Game of Prythian

By Cait2025

22.3K 672 95

In the beginning and in the end, there is darkness; Nothing more. Kana Archeron has spent her entire life be... More

Author's Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Part 2
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Thank you/SEQUEL!
Thank You!!!

Chapter Thirty-Two

242 6 0
By Cait2025

Kana's POV: 

Sleep seemed to be a rare thing. Sitting in a chair, looking out the window that showed the beautiful forests just outside. They stretch so tall into the sky the castle wasn't visible to those who came close to the forest. Clutching the book Dione had gifted me with stiff fingers, I finally opened to the first page.

The first tale was of a King, who was great in power and wealth. He was then matched by a young warrior, a Queen. In his arrogance he underestimated her. Fell in love, the usual words of romantic fairy tales.

This was folklore, a legend, and there was always a truth to them. The Queen and her lover king traveled back to their castle. The Queen upon arriving took The King's hands in her own and made him promise to never go to the tallest tower.

He promised her and she swiftly departed to deal with her kingdom. It had everything anyone could ever desire. A glowing city in the midst of a plateau that shined like the moonlight amidst the surface of the planet.

The king yearned for adventure, for days he contemplated whether to stalk up to the tower. Finally he ascended the steps to the highest spire of the tallest tower in the castle.

At the top he found an old man, chained to the floor and wall. He reached for the king, hand quickly slumping to the floor. In his raspy voice he begged, "Water." It sounded like he had not had water in years. "Water, please."

The king thought there would be no harm in giving him water. So he descended the steps, and gently got a bowl of water. The king, without spilling a drop, ascended the stairs again and offered the man a bowl of water. Going as far as to pour it into his mouth.

The old man rose from the floor cackling, grinning like the devil itself had driven him insane. "Thank you boy, even those drops of water were enough."

The crown broke free from his changed body, morphing into nothing but a rotten corpse with flesh. He snarled, "I am the Deathless, trapped here for one hundred decades by the Queen who captured me here! Thanks to you, I am now free to exact my revenge. If it was an adventure you want it is an adventure you'll get."

The immortal had then disappeared, snatching the Queen away and taking her off to his palace. In the center of the woods near a lake where he kept beautiful swans, swans that were once women but had been cursed by the Deathless.

The King, desperate to get his lover back, rode off on the stable's fastest horse. Across the kingdom, over the barren lands. For months he rode on, only with his steed for company. Until one day he arrived at the palace of The Immortal.

The king steadfastly charged right in, seeing that The Deathless was not present. The Queen begged him to run, but he picked her up and ran away. Koshei's horse was much faster, and he caught up without a doubt.

"I will forgive you this time boy, but should you attempt this again I will cut you into pieces and chuck you into the ocean." The Immortal had warned, taking The Queen back to his castle.

The King ws persistent and tried again once he saw the death Lord leave. The Deathless kept his promise and did as he said he would. Chopping him up into pieces and casting him out in the ocean. Three birds, an eagle, a falcon, and a raven gathered his pieces from the sea. And used magic to bind his body back together, resurrecting him from the dead.

The King in all awe, was stronger, faster, and healed quicker than any being had before. The eagle warned him that only if he could obtain a horse faster than The Death Lord's own would he be able to save his Queen.

The Raven provided the King with the knowledge of an old lady in the middle of lady. Who had the horse he seeked. So the king set off traveling again. He roughed the weather, until eventually he had to steal a boat to carry him to the island that the old crone lived on.

When he arrived at the island, he noticed four main sectors of the island. The Dark, The Light, The Dawn, and the Dusk. he set for The Middle of the island where the lady lived. He traveled for days, risking beasts of all shapes and sizes.

Eventually he came to the woman's house and he entered. Things from different ages and of all sizes were clustered around the crone's house. With her crooked smile she chuckled, "Oh? Who do I hear in my home hmm? Who dares enter to disturb my weaving?"

The King noticed with his keen sight that she was weaving the finest of hairs. The King spoke smoothly, "I am here for your fastest steed."

