Style oneshots <3 || Stan x k...

De auz_666

70.7K 631 4.6K

South park, Kyle x Stan oneshots. -Warnings at the beginning of each chapter! - if you have a request then ju... Mais

♡ when kyle had a crush ♡
♡when stan was at stark pond♡
♡when they played seven minutes in heaven♡
♡when kyle enjoyed valentines ♡
♡ when they shared a bed ♡
♡ when they restarted♡
♡when they had the talk♡
♡ when kyle told Wendy ♡
♡when stan cant forget♡
♡ when they were famous ♡
♡when Kyle went to hospital♡
♡ when they went on a walk ♡
♡ when stan saw kyle ♡
♡ when Kyle was online ♡

♡ when stan played hockey♡

6.2K 57 303
De auz_666

Word count- 3519

Stan let out a small sigh as he watched the small kids get ready for their hockey lesson. This whole coaching started from wanting hid bike back but soon, the job grew on him.

So a few years later, Stan Marsh was an official coach for the South parks elementary schools hockey team. Even as he was halfway through his sophomore year.

Coaching this small team even had him on his high school hockey team also. He was one of the best players on his team.

Even though Stan was coaching these small kids willingly, it was still a bire at times and wished he didn't always have to be here every other day.

"Alright guys, let's get on this ice" Stan told his class, getting on the ice himself. Without argument, they all slowly got on the ice. Some of the kids were wobble and clung to each other.

"What are we doing today, coach?" One of the oldest kids asked, following behind Stan.

"Well I want us to practice our skating for a but first then take some shots in the goal" Stan replied, skating into the middle of the rink. He did this so that the wesker skaters would have that bit more of practice.

"What! But we practiced our skating last time!" The kid whinned, clenching his fists and shaking them by his side.

"Well believe it or not, skating is very important for ice hockey" Stan rolled his eyes, feeling another small kid bump into him "You alright there?" He asked, helping the child balance.

"Yup" the child nodded, doing a stance to help his balance on the ice.

"Good, is everyone ready?" Stan then raised his voice slightly, getting the attention of everyone, a small chant of 'yes coach'. Stan nodded his head "good! So we are gonna start doing a few laps of the rink like we did last time alright?"

A fee more whines could be heard by the older kids of the bunch as the smaller kids were just unsure how to react since they were busy trying not to fall over.

"No whining! You all need the practice" Stan let out a huff and instructed everyone to got around the rink anticlockwise without the edge if the rink to help them.

After a few minutes, all the kids were racing around the edge, Stan not too far away from them incase they fell over and needed the help back up.

"Coach, when's our next game?" A kid asked, moving to skate beside Stanly.

"I'm looking at a few teams to have games with but i want us to prefect our skating first" the coach explained, seeing a kid fall over "did you need some help, Jacob?" He asked the fallen kid.

Resilient, the small kid shook his head and got back up. Stan smiled, proud of one of his students.

"When's your next game?" Another kid questioned, wanting the coaches attention as he skated smoothly next to him.

"I have one next week actually" Stan replied, taking not his the other skating.

"Cool!" Another kid over heard and gasped, almost falling over.

"Coach can we come and watch you?"

"Yes! Can we coach?"

"I wanna come too!!"

"Can we!"

All the elementary kids then began begging to come to their coaches match. They all looked up to Stan, trusing him and he was an inspiration to some of them.

"Hmm, If you all give to get your one hundred percent best" Stan smiled, realising all the kids were now crowding them and they had all stopped skating.

Cheers filled the room, some punching the air, one kid trying to just in his skates but falling on his butt. All the kids were excited and screaming. None have them had went to one of thier coach's games before so they were all off thier face.

"Alright , alright," Stan yelled, trying to calm them all down "but you still have to work hard today!"

All the kids turned to his and chanted 'yes coach' and stood resumed skating around the rink.

About three laps had been done before Stan decided to move on this his lesson. To which all the kids were grateful for.

"Alright, noah and jake, can you go get two hockey sticks, a puck and a few cones" Stan said, pointing to two boys "we are going to practice shooting today"

Small bubbles of excitement grew in the kids once more, this was something they loved to do but didn't do often. The two small hockey places went to get the needed excitement as the rest moved over to a goal.

The rest of the lesson went smoothly and before they knew it, the days lesson had finished. They has spent the rest of the time practicing goals against Stan.

