' ๐—œ ๐—ท๐˜‚๐˜€๐˜ ๐—ฑ๐—ถ๐—ฑ ' |Ya...

By JJdrawsxii

117K 2.2K 3.5K

โœงห–*ยฐเฟ ----- A demon who was extinct years ago. Was brought back from history extinction by ๐—›๐—ฒ๐—ฟ. ๐—ฆ๐—ต๐—ฒ cre... More

Create a new life form
A family
New Hero was born
Under the weather
Multiplication Table
Some heat
I prefer this one.
Racing a heartbeat
Captured at first sight
Something Different
open up
Companion and Beginning
Soul Connection
Spider Queen
Defeating the spider
Sleep Bug

Helping hand

3.5K 81 89
By JJdrawsxii

⛔] Heads up for the chapters for some warnings of some readers will feel uncomfortable.

-Sexual themes


-Cutting limbs

|🔸] Not to worry even it's a yandere book with warnings of triggers, There will be always wholesome and fluff part.

Don't mind grammer errors or either spelling mistakes, My main language isn't English.


(Y/N) = Your Name

(F/C) = Favorite color

(F/R) = Favorite ramen

(F/C) = Favorite Coffee

•Your POV•

|| " You won! You gain 421 points! Bonus capture of a knockback stick! "||

After grinding of an old game that capture my eyes and intrigued by the cover, It was. . .totally worth it but not that worth much. Killing monsters, Trading and gaining more experience to level up and to unlock items, Characters and alot.

What I hate the most in popular games or just any specific game year old. There will be always, Gamble. A gamble to spend hard items to get rare items and characters. A gamble that will make me rage and wanted to punch down the game machine.

"When it comes to simple and small items, It's gotta be expensive. What in the fuck why?" Using the joystick and pressing the button to move inventory, Looking through different items that shows stats, Level, Attack and other information details.

Clicking and to drag the item to the inventory slot for to use in battle and food along with one single item that likes to hold and admire. It was a spider in a jar, A spider in jar that has like mini decor leaves and stick and dirt. Can also name anything by giving the villager and watching the npc to change name with an anvil.

Looking at the second time to stare at my inventory, Checking everything that are useful and not a pathetic useless items are to pointless to even use. Pressing the button and moving the joystick to make my character drink potion first, Before heading out to the forest of broken ruins.

"Pretty." The graphics in this free world wide game sure looks beautiful, Wishing myself I would take a peaceful nap in that kind of that forest. Sure looks pretty, Reminds me of a memory that I used to live in-

Okay fuck you brain. Whenever I think of something happy or enjoying myself, It always come up with that memory. A memory that I'm. Traumatized by replying through my head. I've been through this, I-. .should. . . maybe move on.

Gripping my hand onto the edge of the game box, Slowly feeling my hand to form into a claw. Digging into the metal box game, That it made a hole how sharp my claw is.

I should move on to that memory, I should enjoy myself with my second. . .friends. Friends to like a family figure, Since they welcomed me when I was on my original form of myself. I was small, Defenseless, Unable to talk properly. But communicate through minds. Well broken English when I actually talk.

I. .don't know how to move on, I should but, It keeps remind me. Having to have a deja vù feeling. I just don't know or know what happen to them, Should I even try to search for them when I don't, Know, The, Fuck about- Everything.

"I hate this, ARGH!" I stomp my foot down, That would cause a short small rumble on the floor. Why bother to that kind of quest, Why even bother to just find them when I don't know where they are. Why bother being upset that my real family just- disappear all of a sudden, Knowing my younger self don't, Know, what to do.

Whatever, It's their fault they leave me there, It's their fault knowing I'm so little that they expect me to do something a grown up would do to act quickly and smart. It's their fault that they didn't say anything important that they disappear all so sudden.

"Stupid family, What a bunch of bullshit." With my temper rise that my claws are still holding on the arcade metal box, It made huge whole and slowly crushing it. Looking closely to the arcade screen gameplay, That my eyes show to be yellow mixture with orange.

My mouth started to melt, Flowing down to my bottom lip now connected. Corner of my mouth would form into a sharp like teeth. "It's what I get for being angry." My left hand slowly forms back into a normal hand, Using my left hand to form back my face to a not melting face.

