Building Virtues [Completed✔]

By PiscesPleasure

12.9K 1.2K 1.5K

They say chastity is a virtue, but virtues are just old antiquated rules put in place to keep girls virgins b... More

Copyrights and Expectations
Alpha Luna
When in Rome
The Havens
Lost his Luna
To Be Determined
A Good Time
Perfect Opportunity
Forever Mate
Forbidden Juices
Garden of Eden
Run Errands
Grocery Store
Pet Name
Spend the Night
Make it Worse
Make Up
Sick to her Stomach
Deep Exhale
Will Ever Know
Bitter Sorrow
Wolf Glory and Heartache
Bubble of Bliss
Good Faith and Moonlight
More at Home
Hands to Themselves
Meeting of the Minds
Mi Amor
Different Reasons
Shot Clock
Pride & Admiration
The Main Event
Waging War
Save Her
Into Eternal Darkness
Building Virtues

Separate Ways

243 26 13
By PiscesPleasure

Feeling a tap on her shoulder, Eden turns away from the back curtain. 

"A delivery for the Luna."

Smiling, the delivery men begin surrounding her with enormous bouquets  of flowers. Eden stands in the middle like the queen bee; all the while the crowd cheers and awes. Crouching down she gently touches the brightly colored assortments of roses, tiger lilies, daffodils, chrysanthemum, peonies, and daisies. Giggling as her eyes fill with happy tears, Eden looks over to the generous gifter.

 However when Rome's look of surprise matches hers, her heart shatters at the thought that for once he did something selfless. That for once he pulled off a grand gesture of romance. For once he surprised her with something that wasn't sexually motivated. That for once he put her need for affection and romance first and surprised her. That he was truly sorry and wanted to show her just how much. But with that one look he tosses all of those hopes out of the window. 

Quickly inhaling deeply, Eden wrangles in her emotions and looks for a note. And in horrible handwriting it simply says:

"Lil Luna, 
We really are sorry!
Love Nee, JJ, and Domino."


Looking up at her nickname being called, she sees them standing in the front row with a huge 'sorry' sign. Smiling from ear to ear she laughs and blows them a kiss. But becoming swallowed by that wave of emotions, she quickly walks off the stage and finds the nearest bathroom. Locking herself inside, she cries hysterically. Sliding down the door, she just sits on the floor.

"E? Mama? Can I please come in?" 

Unlocking the door, she falls into her mother's arms.

"Aww, baby?! What's wrong?!"

Seeing her daughter so emotional truly shreds Elise's heart. She knew Eden was hurt and emotional over she and Rome's situation, but she didn't know it was this bad. Not by a long shot.

"I-. I was so stupid to think he did it, mommy." She whispers in between hiccups.

"No mama, that's not stupidity. Not at all. That's called hope. That's called faith. And to have hope and faith in someone you love isn't stupid at all." 

As her tear ladened eyes meet her mother's, Elise smiles.

"I knew it, baby. I knew it from the time your crazy little ass told me he got you so mad you slept outside, that you had fallen for him. It started off as a physical thing for you, but unbeknownst to you that heart was blossoming like those flowers out there. And before you knew it you were falling in love with him. But now he's hurt you and you feel like you can't say anything because you never expressed how deeply you feel for him. And you feel like you can't say anything because it will make you look weak. But love isn't what makes you weak, Edee. Being able to trust and love is what makes you strong, baby."

"H-how mommy?! I feel so weak and like a damn crybaby over him!"

"No baby, ain't nothing stronger than being able to love wholeheartedly and know you may get your ass kicked, emotionally. Knowing you may get knocked down, emotionally. Knowing the feeling may not be reciprocated, but you're going to give your all! That's true strength. That in spite of all of that you fix that crown on your head and no matter the outcome you hold your head high knowing your love was true, pure, and came from the heart. You keep going, Eden Marley Lightfoot, and that mama shows true strength!"

Hearing her mother say that so eloquently just floods her and all she can do is cry. Because for so long she thought she was strong for hiding her feelings, but now feeling her feelings alone is making her feel weak and vulnerable. Two feelings she never thought she'd ever feel. Holding onto her mother, Eden just sits quietly with her.

"You ok, baby?"

"I will be. God knows I'm the luckiest girl in the world to have you as my mom!"

"And I'm just as lucky to have you as my baby."

Hugging and helping each other off of the floor, they hear a firm knock.

"Uh, just a minute!" Calling out to the person, Eden allows Elise to fix her eyeliner and mascara.



Hearing Rome's voice, she let's a low groan leave her mouth as she rolls her eyes harder than a bowling ball.

"Edee!" Whisper-yelling at her, Elise snickers. "Answer him!"