When the kids were taking off their gear Stan began to give feed back to everyone "that was a good session guys, I think next session our warm up practice will be shooting and we will will practice on defenses"

"We dint care about that coach!" A kid whinned "did we work hard enough to come to your match next week!"

"Yeah coach! Can we!"

Before they all began to beg Stan nodded his head happily "Yup! As long as you all keep this good work up!"

Cheers filled the room once more, Stanly couldn't help but smile at it.

After the practice was over, Stan went home and changed out of his practice gear and changed into his sweatpants, not bothering to put a stop on.

He plopped himself on his bed ans turned his phone on, seeing q message come from his boyfriend. Kyle. A smile places on his face, he opened the message.

Kyle: Heyyy! How was practice??

Stan: it was good! They all worked hard

Kyle: cool I still dont see why I can't come and watch

Kyle: I do with school practice

Stan: because its embarrassing

Kyle: can't be that embarrassing if your there more then you are with me

Stan: it's embarrassing when people watch

Kyle: sure sure

Kyle: are you ready for your match next week?

Stan: pretty much yup

Kyle: you nervous?

Stan: nahh we've played against the lions before and we won

Kyle: ooo scary

Stan: obviously

Stan: I've gotta go I'll see you at school tomorrow xx

Kyle: alright , cya xx

Stan placed his phone down and got from his bed, doing a small work out before he did his homework. He tended to take sports pretty seriously, but not seriously enough to ruin it for him.

The next week went by quickly, but still, Stan was glad it came quickly.

He had done many matches before but never had he felt this way about one before.
He wasn't nervous, he felt giddy. Usually he was excited but he never felt this giddy or excited.

He knew why he felt like this. His students were all on the front rows, closest to the ice so they could see him. Not only that, but his boyfriends and mates were where to watch him.

As stanly tied his laces on his skates, he noticed Kyle coming up to him. Stan stood up ans gave his boyfriend a smile.

"Hey" Kyle smiled back and hugged the hockey player, who obviously hugged back "are you still not nervous?"

"Still not nervous" Stan laughed, his hands resting on Kyle's wasit and his head buried in hie neck.

"Your dad's already drunk" Kyle then sighed, remembering his encounter with his boyfriends dad.

"I'm not even suprised"

"I have no idea why I was" Kyle giggled "but I am suprised there's so many kids here"

"Huh, oh them?" Stan asked, looking over at his class.


"Oh that's my class, I said they could come and watch if they worked hard in thier session" the black haired male explained.

"Gosh loads ifnpeople are here to see you play today" Kyle joked, pulling fr the hug.

"True, thats fine though, I'm gonna win anyway" Stan smiled happily.

"Marsh! Come on! We've gotta warm up" a team mate of stans then called out to him

"Comeing" Stan waved "I'll see you later dude" he then said to his ginger boyfriend.

"Yup! Good luck!" Kyle pecked his boyfriends cheek and hurried back to his seat.

"Fags" Eric commented, watching Kyle sit down.

"Shut up cartman!" He almost yelled, but didn't.

A muffled warning came from Kenny.

"Jez I'm suprised they even let a poor person come to this game" cartman huffed, shoving his face with his food he brought. Kenny just rolled his eyes and looked over at his own boyfriend. Butters.

"I tell ya fellas, uts been a while since I've been to one of these games" butters said, unsure if he was ment to do anything but sit down.

Kenny knotted his hand with butters just listened to him blabber about the last time he came to a game.

Kyle's eyes followed Stan as he did his warm ups in the ice, laughing with his other team members.

Stan always amazed Kyle. Infront of him, he heard the kids chatter with each other about thier coach. Stan . Kyle had a smile on his face as he realised how much of an impact his boyfriend had on smaller kids as he did Kyle himself.

"Don't start getting hard for Stan, jew" Eric laughed, sputting some food everywhere.

Kyle's face went bright red as he heard a laugh come from Kenny "s-shut up!"

"Hmm, tell my Kyle, friend to friend" Cartman then moved closer to Kyle "have you and Stan even had sex yet?"

"Cartman! I swear!" Kyle yelled and his face grew brighter as he got the attention of others. Wince they were close to the ice, he had also managed to get the attention of sant himself.

Seeing his boyfriend as a blush mess, Stan let out a small chuckle and waved at Kyle. He waved back before hiding his face in his hands.

"Is that a... yes?" Eric smirked, desperate to know.

Kyle didn't answer but just hide his face.

Thankfully however, the game soon started. The small kids near Kyle screamed as they all saw Stan and his team getting into positions. They were probably more excited then Stan ever has been for a match.

