gathered. He stopped in his tracks and turned around. "Wait a second.... Am I going to have to put her in her car seat in the car?" He looked terrified.
"Honey, we practiced, a thousand times." Julie reassured him.
"But what I hit her head and give her a brain bleed?"
"Brian.... You're starting to sound like Sal." Julie teased. "You can do this. Now go get our car so we can take our baby home."

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