Judgement Day (Hogwarts Myste...

By timbegs

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It began as a simple mission to find his brother Jacob. Now it has become an all out war for the survival of... More

Character Bio.
Prologue: It's the end of the world as we know it. And I feel fine.
Chapter 1: A nice simple train ride to start the new year (NOT).
Chapter 2: Stay out of my way.
Chapter 3: Elementary my Dear Ethan.
Chapter 4: Right where it hurts.
Chapter 5: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing.
Chapter 6: Hurricane a Blowing.
Chapter 7: Old Alliances. Never forgotten.
Chapter 8: Among Us.
Chapter 9: Breech and Clear.
Chapter 10: The Negotiation Table.
Chapter 11: Trust a few. Fear the rest.
Chapter 12: The Norse Uprising.
Chapter 13: In a world of Trouble.
Chapter 14: Is humanity safe?
Chapter 15: Nothing to see here. Just a wizard who's falling apart at the seems.
Chapter 16: American Deals.
Chapter 17: The True Plan.
Chapter 18: The Essential Wizards Guide to catching a loose Wampus.
Chapter 19: Triumph turned to Tragedy.
Chapter 20: Whatever it takes, by any means necessary.
Chapter 21: Journey to the New World.
Chapter 22: The Pueblos Magicos.
Chapter 23: Mexican Standoff.
Chapter 24: No Turning Back.
Chapter 25: The Journey Home.
Chapter 26: The Curious Case of forgetful Hair Products.
Chapter 27: The Mystery Thickens.
Chapter 28: Family Reunion.
Chapter 29: Into the Storm.
Chapter 30: One Problem Solved. New Problem Begins.
Chapter 31: Moment of Peace.
Chapter 32: Haunted to the Grave.
Chapter 33: Trial with a twist.
Chapter 34: What do we do next?
Chapter 35: Rising Sun.
Chapter 36:Just Plain Cruel.
Chapter 37: Old Wounds that never heal.
Chapter 38: Gods Among Men.
Chapter 39: Demons and Blades.
Chapter 40: Crimson Tide.
Chapter 41: Survivor's Guilt.
Chapter 42: Am I not Merciful?
Chapter 43: The Breaking Point.
Chapter 44: Same School. Different Problems.
Chapter 45: The Doxy Cometh.
Chapter 46: One Queen Sized Doxy, Extra Crispy.
Chapter 47: Healing up wounds.
Chapter 48: Complicated Situations.
Chapter 49: Preventing the Spread.
Chapter 50: Hitting the Streets.
Chapter 51: Always one step ahead.
Chapter 52: Cat and Mouse.
Chapter 53: Let it Burn.
Chapter 54: Curses and Legacies.
Chapter 55: A Hogwarts Christmas Story. Part 1.
Chapter 56: A Hogwarts Christmas Story. Part 2: How The Wizards saved Christmas.
Chapter 57: New Year and a New Threat.
Chapter 58: Laughing Contagion.
Chapter 59: Cursed CD Mix Tape. #4 on the Billboards.
Chapter 60: The Elephant and the Snake.
Chapter 61: The Hogwarts I.T Department.
Chapter 62: Give a Reason as to Why.
Chapter 63: Wizard Odyssey.
Chapter 64: Secrets of the Labyrinth.
Chapter 65: Mine by Right.
Chapter 66: Second Chance.
Chapter 67: Cold as Ice. Warm as Fire.
Chapter 68: Broken Circle.
Chapter 69: Attitude reflects Leadership.
Chapter 70: The Battle of Nottingham.
Chapter 71: Enough is Enough.
Chapter 72: Sea of Sand.
Chapter 73: Palace of Magic.
Chapter 74: Curse of the Djinn.
Chapter 75: Difficult Decisions.
Chapter 76: Approaching the Gates.
Chapter 77: The Palace of Evil.
Chapter 78: Running Red.
Chapter 79: Prepare for War.
Chapter 81: United we Stand. Divided we Fall.
Chapter 82: Blood and Guts.
Chapter 83: End of the Line.
Chapter 84: Pain and Torment.
Chapter 85: Goodbye Innocence.
Chapter 86: The Last Sunset.
Chapter 87: The Siege of Hogwarts.
Chapter 88: The Final Duel.
Chapter 89: The Next Phase.
Chapter 90: End to the Tale.
The End.
The Story Continues.

Chapter 80: Reflection.

194 4 43
By timbegs

"We cannot change our past. We can not change the fact that people act in a certain way. We can not change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude." -Charles R. Swindoll.

Author's Note: Can you believe it? We've made it to 80 Chapters now and 15K Reads!

The Easter Holidays. Merula was never truly a big fan of them. For bizarre reasons, the Professors would take the time to dump whatever assignments they could on the students. She remembered how years ago when her first Easter Holiday came and all the stuff that got dumped on her in her 1st year. And if that wasn't enough pressure to put. That meant Final Examinations were coming as well. And for 5th and 7th years in particular, that meant O.W.Ls and N.E.W.Ts.  

