Longer Than Forever: Highland...

By highlandelf29

475 4 0

From the dawn of time we came moving silently down through the centuries living many secrets lives no one has... More

Rewrite Chapter 1
Rewrite Chapter 2
Rewrite Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 7

29 0 0
By highlandelf29

1590 AD

Connor Macleod knelt next to his wifes graveside with tears in his eyes, they had lived a happy life for the most part although she had become depressed in her later years.

Heis mind raced with memories of both her and Ramirez, the smiled at the thought of his old master. The man had taught him much crazy as he was, and he was afraid he would never find another teacher as good as him

He raised his head when he felt immortals approaching, standing he grabbed the sword Ramirez had given to him. Two figures rode into view, as they got closer he realized it was a man and a woman.

They came to a stop in front of him, both of them looking him over silently for a moment before the woman spoke

"I am Cian this is my companion Adam."

She paused looking expectantly at Connor

"I am Connor Macleod of the clan Macleod."

The man Adam laughed before saying something in another language to the woman beside him which made her laugh. Connor frowned not appreciating the fact that they were speaking in a language he did not understand.

The woman noticed his expression and smiled kindly

"You must forgive my companion, he is not as young as he once was and forgets his manners often. But unless you are just craving a fight the two of us will be on our way."

Connor shook his head, no he did not want to fight especially not today.

The woman spoke one last time as the two riders turned away "My condolences by the way."

Connor watched the two ride away they didn't get far before they both pulled up their horses the man gestured back towards Connor and the woman looked in the direction he was pointing. Then the two turned riding back towards him, they came to a stop and this time they dismounted, and the man was the one who spoke.

"Thats a very nice sword you carry, in fact it reminds me of a sword an old friend of mine owned. Maybe you've heard of him he went by Ramirez."

Connor observed the two realizing that if the man had not recognized his sword they truly would have left.

"I did not kill him!"

"Then who did, there are very few immortals left alive who have the power to take the head of Ramirez. But a youngling, a student, someone he trusted could have done it on the sly."

The two immortals both had their swords out at this point and were circling Connor in an almost lazy fashion.

"The Kurgan did it and I will kill him for it." This made the two immortals pause in their circling, they looked at each other before speaking once again in the language they had before.

The female stepped forward lowering her sword, "We know of the Kurgan, the two of us are not young, though I am far younger then my friend is. But if you come with us we will teach you, and the day you face the Kurgan you will be ready to kill him. This I swear to you."


Connor rode Cian's horse, and Cian rode in front of Adam, Connor did not know where they were going but for some reason he trusted the woman who had made him a promise. The man however, he was going to take some getting used to.

He rarely spoke to Connor only speaking to Cian and in that same language Connor did not understand When he did speak in Connors language it was typically to say something sarcastic under his breath.

However Connor could tell the two immortals were close, perhaps even in love based off the looks that were passed between the two. They were often finding ways to touch the other, whether it was Adam placing his hand on her thigh. Or her placing her hand over top of his, yes the two were definitely in love.

They traveled for four days before they came to their destination, a castle on the outskirts of England.

When they entered they were greeted by three men and two women all of which were immortal. Cian ran forward wrapping each in a hug one at a time.

"My friends meet Connor Macleod, he is our new student.. His teacher was Ramirez who has recently been killed by the Kurgan."

Each of the men moved forward two of them introducing their wives. The other was the confirmed bachelor of the bunch. At least that's what Cian whispered in his ear as she introduced everyone.

He stayed with the strange family for five years, before they told him their real names. Although Adam did not, telling him that although he did trist him it was better for them both if he just kept calling him Adam.

And so his life continued, until the most important day of his life occured.


Esther, Connor and Adam were out riding when it happened.

"Whats the most important lesson I have taught you young one?" Adam asked

Connor rolled his eyes fondly, he did not know how old Adam was but he did know the man thought his tid bits of wisdom very important.

"How to cut people down with not but a word?"

Esther laughed so hard she nearly fell off her horse before she froze sitting up straight in her saddle. Adam also stopped, and the two both turned their heads in the same direction.

Then a babies cry rent the air, Esther spurred her horse forward. The two male immortals following afterward, by the time they arrived where Esther was , she was holding a baby in her arms.

Adam sighed "I knew this would happen eventually." He dismounted and approached his wife who held the baby out to him happily.

"Can we keep her? Please, I'll never ask for another thing as long as I live!"

"I rather doubt that but... I suppose if you really want her we can keep her."

Methos watched his wife as she squealed happily before making her way towards her horse. He smiled at the fact that this had made his wife so happy. He had never really cared that much about having children, but he knew his wife did. Happy wife, happy life.

