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By tatake_jeager

75.8K 2.6K 2.7K


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1.9K 86 110
By tatake_jeager



For days, you avoided Toman and happily stayed with Haruchiyo. You didn't pick up your things from Draken's house and survived wearing Haruchiyo hoodies and shorts. You were also able to survive with Haruchiyo trying his best to fuck you. You weren't going down without a fight. After you thought you were going to avoid the gang for a long time, Mikey invited you to the hotel for a meeting, and when you refused, Haruchiyo made you attend.

"I can't go in there." You tried walking away from the door, but Haruchiyo caught you.

"Yes, you can." He took your hand. "I'll be by your side, you know."

"No.....they'll call me a liar again."

Haruchiyo raised your face by your chin so you could meet his murderous eyes. "You see Kira, people will try to tell you who you are. Don't believe that shit. Besides, if they try to touch you again, I won't let them."

You knew he was right, so you held his hand tight and waited for him to open the door. It seemed everyone was talking about something when the door opened, but they all stopped aa you entered. You couldn't look at them. As Emma said, you were a liar. You kept your head down to avoid eye contact with anyone. "I know I'm late. There was traffic." Haruchiyo smiled at everyone before pulling a chair out for you to sit. You knew there was no traffic. He only lied to avoid anyone putting blames on you, most especially Emma. Haruchiyo spent half of the evening dragging you out of bed to attend the meeting.

"That's okay," Mikey leaned back on his seat. "and we're happy to have you back, Kira."

Nothing. You didn't look up or nod. You simply did nothing. Your cheek was still covered with a gauze bandage and you were sure that wound was going to turn into a scar. A scar that you will never forget. Except the wound, there were still cuts that needed total healing. There was no escape from this. You couldn't keep your head down forever. After chanting some encouraging words to yourself, you instantly raised your head only to meet eye to eye with Draken.

Was he watching you?

Well of course he was.

With that blank stare on his face, you couldn't tell what he was thinking. However, you couldn't care any less because he was just the guy you hated. He hypnotized, used and dumped you. You had no business with him and that was that. Casually, you looked away focusing on the meeting, that's when you received a new message from Kisaki.

11pm at the Park. I'll come fetch you, if you're late

You didn't want to see Kisaki. Not only was he creepy, he haven't given you the name of your brother's murderer. You had a hunch that he was using you, but he promised to protect you? Where was he when you got beaten up. You also had questions for him and it would be better if you met him too so you typed back:

I'll be there.

In an hour, the meeting was coming to an end. "With that being said," Mikey smiled at everyone including you. "Smiley and Chifuyuu will pick up the luggage filled with cash. Takemitchy and Emma will visit the city bank manger and get the documents signed. I and Draken have an idea where one of Valhalla's executive is, so we'll kill him. Haruchiyo and Kira, you both will attack Kisaki's club at the other side of the city. Kill everyone you see."

When the meeting was over, everyone left except you, Haruchiyo and Draken. You were about to leave with Haruchiyo when Draken called you. "Kira."

You hesitated before you turned around. "Yes."

"I....." He paused. "Are you okay?"

"Better than ever." You smiled.

He was about to say something, but Emma came in and hugged Draken by his hand. Draken shut his eyes and sighed. "Look. I just wanna know if you're fine staying with you him." His eyes shot at Haruchiyo.

"He's the best roommate." You smiled even widely at Draken.

Was he missing you? Why was he suddenly concerned if you were fine or not?

"Uhm i-"

"Kira." Emma butt in. "I told you I'll take back what's mine. Like it or not, Draken is mine."

You pouted. "You can keep him."

Emma and Draken's eyes widened. You weren't moved by her words. You didn't want him and that was final. You turned to Haruchiyo who stood behind you. "Can we go now?"

"Of course, cupcake." Haruchiyo led the way. "We can get ice cream right after. What's your favorite flavour?"

"I don't really have a favorite." You answered.

"Hmm. I can be your favorite flavour you know." he put an arm around your shoulders. "You'd love it."

Then you laughed out loud. "I'm sure I will."

When you both got to the car, you felt sad. How your mood changed fast. Of course, you'd still feel hurt. That strong pain in your chest wasn't just going to fade away fast. Haruchiyo noticed and smiled. He was always smiling. Everyone always smiled except Draken and Chifuyuu. Takemitchy only smile when he saw Hinata. "You did great out there."

"..I did?"

"Hmm." He started the car. "I thought you'd break down and cry. You know like these drama queens on TV Shows, but you didn't." You burst out laughing. Just like he planned. "There's that smile I love. Let's go kill people."