Removing my hands away from the arcade box then placing both my hands into my pocket. "Now I'm anxious that those high advance technology would find out that I made holes on their game." Feeling my inside tighten as my head would drop a sweat.

Pulling my hood up as I rub my face, Frustrated I bear up my feelings from others. Doesn't matter anymore, Doesn't matter to tell everyone that also everyone has their own problems to deal with.

Till then, Hearing the door lock jiggle from my right direction. As the door would swing open, So as my body fades to my ghostly abilities. Assuming it the was the owner of the arcade game building, which I destroy two of the arcade of raging and the other is my bottled emotions.

Flicker the lights to see open bag of chip been teared open, Broken Cameras corner of the walls and ceiling, Broken arcade machine across the floor, And other acrade game box patch with holes. Let's just say I broke into the arcade thing just to kill my boredom at three thirty-eight am.

"WHAT HAPPEN TO MY BEAUTIFUL ARCADE!?" The man shouted out loud top of lungs, Him crying in tears falling down to his cheeks to see his gaming box
s now ruined. By me.

It was my time to leave. By digging into my pockets to grab a check that I've stolen, Placing the small medium sized check next to him who is crying kneeling down to his arcade box. Noticable when he look beside to see a check, Immediately wipes his tears to replace it with pure joy.

I casually pass through walls then re-appear in the outside, to be greeted by the sunlight flashes into my eyes. "If you were a real person, I wouldn't hesitate to crush you and l will sue you into existence." Using my arm to block the sunlight, Then floated to the side walk to think on what to do next.

Checking my cracked phone to see who's in the list to trade, Scrolling down to see every person in the list was done. Placing back into my pocket, Scratching my head to think again. "Couldn't think anything at this point, I don't know anymore."

The phone rings, Vibrating into my pocket, Picking up and swipe up to unlock to see MK was calling. I sighed, Not wanted to call or even talk to that fanboy at the moment. Maybe I could've said anything aside from switching numbers, Cause I was expecting switching numbers with him is by only important message needed only. Any emergency or any useful something.

Using my thumb to swipe right, Placing the phone onto my head, Waiting for him to pick up the phone.

|" Good morning (Y/N)~ Have you eaten breakfast today? I was wondering if you wanted to have breakfast with me. "|

"If it's eating breakfast from Pigsy noodles, Then no. You know the awkward tension between me and your boss and his boss' friend. I will be awkward going back there from what I did." I reply, Floating in mid-air watching cars passing by.

|" Well Good thing I have another plan, We can eat breakfast at my place. We can order food to deliver-"|

"No. Just no. Look, Dork boy I can find my own breakfast meal for myself, I don't need someone to do it for me. If I don't want to eat food from depending my mood, Then I don't want to. If I'm hungry, Then I will eat something that will make me crave for that food."

I reply with a slight bitter tone of my voice, That I wanted to do my own thing without anything to interupt my own time. But life decides not to and wanted to make my personal life dump into disturbing my privacy 24/7, As I decided to deal with it cause life is full of unfairness.

The phone was directly now cutt off, Looking at the phone that MK hang up. Now back to thinking by shoving back my phone, One idea pop out of my head that I will start trying new things, Like writing a book or maybe stealing other people's invention to toy with.

Ah yes, a hoverboard. That will do to think other else in the mean time, then start flying above from the sky. Flying casually in a slow pace, Glancing around to see anyone was around using the flying advance technology.

All I could see cars until I spot a few other group of teens using skateboards, Wait, Skateboards. I could try to steal one of it. once I'm done with it playing it around, I could return to it's owner. Basically testing other things to think and buy or not with my own allowance.

I flew down, Turning myself invisible to casually eavesdrop their conversation. It is interesting to listen someone's conversation that isn't suppose to be eavesdropping, But I'm bored so I can't help myself.

"Can't believe moms are getting strict about rules, It's like their controlling their own kid's life, Forcing to do what they don't want. It's so. .unfair." Said the blue haired teen, With a frowned.

"They can be like that, If your the only child it will get annoying how their much over protective, It is annoying really and you won't do anything about it since they will just shout at you saying that their SO right about anything." Said the older teen with blonde hair wearing a green jacket, Groaning in annoyance.

"For real. .we can't do anything since they  will give us more issues about to deal with. They said they wanna help us for us for to tell about it, But no. They keep discouraging us." Said the short white haired teen boy, Kicking the road to keep up their friends riding a skateboard.