After speaking to Trotsky about what had happened with the upcoming war and preparations, Merula needed some time alone with her thoughts. And that meant going to what was perhaps the only place she could get peace and quiet. Her home. 

Merula apparated back to her home. The home where she grew up in. Finding it so deserted like before. No guards, no patrols, no servants. And it was where Merula lived for so long. Alone and isolated from others. 

Merula walked past the gardens where she remembered her and her mother would go to plant flowers. She knelt down to one flower. It was a tulip. Her Mother always liked those flowers. Merula remembered when her Mother planted some in particular. Perhaps that was what drew her to be friends with Tulip Karasu when they first met. And not just because Tulip was a rule breaker. "Rule Breaking Tulip. How many Rules do you think we could've broken if we worked together?" She asked. 

Walking by the Fountain, Merula was reminded of passing that fountain everyday. The only sound that could be heard was the sound of the water rippling down. Seemed an odd thing to get for a first birthday the more that Merula thought about it, but she would grow to love that fountain. She looked at the carving. Her Little Doe. Merula loved when her Mother called her that. Her Father... well, he just thought it was a stupid nickname. "YOU'RE A SNYDE! NOT SOME LEAF EYED VENISION!" She could hear that voice in her head still. Would've destroyed that Fountain too if it wasn't for Isabella's pleas. 

Merula looked at that Fountain. Feeling it's water on her fingers. Letting her hands splash in it like she used to do when she was younger for no apparent reason. It almost reminded her of the fountain that Hogwarts had in their courtyard. Merula would often go down there to be alone, and also splash her hands through the fingers like she used to do when she was younger when no one was looking. Except for Ismelda, who asked what it was that Merula was trying to accomplish when she did that. Merula said there wasn't anything to accomplish. It was just something to do. And Ismelda shrugged. Whatever Merula did was her business.

And looking at the water, Merula could see her and Ismelda in their 1st year. 

6 Years Earlier.

Riding on the Train to Hogwarts. Merula and Ismelda sat in a compartment. "This is incredible Ismelda!" Merula shouted. "We're finally going to go to Hogwarts!" 

"You look way too excited Merula." Ismelda noted. 

"Well, can you blame me?" Merula asked. "I mean... we're off to Hogwarts. Where we'll become the most powerful Witches in History." She then looked at Ismelda. "You don't want to be the most powerful witch at Hogwarts?" 

"There can only be one, Merula." Ismelda said. "And I don't really like the attention being on me. I like staying in the shadows." 

"Oh, right." Merula remembered that Ismelda would often be the one to sit in the corner. 

"But I'll still be best friends with the Most Powerful Witch at Hogwarts." Ismelda pointed out. 

Merula smiled. She looked at her wand. "Most powerful witch at Hogwarts. Has a nice ring to it." She said. 

"So, what house are you hoping to get in?" Ismelda asked. 

"Is that a trick question? Slytherin of course. THE GREATEST HOUSE TO EVER EXIST! Where the Cunning and Ambitious Dwell." Merula answered boasting loudly. "Also I look fabulous in Green." She added. 

Ismelda gave her thumbs up. She wanted to go into Slytherin as well.  But that was when they noticed two 1st year boys walking down and looking for a place to sit. 

One was a Brown Haired Caucasian. And the other being a Parsi-Indian boy with glasses that walked past them. And although Merula and Ismelda didn't know it at the time, that was their first sighting of Ethan Bauer and Rowan Khanna.  

"1st years, am I right?" Ismelda asked.

"We're first years too, Ismelda." Merula pointed out. 

Ismelda admitted that Merula had a point. "Well, if that's what you say, Merula. Now come on. I think that I saw some 4th years looking at some Devil's Snare." 

"Devil's Snare?" Merula asked intrigued. 

"Yeah. You want to see?" Ismelda asked. And the two girls went to go check that out. 

Back to the Present.

Merula would end up using that Devil's Snare on Ethan and Rowan in their 1st year. Back when they were all arrogant and dumb with what they did. Including going into an Ice Filled Room alone. She wondered where all those times went as she walked into the front of her house. The Entrance full of portraits which Merula ignored. It reminded her of the Grand Staircase at Hogwarts. The eventual arguing for the Portraits and Students. Despite the fact that she was a Slytherin and her Common Room was in the Dungeon. And suddenly, Merula started to get flashbacks to their 5th year. When Beatrice Haywood was effected by the Portrait Curse. Even though Merula thought that Penny was probably the most annoying girl in all of Hogwarts, she wished that Penny didn't have to suffer with that. But then again, Penny did stick up for Ismelda when that one person Emily Tyler did read Ismelda's Diary. Though, if that had been Merula in Penny's place. She would've done much worse. Merula wished she had done worse to anyone who messed with Ismelda. 