The crone chuckled and smiled, she cracked her fingers, and claws protruded from her fingers. "You will not be needing him anymore, you have to pay me with you life of course!"

She lept for the king, and he stumbled about the room keeping just out of reach the entire time. She scraped his cheek at one point. Leaving a scar. The King eventually grabbed a nameless sword and swung at her. He screeched as the sword cut through her chest. The crone lunged at the off balance king, who thrust his hand out in fear.

The brightest light showed from his hand sending the witch flying away from him. He burst out from the door and screamed, "Please! Bind her in her house, let only those who know her tale enter to bargain to spare their lives!"

The light shown from his hand again twenty four stones created a ring of symbols and magic in a circle around her house, they were all in the shape of the sword The King had. They slammed into the ground, trapping the crone for eternity.

The King searched the area around her house finding a stable containing a pure white steed. His bones were showing through his skin. The King cursed, the horse was nowhere to be found.

The near dead steed spoke, "I am the fastest horse, the weaver had me starved and chained for if I ever got loose she would never be able to catch me again. Free me and I will help you."

The king took his only chance and freed the horse, giving him gain and water. After a few days of good treatment the horse stepped from his caged stable. The King gaped in awe, as beautiful feathered wings hung to the horses sides. "I am the fastest steed in the world, allow me to carry you."

The King rode his steed, and the weeks-long journey it look to arrive became nothing but three short days. They arrived outside of The Death Lord's castle, the steed declared, "We shall fool them at first, then we shall strike."

The King saw his Queen for the third time, and she wept to see him alive. The King put them both on the steed and they rode off. The Immortal and his own horse caught up to them easily. Just as The Deathless swung the kind steed sprinted forward with all of his speed, The Immortal fell off his steed cracking his head. While the horse ran off to be free from the Death Lord's grasp.

The king, jumping from his horse, repaid the favor. Chopping the Immortal into tiny pieces and stuffing him into a barrel. Before loading it with rocks and sinking him to the bottom of the sea.

The King and Queen returned home, to find finally where the Immortal had kept his soul. It was in a needle, tucked inside an egg, inside a duck, inside a rabbit, locked in a chest, buried under a magical oak tree, on an invisible island called Buan.

The King and Queen were never able to find the island and destroy the Immortal's soul. Therefore, it was only a matter of time before he arose again.

Complete insanity. Who would go to such lengths to hide their own soul? The process would allow them to cheat death, which is why he must have done it. But he must have had magic too right? Since he was so strong and survived so long without water.

Fingers snapped in front of me and I flinched. My gaze whipped to Darwyn who stood beside the chair while his hand hovered before my face. He murmured, "You didn't sleep did you?"

He wore a sleeping shirt, and cloth pants that rose inches above his waist. Shaking my head Darwyn side, I growled softly as he plopped into the chair with me. I closed my book before Darwyn snatched it from me, "Mother gave you this?"

I nodded and Darwyn's lips pressed together tightly. "What story did you read?"

I murmured leaning my head back against the chair, "It was the first one, about someone called The Death Lord."

Darwyn shivered, "Mother used to tell us that story to make us behave, she claimed that if we were bad The Death Lord would come and cut up into little pieces like the King."

I snorted, "Good parenting." Darwyn smiled and murmured, "Yeah I suppose so."

I changed the topic, "Why are you here."

Darwyn sighed and murmured, "Father wanted me to come check on you, and tell you that we are going to have breakfast with a few nobles who came from out of the capital to attend your party."

"You mean he's going to release what the party is about." I grumbled. Darwyn nodded and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "Take a nap, they'll notice the dark circles."

I closed my eyes, the demon flashed blood running down her sharpened teeth, it stained her shirt. You deserve this. My eyes shot open, "I can't."

Darwyn glared at me, before scooping me up. I yelped and snapped, slapping his chest. "Put me down!"

He threw me on the bed and cursed at him, keeping my voice hushed for Athena and Aurthur's sake. He laid down beside me, "Sleep, Kana."

