Dark Rogue

By xXSilentFearsXx

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By xXSilentFearsXx


·P.O.V, Stuward·

My muscles ached from the extreme workout I just did. Sweat prickled on my arms, my hair having grown out and was tied into a messy ponytail. My fringe stuck to the sides of my face and I panted gulping down some water from my bottle.

The air was humid and the sun peeked through the horizon. Evening was coming and I realized, gazing out around at the trees and dry terrain; that I was out here for a long time.

Sticks snapping didn't make me alert as you'd think. I turned around and scowled crossing my arms at Mick who stood a few feet away.

"What's wrong?" I asked sceptically eyeing his tight lipped expression.

He replicated my position except leaning against the bark of the tree next to him. His eyes watching me intently which unnerved me.

"Someone broke our territory," I didn't speak knowing he wanted to continue. "And, she says she knows where Rogue is."

My eyes grew wide and I diverted my eyes. Penetrating the ground and sending my anger straight through my brown orbs. I licked my lips that suddenly became dry from the building of shock.

"Where is she."

My voice was demanding and firm. I turned to Mick when he didn't answer and I asked again. My voice being softened by a small breeze.

"I said, where is she."

Mick's Alpha mode turned on and I rolled my eyes.

"Watch your tone, bloodsucker." He hissed but I knew his warning was only small talk.

"And, she's in the pack house. But you can't hurt he-"

I gritted my teeth. "Why not?"

He glared at me for interrupting. He then became slightly flustered and he scratched his head.

"It appears that the Moon choose the little Avian as Kurtis's mate."


Mick's words were confirmed when I got back to the pack house. He was close behind me when I walked into the living room to see them snuggled close on the couch.

The Avian reeked of honey and spice. Her blue eyes stared at me curiously and her red hair was being knotted by Kurtis's pointy chin. She had a heart shaped face and would be attractive if Rogue wasn't the one I needed.

"Avian?" I said staring at her not missing the angry look from Kurtis.

She blinked at me. "My name's actually Octavia and yours?"

"Don't care. Now where is she?" I growled annoyed at her for trying to induce small talk.

Kurtis's growl didn't phase me, Octavia smiling at him made his attention turn directly to her. They stared at each other lovingly like they were each others world.

I became envious of them already wishing that somehow mine and Rogues relationship would be like that.

I shook away the trivial thoughts and clenched my fists. "Just tell me where she is. Mick said you knew."

I was desperate and I knew it. My tone was furiously irritated and Kurtis growled at me darkly tightening his hold on his mate.

And for the second time today. He said.

"Watch your tone, bloodsucker!"

Although his was more of a warning but I just smirked tilting my head smugly.

"Or what?"

His eyes darkened. "Or I'l-"


Micks voice echoed off the walls and made both of us turn towards him. I knew that if he didn't stop us, that a fight would ensue especially with all the testosterone rising in the air.

"We have enough problems without you fucking morons arguing," He rubbed his forehead exasperated. "Let's just let Octavia speak."

The tension dissolved when the Avian spoke in her soft voice after nodding gratefully at Mick.

"I met Rogue when I was captured by the Night Guards. She was a great friend to me ther-"

"Friend?" I said bewildered.

Her eyes became slits and she puckered her lips. "Let me continue!" She snapped in my direction and I put my hands up in surrender.

Her eyes stayed locked with mine for a few more seconds before she continued.

"As I was saying, she was a great friend to me in there. I got to know her and now I want to do everything in my power to save her from him."

At the last word, my eyebrows rose and jealousy along with worry filled me. I knew the sort of place Rogue was in, I was more than worried for her. I was down right scared for her.

"Him," Mick questioned casting me a concerned look. "Who's him?"

She seemed reluctant to speak. Kurtis affectionately kissed her cheek arising a red blush to adorned them but it gave her the push she needed.

She looked downcast. "Before I, uh, left. Rogue made a deal with him in return for my release, she promised herself to him." She broke off into a quiet sob and Kurtis hugged her tightly.

Anger fuelled inside me and I gritted my teeth before making a move out of the room. Mick gripped my shoulder and I knew I shouldn't done it but I swiftly punched him in the face.

I regretted it. Still I stood my ground and glared coldly at him. One that could match Rogues.

Mick spat out blood from his mouth. He was face swollen already and I wanted to make worse. To somehow rid myself of these confusing emotions.

"I'm not going to fight you, if that's what you want," He said grimly giving me a once over look and frowning. "It's clear as day that you're worried about her, as am I,"

He leaned closer to me and his scent making me scrunch my nose. I searched his eyes for any sign of anger, something that would induce him to fight me; I saw none.

Only determination.

"If we're going to save her. Then I'm afraid that means that we have to work together, more so than now." He finished truthfully. His tone sincere.

Kurtis and Octavia were out of view by the wall. You could hear them whispering under their breaths though.

I knew what Mick meant. Already I've been in the presence of him longer than expected. Now, that we know where Rogue is, at least he does then that means that we actually have to interact. For the last few weeks I've been here, we only shared a few words and I think the reason for that was simple; Mick liked Rogue and that made me cautious.

I nodded to his words forcing the words out from gritted teeth.

"Yeah, but it doesn't mean I have to like it."


There you go guys, I feel so proud that I'm on chapter 31 :) God this story has come so far and that makes me happy, I'm also happy that you guys like it so much and for all the votes I have and I'm not even near finished this book lol ^^

What do you think of Stuward now, does he really need Rogue or is it just the bond? :)

I feel so weird writing in the future lol xD

Goal this chapter- I want to reach 790 votes on the whole book cuz I know loads of people read this without voting lol :) Every little helps ^^

-Question of the day-

If you could do anything you wanted right now, what would it be? Mine would be treetop climbing xD Who ever answers first gets a dedication!

Please try to take some time to press that sexy button and tell me what you truly think below ;)

Have a nice day :)

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