And there was something that also happened in their 5th year. What with Rakepick, something that Ismelda didn't trust. Although Merula wished she learned about it in time. Although that Merula did know about Rakepick being an Agent and working for Trotsky. But Merula couldn't get over the fact that Rakepick used the Cruciatus Curse on Merula. 

2 Years Earlier.

It was late at night. Merula still had to be in the Hospital Wing after what had happened. And while she acted all grumpy over having to stay in that Wing after what had happened. The truth was that Merula couldn't believe that Rakepick would use that curse on her. 

There was a knock on the door though. "Go away." Merula grunted. That was when she saw Ismelda come in. "Ismelda?"

"Hey, Merula." Ismelda greeted. "You look like crap." 

"Cute. Very cute." Merula sarcastically commented. 

"I made you some stew." Ismelda offered holding up a bowl. 

"You know you can't cook." Merula replied. 

"So?" Ismelda asked. "Doesn't mean I'm not going to try." She offered it to Merula. 

"Uh..." Merula looked at it. "What kind of stew is it?" She asked looking at the stew that looked all brown and soggy. 

Ismelda had to think about it. "I'm... not sure." She admitted. "I think it growled at me too." 

Merula didn't really want to eat the stew. But at the same time she didn't want to hurt Ismelda's feelings. "Well, you did put effort into- What in the world could that be?" She pointed to the door. 

"What? Where?" Ismelda asked looking behind her. "I don't see anything." 

Merula quickly tossed the stew out of the window. "Hm. Could've sworn I saw something." She said. "Sorry." 

"Is this about what happened with Rakepick?" Ismelda asked. "I think you're just being paranoid." 

"Yeah." Merula admitted. "Listen, Ismelda. There was something that Rakepick said to me." 

"What did she say?" Ismelda asked. 

"She said that Azkaban was giving my parents a well deserved break from me. Is that true?" Merula asked.

Ismelda shook her head. "Rakepick is a Bitch." She told Merula. 

"Yes." Merula agreed. "Yes she is!" 

"Say it." Ismelda told her. 

"Rakepick is a Bitch." Merula said. 

"Like you mean it." Ismelda egged on. 

"Rakepick is a Bitch!" Merula declared laughing with Ismelda. 

"There's that smile." Ismelda commented. 

Merula smiled at that.

Back to the Present.

"Rakepick is a Bitch." Merula declared again out loud. She also wouldn't forget when Rakepick killed Rowan and right in front of Merula. Even Rowan Khanna didn't deserve what had happened to him. And that was also not supposed to happen. And yet it did. Ethan had formed the Circle of Khanna to fight against R. The organization that Trotsky had made. 

Merula knew what that meant. It meant that Ethan was preparing for a war. There was no other reason to assemble a large force after the death of one friend. Not that Merula really blamed Ethan for doing that. If that had been Ismelda that died. She would do the same thing in Ethan's shoes. And Rakepick was a bitch for starting the whole thing in the first place. If Rakepick didn't kill Rowan, things would now be proceeding in an orderly fashion as Trotsky had always intended.

Continuing up on the next floor, Merula walked into her Bedroom. The Posters she had of Famous Witches and Wizards in history that Merula honestly forgot she had or where they came from, her dressers that housed her clothes like the ones she would wear in the Summer as her Winter Clothes would be for when she would go to Hogwarts, Her Journals that housed her most intimate thoughts that she could only confide in herself, a whole closet that was full of her old junk being the Packrat that she could be sometimes. And of course those scorches on the walls when Merula's magic had started to develop. She accidently set fire to those walls.

Those Summers at the Snyde Manor always felt empty. Merula knew that she had Trotsky for the Summers, and it wasn't so bad. The Fireflies at night, The Swimming by the lakeside. And of course the traditional roasting of the Marshmallows by the Fire Place. Those little events.

Beyond that was the Nursery where Merula would go as a little toddler. The Stuffed Toys, building blocks, and little picture books. Merula remembered the name of those Stuffed Toys as well. Her Teddy Bear who she named Fur Face. Her Rabbit Named Top Ears. Those were always her two favorites. She was 3 when she named them. The Building Blocks that Merula would stack together, and sometimes even rearrange them like they were a tower. And would have her stuffed toys pretend like they were bowling. 

The Little Picture Books were always a nice touch that Merula liked as well. When she was younger, she imagined that she was in those books as her own character.

Those memories seemed so long ago. Back when things were so innocent. So full of life. With all the possibilities left in the world. But when Merula was 10 and a Half. Her parents were sent to Azkaban, and Merula was left with Trotsky. And although Trotsky treated her better than her own father ever did, there was still something that wasn't the same as her own parents. Always having to hide her magic. The one thing that brought her joy. She could only use it at School. Hogwarts. There was always something about that Magical Castle that Merula always love. The tall towers perched atop building. The crossing of the Black Lake. The Hogwarts Express. All those memories were coming back to her now. 