He sang something from the old language, a hymn likely. Dione had sung one similar last night to Athena and Arthur. My brother locked his hand through mine. I refused to let go of him. Even as my eyes closed and I was swept down into hell.

✵ ✵ ✵ ✵ ♞ ♝ ♜ ♛ ♜ ♝ ♞ ✵ ✵ ✵ ✵

The ceiling was blurry as I opened my eyes. Two voices murmured outside my door, the spot where Darwyn had laid was cold. As my vision cleared from the haze of sleep my head rolled over to look out the curtains.

The gloomy light of a late dawn shed through the curtains. Darwyn came back in, Xer peaking over his shoulder at me. I grumbled, "Can't you just tell them I'm not available."

Xer snorted and murmured, "No, you won't have to socialize though, we're using the party festing room instead of the family one."

The door swung open revealing Aldrich, who stalked in with his hands in his pockets. "There will be no drinking Kana. It's breakfast, not the ball tomorrow." I spotted the Queen eyeballing me from behind him similarly to how Xer had.

I traded, "I'll let Dione pick my outfit if you limit the drinking tomorrow to three glasses of wine." Dione slapped his shoulder harshly, propping her hands on his hips. She had convinced him without saying a word. She yanked me from my bed, I yelped as she tugged me into my dressing room.

The door however did not shut or open, so the boys decided to see my torcher then. I grumbled something as Dione helped me from my sleeping gown. She poked my mark above my heart, "That's a beautiful tattoo dear, I didn't know you had one."

"It's a bargain mark." I muttered softly, Dioen blinked at me. She smiled and declared, "It's beautiful either way."

She darted over to the wardrobe where Mari had stored the dresses I decided I favored over the rest. Dione asked, "What color, dear?"

I decided quickly, "Not pink." I heard the males laughing from the other room. Dione nodded and pulled something from the wardrobe. Dione clicked her tongue, "What about a light mauve and a darker mauve?"

"Just not pink." I reminded. She humphed and pulled a dress from the wardrobe. The dress was indeed a light mauve and a darker mauve. The skirt was the light mauve while the darker mauve bled down into the top of the skirt from the bodice.

Dione helped me into the dress before dragging me into the main room. Darwyn dipped his head, his own way of telling me I looked good. Xer smiled brightly, while Aldrich's eyes were brighter and a small smile held his lips as well.

Dione sat me down on the stool of the vanity. Her fingers threaded through my hair, she made quick work of the small knots with the brush. I always enjoyed when someone did my hair, it felt like they were massaging my head.

Her fingers weaved my hair into a braided crown while a shorter piece slightly fell to outline my face. Dione murmured, "You look marvelous."

"Thank you." I gripped her hand a bit tightly for a second before letting her retreat. Xer escorted me from my room leaving me no time to grab my knife he had stashed in there yesterday.

Xer whispered, his breath tickling my ear. "You won't need the knife, Kana, there will be guards."

Aldrich spoke, his crown sparkled slightly in the light he stood. "Aurthur and Athena will not join us, it could be a violent breakfast."

Perhaps not, yet this would still be horrific. Following Aldrich from my room, Xer pulled the door shut behind us with a clicking sound. They quickly walked around me. Darwyn slowed his pace to walk in a line with Xer and I.

Theo soon joined us near the doors of the grand room. The Heir of Rask spoke, "Since Kana is fourth in line, Xer I want you to escort her in."

Dione spoke, "No," Theo's gaze turned to his mother. "Aldrich will escort her in, otherwise there will be... unwanted opinions stated."

"You mean they'll call me a whore and a few other terms believing I am marrying in." Darwyn snarled and the guards noticeably flinched away from him. Alddrich offered me his arm, I took it carefully.

Part of me wondered, wondered, if I had gone with Rhysand that day in Hybern? When I had first been remade. The Mother's mark tingled, the sensation dissipated as the guards trust opened the doors to the dozens of the highest ranking officials in Rask.

Dione looped her own arm through my arm and smiled at a glaring official. He blanched and quickly put his mask of approval on. Aristocratic Bastards. Chin high, and shoulders thrown back, my complection masked that of a long returning player.