The club was in total chaos. If you could sum up everything, you and Haruchiyo were the perfect duo. You didn't know if he was slowly turning you into a psycho, but you loved everything you did with him. Yes. Even the killing. The screams and pleads of people begging to live was entertaining. You were definitely going to be a psycho after all this.

Unfortunately for Haruchiyo, none of Valhalla's executive were in the building. That didn't mean he didn't enjoy the killing. After the killing spree, you and Haruchiyo sat at the bar for a drink. You both had blood stains on your clothes and with dead bodies everywhere, you both couldn't care any late. You talked with Haruchiyo for over an hour before you decided to leave. You had to see Kisaki.

"Hey, uhm....Can I go out for a walk?"

"Its pretty late, Cupcake. I can walk with you, just for safety reasons." Haruchiyo took a shot of his drink.

"Its just a short walk from here to the park. Its not far from here." You sip your own drink.

"Then I'll wait here."

"The cops will be here any time soon. We've overstayed here." You giggled.

"Sad. I really want to spend more time with you." He pouted.

You looked at his lips. You've been looking at them for awhile. Most especially when he talked. The scar on each side of his lips were just the best scar ever. Like it was specially made for him. You stood up and gave him a kiss on his cheek. "I won't be long. I'll see you at home."

You successfully made it out of the club without him getting suspicious about anything. You were now close to Haruchiyo and had no intention of lying to him, but what could you do. Maybe you can call everything off with Kisaki and just remain with Toman. They accepted you and you didn't have to struggle to live.

You had to take a 30 minuted walk to the park. You couldn't use the bus or a taxi. Not with blood stains on your clothes. "You should've picked a more suitable place for this meeting."

"But you-" Kisaki took a good look at you from head to toe. "Oh. Seems like you went on a killing spree with Toman."

"Just Haruchiyo." You sat next to him. "Back to the meeting. Toman found out I was a detective. They thought I gave all their private information to the cops." You paused. "I gave them all to you Kisaki. You know that."

"That explains the bandage on your cheek." Kisaki smiled.

"I want out."

Kisaki turned and looked at you. You were not smiling. You really wanted out. "But you can't." He said. "We had a deal. You fully agreed to my terms. Besides, you belong to Valhalla. Not Toman."

"Don't give me that crap, Kisaki. You're supposed to tell me the name of my brother's murderer. I figured you've been using me as your little puppet to get to Toman. Well I want out."

He chuckled. "Toman has gotten to you. I told you, Kira to not form any kind of bond with them. They've gotten into your head."

"That has nothing to do with our conversation."

"But it does. You were tough when we first met and the hatred you had for Toman was just perfect, but now.....you're weak." He stood up from the bench and adjusted the glasses. "I only called you here to get your shit together. You should also forgive me for not telling you the name of your brother's murderer. You'll end up loosing your life if I tell you right now."

"What do you mean."

"I can't tell you that right now," He kissed your forehead. "but you have to trust me. Plus, Taiju is my puppet and I kill anyone I use after my puppet when I'm done with them. You know what means."

Your eyes widened. He was going to kill Taiju. "Y-you"

"Yes, Kira. I'm only telling you this so you'd throw away that thought of me using you. You're a big part of Valhalla. You're the only one capable of this. No one else." Kisaki pulled out something from his pocket and handed it to you. "You should go now. The cops will be on patrol soon."

A car pulled up next to both of you and Kisaki got in. You watched as the car sped off before giving your attention the thing on your hand. It was a picture. A picture of your brother. You had left it in your house before the cops broke into your house. Kisaki had helped you retrieve it. This brought you back to square one. He really wasn't using you after all. You had to trust him. Just like he said. Not like you had any other choice


Emma came out of the showers and walked straight to the balcony where frustrated Draken stood. That particular line kept ringing in his ears non stop. 'You can have him' What was that supposed to mean. Of course you had gotten attached to Haruchiyo. Draken didn't like it. He knew who Haruchiyo was. He knew what he was capable of doing, and leaving you alone with him was probably a mistake he made. On the other hand, you betrayed the gang. That was something he couldn't tolerate. 

Emma hugged Draken from behind, pressing her breasts on his back. "You've been standing out here for hours. Don't tell me you're think about that liar. You can't let her have such an effect on you. She fooled us all."

"What if she was telling the truth, Emma."

"There is no 'what if' when there was proof." Her hands ran down to the waistband of his sweats. "You're one of the most feared man in Toman as well as the city. Don't go weak because some girl walked into your life." She kissed his back.

Draken sighed, "You're right, Emma." He turned around and kissed Emma on her lips. Just like she wanted. As long as she was alive, Draken belonged to her alone. No one else. Not even you.

Everyone be throwing hate at Kisaki. Give the man some love XD.

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