And now Trotsky was planning on destroying it. For the sake of the New World Order. And while the promise of something greater sounded great for her, there was something she felt about not being able to destroy Hogwarts. In a way, Hogwarts was probably a place where people felt more at home than their own homes. A Sanctuary for Witches and Wizards. And now it was being teared down. But Witches and Wizards wouldn't need a Sanctuary anymore. Still, there were also some happy memories she had with Hogwarts. 

"I thought I'd find you here." The Voice of Ismelda Murk had said to Merula. Merula turned to see Ismelda standing by the door. 

Merula ran over to hug her friend. Her sister. "What are you doing here?" She asked. 

"I had to see you. Make sure you were okay." Ismelda answered. "I trekked all across the British Isles. I should've known to come here first."

Merula looked at her. "You shouldn't have come Ismelda. Hogwarts... they'll-" 

"I don't care what Hogwarts does." Ismelda dismissed. "I swore to find you and stand by your side, and that's what I intend to do." She insisted. "And I came to see if you were alright." 

That was when Merula started to cry into Ismelda's arms. "Ismelda. I thought I was alone in this." She sobbed. 

"What's wrong?" Ismelda asked.

"Ismelda. It's coming to it." Merula answered. Ismelda looked at her. "Trotsky's plan. He wants to destroy the Ministry and Hogwarts." 

"So what's the problem?" Ismelda asked confused. "Isn't that what you always wanted?" 

"I thought it was." Merula answered. "But the more I think about it, how many lives are going to be ruined? Ripped apart from people they love?" She asked. "I can't abandon, Trotsky. The only family I have left. And you. You're my sister. Not blood related, but you get the idea." She cried even more into Ismelda. 

"I know." Ismelda answered with a bit of a tear in her eye as well. "I know." 

"I can't go back to Hogwarts. I can't just tell Trotsky how I feel or he'll think I'm being weak. I can't let another parent down. But at the same time. The people that could die at Hogwarts. Liz, Barnaby, Badeea, Chiara Lobosca, even the Bauers. They're not horrible people. I'm scared, Ismelda. I...I don't know what to do." She explained in-between her crying.

Ismelda looked at Merula. So confused on what to do. Conflicted between her feelings and her heart, what she was always told. Trotsky was waging a war on the outside, but in Merula, there was a different type of war being fought. An internal war inside of herself. Not being able to tell people other than one how she felt. 

"What do I do, Ismelda?" Merula asked. "Please... help me." 

Ismelda just hugged her. That was what she needed at that moment. And the truth was. Even Ismelda didn't know what to do other than be there for Merula. 


"Where are we going?" Kassandra asked as Ethan and Jacob were leading her to someplace in the woods. 

"You'll see." Jacob answered. Being back at their home for the Easter Holiday felt good for Ethan and Jacob. Back at their home with the Mother and Sister. And now that Kassandra was a Bauer now, it was time to show Kassandra the thing she needed to see as a Bauer. 

"And here we are." Ethan pointed to what looked like a village ruins. 

"An Old Village?" Kassandra asked. 

"Not just any old village. You see Kassie, this is the Village of the Anglo Saxons." Ethan answered.

"Anglo Saxons?" Kassandra asked confused. 

Jacob nodded. "They were the inhabitants of England after the fall of the Roman Empire." He explained. 

"Oh." Kassandra realized. "I was always told that the Roman Empire reorganized into the Byzantine Empire. But that was just the Eastern Empire wasn't it?" She asked. "I was never really told what happened to the west." She explained. 

"Makes sense." Jacob said. "After 410 AD. The Romans left the British Isles. And then Britain went under a sudden surge of different powers trying to take over. One of the dominant ones was that came were the Germanic Anglo and Saxons who invaded and colonized the land. This was one of their villages." He explained. 

Kassandra looked in awe of the village. Something which she had not seen in her time in Greece. The Wooden homes made of wood, straw and stone. 

"Jacob and I would always enjoy coming over here when we were kids." Ethan said. 

"I like this place." Kassandra told them. That was when she noticed some Bowtruckles by one of the wooden houses. 

"Those are Bowtruckles." Ethan said. "Go ahead. Say hi." 

Kassandra walked over. She looked a little hesitant to do it. But Ethan and Jacob urged her to walk slowly. So she did. When the Bowtruckles looked at her, they stood still. 

"H-Hi." Kassandra greeted. 

The Bowtruckles looked at Kassandra and all warmed up to her and started to go up to Kassandra. That meant they liked her. 

Kassandra laughed around her. "You have these Bowtruckles here?" She asked. 

"Well, there's also the-" Ethan started to say when they heard the sounds of fairies also flying around another house. 