A long lost princess, returning home after years. A princess who when she spoke, no one could tell if it was insulting or a complement. Perhaps, a little like Eris Vanserra.

I wanted to laugh, why would I think of the Lording now? A mystery to be left unsolved. Our feet were silent against the bright scarlet rugs. A few ladies sent killer glares, Darwyn and Xer snarl at a few of them.

The steps were large, fit to hold even the largest of maes feet. Yet close enough to one another so it would look as if those who walked them glided. I am not a General anymore, I am fourth in line of the throne of Rask, I am Princess Kana.

The ghosts hovered in the air around the room, ready to cause problems should anyone speak out. As we rounded the table, Dione unlooped her arm from mine and took her seat quickly. Aldrich pulled my seat out and gently pushed me in as Theo sat to my right, then Aldrich, Dione, Darwyn, and finally Xer.

A second after Aldrich sat and straightened his shoulders, the room erupted in chaos. Aldrich let them protest, while his Advisors and their sons sat quietly in their designated seats.

Aldrich roared, "SILENCE."

Everyone's mouths snapped closed, the females were grinding their teeth together so hard it was a surprise they weren't already stumps. His command held true, no one objected as he stood again. Theo pressed my elbow slightly. Just as Aldrich motioned to my presence, I rose with him.

"Tomorrow," Aldrich began, there was no going back now. "I will introduce my fourth child, Princess Kana, at the ball to the kingdom."

Gasps of outrage and shock took the room. They were silenced as Aldrich set out his hand. He glanced at me, "Princess Kana, is not Queen Dione's child, yet she is a Princess here all of the same. If you feel like pissing my wife, who has imprinted on Kana as her mother. Then go ahead, poke the hornet's nest."

There was silence, no one would dare. I didn't know much about Rask's fae, or the history of them. Yet the imprints or imprinting were nothing any of them dare test. Advisor Harold spoke, Damian hissing behind him. "If she is a Princess as you claim, then where is her crown? Where is her magic, as she claims to be your daughter-"

I recoiled flatly, "Advisor Damian, do you make it apparent to question the judgement of our King?" He visibly flinched away from my cold eyes. I continued, "If you want a taste of my magic Advisor, all you need to do was ask."

Then I unleashed it, The ghosts swarmed around me. Some of the Ladies squealed as the ghosts took corporeal forms around them." The leftover of myself swarmed the room, a hanging cloud choking out the rest of the magic.

Then all at once I soaked it all back into myself. The room sighed in sync, I never knew a smirk could look so feral until I took in Aldrich's form again. He spoke, "DO you have any other questions, or can we eat?"

No one objected as we sat down and the food was brought. Theo whispered in my ear, as he dipped some varied fruit onto my plate. "You handled that well."

"Thank you," I murmured back, my mother flashing in my eyes as she died. "After all my mother put me through, It's sad to say I use those skills everyday."

He nodded, I stuck to the fruit and buttered biscuit. "Small bites," Mother scolded, "don't act like a starving peasant girl, you are a Lady Kana, be propper."

The thing about gatherings like this, was that if the Aristocrats had questions they could approach the table with the King's permission. A Lord approached, I continued with my small meal, and threw back shoulders. Propper. Such a big word back then, yet still it means so much.

Aldrich nodded and the Lord bowed on one knee, "Majesty, we have come to ask what are you plans For Princess Kana," I tensed and Theo sent me a glance attempting to comfort me.

"My plans are for her to be her own person, and not a pawn that I control." Aldrich snapped, dismissing the Lord with nothing more than a glance. Soon another approached, "Lord King, should Princess Kana marry?"

"That is her decision. Should it be a being I approve of, they will have my blessing." Aldrich nodded slowly. I almost choked, yet instead I murmured, "Thank you, father."

Likely one of the only times I'd call him that to his face. Deep down those were lies, a piece of me basked in how natural it felt to call Aldrich that. He nodded and the Lord was dismissed. A Lady came to ask Aldrich what my social life was like, and who I was most like to befriend. My father burst out laughing, he chuckled. "She will befriend the soldiers, she was a General afterall."