Kyle then began to get slightly nervous as the game was about to start. The game always would have injuries and he hated to see Stan injured.

"Wherea coach?" one of the kids asked, not being able to see which one Stan was since the all had helmets on.

"They all loom the same!" Another kid commented, leaning closer to the ice.

"Oh boy fellas! I think they lost Stan!" Butters gasped, over hearing the kids convocation.

Of course the kids had hurt that...

"They lost coach!"

"Why would they do that?!"


"But coach is ment to win!"

Kyle pinched his bridge ans let out a huff "stans number five, they didn't lose him" Kyle told them all.

"Wow! Coach is number seven!" A child gasped.

"I see coach! I see him!"

"Your such a nerd kyle" Eric rolled his eyes.

"Im not, I just listen to stan" the ginger boy sighed.

The game started quickly, Kyle's eyes never left stan, and if they did they quickly found him again.

Stan was without a doubt one if the best players on the team. He was quicker and never lost the puck to the other team until one of his team mates were able to lose it themself.

Stan didn't fall or Lose his balance one. He was able to also help his fallen team members back up before chasing back after the puck.

Knocking into the opposite team, Stan had stole the puck one more time. Each time there was wven the slightly but of physical touch with the other time, it seemed aggressive and would withoutba doubt bruise Kyle if it was him on the ice.

Kyle watched as Stan set up the puck ready for his team mate to make the first goal. Ans when the puck flew into the goal the whole crowd screamed both negative and positive. All the same people were clapping.

Even though it was only thr first goal, everyone on south parks team cheered and piled on top of the person who goals. Even with the helmet in the way, Kyle could tell there was a large goofy grin on stans face.

"Coaches team is so cool!" The kids cheered, screamed from the top of thier lungs and jumping on the spot.

"Totally lame" Eric sighed "Kyle! get me some more food"

"What! Go yourself fat ass!" Kyle flipped thr boy next to him off and continue to watch Stan as they all got ready to restart.

When the puck was knocked with the hocky stick once more, the crowds cheers dropped. The atmosphere on the ice also seemed to have grown thick from the first goal. Everyone was more serious them before. More aggressive.

Kyle realised this and couldn't help but swallow down a gulp.

Stan quickly followed the puck, someone on the opposite team stuck to his side. When close to a border, Stan was shoved into it by the other. People cheered for the other team as Kyle grew a bit worried from how painful that looked.

Yet, under the helmet, Stan was smiling and enjoying himself. The aggressiveness did hurt him a bit but his adrenaline canceled the pain out as he continued to play. As he got the puck once more, a few players targeted him as Stan mad episode way for the goal.

Of course, the other team wasn't having that, one of them had decided it was smart to skate full power at Stan and crash into him. Against the rules or not no one cared as the crash caused them to fall to the ice and someone else robbed the puck.

Kyle flinched wnd noticed that Stan was going to have more then a fee bruises after that fall ans looked like a twisted ankle also.

While with St he laughed slightly and got back up, wven if his ankle hurt.

"Woohoo! Go coach!" The kids didn't stop cheering for Stan. Kyle didn't blame them, he was amazing that he didn't stop.

After another hour ans a half of pain for Kyle ans excitement for everyone else, the game ended. South park had won against the lions once more. The score was five to two.

As they all got off the ice, Kyle hurried down to Stan who took his helmet off and was taking his skates off.

"Stan!" Kyle said loudly, getting his boyfriends attention. When stan looked up, he have Kyle a wide smile, allowing him to see stans busted lip.

"Hey dude" stan said coolly, untying his laces "we did good right?"

"Dude! That was really dangerous! Your lucky you didn't get seriously hurt!" Kyle whinned, sitting next to the other.

"Its had worse matches in football, you know that" the black haired boy laughed, taking his skates off to replace with normal shoes.

Some of stans team mates had went to the changing rooms to change into thier causal wear, but since Stan was getting a lift home he decided against it, but still look all his padding and other equipment off.

"Still! You had literal blades on your feet!" The ginger haired boy sighed, placing his head in stand sholder.

"Oh my god Stan!" Eric laughed as him, Kenny ans butters also came over "Kyle was getting a total boner for you during that game!"

Stan began to blush as Kyle's went bright red "Shut it cartman!"

"Just says dudes" the fat kid shrugged, watching as people emptied out of thier seats and out of the stadium.