"Have you . . . come out yet?" Said the younger teen with a black long hair with green on stripe on his hair. "No. .I'm scared that they will judge me, And yet they keep uh- you know. Lowering my confidence, It hurts to keep my feelings away from my mom." Reply with an upsetting tone coming from white haired boy.

"If I were your sibling related to your family, I would support you sis- I MEAN uh- brother figure." The older second teenager in the group got mistaken by his gender to her. "Hey it's okay to got mistaken as a she, I haven't fully. .what I'm comfortable with my pronouns, Maybe all pronouns? I'm not sure really."

"Hey, Remind you this all the time. Be who you are and be who your comfortable with, I don't care if your coming out as any sexualities, We're here for you to support of who you are. We love you dude, Of course platonically." Said the blue haired teen with a warm smile. "Awh. . .You guys are officially brother - figures, I'm happy to have you guys and support who I am."

Four group of teens was skating farther away, Leaving me spechless to levitate there in the road. Floated over to the sidewalk for safety, As my body is fully visable again to think what just happen.

"Woah. ." Hearing their conversation was confusing yet, Heart warming. How their being supportive to their friend with their struggles. My eyes are getting wet how it's wholesome to watch, Light hearted moment of between friend. I like it, I like friends being supporting and love each other platonically or either family - figure, I appreciate and support that.

"(Y/N). . ." Turning my head around to see MK, With his little messy hair and. .the scent of something good? I leaned close to him to check if the smell was coming from him. His face went red all over cheeks, Smiling with that weitd expression he always have.

"You smell good." I comment him, Watching him touching his own cheek as he sighed, With much weird face that he. .seems to be melting. "Sorry- Just that, I felt very fuzzy when your close to me. And my heart c,can't take it. .eheh-. ."

"Er. .okay, There's this place we can eat peacefully. Didn't expect you to rush over here." I muttered the last sentence. Stepping back, Feeling an odd sense by my gut feeling  and to look elsewhere. "Cool! I can order meal for us." MK swipes his phone screen to unlock, Tapping his screen and scroll down.

"What would you like for breakfast?" MK staring at the food meal images. "Uh..anything that made me eat and something delicious." That's so weird, My gut having this feeling something is kinda off, But not from MK.

"Okay! let's order Jian Bing for breakfast, And what drink would you like?" MK tapping his phone. "Uh . . .(F/C)." She floats down for a while, Landed on the side road. "Alright, and. . . sent. And last thing, Where do we eat? Ya' know location for to delivery." Turning my head to MK, Thinking, then feeling an itch underneath my sleeves, Scratching.

"Around the convenience store, Farther across the weather station. Something." I replied, Watching him typing with his right hand by pressing his thumbs. "Alright! Let's go where you wanna go." MK was meter close to me, Him waiting nervously looking at me and look elsewhere.

Watching him gripping his bandana and twirls, Playing with it and glance back at me with those eyes that I don't like. "What?"
I raise my eye-brow, Confused what he meant. "Can I. .hug you? Like- using your abilities to fly us there, carrying me."

He steps closer, as our bodies were inches away apart from touching. "Eh no, You can use your staff." I started to levitate away, Leading the way from the chill spot. Till my back got bumped on, hard, Narrowing my eyes by looking down to see him hugging.
"Don't be lazy for once and just use your staff."

About to go pass through his body, But was interrupted by his arms wrapped around my waist, Till he grips my back jacket to pull be back. "(Y/N). .please?. ." He pleaded, I sighed from defeated. Turning around to pick him up and carry him into my arms with a bitter expression. Flying up to the skies and heading towards the chill balcony.

"Your so pretty up close. ." MK holding onto my jacket, Leaning his head onto my chest. I simply ignored and let him be, As long it's nothing weird for to drop him purposely.
"You smell so good. .Mgh. ." My eyes twitch, How he becomes strange real quick. Inhale and exhale to cool my temper.

"So fucking pretty. .Your making me tingle inside. I wanna watch your every move, I wanna watch everywhere of my beloved would go anywhere." Hearing his voice was a little different from before, But a little husky tone.