"Fairies?" Kassandra asked. "I can see why you like this place." 

Being back at the Anglo Saxon ruins brought back many memories for Ethan and Jacob as well. It was also a place where Ethan could feel happiness. 

"You okay, E?" Jacob asked. 

"Yeah." Ethan answered. "Being back here. Just brings back good memories. Back when we were young and dumb, huh?" He asked. 

Jacob nodded. "And now, we get to show them to Kassie." He said. 

Kassandra then noticed something on the floor. And old book. But it didn't look like an Ancient Scripture. "Hey, guys. What's this?" She asked. 

Ethan looked at it. "Hey! I remember this! It's one of my old Comic Books. I was wondering what happened to that." He said. 

"A Comic Book?" Kassandra asked confused. "What's a Comic Book?" 

"It's a Book that uses pictures to tell a story. For Superheroes. Like Spiderman, Superman, Captain America, Thor, Batman." Ethan answered. 

"Superheroes?" Kassandra asked. 

Ethan realized he had a lot of work to do if he wanted to bring Kassandra into this. "Come on. I'll show you." 

After spending some time in the Anglo Saxon Ruins. The Bauer Siblings returned home and Ethan got out a trunk from his room that he showed to Kassandra. 

"You have a lot of books." Kassandra commented. 

"Thanks. I work hard on it." Ethan replied. 

Kassandra looked at one of them. "Batman." She noticed. "Is this Hades?" 

"Um. No. It's Bruce Wayne. He dresses as a Bat to strike fear into the hearts of his enemies." Ethan answered. 

Kassandra shrugged as Ethan showed her a Comic Book. And showing the fights between Batman and the Joker. 

"The Joker looks scary." Kassandra commented. However she did cheer when she saw Batman win. "Why doesn't Batman kill them?"

"Because Batman has a thing against not killing people. It's his signature rule. You should've seen what he was like in the Batman Movie." Ethan answered. 

"Batman Movie?" Kassandra asked. 

"Yeah. Though I did have my complaints with it. Like making the Joker kill Batman's parents instead of Joe Chill." Ethan answered. 

"Joe Chill?" Kassandra asked. 

"I'll show you that comic later." Ethan told her.

"What other of these Comics do you have?" Kassandra asked. 

Ethan turned to his other comics. 

Kassandra looked at one. "Spider Man?" She asked. "Is he a son of Arachne?" 

"No." Ethan answered. "He's a man from New York named Peter Parker who was bitten by a Radioactive Spider and developed Spider like Powers." 

"So... no Arachne?" Kassandra asked. She read the book. And was looking very intrigued by it. "With Great Power comes Great Responsibility." She read. 

"Yeah. Those were the words that were given to Peter before his Uncle Ben died." Ethan explained. 

"You seem to have a bond with this Spiderman." Kassandra noted. 

"He was always one of my favorite Superheroes." Ethan said. "There was something about the way he just fought despite all the odds against him to save New York City that I always admired. No matter how many enemies he fought. He would still keep going." 

"Just like you." Kassandra picked up. 

And Kassandra wasn't wrong about that. When Ethan was younger, he would try to collect any Comic Books as a kid, and read them whenever he could. There was always something about Heroes and there code of honor that compelled them to save the day from villains. Everyone cheered for the heroes to succeed, and they would do it. And that hero in particular was Spiderman. The one that would swoop in and save the day and protect the ones he loved. Ethan also remembered showing them to his Dorm Mates in his early years at Hogwarts.

4 Years Earlier.

3rd Year Ethan was reading one of his Spiderman Comic Books that he brought with him to Hogwarts and was reading them on his Dorm Bed as Evening was coming. 

"Hey, Ethan!" Rowan shouted. "I need your opinion on something!"

Ethan looked up to see Rowan. "Yes, Rowan?" He asked. "What is it?"

"Do you think that we should take Astronomy to prepare for our O.W.Ls next year?" Rowan asked. 

"What? We don't have to worry about that till we're in our 5th year." Ethan pointed out. 

"Yeah. But I like to stay ahead of the curve." Rowan reminded. "I also heard some 4th years saying that Professor McGonagall was telling them that 4th Year was when you started thinking about O.W.Ls. And we need to figure out what we're going to be in the future." 

Ethan cut him off. "Well, I've got that covered then. I'm going to be an Auror." He told him. "And you're going to be a Professor." 

"Well, that's covered then. By the way, what are you reading? It doesn't look like a Hogwarts Text Book." Rowan asked. 

"No. It's a Comic Book." Ethan answered. "Muggle thing." 

"Comic Book?" Rowan asked. "Can I see it?" 

Ethan showed him. 

"This isn't like a book I've seen before." Rowan noted. "Spiderman? These pictures don't even move." 

"They're not supposed to. It tells the story visually when you turn the page." Ethan explained. 

