Our Story (Meliodas x OC)

By meliodasbean

43.2K 1.1K 114

Meliodas x OC Alexandria, a goddess who's been ranked a high one at that falls in love with a demon while wan... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 4

2.7K 57 3
By meliodasbean


"UNCLE ZELI, AUNTIE GEL!!!" Elizabeth exclaims

Meliodas and Alex have confessed to each other and have been dating for a couple of years now. They had Elizabeth 3 years ago today. They're keeping the half-blood a secret from each of the races and live in the same house, now paid off.

Meliodas looks about 18 and Alex looks 16/17. They still looked good!

Zeldris and Gelda visit because they're the only ones who know about the half-blood, Alex doesn't dare to tell any of the goddesses because they wouldn't hesitate to kill Meliodas and make Elizabeth an ultimate war machine against the other races.

"Happy birthday Eli!" Zeldris picks her up and swings her around in his arms then passes her to Gelda

"You're getting so big!" Then she proceeds to do the same thing Zeldris did

"HEY ZELI, HEY GEL! You guys rarely visit anymore." Alex says and hugs them then Meliodas comes and greets them

Zeldris brings the couple to a separate room leaving Gelda and Eli in the other

"The demon king is becoming suspicious of you Mel, he's wondering why you're coming to fewer meetings, and I hear the same is going on with the goddess realm Lexi." Zeldris tells them

Meliodas and Alex's nicknames have just stuck and all of them just call each other by the nicknames now.

"About that, we were thinking we tell them that we quit. We're done being used as pawns." Alex says

"You can't do that, each realm would come after you guys. You can't put Eli through that!"

"But what other choice do we have? They're going to find out eventually" Meliodas says with a frown

Then they hear the cake alarm go off and Eli starts screaming


Zeldris then looks at the couple again

"You didn't let Meliodas touch that cake did you?!?"

"No I didn't, but he did go get the ingredients" she then replies chuckling


Meliodas and Alex leave Eli with her human babysitters and go to talk with their parents. Each is very nervous about what's going to happen.

"YOU WHAT?!" Both the Demon King and Supreme Deity say loud enough they thought the humans would hear it.

"Yes. I have found a goddess that I love and we have a child together. A half-blood." Meliodas tells the Demon King

He continues.

"I would like to bring them both here to meet you. You would be meeting your future daughter-in-law and granddaughter. Do I have your permission?"

The demon king sits there in shock, mumbling slightly, but replies.

"Yes, she can come down here along with my granddaughter. I do not know how you've kept this a secret for so long."

Meliodas is kind of in shock but super excited. Alex's experience didn't go as well...

"I have found a demon that I love and we have a child together. A half-blood."

The supreme deity looks at her with utter disgust

"You have brought shame onto the goddess name, you are hereby banned from this realm and if your daughter gets in the way she will be killed."

This infuriated Alex and she charged at her. Two guards stopped her. She quickly knocks them down and continues but more guards show up and she is thrown out.

"You will not touch my daughter you bitch! You even said it yourself, I am almost more powerful than you! You come near her and I will kill you! You hear me you fucking dick! I hate you!" She goes on a screaming rage not trying to hurt the guards that are holding her because unlike her mother she has a heart.

"He said you guys can come to the demon realm!!" Meliodas tells her trying not to wake Elizabeth because it was late, but he was excited.

"I didn't have much luck, she threatened to kill her if she got in the way and I'm also banned from the goddess realm" she says grabbing some wine from the cabinet

"We can go tomorrow though! To meet your dad!" She continues trying to sound happy

Meliodas grabs two glasses and sets them down for her to pour. They both sit and talk for a few more hours before going to bed, a little more tipsy than they would've liked and one thing led to another.

*end of flashback*

Gilthunder and another knight are sitting on their horses in Vanya Village the lower knight speaks

"Sir it seems he has left the village and has gone southwest"

"Southwest?... if memory serves, the forest of white dreams is in that direction." Gilthunder replies

"Yes but sir, that place is..."

"Hey Meliodas, are you sure about this? We have been out here three hours now and there's no animals or people" Hawk tells him

"You're right Hawk, Sir Meliodas, Lady Alex, do you really think one of the sins are hiding in this forest?" Elizabeth says

"Probably" he replies

"Meh" Alex just shrugs looking away

"You mean we came here without any solid evidence?! I heard there's a terrifying monster lurking out here watching and waiting..." Hawk screams at them

"AHHH" Elizabeth screams out


"Chill out Elizabeth it's just a branch" Alex says while getting the twigs out of her hair

"But then what's that behind you?!" Hawk and Elizabeth start screaming again

"Relax it's just me" Meliodas then comes from behind Alex

"Hmm okay" she replies and continues walking with Meliodas

"Jeez, do you ever stop touching up on her?" Hawk tells him

"Anyway I might have a little evidence, traveling through here on horseback is more difficult than you think it's so hard to get your bearings that experienced travelers just go around it." Meliodas then says

"This would be the perfect place to hide out then!" Elizabeth exclaims

"Mmhmm!" Alex agrees then she feels something isn't right, since she's wearing her spandex and an oversized T-shirt of Meliodas's, you wouldn't think he would be able to get anything, but no he snagged BOTH her panties and bra.