Whisper-yelling back, Eden raises her eyebrows at her mother in annoyance.


"Oh my God." She huffs.

"Eden!" Elise whispers her reprimand at her stubborn daughter. "Hold on a second Rome." Smiling, she points at her daughter. "Talk to him. Just see what he has to say."

Whispering a plea for Rome, Elise kisses Eden's refreshed cheek before exiting the bathroom.

Slowly opening the door, Rome finds Eden sitting on the counter.

"Umm, are you alright?"


"Seriously? Cause you just sped off the stage and disappeared."

Looking at her questioningly, Rome watches her odd demeanor.

"Yes, I just got overwhelmed."

"Yeah I can understand that. Having all this attention on you and then the guys putting you on the spot like that."

"No, actually that was really nice. I was extremely moved by that."


"What's the 'oh' for?"

"I just-. I just never took you as the flower type."


 Realizing just how well Rome knows her body, but not the inner person of that shell only validates the point he made on the way to their date. That he knows how to make her cum in seconds, but didn't know her favorite color. But some things don't have to be discussed to be learned. Some things can just be observed to be learned.

"What's that for?"

"Nothing, Rome."

"Eden, I'm trying to talk to you. Just talk to me."

"For what? You don't believe me anyway."

Finally looking up at him, she just stares at him in all his deep toasted caramel handsomeness. The way his signature tight black shirt hugs his body and the way his fitted black pants wrap around his muscular legs. 

"Eden, I'm s-."

"Sorry. I know."


"Do not call me that, Rome. That's a term of endearment used between people that know each other. And you don't know me."

"And why don't I?! Cause like now, you don't talk to me, Eden! For fuck's sake! I try and you only let me see flirtatious bullshit or bitchiness!"

"Wow! So I'm either being a hoe, like I learned from sleeping with everyone or I'm being a bitch?! I am obviously a very flat one dimensional type of person!" Laughing dryly she blinks rapidly. "And just f.y.I, Rome not all things learned have to be spoken, not all things learned have to be taught. Like the fact that I knew your favorite food was steak before you told me. That's why I always cook it for you. Like I knew your favorite color was black, before you told me cause you wear it at least three times a week. Or when you get little gifts from 'Brookie' they're usually black in color. I know you go to the gym precisely every night at midnight, unless you were with me. But then to make it up you would go early in the morning and at your regular time the next night. You get your hair cut every other Thursday afternoon in between editing your blog channel videos and when you're due to check with your pack relations leaders. Your mom is your favorite parent.You wear a size 12 shoe. Hate tardiness. Are allergic to bananas, which is really weird, and sleep on your stomach. You and your dad will never see eye to eye cause you think he only sees the worst in you when in all reality you're the apple of his eye and he only wants to push you to succeed. And you get angry when you know you're wrong. None of which you told me or taught me. And none of which are attached to your sexual likes or dislikes. Do you want me to keep going?"

Watching his body language the whole time she wraps down everything she's observed or taken the time to learn about him, Eden is sick to her stomach. Sick over the fact that she gave him a second chance and he still didn't use that gift to the best of his ability. That even after her living there for 2 months, after spending every day of the past two weeks together, after becoming almost obsessively intimate; that he still doesn't know her.

"Eden, I-"

"Don't worry about it, Rome. Excuse me, I have a festival to get back to."


"Really it's ok."

Going to walk by him, he pulls her to his chest and just holds her. Feeling his lips press against her forehead and smelling his scent, Eden can feel the tears welling up. Blinking as fast as she can, she tries to get rid of the evidence. Feeling his lips travel down her cheek, Eden is startled when he begins kissing her.

At first she begins accepting it, but then she realizes that's exactly why he doesn't know her. Because he doesn't try if its not coupled with a sexual reward. He wants to be spoon fed everything and she refuses. Pushing away, she shakes her head.

"Eden, what's wrong?"

"No, Rome. This isn't helping. All the sexual energy does is excuse you from actually trying."

"That's bullshit."

"No it's not."

"Yes it is!"

"Ok then Rome, what is my favorite thing to do?"

Looking at her, he really has to think about it.

"When you're not working it's cooking."

"Wrong, it's sketching. Thank you for proving my point."

"Eden, c'mon!"

"No." Walking past him, she gives him one more disappointed look.

Stepping out onto the stage she finds a freshly emerged, freshly please, flushed face Lily.

"Mami, where'd you disappear to?"

Looking to see Rome emerging from the backstage, Lily smirks at Eden until she sees her shake her head sadly.

"Aww, mija. Que pasa?"

"I-. I don't wanna talk about it Lils."

"Ok, babes."

"Uh, ma?"

"Yes, perfect girl?" Cupping her cheek and smiling sadly, Elise looks at Eden.