"Huh." Rowan said. He'd never seen a Comic Book before. 

"Is that a Comic Book?" Ben asked walking in. 

"You know what this is?" Rowan asked. 

"Rowan. I'm a Muggle. I know all about Superheroes." Ben answered. 

"You got a favorite?" Ethan asked. 

"Well, I've got several actually." Ben answered. "But probably Spiderman. Or even Batman or Superman." 

"Same with me." Ethan said. 

"Get out of town." Ben commented. "If I had those powers like they did, I wouldn't have to keep cowering over everything. But I don't have that. I'm just... me."  

"Eh, don't keep selling yourself short, Ben. We've got Magic. That's the closest were going to get to being Superheroes I imagine." Ethan pointed out. 

"Maybe. But I still feel scared around it." Ben replied. "Oh, by the way. Word around the Muggles is that there's a movie about Batman in production." He said. 

"Is there?" Ethan asked intrigued. 

"What's a movie?" Rowan asked. 

"It's a Muggle invention. A Movie is a Motion Picture that tells a whole story." Ben answered. 

"Oh, just like the Hogwarts Portrait." Rowan assumed. 

Ethan and Ben looked at each other. "...Not quite." Ethan answered.

Back to the Present.

Ethan remembered having to explain to Rowan about the whole concept of Movies and Comic Books. Was a lot trickier then he had imagined. And while the Batman Movie was great and everything. He still had his critiques about it. And for some reason, there weren't a lot of the Marvel Comics getting adapted into movies. Someday maybe there would. But it would have to be given care. "Kassie, have you ever seen, movies?" He asked. 

"What's a movie?" Kassandra asked. 

"Guess that answers that question." Ethan thought. "A movie is... you know what? You're about to find out." He decided.

He then took Kassandra downstairs to the Living Room and transfigured up a Television. All the while he also got out a Video Cassette tape. It was also that they saw Caroline in the kitchen wondering what the two were doing. Though when Ethan transfigured up the T.V. it all made sense. "Are you showing Kassie a movie?" She asked. 

"Yeah. She's never seen one before." Ethan answered. 

"Is it any good, Mater?" Kassie asked.

"Well. That depends on what the movie is." Caroline answered. 

That was when Kassandra looked at the Tape. "So... this movie is called Star Wars? Is that a good movie?" She asked Ethan. 

"It's a great Movie." Ethan answered.

Kassandra nodded in excitement. She then sat on a couch. 

"Up for Movie Night, Mum?" Ethan asked. 

Caroline nodded. She didn't really have any other plans. And with that, Ethan turned on the Movie. "You mind getting Jacob?" She asked. 

"Jacob!" Ethan yelled. "We're putting on Star Wars!" 

That was when Jacob fell down the roof and onto the floor. "Star Wars?!" He asked. 

"You realize that there are stairs there, right?" Caroline asked annoyed. 

"Yeah. I know." Jacob answered. "Reparo." He repaired the whole in the roof and then sat down. He remembered when he and Ethan went to the Movie Theater to see Star Wars themselves years ago. The First Movie they ever saw and it blew Ethan's mind. Ethan couldn't stop talking about it for weeks. Now it was Kassandra's turn. 

So the movie started with the opening title crawl. "Evil Galactic Empire?" Kassandra asked. She then saw the opening scene of the Rebel Blockade Runner, A.K.A the Tantive IV running from an Imperial Star Destroyer over Tatooine. 

Kassandra saw the Tantive IV running over the planet. "That's a big ship." She then saw the Star Destroyer. "That's an even bigger ship!" She commented.

Then came the scene where all the Storm Troopers breached inside and were shooting at the Rebels. And then came Darth Vader. "He sounds mean." Kassandra referred to Darth Vader. And her point was confirmed as she looked at the scene where Vader was choking Captain Antilles. 

"We're on a diplomatic mission." Antilles was saying.

"If this is a Councilor Ship, where is the Ambassador?" Vader then shoved him into the wall. "Commander, tear this ship apart until you've found those plans! And bring me the passengers! I WANT THEM ALIVE!" 

"He's strict." Kassandra whispered to Jacob who just nodded his head. 

The movie had progressed even more. The Capture of R2-D2 and C-3PO at the hands of the Jawas. And them getting bartered off to a farmer named Luke Skywalker. And also the complaining from Luke. "But I was going to Tosche Station to pick up some power converters." Luke complained to his Uncle. Later on Luke would look at the two suns with the music from John Williams. 

"He just wants to see the Galaxy." Kassandra thought. 

And then came the scene where Luke met Obi Wan Kenobi and Obi Wan explained the force to Luke. "Now the Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field creating all living things. It surrounds us, it penetrates us, it binds the Galaxy together." 

Kassandra was looking intrigued with the force. But there was also one part she wanted to know. What the Clone Wars was. Maybe she would find out at some point. And so would Ethan and Jacob.

