Sawada Shin

By thatscruel

42.2K 1.3K 137

Kagumi Hanna promised she'd marry Yamaguchi Kumiko someday when she was little before she left to study abroa... More

Kagumi Hanna
Hanna chan's promise
Hanna's return.
Convenience in store.
Sawada kun!
Kumi chan's secret.
Sawada smile
It's rude to stare.
Family for a day.
Pinkie promise.
Ms. Pretty girl.
I like you.
Yamaguchi Kumiko
At least, not yet.
Took you long enough.
I haven't met your parents yet.
Together, one last time.
Not over, yet.
I never said, I missed you.
He loved her.
Here, now.

A sprained injury.

1.4K 45 0
By thatscruel

The next day Hanna didn't have to go to school since the parents and teachers meeting were still happening. She then went out to go to her Judo classes instead. She went and dressed in casual wear making sure to wear warm pants and jacket this time.

On her way home, she saw Natsumi with two other girls going in a club, she was worried about her so she decided to follow her inside. When she was inside she saw her and the two other girls with men crowding them, just then her phone rang, it was Kumi chan.

"Hello? Kumi chan, now is really not a good tim-" the girl was saying till she was cut off by the woman on the phone,

"Are you with Sawada?" The woman said quite out of breath, "Sawada? No I'm not with him, why is something wrong? What happened to him?" the girl responded now being frantic, worried for her friend.

"Sawada suddenly ran off and we can't find him anywhere."
"What?" the girl asked confused, she then looked back at Sawada's sister and saw that she was uncomfortable and telling her friends to leave while another man went and put his hand around her shoulders,

"Kumi chan, I need to go now. I'll meet you later." the girl said ending the call, dropping her bag by the counter somewhere in the club and running to Natsumi.

She went and grabbed the guy's arm off of the girl and tossing him to the side quite aggressively making the guy stumble.

"Oi! What do you think you're doing?" the other guy exclaimed at the girl who pushed his friend.

"You should learn other ways to approach women." Hanna said to the guy a few foot taller than her.

As she went to grab Natsumi out of the club, the same guy she tossed got up and grabbed Hanna by her jacket. She then grabbed the man's arm and twisted it and gave him a nice strong kick in his "you know what".

The man groaned in pain not even attempting to get up from the ground he was currently on. The other men then got up and started to go towards her. As another man attempted to grab her he was tossed by another and the man was thrown to the floor knocking a table while he fell.

Hanna went to look at the person who threw the man and was surprised to see none other than Sawada himself, "Onichan" Natsumi exclaimed.

Sawada looked at Hanna and the girl briefly before dodging the man who went to punch him, Hanna also went to help Sawada fight a couple bastards, landing perfect kicks to their "you know where" making them cry for their mothers and future families that may never happen.

After a couple of minutes into fighting Sawada went to his sister grabbed her hand about to leave, he then was pushed by another man quite harshly and was held down by two other guys, Hanna went to help him by grabbing one of the men and slamming their heads onto one of the tables while he did the same to the other. 

Their reign didn't last long when Sawada was again held down by the other guys, Hanna went running to him only to be stopped by Sawada himself.

"Hanna take her and run." Sawada said looking at her, while the men who beat him up ran away because of the police. Natsumi went to her brother making him get up while Hanna was devastated she couldn't do anything for her friend.

"Hanna! Get her and run!" Sawada yelled at her.
"Sawad-" she was cut off again by the same person,

"KAGUMI, HANA!" the boy said her full name now coughing quite harshly. Hanna then clenched her fists and went to take the girl away from her brother and ran, grabbing her bag along the way.

Just a couple seconds later the cops arrived and went to take Sawada with them. The two were at the back of the crowd infront of the same building they were just in, it was raining and Hanna went to take her jacket off and put it on Natsumi.

Yankumi then found them and ran towards them. They then went to the front of the crowd while Natsumi stayed behind. Hanna watched as the cops went to take her friend away. Not being able to think at the moment she went and crossed the police line, Yankumi went to follow her to try and hold ber back as her classmates called for her and Sawada.

She went and tried to run to her friend but was held back by Shinohara san and Yankumi before she could get to him, she tried to break free from their hold a lot of times while calling out to Sawada,

"Sawada!" she yelled as she tries to push Shinohara, "Sawada!" again she yelled now being able to shortly break free from the man by kicking him but again being held back by the yakuza herself and the cop who got up and again try and hold her back.

"Hanna!" Sawada finally said making the girl stop, she was out of breath from yelling and from her actions.

"Enough, go home." Sawada said to the girl looking directly at her and no one else.

"But you did nothing wrong." the girl had said now drenched in rain looking at the boy.

Sawada only smiled weakly to the girl and went to the car where the police were taking him. The girl again tried to get to him, and failed. As the car went to drive away Shinohara and Yankumi let go of the girl, and she ran after the car, her classmates following behind.

Her classmates stopped midway while she ran longer and faster while her classmates called for her. Sawada then went to look at her and nodded. She then went and took a wrong step and hurt her ankle making her stop on her tracks.

She watched the car drive away with her friend inside it, she was panting heavily while her classmates caught up to her now behind her. She went and fell to her bottom and closed her eyes so she wouldn't cry. Her classmates exclaimed when she went and fell rushing to the girl, making sure she was alright, Uchiyama and Minami then helped her up, her ankle swollen. She looked at her teacher with Natsumi beside her in tears.

