No Ordinary Love |KTH|

By OreosBelt

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One Rule. Don't fall in love. Easy enough for a pessimistic college student Noelle Miller who only wants one... More

It Started With The Rain
Would You Rather?
State of Mind
Look What You Started
Discover Each Other
Same Ol' Mistakes
Beautiful Little Fools
Lose My Cool
Kiss It Better
Nah, It Ain't The Same
You Deserve This
Reason With Me
My, My, My
Planet God Damn
When The Party's Over
Right My Wrongs
Wants and Needs
Crying for Love in Hell
Joy and Pain
Make it Right
Ready or Not
Because of Time
Over The Horizon
Don't Wanna Fall in Love
The Sweetest Taboo
Something New
Take It Home
Say You Know
What It Is
Belong To You
Love Me Right
House of Cards
Lavender and Velvet
It Ended With Love

Good Days Hit Different

90 4 2
By OreosBelt

Even though the cold didn't touch me before while being so close to the coast, snow piled up on my balcony. The frost bit into my skin as I looked out at the snow covering the ground, road, houses, and skyscrapers. Everything in the morning looks so peaceful after a night of snowfall. It looks like a winter wonderland.

The trees have new clothes, white and pristine. Grey clouds covered the sun but it still felt warm. I took a sip from my hot chocolate, with bunny slippers and a blanket wrapped around my frame, and sighed, letting my breath flow into the cold air. Sometimes hot milk, cocoa, and sugar are all I need to settle the bitterness of the cold in my bones.

Steam rises as I lift the mug to my mouth letting it linger to warm my blue lips. It's freezing. But I like the snowy weather because it has an inviting way of bringing more to my soul. Cold weather always brings people close together. Maybe it's because when cavemen used to tell stories by the fire they were all so very close.

Togetherness has been encoded in our genes forever.

I shiver once more as another harsh wind passes through my brittle bones and goosebumps weren't enough to protect me. Even with the warmest blanket I still feel chills run up my spine.

The semester is back in full swing. I no longer feel as pressured to succeed as I once did which makes me breeze through all my classes. I've also now been looking for internships which I should've been doing my junior year but was so distracted trying to keep up with a man who wanted to let me drown instead.

But it's never too late and I think I've found a few that are interested. Since going down to visit my Aunt my mom has been calling me feverishly. I'm sure it's because she was furious I didn't come to visit making her probably look like a laughing stock in front of some prestigious fat guys tryna marry me off to their prestigious cocky ass sons.

Apparently, I'm at the age to start being carried away to a castle that's really my dungeon. I mean, I've been of age for a while now but I fought to at least let her allow me to graduate and this was before I met my ex-boyfriend. Now that he's no longer in the picture she's been yanking on my leash expecting me to come home.

But what she doesn't know is I met someone else.

Once being back in the cold lecture hall my skin prinked up and my teeth chatter while I hugged my arms. I wore the right clothes but it's always so damn cold in this building.

If I look a certain way you could see someone's breath. We all came as a group with Namjoon wrapping an arm over my shoulder and another over Sky. Sometimes I just love his easygoing personality because it takes the pressure off of life.

He said that he's been working tirelessly with Yoongi in the studio trying to create his first EP. I've asked about him from time to time which Namjoon said that he's doing good after finding out about me and Tae and he's happy that I'm finally happy.

It's been bittersweet when I think about him, and I feel immensely guilty sometimes. Part of the reason was I could tell he really, truly liked me.

And I thought I did, and I believe there's a part of me that still does, but not in the way that he might think. I met him by force, and it felt uncertain. Like there was no way of telling where this might go. Yoongi gave me comfort in the best most beautiful way, and yet sometimes those types of people are there to just pick you up when you fall, nothing more.

Even while I was with him I questioned parts of myself bringing me further down my grave. Yoongi is a wonderful, sweet, and endearing guy, and I just wish he meets someone that sees that.

"When does he think your EP will be ready?" I asked while we sat around waiting for class to start.

Namjoon shrugged and swished his lips. "Hopefully before we graduate but it's no telling if I'll drop it. I'm only known as an underground rapper, I haven't built up a following yet since I've been keeping things lowkey. For the sake of my parents."

I roll my eyes. How everyone met everyone was through connections. Our parents are heavily connected with one another which came to be a reason why we grew so close.

Another thing to add to the list of traumas. Unlike their parent's mine knows how to put on a good show. This is true because we always host Christmas dinner every year and it's a spectacle.

But there's no kumbaya or bringing of gifts and sitting with family and friends to catch up on a year worth of things. It's straight business.

When I was on good terms with my siblings we would sneak off somewhere when we were younger to avoid the monotone talks about our destiny and future.

One by one they grew up, and it was just me sneaking away, until one day I found all six of my now loving friends hiding away smoking pot. They took one look at me and laughed, and Hobi said the darndest thing. "You an outcast too?" That was the start of it.