There was also the scene where they went to Mos Eisley Cantina. The music that came with it. And the heroes, Han Solo and Chewbacca. And the scene of Han shooting Greedo. 

"I've been looking forward to this for a long time." Greedo was saying in his Rodian Language. 

"Yes I'll bet you have." Han replied. He then shot Greedo dead before Greedo could do anything.

"He's a good guy, right?" Kassandra whispered to Ethan. And Ethan nodded his head. 

But Kassandra was blown away by the scene when the Death Star destroyed Alderaan. "Commence Primary Ignition." And a laser shot out of the Death Star and blew up the Planet.

Kassandra had to close her eyes. "Kassie, it's okay. It's just a movie." Jacob assured. "It's not real." 

Kassandra sighed in relief. "Sorry. It's just hard to believe that a planet could be blown up just like that.

And then came the scene when the ship the Millennium Falcon got pulled into the Death Star by a Tractor Beam. Kassandra thought that it felt familiar. Like the tale of Greek Heroes who would go to the Underworld. 

There was also the scene where Obi Wan had left Luke and Han. And finding the Princess. "But they're going to kill her!" Luke protested. 

"Better her then me!" Han shot back. 

"So much for honor." Kassie thought. 

"Doesn't seem like he'd be a Hufflepuff." Caroline whispered to Ethan to which Ethan chuckled. 

But that was when Luke had an idea. He went Han's ear. "She's rich." And Han seemed to be on board with that. 

Then came the scene with the Garbage Chute after Princess Leia was saved. "The Walls are closing!" Luke shouted.

"Don't just stand there, try and brace it with something!" Leia ordered.

"They'll brace it right?" Kassandra asked. 

"Just watch and see." Ethan answered. 

The Garbage Chute was shut down thanks to C-3PO and R2 though. And Kassie breathed again. 

But then came the scene where Darth Vader fought Obi Wan. "Now I am the Master." Vader declared. 

"Only the Master of Evil, Darth." Obi Wan countered. And they both fought with their sabers. 

The fight was going on as Luke, Leia, Han, Chewie, C-3PO and R2 got to the Falcon. But Luke looked at the scene of Obi Wan fighting. And Vader had struck him down. 

"NO!" Luke had shouted. 

And Kassandra had to shut her eyes again. "Not Obi Wan!" She hugged Ethan at that scene. 

"It's okay, Kassie." Ethan comforted his sister.

But it wasn't done yet. Then came the scene with Yavin 4 and the Rebel Attack on the Death Star.

"Lock S-Foils in attack position." The X-Wings had engaged. 

"The Rebels are going to win, right?" Kassandra asked. 

"Just watch and see." Ethan wasn't going to be a spoiler today. 

Then there was the Trench one that Luke was making. And the voice of Obi Wan talking to him. "Use the Force, Luke. Let go, Luke. Luke, trust me." 

"Obi Wan is still there." Kassandra realized. 

But when it seemed like the Death Star was going to strike again. Kassandra got nervous again. "Come on, Luke. You can do it!" She was saying. Something that made Ethan and Jacob chuckle. And the same with Caroline.

When it seemed like Vader was going to kill Luke, a strike came from out of nowhere. "What?" Vader looked confused at that. 

"Yahoo!" Han shouted. It was the Falcon! And it had come to save the day. He cleared off the Tie Fighters. Allowing Luke to make the shot. "You're all clear kid! Now let's blow this thing and go home!" 

Luke shot the Proton Torpedoes in the exhaust port. And the Death Star was destroyed. "Yay!" Kassie shouted. 

The final scene was with Luke and Han getting Medals but nothing for Chewbacca. 

"You know that's the one thing that always bothered me. Why didn't Chewie get a medal?" Jacob asked. 

That was when the credits rolled around. The movie had ended. 

Kassandra stood speechless. Until she got up. "That was INCREDIBLE!" Kassandra shouted hugging Ethan. "I don't know what to say. It was just... wow." She commented. 

"I had the same reaction when I first saw it." Ethan said. 

Jacob could vouch for that.

Later that evening. "The way the force works, and the Rebel Ships. And Luke and Vader. And..." Kassandra kept going on as she was getting into her bed and saying to Ethan. 

"I told you that movies were great." Ethan commented. 

"No you didn't." Kassandra said. 

"Well, I thought it would be implied." Ethan replied. 

Kassandra got under the sheets. "Ethan?" She asked. "Were you ever blown away when you saw that movie in the theaters?" 

"Yep." Ethan answered. "And I intend to show you more movies in the theaters when this is all over. With the war that is." 

"You really think that we'll be able to win?" Kassandra asked. 

Ethan gave Kassandra a hug. "As long as we got something to fight for, Kassie." He answered. "Which we will." 