"Your so pretty, Your so pretty, .Lovely flower bloom so beautifully. Heavenly. . .Craving. (Y/N). . ." MK raises his hand, Gently caressing my face then slowly his fingers slide into my lips. "I won't hesitate to bite your fingers off if you don't remove your filthy hands off my, Lips." I spat.

MK immediately removes his fingers away, Leaving his face flushing red to silently to continue to stare at me. "Your very confused to understand." I said truthfully.

Slowly flying down and safely landed on the rooftop building, I dropped MK purposely with a hard thud. Leaving him on the floor then walking over to the edge to sat down, Looking down watching from above. MK was silent, And sat down next to me. Swaying his legs on the edge.

I averted my eyes from MK, Feeling him looking at my direction that made me getting on my nerves. Placing my chin onto my both hands, Waiting in silence for the breakfast meal.

Surprise to hear no noise coming from MK, Which it made me less irritated and to enjoy the quiet moment with a faint car noise down below. I hummed how every citizen I watch from above were always enjoying themselves, Eating, Chatting, Playing, Etc.

My hair was blown from a strong wind current, feeling shivers how cold it was. Rubbing my arms to keep myself warm, Well as my own species reacting or feeling of something cold. We get easily feel chilled and needed something warm quickly.

"Hey FanBoy, Is the meal coming or what?" Turning my head around to find MK was inch close to my face, The same thing happen yesterday. A silent pauce between us, Till I turn my head away only to be hold back with his hand to cup my face.

"No, Please look at me for a while." He blink that his eyes turned into heart shape pupil, Smiling sweetly by gently rubbing my face. I was very uncomfy by this, I don't like how we're this close. I attempt to budge my face away from me, Only to be hold back and directly facing onto him only.

"I admired you . .Deeply so much that I'm slowly getting crazy, Crazy whenever you look at my direction, I get instantly felt loved and would melt immediately with your angelic beauty." His hands slides up to my hair, Slowly combing my hair.

"If only. .I could. . .-" Slapped Both of his hands away from my face. I grabbed his hands with both of mines with a quick reflex, Grabbing ahold of his hands and pinning him down. I was ontop of him, Watching the heroboy down at him with his expression change into a poker face.

"Do whatever you do to lower my guard down, Cause it's not easy for you to do it with that action of yours on me." Gripping and holding both of his hands down, Looking at his eyes directly with my eyes squinting.

"Your words won't effect me, With those sweet lovely words to try made me soft. It wouldn't work that much effectively." Using one of my hand to still hold both of his hands, My other would form into a sharp claw, Directly pointing into his neck.

Sharp ghostly claw would touch his neck, Laying a small dot of a scratch to his neck. But, I wouldn't make his skin bleed. For now.
"Awh quiet already? it is entertaining for you to stay shut." I said, Pulling my claw away, As then I also move my hands away from his.

I float away from his body that he has been laying down, Then return back to sitting on the edge of the rooftop. Taking a small glimpse back to him, To see them still laying on the ground. "Oh. .um, I killed him. Huh. .-" Don't know what to feel or a emotion that doesn't exist I'm feeling now.

Waiting by looking down, Bitting my own lip that if I did actually killed him. Swaying my legs, Waiting for a while as I started to think.

"It's not fair- It's not fair, It's not fair." His footsteps come close, Then a small thud of MK sitting next to me. "(Y/N)." He looked down, As I began to puzzled myself of what I did is either threatening that made him scared or- "I LEARNED SO MUCH ABOUT FLIRTING AND YET YOUR ABLE TO DO-. .better. .I'm. . - flattered-"

His face turned red, Watching his imaginary fumes coming out from his head. His body slightly tremble of him hugging his arm. "(Y/N). . . do it again please. ." He quickly scoot over to my side, gazing onto his face closely that he was sweating.

"No, Your weird." Using my hand push him away by his chest, then placing my hands onto my lap. "I'm hungry, I want the food now." phone rings from MK, Grabbing his phone from his pocket and pressing his fingers against the phone screen. "Oh, It's already here."

Both of the two shifts their eyes down below, To spot a delivery guy holding a cellophane in his hands with a motorcycle besides them. MK was about to get it by being a gentlemen, But quickly changes to (Y/N) quickly floating down to grab their meal.