"I can't wait to graduate. It's been so exhausting." Sky exhaled going to her regular seat. We all sat around her then Jimin and Mina came. Then Jin and Hobi, and finally Jungkook and Taehyung cackling a storm.

His eyes were slits as his chest caved in and his mouth stretches open. Jungkook had an arm thrown over his shoulders while his deep laugh filled the room.

"Pepeu!" He repeats with this solid laugh that almost brings him to his knees. Jungkook's face is scarlet, a true shade of the brightest ruby.

"What are you two laughing about?" I giggled from the sounds of their own laughs making me light with amusement.

They have finally taken in where they were and their laughs soften. Their feet must have taken them in the right direction while they tittered on the edge of tripping over. Jungkook sniffs away the tears and laughs once more time while Taehyung still grabbed to his stomach for support.

"W-We came up with a children's story a-and," Jungkook paused and bust out laughing again. I began to laugh seeing them laugh which made them laugh harder.

Obviously, this conversation wasn't gonna go anywhere. "Tae came up with this character and its name is Pepeu." Jungkook wiped his tears and we all looked at each other.

"Is your humor that dumb that a name makes you laugh?" Hobi asked with a look of confusion and Jimin giggled beside him.

Taehyung lets out a huge breath, his face almost purple. "No—it's the way you say it."

"And how do you say it?" I roll my wrist to show that my patience was running thin and I wanted in on the joke.

Jungkook made a noise with his fist clenched up to his lips while eyeing Taehyung. Then Taehyung said in his deepest voice the character's name and the two started laughing again, this time Hobi and Jimin joined in. I laughed lightly since I didn't catch the flutter of laughter like the rest of them but it was still fun to watch them.

"I've never seen such a denser crowd." Sky chuckled under her breath and grinned. She may act as cold as ice but she really does have a soft spot. Her way of saying I love you is in the language of argument. That's more because she has daddy issues.

Sooner rather than later our professor strolled in with her high heels pumps and sleeked back grey hair.

Her dress suit was iron straight enough to cut corners without a single speck of the outside world on it. Once she glared towards our group we all scattered into our seats.

Taehyung grabbed my wrist and sat me down in a row that was close but far and it gave us privacy. At first, when school started back I grew wiry of this since he was so persistent in sitting next to me. Now I'm so used to being dragged away from all my friends that they don't even blink.

The women who would fawn over his beautiful face would always stare, murmuring under their breaths trying to understand what was going on between us. I could ask the same if I wasn't so comfortable with him.

"Alright, class I hope you've all done the homework assignment I'd given you. Please bring it up to my desk before we start the lesson." She said and the class all followed suit.

Taehyung got up with his paper and reached an arm out. "I'll take yours." He said before I gave him my paper and he walked down the row to the front.

I saw from the corner of my eye one group of girls following his every move like a hawk stalking its prey.

A girl in particular, with bone straight hair falling down her back and as onyx as the starless sky, walks down the row. She moves with a sensual aura, captivating the looks and stares of the men in the classroom, including Jin and Hoseok.

"Hey, Taehyung." Her voice was deep but very feminine. Like sweet red wine. "How was your break? I haven't seen you in so long." She rolls the words off her tongue.

He turns around and gives her a warm smile. Something he always does which now ticks me off. He then takes her fully in, looking her down from the nice sneakers on her feet to the crop top and tight jeans even though it's cold as bricks in here. But fuck, was she hot. Someone who's as quiet as a mouse but is known for their biggest impact.

"It was good Jia, made some memorable memories" He looks over at me and sends me a small wink. Something that she probably didn't see since she's so far up his face.

"Didn't your birthday pass? I wish I was there, we could've created more memories together." Her hand flicks her hair back behind her shoulder and she flutters her lashes. Taehyung sees this and smirked deeply, chuckling under his breath before rolling his tongue over his lips.

"That's fine I had my girl to celebrate with." His grin was sinister and Jia took this in with widened eyes while looking back at me.

I waved with a soft smile and she turned back glaring at Tae. Her face turned red from embarrassment since the whole class was looking, including the professor.

"W-Wait didn't you say you weren't dating anyone?"

"I'm not actually." He said looking up at the ceiling in contemplation blowing out his cheeks as if bored. "But I plan on doing so soon and it would be rude to keep flirting while I'm interested in solely one person."

The whole class was silent. Mouths dropped including mine and the eyes were all over my body. If I was shades lighter you would've seen me blush madly.

My confidence level rose and so did my ego with the electricity soaring through my body at this proud achievement. He gave her a quick smile before walking back up the steps with his hands in his pockets.

Then when he came to his seat wrapping an arm over the back of my seat and crossed a leg over another, popping his jaw like he was chewing gum.

"Well shit," Hobi chuckled and the stuffiness went away as soon as it built up in the building. It was like the whole room started to breathe normally again. Hobi turned back to us looking at Taehyung with this smile that couldn't be erased. "Great job hurting her feelings Tae, now I don't know if I could get at her."