I kicked Theo under the table, warning him to kick father for me. He did so, and Aldrich shot him a glare, who was met with a burning silver gaze. He nodded and went back to eating.

Aldrich made it clear he would not allow them to speak to me directly today. Instead he kept speaking on my behalf. At last the breakfast was over, for minutes I'd sat still sipping my juice.

It tasted horrible. Advisor Lorde looked in our direction, I moved my hands ina way, signaling to him I wanted to spar after we all changed. He smirked as was the first to leave the room. Theo looped our arms together, "I'll be here the whole time."

We reached the last step of the dias, and were swarmed by the attendants. One asked how I pulled off my scam. Darwyn snarled so loudly the room flinched. From the corner of my eye, I watched a flock of birds flee from their tree. A few Ladies smiled and attempted to loop me into their circles.

Darrien made a move to loop his arm around mine, Xerxes got there first and gave the male a horrible glare. I murmured, "I want my knife."

"Next time I won't stop you." Xer murmured, his shoulder ramming into a male who had a violent gaze in his eyes. From what I could see over the fae's heads, Aldrich and Dione were swarmed as well.

Finally we escaped, and the guards saved us from the horde following us all the way to the royal sector. After we were far from ear shot, I declared. "Falcon will be waiting for us at the training ring."

No one objected, Dione appeared and walked beside her eldest. "Kana, may I borrow you for a minute or two?"

I nodded, Xer and Theo released me and the Queen pulled me down a separate corridor. Dione explained, "I realized I never explained to you the introduction of our children the other day, so I would like to do so quickly now."

Nodding quickly, Dione smiled and continued. "So we first hold a ball, like we will tomorrow, and then a few weeks afterward or when the child approves of it, then we take them down to the Room of Heirs."

I questioned, "Is that the crystal room?" Dione blinked, and I continued. "The one Aldrich, Theo, and Xer contacted me threw when- you know."

"Yes that would be the one," Dione smiled glumly. "Around a decade ago Aldrich confessed to me what he did. I was angry at first, he even showed me your crystal down there.

"Aldrich and I often checked up on you over the decade, sometimes once or twice a week. Over time, we watched your life source grow weaker and weaker. Your father was terrified, he kept trying to find a way through Prythian's defenses again. Trying to get to you, yet Amarantha's reign was stronger than anyone had realized.

"One day, I felt this tugging in my chest, this calling. I went down into the Room of Heirs, and there your crystal sat. Shattered into pieces on the ground, with the faintest illumination, as if your soul decided you weren't quite ready to let go yet."

I pulled her to a stop and wrapped my arms around her, careful of her stomach. I was breathless, "I'm sorry you were the one who found it."

"Half the castle was too," Dione shook her head, pulling away. We continued walking. "Aldirch heard my scream all the way from the throne room."

Mother's blessing, I'd scared her so bad, Dione had never even met me by that point. She slung her arm over my shoulders, keeping close. Dione claimed, "When he found me, I don't think I'd ever seen him so broken. Theo was next and he reacted before the rest of us. Trying to keep Darwyn from seeing it, The King of Hybern had been afraid of your father's wrath. He should have been afraid of Darwyn."

I whispered, "Darwyn disliked me at first."

Dione nodded, "He disliked you because he was afraid that you'd get hurt again, and break his family again."

Theo may be the Heir of Rask, but it will be Darwyn who leads the armies, who will be the blade of which cannot be sharper. My time as General could have been a lot worse, but I knew that if by some miracle I survived, I wouldn't want to be General forever.

Dione swatted her hand through the air, "Anyways, we take children down to the Room of Heirs so that their destined crown may select them."

I inquired, "What happens if a crown doesn't select a child?"

Dione frowned, "It's incredibly rare, but should that happen then a new crown gets added to the collection."

The Queen pushed the doors open to a private sitting room. Floral pieces were scattered about the room, and were numerous.

Yet there standing in the center of the room, were people of a forgotten past.

High Lord Helion, and the Originals. 

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