Flying back to give the other paper bag to MK, sitting back down to begin to eat my own meal by unwrapping the paper. Surprisingly, It taste really good and delicious. I began to munch down, How my mouth begin to water by the delicious fried pancake.

Laughter came from MK, Gazing to their direction with a confused look. "Sorry- Haha. .everything you do that made me laugh and flutter my heart. . .and that my heart can't handle you." His hand place into his face, smiling underneath his palm.

He is a strange person who randomly likes me.

•Third person POV•

Eating their own fried pancake, While throwing bunch of questions and conversation between the two. MK attempted to flirt with (Y/N) by getting her close or either anything else related, He got rejected, He got a small pinch from (Y/N), And fireback his tease towards back to Fanboy.

Reminds how (Y/N) that she would playfully tease and joke around with Redson, Knew he has a crush on her. MK left embarrassed and dumbfounded that the cloak demon is able to Uno reverse card his tricks. Watching him feeling shy and fumbling that made the demon chuckle. Slowly of MK by fooling himself.

MK stood up from the edge, Stepping to check something that made him complain and whined out loud. The girl asked what made him mad, It was the schedule time for his work. Nodded in reply of the demon, Understood why he complains alot and wanted this to stay longer.

Them with a frown expression, Tapping his foot on the concrete of looking elsewhere. Growl MK that he has an urge to throw something hard enough to fly across the city, Grinting his teeth with annoyance that he doesn't want to go back to his work without (Y/N) to switch his happy mood.

"This sucks. .Argh. I slowly disliking working at Pigsy's noodles and I wanted a job that is WAY away from the schedule." His hand turn into a hard fist, Easily to get angered with his work schedule to start delivering.

Jacket girl awkwardly patted his shoulders, Soothing his stress with ease to switch their shoulders to behind his back patting. "Don't let those stress overcome you, It will become worse that you might punch someone else by now."

breathing in and out to settle himself down, Placing both of his hands to his pocket and gaze up to look at her. "Thanks, sorry that happen that I. .get mad by the time schedule for me." MK sheepishly apologized with his sudden out burst. "It's fine really, You can let all your emotions out, Don't keep it to yourself."

Removed her hands away from his shoulder, When she was about to placed it to her pocket, MK quickly grab ahold of her right hand with his. "Thank you (Y/N), You made me relieve of all anything that keeps on happening." With a soft voice of his, Of him trying to get a grip of his tears holding back.

"Welcome, HeroBoy." She replied, Budging her hand away, That he was still gripping onto her hand. "Awh, Your so sweet." Bringing her hands close to him, As he placed a gentle kiss ontop of her palms. "You made my head so foggy with all your kindess." He let go of the hand, And walking away to the edge of the building with his staff appear on the side of their head.

He grab and place the end of the staff onto the balcony. Took a glimpse of MK looking at her, Saluting his hands and said before he head off. "I love you. . " He lets himself fall, Then using the staff to extend, Bouncing away leaving (Y/N) ontop of the high building.

"I love myself too." Eating breakfast with MK is done, She really doesn't know what to do next. Her walking and staring down at the street road, Thinking that (Y/N) lets MK fell in love with her, While the demon wearing a jacket always doesn't return his feelings and not interested.

She lied, She lied that her and MK are becoming allies. She only sees MK nothing more then a stranger with a hopeless romantic lovestruck person. Not seeing MK as a friend or a acquaintance either, just nothing about him made her click to change her mind into befriending him.

"What is he gonna do about it, His just a stranger with nothing special caught my eye. Except that his a student of that creep, And a staff that is to eliminate with that  powerful things to use on ." She spoke to herself, Muttering.

"But, Using him to secretly protect DBK's family is worth it." She's not saying to use MK's powers or his just a tool that she can play with. He is a human, A human with feelings. A person who's been struggling and scared to open up to the people he put trust on, But to (Y/N)? He would tell everything his been holding back, Easily and immediately trust her so much that he has no self warning to himself, Nor self doubt's about to (Y/N) of his actions.

"I don't know anymore, I don't. .feel. .-" She let out a deep sighed and facepalming to herself. Now she's overthinking, So quickly why. Just, Why MK? Why that person? Just, What does he think his doing is. . .dumb. Just stupid, His. . .kind of pathetic of him taking interest so suddenly. Now she's clueless about him.