"Stan! My man!" One of the team mates quickly came over and did a fistbump with Stan "good game! I'll see ya next week"

"Cya dude" stan waved to his team as they all left, still hyped over their win.

"Does your ankle hurt?" Kyle asked, remembering when Stan was brought to the ice.

"A but yeah, but nothing that an ice pack can't help" Stan grinned and he noticed his small team of elementary kids coming up to them.

"Oh boy!" Butters panicked and stood on a chair, gripping onto Kenny hand, who just let out a chuckle.

"Hey guys!" Stan waved to them as they circled around them.

"That was amazing coach!" One of the kids cheered, air punching.

"Hell yeah it was!"

"Coach! If I practice enough will i be as good as you one day?" A child asked.

"If you try hard then yeah" Stan replied

" coooll!"

"Who's that fat guy?"

"Ay! Don't call me fat you fucking fag!"

"Cartman! They are kids!" Kyle yelled.

"Whats fag mean?"

"Nothing, just don't repeat it alright?" Stan sighed.

"Okay coach!"

"Right well! I can see all your parents over there" Stan said, standing up and pulling Kyle with him "so you all go to them and I'll see you in a few days, yeah?"

Once more, they all chanted a 'yes coach' and ran off.

Stan watched as they all left, realising that his mom and completely drunk dad were also at the door waiting to go home. His mom looked fed up the drunk state randy was in.

Kyle wrapped his arms around Stan happily and moved close to his ear "Your really good with kids, babe"

Stans blush grew and he smiled as his slightly shorter boyfriend "maybe"

"Heh" Kyle laughed and pulled Stan to his parents, knowing his drunk dad had a lot to say.

"We'll see you guys Monday!" Stan waved bye to his friends and Eric before leaving.

"That was a good game stanly!" His mom praised, hugging her son tightly.

"Thanks mom" Stan smiled before looked over at his dad who gave out a loud burp.

"You r-really showed those .. lions who's boss!" Randy laughed "your definitely my son!"

"Thats probably the best complement you've ever given me" Stan sighed, a small smile tugging at his lips.

"Dint be rude stanly" Sharon tutted.

"What? He's drunk anyway! He ain't even gonna remember if I call him a dick" Stan joked.

Sharon rolled her eyes while Kyle slightly laughed.

"Are you coming back to ours Kyle?" She then asked, realising the boys were holding hands

"if that's alright" he smiled, nodding his head.

"Of course it is" Sharon smiled "stanly help your dad ro the car"

"Altight" Stan sighed and let go of Kyle's hand to help his dad, pulling an around around him to keep randy balanced against him "how does he even manage to get this drunk as a high school hockey game?" He asks.

"Not sure" Sharon shrugged her sholders and unlocked the car and getting into the drivers seat.

Kyle and Stan got into the back, stans bag full of his equipment at his feet.

When they got to the marsh's house, randy wobbled into the house, going to find more bear in the fridge.

Sharon went to of course stop him from getting any more drunk as Stan and Kyle went upnto his room.

Throwing his things into the floor, Stan shut the door behind him.

Kyle happily bad on his boyfriends bed watching him as he looked for something to change into.

"I don't get how you were still about to play after getting hurt so much" Kyle sighed, lying down in the bed. Stans bed was always more comfortable then his at home

"Even if my skull got smashed in, I'd still keep playing." Stan laughed, changing into a pair of black sweat pants, not bothering with a top once more.

"What and risk pulling a Kenny?" Kyle joked, blushing when his topless boyfriend sat down next to him. Even though he had been Stan topless many times before, he still couldn't help but blush.

"Maybe, depends what mood I'm in" stan laughed, messing with Kyle's hair.

Kyle let out a small giggled "just don't get careless, dude"

"I get hurt worse in football" stanly rolled his eyes, but was happy that Kyle cared about him.

"Then be careful in that too"

"I don't tell you to be careful in basketball! And you had your knees busted open in that sport" the blacked haired boy stuck his tounge out.

"That wasn't my fault!"

"I know" Stan laughed, deciding to lie down next to Kyle, hugged his around the wasit.

"As long as you have fun doing it, I gusse that's okay" Kyle muttered, enjoying the attention from the other "and don't get surgery either"

"I wouldn't waste my time on something boring like baseball" Stan huffed.

"God i hate that sports"

"I think everyone in our generation does" Stan agreed.

"Accept my cousin, he seemed to love it"

"That was so annoying how he made us win"

"I know!" Kyle whinned.

Words: 3516

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