"Can you do the introductions? I, uh-. I need a minute. Please? Umm and have the guys start today. I just need to go backstage for a little while."

"Edee, mama?"

"Ma it's either that or I sit on this damn stage crying."

"Ok, baby." 

As Elise nods at her, the entire panel watches as Eden gets up. Expecting her to start the introductions they are stunned when she walks off of the stage.

"What the fuck? What's wrong with Edee?"

"Stone, please just leave it alone."

"Nah Rome you can tell him that shit, but what's wrong with her? She was fine before y'all came back out here."

"I don't know, Is. We just aren't on the same page if we're not in bed together."

"That's bullshit cause I know the kind of woman she is."

"Well then maybe y'all should be together." Snarling at him, Rome's eyes flash silver.

"You lucky this is E's event cause I'd fuck you up, Rome. On moms I would."

Breathing deeply and closing his turquoise eyes, Israel sits back. Hearing her mother start the panel, Eden wanders outside. Just walking around, she finds herself at the lake.

"Hey, mama."

Looking up she smiles softly.

"Hi, Trouble."

"Why is your beautiful ass out here instead of giving this amazing speech I've heard so much about?!" Sitting next to her, he hugs her.

"I just needed a minute."

"Trouble in paradise?"

"Never been paradise. It was like finding a really good item in the bargain aisle and once you ring it up you find out it was placed there by accident. It's like that kinda let down. You weren't expecting much, but thought you found something good. Only for it to be an accident." 

"Shit, Edee!"

"I'm just being honest, Ty. I didn't want this to begin with. Got a way out with the whole baby ordeal and the council of elders. I chose to stay. Things seemed promising and then you came around and the truth surfaced and it's been horrible since."

"Fuck, I'm sorry I ruined everything, mama. I'll disappear again after this weekend."

"No you didn't ruin anything I swear. And you can't disappear, our packs are allies. You're so dramatic!" Laughing, she swats him. "I miss you and your company, Ty."

"I miss you too. Everyday."

"Yeah life sucks, huh?" Eden sighs.

"Yeah, especially when I think about how much I wanna be with you. But let's not dwell on the inevitable."

"Ok. I think you're right."

Chewing on her bottom lip, Eden just looks out on the water. Once again it creates the perfect mirror to reflect the deep magenta, burnt saffron sky that's scattered with cotton ball fluffy clouds. Sitting in silence she mulls over her life thus far. And as disappointed as she is in Rome and his lack of true effort, she doesn't know if she's 100 percent given up.

"Ok, baby we need to get you in there so you can grace everyone with your amazing presence."

"Ok." Taking his hand Eden, stands up and just looks at him. "Ty, what's Titan's aura color?"

"I-. I don't know, baby. Nobody's ever seen it I guess." He chuckles.

"What's Ni's?"

"I don't know!"

"You're so damn silly! You've never been with anyone on a full moon?"

"Not in the moonlight, I mean Brookie for her treatments, but I don't know if she'd realize it."

"She really means a lot to you, huh?"

"Yeah she does. She's an amazing little girl. And I really have started to love her."

"What?! The 'L' word coming from icy ass Eden!"

"For a baby? Yeah?! Now you men species?! Nooo sir!"

"That's hurtful! I thought I was getting there."

"We'll never know now!"

"Unfortunately, that's very true. Now c'mon before I try to see just how close I was to hearing the 'L' word from that pretty little mouth."

"Whatever, Tyyyy!"

"That's not a denial!"

"Ty, please!"

"Ok, E-den!" 

Walking side by side they bask in each other's presence.

"By the way how'd you find me, stalker?!" 

"Ok, first off that's rude!" They laugh together. "And secondly I saw you walk off and by the look on your face it wasn't a good walk off. And I know that when Cas was giving you shit about the building, after a hard day you would go down by the shore and just watch the waves. Unless it was crazy hot and then you'd go swimming! Which I thought was crazy!"

"Tyyyy! You saw that?!"

"I always see you, E." Nodding at her, he looks away shyly.

Continuing to walk, they finally make it to the edge of the woods where they can see the arena.

"Alright beautiful, hopefully the men have finished and it's just now your turn, otherwise you're gonna look hella wack for not presenting at ya own festival!"

"Shut uuup!" Pushing him, she laughs. "Thank you for finding me, honeybun."

"I hate that name! But you're welcome."

"Whaaat?! It's cause you're the yellow color of one!"

"Yeah I know and you always called me that!"

"Cause that one day on the site you were eating one and I was like 'damn he really is that color'! It was just so funny to me!"

"Whatever, Edee. Aight go up there and kill that shit, baby."

"Of course."

Smiling and turning to him, they hug each other before going their separate ways.



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