Suddenly, Her ears hearing loud and clear about an alarm broke. Shooking her head to push aside her deep thoughts, Looking down to see a building with a crack broken window open. With broken pieces scattered around the ground, Few people were swarm around that building area across the street.

"Ooh. .Exciting." Catching the attention of the SoulBell demon, Curious of why and how it happend while her mind was drifting off. Her mind went blank of ideas, So might as well watch from afar from the crime scene.

Ears perked and looking behind my back to see Two demon twins were seemingly approaching me, They stop sneaking behind me once I turn my head around.
"Hey. . .Can we kindly— Woah happen to your face?" Jin with a nervous expression, And concern about (Y/N)'s face is covered with bandages.

"Should've carry an extra one of those, Cause it would've NOT happen that we cause the sound of alarm that the police are now after us." Yin carrying a bag over to his shoulder, Another bag was placed next to the blue demon.

He meant by carrying an extra smoke bomb for emergency. Then took a while notice to see her face is half covered with bandages. "I'm guessing something happen between you with that Monkie Kid."

"How would I know that our plan ended up horribly? And your right, I should've bring an extra one before we rob stuff. Sorry." Orange demon twin apologized to his demon twin brother. "It's alright brother, We can do better next time. Oh yeah! And also, SoulBell Demon person- Can we..ask your permission to help us out to escape from them?"

Looking where the blue demon pointing, To find cops looking up at their direction. One of the police is talking to the phone, Seemingly they needed more to capture the two. (Y/N) then looks back to the demon twins, Thinking what to decide.

"Sure, I'll help. Where to?" Asking the location where they needed to hide away. "The same place where you trade my brother Jin." Answered the blue demon younger brother. Jin was carrying the other bag, Till a tranquilizer dart almost shot Jin by the arm of him barely avoiding it, Letting out a scream alerting the two.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE HUMANS?!" He hugged the bag, Shaken by the dart. (Y/N) floats towards the dart, Kneeling herself to examine close. "What is this thing?" Confused the SoulBell demon. "Don't touch it! Or even let that shot through your skin!" Warned Yin the blue demon.

Another dart almost shot Yin by his quick reflex to duck his head down, As Jin let out a yelp in fear. (Y/N) notice, Squinted her eyes from afar the skies to see drones were the one shooting from above.

"C'mon, Grip tightly your bags and Yin ride behind my back." Yin hugs his brown bag close to his chest, As he placed himself (Y/N)'s back while Jin will be carried in her arms. The demon cloak doesn't feel any heavy weights on them, Easily manage to carry both of the twins and flew off to the skies.

Flying past by buildings, Dodging every corner, trying to lose advance technology of drones were flying after the three. Up and down through buildings, Both demon twins would hold a grip on (Y/N)'s jacket to not drop themselves off.

A dart pass by them, for (Y/N) to dodge by using her ghostly abilities in time and turn visible again. "I am asking why they use darts on us! I thought they're using on something else then us! This is not what I was expect!" (Y/N) take a peak from behind, Then looking forward to see another building infront of three.

Quickly using her powers to flying pass through the building wall then to the floor, appearing the side of the building. Hearing one of the drones crashed into the buildings and broke it pieces.

Both twins feeling their heart sank, Thinking the cloak demon would fully crashed into the building feeling the broken pieces of glass shards stick onto their skin.
"You know SoulBell person, I thought your going literally right through the building- Should've mention it that brother and I wouldn't have. .uh- panic
to ourselves."

Smiled her, With a short small laugh. "I know, Seeing your faces must've hilarious. And sorry I should'nt laugh at that." Another dart barely hit them, With (Y/N)'s quick reflex by peaking from her back as she turn invisable to fly around the corner and to fly farther away from them. It work successfully that the drones stop flying, Confused looking around and to feel lost.


(Y/N) becomes visable again, Floating in the sidewalk with the twins were hugging their brown bags while clinging onto her. Landed on the ground for the two demons to get off her, Her stretching her arms and dust herself off.

"Your welcome." Said (Y/N) in advance. Jin would thank the demon person by giving her a side-hug, Was about to give her a side-hug but she would step back and shook her head no to decline.

"Since you help us, We will give you this in return." Yin opens the bag, Shoving his whole arm to push aside the items and to pull out a phone. "Here have this." Handing the phone to the cloak girl. She was surprise to receive a brand new phone, Staring how brand new it is to have a clean phonescreen.