After the short trip to the clinic her grandparents went to get her, when she saw them she couldn't help but let her tears out hugging her grandmother tight while she hid on her shoulder. Her grandmother didn't even want to question her at the moment and felt that she'd been holding her tears for quite sometime, so she let her cry.

The next day she was at home and didn't go to school because of her swollen and sprained foot, her friends called her what happened and told her that Sawada got expelled from school. She then spent that day in her room looking out to her window, somehow she blamed herself. If only she was fast enough, if only she was stronger, she thought.

She then decided to go and have a talk with a certain person in Sawada's life. On her way there she Yankumi staring at the house, the teacher was surprised at the girl aho was now beside her, scolding her for going out while injured. Nonetheless they both went to the house they were at.

Yankumi did most of the talking on the first half telling Sawada's father to do his part as a parent. Hanna was pissed at how his father spoke of bis son, saying what Sawada was when he wasn't. Hanna was clenching her fists holding herself back from talking back to her friend's father. She lost it when he called Sawada a disgrace to their family.

"HOW CAN YOU SPEAK ILL OF YOUR OWN SON?" The girl said standing up forgetting about her injury, shouting at the man infront of her.

"HOW CAN YOU EASILY HATE YOUR OWN DAMN KID?" she exclaimed attempting to move forward towards the man but Yankumi held her arm.

"How can you say such things about him when you don't even know him?" the girl said.
"Sawada is nothing of what you just spoke of him. Are you even really his father?" she said to him making him turn and face the girl.

"Are you even a parent? Calling yourself a dad like that?" she said to the man. "What?" the man said shocked at what the girl just told him.

"Why can't you believe your own son? Why can't you try and understand him?", "Hell, you're just put off by him when he persists in his own beliefs and when he doesn't do what you want him to do." the man was still shocked at how the girl was acting.

"Who are you?" the girl ignored him and stepped towards him Yankumi still holding her.

"What in hell is it that you have been looking for in him?"
"What is it that you want to see in him?", "Excelling in school?, being great at sports?, always saying yes to your every demand?" she asked him.

"Don't people have something more important right here?" pointing to her heart. "Fuck! Even at your age, you don't get such a basic thing?"

"Is that how you're student is supposed to behave?" the man asked the teacher.

"Who do you think you are?"the man said to the girl.
"I am no one but a person who took my time to understand your son and made him feel what he needed to, acceptance and understanding. Something his own father can't even try to give him."

With that the man turned around to walk out the door. "Otousan, Kagumi san is right. You don't understand my brother and I at all. I'm not such a perfect young lady as you think I am.", "I am working very hard to live up to your expectations. I have a lot to say.", "I want to live more truthfull like my brother, he came to rescue me, I chose to go to a dangerous place. If this gets out, I'd be expelled from school. That's why he kept silent, He was caught in my place." Natsumi said to his father.

Yankumi helped Hanna walk out the door to leave, upon opening the door they saw her classmates by the front door. They begged at Sawada's father to pick him up from the station so that he could leave. They all bowed to him leaving the family surprised.

Yankumi went infront of them helping Hanna as well beside her, they both bowed to them as well, also asking him to get Sawada out of the station. Back at the station while Sawada went out someone called out to him,

"Oi!" a girl called out to him. He looked where the sound came from and saw his friends, Yankumi and a girl who was leaning on Uchiyama.

"You, guys.." he trailed. "Yo! Shin." Uchiyama said. "Shin chan!" Minami then exclaimed. "You kept us waiting too long." Noda said to him playfully. They then went to approach the boy.

"Don't burden yourself with everything." Yankumi said to him.
"When it gets tough lean on others. Ask for help from your friends. You have friends that would run all over the place all night for you, and also speak up for you. Friends who would bow down to your dad for your sake. It's okay to show some signs of weakness. They're all determined to keep you company, anyway. Right?" she said to him in a serious tone.

His friends went to smile at him, Uchiyama forgetting the girl that he was helping and stumbling forward almost falling and stepping with the wrong foot, luckily a certain Sawada catched her before all that happens and went to put his arm around her helping her up.

Hanna then hugged the boy tightly her friends also embracing the boy making Sawada tear up.

"Sorry, for causing you trouble." he told them.  "It wasn't any trouble at all to us." Uchiyama said, "That's right!" Minami said.

Natsumi then came towards her brother apologizing, he then went to pat her hair and said, "Baka." Yankumi then proceeded to tell him not to be tardy tomorrow for school and explaining how the school retracted the decision of him being expelled.

Hanna smiled at him while he still held her helping her to stay upright. After they left the police station They all went to take Hanna back to her house where her grandparents were worried about her they saw thier granddaughter being carried on the back by the same boy they've considered family. The old couple then proceeded to invite all of them to eat in which Kuma accepted joyfully while his friends following behind him.

Sawada thanked Hanna before they went inside, Hanna only went to pat his head still on the boy's back and smile at him before he went inside.

The next day Hanna stil wasn't able to go to school but helped her friends with decorating things for Sawada's return in class, his classmates surprised him with banners and confetti, welcoming him back.

After school her friends visited her to her house telling her everything that had happened while they ate desert her obaasan made. She knew full well they came back for the food, enjoying her grandmother's cooking, but that she didn't mind, she was happy they were there nonetheless.

A sprained injury.

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