"If you want a pampered princess then be my guest. I like this ruffian better." He grips my shoulder bringing me close to him and I groan.

"I will hurt you." I hissed and he laughed.

"See? Never a bad day with her."

🙤 · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · ꕥ · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · 🙦

I gather my books from the library after class to study at home where I'll be more comfortable. After that awkward scene in my first class, I'm guessing word spread around quickly because it was like I couldn't escape the whispers of my name under people's breath. Rather it was good or bad it was starting to work my nerves and couldn't stand it any longer.

When first walking into the building it was cold from the snowfall and now it's colder since it's raining. This must be a sign of global warming. I desperately clinched to my warm clothes while waiting outside for my uber, my breath becoming visible in front of my eyes and the wind was unkind.

It felt like a storm was brewing.

"Excuse me?" A voice called to me and I looked up and froze with shock.

My ex stands in front of me with a heavy overcoat and puffer jacket to cover him from the overbearing cold. He looks every bit of gorgeous as the last time I saw him, only this time Sena is not cuddled underneath him. His nose was red and his lips were chapped but nonetheless, he remained youthful.

He looks relieved and sighs a breath. "I thought it was you. You look so different now." His eyes then take a trip over my frame and my stomach churns. "Wow."

"What are you doing here?"

He shuffles in his jacket, finding my confront uncomfortable and offputting but doesn't say anything. "I just wanted to see you."

"Why? Where's Sena?" I looked around him thinking she must've been hiding but no one was there.

There's a silence that comes with realizing the truth. They've broken up. Good for them. I couldn't say there was a smile that was itching its way onto my face but I concealed it under my scarf.

"We—uh broke up." He gulps. "Guess things didn't work out in the end."

"I feel for you. If only I had enough feelings to spare you." I crossed my arms over my chest and he scoffs, taking offensive and giving me a once-over.

"What's up with you Noelle, your completely different now." He said it as if it's poison on his tongue and he wants to spit it out on the defrosting snow.

Now it was my turn to scoff. "Who do you think you are coming up to me and telling me I'm different. News flash buddy! When you get your heart broken by an asshole who cheated behind your back and was too much of a dick to tell you. You better expect a difference in the way I act."

"Look I'm sorry for how the way things ended, and even after being with Sena I realize my biggest mistake was letting you go."

"Trifling son of a bitch." I rolled my eyes. "Now you realize this, after what, two years?!"

My ex takes a step back like my words shoved him somehow. A small fire kindles in his eyes telling me he's getting angry and I harrumphed.

"But this isn't you. I know who you are, and this isn't her." He referred to my hair and looks, taking in my appearance.

I fluffed my hair out disregarding how frozen my fingers were. "Aw, you don't like it? I dyed it just for you." I faked a pout then laughed. "When will you realize that I'm not waiting for you anymore? Maybe a year ago, sure, but I'm done."

"Is everything okay here baby?" Taehyung came out with his crossbody bag over his body as he tucked in his laptop. He licked his lips while the wind blows into his curly permed hair. My ex looked ahead and I turned and smiled.

Taehyung envelopes me with an arm wrapped over my waist while he glares at my ex with a hardened expression. His jaw goes rigid and his eyebrows are stern on his face. My ex's face goes blanch a little, looking between me and him at the same time.

"Who's he?" He asks but doesn't look at me.

I take in my ex's face for the last time in my life and shrugged. "I don't know, he was asking directions to find someone that gives a fuck." I smirked and Taehyung chuckles kissing my cheek before looking at him.

"Well let's go then." He says grabbing my hand but stops short. "Sorry but I can't help you with that either dude cause quite frankly, I couldn't give a fuck either." And we walk away to the Uber leaving my ex stuck in a daze. The rain had ceased.

The driver had the heater on blast which thawed out my frozen limbs as I blew on them. My nose felt stuffy and Tae handed me a handkerchief. I blew my nose and kept it to wash once I get home and he brings me closer to his body. Surprisingly he's warmer than most weather and I take delight in snuggling into his chest.

"When's your car coming?" I groaned thinking about all the money I'm spending.

"Today." He smiled into my hair. "I'm proud of you. You handle your ex well my good little girl." I looked up and he pecks my lips softly and I smile into the kiss.

"I bet you were jealous." I giggled and he rolls his eyes playfully.

"I was not, I just..wanted to tell him how badly he fucked up by seeing my face." He grins and I chuckle.

"Yeah okay."

"And what about you? Jia ain't make you feel some type of way?" He arches a brow.

I shook my head. "Nope." Popping the P. "I trust you." Then laid my head back on his chest hearing his heart pick up in pace.

Taehyung looked out the window blushing and biting his lips.

Short chapter ikik👀 but isn't everything going so swell?!

Super proud of Noelle and Tae with the major character development


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