"Oh- I. .Um, I. .really appreciate this." She felt happy that her broken phone will be now replaced by this. "Your welcome! We can give you what you need from our place. If you had nothing to do, Your free to join with us rebuilding on something."

Both twins walked pass by their own living space, Proceed to walk in the allyway. Jin halt and waited (Y/N) to come, As she follows from behind, Curious about what they meant by rebuilding on something.

Turning around the corner to see a derelict building, Seeing all windows are block with wooden dusty planks, Nails hammered and some of the windows are crack open window. Jin the orange demon using an axe from the brown bag, Slicing the planks into half, Pushing the doors to step inside was all filthy.

"This looks empty. Like my insides." Using her finger to wipe off the dusty walls. "Don't be like that, Try to do self-care on yourself instead of hating it." Patted Jin behind her back to lighten up her mood. Open the sack bag and start pulling out decorations, and expensive valuables.

"So, What are you gonna do with this old building?" Questioned the short haired demon. "We're planning to destroy Monkie kid by rebuilding and decorate this into a fast food restaurant." Answered Yin placing down the white paint bucket on the floor.

A restaurant huh? "Why a restaurant when you can punch him, Kick him, Strangle ,him to death and either so torment him?" (Y/N) grabbing the broken plank on the floor and throwing out the building. "Ahah. . .no- We just want his power, not even a slightest thing to make that kid suffer. Depends on the plan really." Jin grabbed a feather duster to remove the cobwebs in the corner walls.

"Then you both are weak with no fun, was expecting that you both twins gonna. .do everything harmful to get hands on the magical staff." Grabbing the broom from the bag, Decided to help. "You do know that you SoulBell Demons are also weak?" Yin felt his nose itch by the dust, Using a ladder to reach the ceiling to brush way more cobwebs.

Demon girl using the dust pan for her broom to clean the floor. "Yes, I know that. I admit my own kind are weak, But, SoulBell demons has their own way to defeat on a living being that is strong and powerful. Having the advantage to know their weakness and slowly killing them without even noticing."

Jin would drop a sweat by her words that made him chill. "Er- how about we change topics? Something that is. .entertaining. Aside from your demon history-" He said in a nervous tone of the orange demon's voice. "Hmm, dunno, All I could think now is. .nothing. Aside from thinking of what food to eat."

(Y/N) let out a sneeze, of her cleaning the floor that one of the dust made her up to her nose. Her eyes spot Jin laughing to himself quietly while Yin glimpse at her and shifts his eyes back to clean the dust. "I don't get how my sneeze is funny."

Jin's laughter died down, Wiping his tears of joy. "Sorry, Sorry just. . . something is nice to see." Continue doing what he is doing to clean the abandon building. Cloak girl was a little confused of what he meant, Continues to clean by sweeping the floor onto the dustpan.

"Still, I don't get why your gonna make this into a restaurant." (Y/N) feeling her nose itch and let out a sneeze by the dust again. "The plan is to sell delicious food all over the city that the people will forgot about Pigsy's noodles! Leaving them poor with no customers to deliver. Rest of the plan is still work on progress. ."

(Y/N) placed the dust pan filled with dust and small pieces of ceiling wall aside in the corner, Grabbing planks and broken medium - sized walls off the floor to throw it aside on the other room. "All this filthy dust making my nose itch, I hate it. Do you have this thing to clean the floor faster?" Looking back to the floor that broken planks and walls has also dirt beneath it.

"Yep we have! It's right there in the bag, A thing to clean the floor faster is called a 'Vacuum cleaner' " Jin reply, Bringing the bag closer to her. Him open the bag once again to search, (Y/N) leaned closed to peak what's inside. Shocking how millions of items stuff inside of a regular bag, Looks like a person would able to swim there in a pile of various items.

"How is this regular sack bag able to fit ton's of things?" Staring into the a void of interesting items. "It's a bag that has a magic with, Putting heavy items or anything that has no limits nonetheless." Shoving his whole arms inside, To pull out a vacuum cleaner and handed it to her.

"Do you have an extra of this bag?" (Y/N) takes the bag from Jin, Looking down to search inside. "Ah. . . sadly no, We don't have extra of these since it is difficult to make or even get one of these." (Y/N) switches her face into frown and upset look, Wanted to have a bag like they have for her to stuff what she likes inside.