"MELIODAS?!" She screams but he lightly jogs ahead walking by Hawk

"What happened Lady Alex?" Elizabeth looks at her

"Nothing everything is fine Eli, and you can just call me Alex I swear it's fine!" She says trying to act normal.

All of a sudden dozens of Hawks show up and start screaming at Meliodas for something he said to him.

"What do you mean nervous piggy!? HUH?! It's a herd of mes!"

Then they all start agreeing and mumbling just then Meliodas swipes through charging at them all.

"Oh no Hawk" Elizabeth says

Just then all the Hawks charge at Elizabeth and Alex crying snot and all.

"Please even my mom wouldn't hit me like that!"

Then duplicates of Alex start popping up out of nowhere.

'Don't do anything stupid Meliodas you know me'

"I'm the real one"

"No me!"

"Wow what a bevy of booty!" Meliodas then exclaims and all the Alex's facepalm

"Leave this place! Leave.. get out of the forest human" they hear a voice speak up




"Wow I really can't tell one from the other" he speaks up and Hawk squeals out of fear

He then jumps up to a higher mountain and says "Oh my how can I ever tell which one of you is the real one!"

'Meliodas I'm serious don't make me do anything stupid!"

'Don't worry Lexi you'll be fine but I'm going to have a little fun with this. You're the one in the middle right? I can tell because your butt is bigger and your boobs are smaller than the rest'

"Hey stop that!'

She then starts covering herself up and the rest look at her confused before following what she does

"Okay I want you all to do exactly as I say" Meliodas says


"I will"

"Okay! Put your right hand up in the air and put your left on your cheek. Now call out my name... and be naughty!"

"Meliodas" all of them reply

'You're definitely getting nothing from me for a WEEK!'

He starts smirking at her knowing it's not true and continues with his commands

"Now squeeze your boobs! This is amazing"

"Could you just find the real one!" Hawk screams at him

"Get out! You will never make it out of this forest!" They all hear the voice again

'Cut the games Mel' she whines

"Okay, one last thing! What color bra and pantie set are you wearing at this moment!"





He then goes and charges at everyone besides the quiet one

"Here ya go, baby!"

He then hands her, her undergarments and jogs ahead again right next to Hawk. She then sends a gush of wind his way knocking him over before going to find somewhere to put it back on.

As she finally gets it all back on she walks into a giant leg seeing as it's Diane and the others are nowhere to be seen she slightly wakes up the giant trying to get close to her to cuddle.


"Hey Diane, it's been a minute hasn't it?"

They both cuddle and go to sleep again waiting for the others

"Lady Diane! We accidentally let some holy knights into the Forrest!"

"Lady Diane!"

The girls slightly wake up but nobody sees Alex with Diane so Diane winks and smirks at her.

"Holy knights huh?"

"She's huge!" Alex hears Hawk say and knows Diane isn't going to let that slide

She then grabs Meliodas and starts questioning him

"You let go of Sir Meliodas!" Elizabeth screams


"Yo Diane, what's it been like 10 years?"

"CAPTAIN! captain captain captain captain is it really you?! I've missed you so much! And you just thought of everything you remembered how much I love whole roasted pig!"

"Lady I'm not edible!" Hawk screams

"Aw fine that's too bad, but who's this girl? And where is mom?" Diane asks

"Uh, a pleasure to meet you, Lady Diane! I'm Elizabeth and I've asked Sir Meliodas and La- I mean Alex if they'd let me travel with them to
find the seven deadly sins!"

"Lexi ran off somewhere I guess... She was just with us" Meliodas answers Diane's question

Diane looks her up and down

"So then it's just the two of you right now traveling alone?" Diane says

"Plus a talking pig! And Alex too but she ran off somewhere" Meliodas says looking around

'Where are you, Lexi?'

'I'm close, don't worry'

"Oh is that right?" Diane says standing up

"Yup and we uh-"

"YOU FILTHY WOMANIZER!" Diane says throwing Meliodas to the ground

She continues trying to hide the smile forming on her face "AHH it's like my family is back but the Captain is here with another woman! You've just broken my heart into a million pieces!"

Alex finally jumps down and starts laughing so hard her stomach starts hurting and goes to high-five Diane

'I will get you back for this, it hurt, you know how strong she is!'

'You'll be okay Mel' and she continues laughing

*lil time skip*

"So anyway to put a stop to the holy knights' rampage, Elizabeth's trying to get the seven deadly sins together" Meliodas tells Diane

"And we're doing anything we can to help her! Because we wanna find them too" Alex adds

"Okay I'll come with you guys, you got the serpent sin of envy, Diane!"

"Alright!" Alex says

"That's great!" Meliodas says

"Thank you so much, Lady Diane!" Elizabeth adds

"But I'm only doing this for Alex and the Captain"

Just then they all hear a crow

"That's strange I thought there weren't any animals in this forest?" Diane questions

"I smell rain... wait look at that!" Hawk says

They all look up to see thunderclouds and lightning swarming around them, then one big lightning bolt comes down from the sky to tie them up

"What's up with this?" Meliodas says


"My body is going numb!"