Kassie hugged Ethan back. "Thanks, Big Brother." He thanked. 

"Of course, Little Sister." Ethan replied. He then let Kassandra go to bed. 

Ethan went back downstairs. 

"Kassie finally go to bed?" Jacob asked. 

"Yeah. I imagine she'll be talking about that movie for the next few weeks." Ethan answered. "Sorry about hearing that over and over again, Mum." 

"I got through it when you and Jacob saw those movies, I can do it again." Caroline assured. 

"Are we going to tell Kassie that Leia and Luke are twins?" Ethan asked. Both he and Jacob pondered that. But they both said "Nah. She can figure it out herself." 

And that's when Ethan thought of something. "And to think that in the fall, she'll be going to Hogwarts. We'll have to get her a wand and everything." He said. "You know it's funny. When I was in the desert. I could see Kassie as a student in Hogwarts and everything." 

"You saw Kassie as a student?" Caroline asked. 

"It was just a mirage. The Desert will do that." Ethan answered. 

"What house was she in?" Caroline asked. 

"Gryffindor." Ethan answered. 

"Thought so." Caroline replied. "Guess I'm still the only Hufflepuff in the family." 

"Well Ethan's in love with a Hufflepuff Girl." Jacob pointed out. 

"And I got her." Ethan added thinking of Penny. 

Jacob remembered the first time he saw Penny when Ethan had rescued him in the Portrait Vault. When Ethan had introduced Penny as his girlfriend. He seemed surprised to see that Ethan could land a beautiful girl like Penny to date him. And Penny was beautiful, only a fool would question it. Suddenly, his little baby brother didn't seem so little anymore. "You grew up too fast. And I wasn't there for it." He said to Ethan. 

Caroline took Jacob's hand. "You're here for it now." She told him. 

"And we're going to be there for Kassie." Ethan added. "See her off on the Hogwarts Express, see her make friends, teach her some of our magic." 

"Break the bones of any boy that breaks her heart." Jacob added. 

"Exactly." Ethan said. But there words were cut off by the sound of a Radio interference. 

"Good evening to all Witches and Wizards of the world." The Voice of Iosef Trotsky broadcasted. 

"Merlin's Beard. Not again." Caroline muttered. Whenever Trotsky spoke, it couldn't be good.

"Let's hear what he has to say." Ethan replied being glad that Kassandra was asleep. 

Trotsky continued to speak. "For the past year. I have led the charge for the future of all Witches and Wizards to take their rightful place in the New World Order. A World Order dedicated to the teachings of Magic. We don't deserve to live in hiding in a world dominated by Muggles who will fear and destroy us. And for the Past Year, I have shown the Muggles who rightfully deserves to rule this world. But, there are those that seek to challenge my resolve, my mission, my purpose. I have tried to to explain this to the Ministry of Magic. And all they have done is oppose me and do nothing but keep their Wizards treated like livestock, cradled to their prisons. This doesn't surprise me of course. It's not the first time that a Wizarding Government has done this. They have done this before. You may have forgotten what the Soviets did to my little Ksenia but I will not, Ministries of the world. And it is not just the Ministry of Magic that has resisted me. There are others calling themselves the Circle of Khanna, who believe they are protectors, but are simply misguided teenagers brainwashed by the Ministry to serve their every whim." 

Ethan gritted his teeth. That wasn't true at all. And there was no way that Ethan was going to be a Ministry Puppet.

"To its leader, Ethan Bauer. I now speak directly to you. This is your Final Warning. Stay out of our way. Or there will be severe consequences, not just for you, but to those that are closest to you as well, your friends, and your family. Blood's been spilled. It's up to deicide how much more will follow." And the radio turned off. 

There was now a quiet feeling. Ethan felt shaky. "Final Warning." He commented. 

"That guy's got some nerve." Jacob grunted. 

Ethan felt his hands shaking. "It's coming down to it. I always..." He started to say, but quickly found himself hugged by his Mother. 

"We'll be okay Ethan." Caroline assured as she kept hugging him and Ethan dare not leave it. 

Ethan nodded. "I know. It's just hard to think of this really coming." He said. 

"Look at me Ethan." Caroline told him. Ethan looked up at his Mother. 

"I'm scared, Mum." Ethan admitted. 

Caroline shushed him. "It's okay, Ethan. I'm scared too. But at least we're in this mess together." She assured. "And nobody threatens my children." 

"Trotsky threatens you, he threatens me too." Jacob added. "And we're going to protect Kassie."  

Ethan couldn't argue with that one. He looked at Caroline and Jacob. They were with him. "I wish Dad was here." He admitted. 

"I know." Caroline replied. "I miss your Father too." 

Jacob nodded and getting into the hug as well. 

That was when they saw Kassandra coming down the stairs. She heard Ethan shaking. But she decided to get in the hug as well, and the Bauers all were in the same hug pile together. 

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