(Y/N) notices Yin was struggling to get any higher of the ceiling, Tapping his shoulder for the two to switch places. Yin agrees for his turn to break down the planks from the window. While (Y/N) to dust off from the cobweb ceiling by a feather brush.

Three throwing small talks and questions of how they like, What they wanna do. It's a chill atmosphere between the three, Some small jokes to crack each of them a smile.

With (Y/N)'s strong strength able to lift up heavy things like fridge, deep fryer, And drink machine etc. from what the restaurant's stuff have. You could say she worked out from elsewhere in her private time.

Started to get exhausted from carrying, Lifting and moving heavy stuff, Dropping a sweat from the side of her forehead as she wipe it off with her arm. Groaning and complaining of how many Jin and Yin stole more various item in the magical bag.
Gently floating down onto the floor, Leaning against the wall to take a while break.

Blue demon name Yin hands her a water bottle, She takes and opens the cap to chug down the cold water instantly. Yin averted his eyes away, as he sat down next to (Y/N).
Along with Jin sitting next to her on the right side. "So tell us of what happen to your face."


(Y/N) flies out the building, Stopping in mid air floating to hear one of the demons shout out her name. Turns her head around to see the two demon twins waving."Your free come tomorrow! Me and my brother will be here tomorrow afternoon! Take care SoulBell demon person!"

Him with his toothy sharp smile, His brother Yin giving (Y/N) a small smile and a cheeky wink. Both of the twins going back to the allyway, Returning back to their own homes. Flying away above the buildings, Heading towards her personal space spot.

She has someone to take care of, Landed on the balcony rooftop to float towards the small fort she made by herself. Using her hands to open the fabric cloth open, To find Macaque was wearing her tank top white T-shirt. "You don't have permission to wear that, Give it now."

Reaching her hand out only to be hold by his, And giving it a small kiss on her back palm. "It's mine now~" She smack his hands away from his, Wiping her hand on a blanket cloth then spray it with alcohol. "But it's still mines you shithead."

"Watch your language. I know you would'nt like your stuff got taken without permission, But just this once I will barrow it, Kay'?" Without realizing half of her arm would pinch Macaque's ear. To (Y/N)'s expectations, He didn't feel any pain of sting from her fingers, Demon Monkey's face went red and widen his eyes.

Pulling her fingers away, As Macaque averted his eyes away with his poker face expression. "You good?" He eagerly noddded his head in reply with his face still red. "Alright then, What kind of food do you want? There's junkfoods here and noodles." Floated towards and knees down to open the box of snacks.

Turning to head around that macaque appear beside her also kneeling down. "Okay so what snacks you like to eat?" Shoving the box forward to him. "I wanna eat snack what your gonna eat." Looking at the box inside to grab a honey chips bag, Macaque does the same with her as (Y/N) moving the box where it's been placed.

"Guess what, I have a new phone." She pulls a shiny phone from her pocket and shows it to him. "That's neat, Did you. . . stole it?" Him opening the bag of chips. "No, The demon twins gave it to me." Macaque's tail would snatch away the phone, Then bringing the phone she recieve to examine close.

"I'll let this slide from now, Feeling envy by those two." Returning back her phone using his tail, As he leaned on the wall, sittinh down with a grumpy look on his face. "Why feeling jealous about those two?" Her fingers forms a small claw to tear the bag open, Sitting on the bean bag cushion.

Doppelganger of Monkey king would grumble, Scooting back himself closer to (Y/N) and placing his chin on her lap. "Give pats now cherry." He pleaded looking up to her, Hands placed onto his head, rubbing to feel his soft furr-hair.

Just the two of them vibing in (Y/N)'s fort, Eating honey chips snacks together. Macaque would think to himself that he might improve her personal fort place into something she likes, Or mostly like to move her stuff into his. He smiled, Enjoying (Y/N)'s hands on his head. Swaying his tail like a cat when it's being petted.



hinking evil characters here will be turning good in the future, While some good ones will be somesort of a villian. Only one character who is a good will turn into bad, Maybe along side with Lady Bone Demon.

Waiting on Monkie Kid season three cause, Turning good ones to baddies.

Huh, Makes art into a game then

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