"I can't move at all!"

'Mel this lightning is familiar'

'Yeah I know what you mean, don't break out yet, I'm pretty sure Diane understands not to either'

They both look up to see Diane "struggling" to get out her binds, then a boy with pink hair and a full body full of armor walk up to them

"And you are?" Meliodas questions but he already knows the answer

"We meet at last.... Sins."

"This power..." Diane says

"Yeah no doubt about it, you're a holy knight aren't you?" Alex says, playing dumb along with Meliodas

Elizabeth says something under her breath then speaks up

"Gilthunder is that you?! Why are you doing this? Why would you.."

"You know him?" Meliodas asks her

'I hope he's okay' Alex says to Meliodas

'Yeah this isn't like him'

"Well yes. Since I was a little girl he was my father's attendant. He's the son of the holy knight's grandmaster he was always at the palace. So I kind of grew up with him" Elizabeth responds

'Oh yeah he had a thing for little Margaret' Alex says laughing a little

'They all were so cute together' He responds

"The son of the grandmaster? Hey, wait a minute are you, Little Gil?" Meliodas asks

"You know him?!" Elizabeth says

"Sure, I even gave him lessons a few times when I was at the palace!"

"You sure have grown Gil!" Alex tells him, he looks at her softly for just a moment but hardens his look again

"If you have the time to prattle on in this manner, then you might want to try escaping your bonds" he responds

"Hey, this lightning is familiar.." Hawk speaks up

"I know what you mean. When a certain someone blocked up Vanya's water supply then continued to try and blow the village away that was you both times, wasn't it?" Meliodas asks him

"He would never.." Elizabeth gasps as she looks back into his eyes then back up a little as if she was scared

Diane starts "struggling" against her bonds again

"These can't hold me"

"It's useless" he says as her hands go back down

"Diane just save it don't bother" Alex says walking over to her and sitting on her shoe one leg over the other elegantly, bonds still wrapped around her body

'You know you look hot right now'

'Shut up and pay attention to Gil, figure out what's wrong"

Gilthunder proceeds to give a speech on why the holy knights want the sins dead and why he wants them dead and Meliodas goes on after how he found the grandmaster dead, proving the sins didn't kill him. Then Gilthunder proceeds to tell Elizabeth how he doesn't care about her whereabouts or whatnot and sends her away after Hawk whom he has just kicked. Then challenges the sins.

"You know in the old days you could never defeat us" Alex says still sitting with one leg over the other and arms crossed confidently

"That was a long time ago, this is now" Gil says

He continues

"I am now more powerful than any of the Seven
Deadly Sins."

'I knew it I told you, Mel!"

'I agreed! What do you mean you told me!" He argues

"I don't know, maybe you are maybe you aren't" Meliodas still plays dumb

"Alright let's find out, first I'll release your bonds.."

"Thanks but we can do that" Meliodas responds

They all release their bonds and Alex gets up and starts running to stand next to Meliodas

"We could've escaped whenever we felt like it" he continues

"And just know if I felt like it I could destroy you and the forest instantly"

"I doubt that" Alex says

"Then I should simply cut you down"

Meliodas stands in front of Alex

"Right back at ya big guy, Alex, Diane don't interfere" Meliodas tells them

"Aw, man!" They both exclaim at the same time

"You always get all the fun captain!"

"Right? I just told him this" Alex responds to Diane shaking her head

Instead of going to sit down she runs and hugs Gilthunder and whispers something so quiet nobody would've thought she said something

"We'll help you Gilly" then kicks him with her legs as she falls back to the ground. He looks at her again for just a second with soft eyes then turns his attention back to Meliodas who has already countered his attack

"What you don't want to risk me defeating you all at once?" Gilthunder says

"Can't you tell when your elder is trying to be nice?" Meliodas responds

Alex has run back to Diane already and gets perched on her shoulder to watch the fight play out

They fight for a couple of minutes, exchanging a few words now and then until finally, Gilthunder lands a blow on Meliodas making him bleed


'I'm okay Lexi just let it play out'

'Fine! But I'm healing you after no buts!'

"Meliodas, Dragon sin of wrath, any last words?"

"The sins where are they?"

"Fine I'll tell you, of the remaining 5, 3 are still at large and are not yet accounted for but the other two have already been dealt with. The fox sin of greed is being kept at Baste Prison under tight guard, the grizzly sin of sloth is already dead and is interred in the necropolis.

"Thank you... Awesome!" Meliodas exclaims

"Thanks a lot, Little Gil!" Alex says getting off of Diane

Hey guys! Sorry if it sounds a little slow I didn't proofread before posting because it's alr 12 and I got school tomorrow lol

Also why it's a little late it's because my birthday was the 16th! And I was a little preoccupied with that and not writing/ proofreading sorry😂

Let me know if you guys want the flashbacks or whole chapters of all the sins + other characters with Meliodas and Alexandria and why they think of her as a mother figure (I'm
pretty sure I mentioned before she's the "mother of the sins" but I don't remember)

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