He moved forward to mount his own horse when he saw Connor Macleod staring at the baby in awe. And he frowned, it was a look he recognized for he had worn it himself, his wife had been his destiny, was this child Connor Macleods? Oh he really hoped not.


17 Years later


The young red headed girl threw herself into the arms of the Highlander as he dismounted inside the castle gates.

Connor lit up as he grabbed the girl spinning her around

"Khalida! How have yuh been lass?"

"Better now that your here, you've been gone nearly two years Connor."

They had stopped spinning but Connor was still holding her close and staring in to her eyes as he spoke

"I'm sorry lass, I've missed you as well."

Khalida smiled at Connor making her blue eyes sparkle, something about the girl drew Connor in and as they stared they got closer and closer.

"Excuse me."

They both jerked back and turned to look at the man who stood there, eyes narrowed as he examined the two.

"Darius, this Connor Macleod." Khalida moved forward to introduce the two men.

The two nodded their heads politely at the each other

"Khalida why don't you go find your parents.. Let them know i'm here huh lass?"

Khalida looked between Connor and Darius for a moment before she turned and walked away.

Connor sighed before he spoke "I know what it looks like, but it was an accident"

"And how would what I just saw be an accident? It looked like a grown man about to kiss the girl I consider my niece." Darius glared at the man in front of him, Esther had told him about the young highlander they had taken in and trained. But to walk in on that kind of display was shocking, and did not exactly put forward alarming feelings of trust.

"I know... Its the reason I leave so often, I've felt strange around her since she was a child... We were always close and now that shes older." He sighed and looked away in shame, he knew it was wrong but two years ago he had realized he had feelings for the girl.

He ran away for two years, but something inside of him kept calling him back to her. Now he was here and being judged by this stranger in front of him.

"Youngling!!!" Esther ran forward arms extended to wrap the young highlander in a hug, Methos stood behind her an annoyed expression on his face.

Everyone else might be oblivious to the feelings the young Highlander had towards his daughter but he was not. He had seen the way the man had watched her last time he was here, and he could see the way his daughter was watching him currently.

No, this was not good by any stretch of the imagination. He looked towards Darius and noticed his expression was mirrored on the priests face, and grinned.. Maybe he had an ally after all.


Two years later

Laughter rang through the air as Connor and Khalida rode across the Scottish  lowlands, they came to a stop at a barn and dismounted. They were laughing and whispering together when they heard footsteps behind them.

"Hello, Connor." The farmer they worked for's daughter stood behind them smiling shyly at Connor. Khalida barely resisted the eyeroll that was begging to break lose, really could the girl be more desperate.

The two immortals had arrived at the farm four months ago, after almost a year and a half of living on the run. Connor had approached Methos and Esther to ask for  Khalida hand in marriage. They had refused, and Khalida had not liked that at all.

She had convinced Connor to run away, they had escaped in the night. Two weeks later they had eloped in a hurry before realizing they were definitely being followed by her parents.

It was then that Connor realized his wife was definitely Methos daughter, funny considering the man hadn't really wanted the girl to begin with. But he had come to love the girl, and trained her mind to be like his own.

The girl had come up with a plan that involved the two riding for months swapping horses and hiring people to ride in different directions. Then they headed to Scotland pretending to be brother and sister, because no one would think that Connor would head to Scotland because thats the first place anyone would look.

Now here they were on a farm still pretending to be siblings and Khalida was starting to hate it.

"Hello, Sarah."

"I brought you some water, its very hot today, and it took the two of you a long time"She smiled at Connor completely ignoring Khalida

"Umm thank you," he took the ladle before turning to Khalida and handing it to her. She smiled at Connor before turning to the girl and handing the ladle back. "Yes, thank you."

The girl took a step back before gathering her courage "Connor would you like to go on a walk with me this afternoon?"

"I umm I have a lot of work to do Sarah... I'll have to decline."

"Oh, okay." She looked down sadly and walked away

Khalida snorted "Would you like to go on a walk Connor, we can float among the fairies."

Connor rolled his eyes at his wife "Jealous love?"

"Ha hardly, I happen to know exactly what actually happens on the trips we take into the village." 

Four months passed peacefully with Connor managing to evade Sarahs attentions, but then disaster struck.

Bandits attacked the farm and the nearby village wiping them out. Connor who had seen them coming hid his wife, boss, and his bosses daughter before he went to fight them.

Khalida stood up from where she had been hidden and grabbed the sword her father had given her when she reached her eighteenth birthday. Then she took off outside to fight beside her husband, Connor freaked when he saw her.

"What are you doing?" He cried pushing his current adversary to the ground

"Helping!" With that the two continues fighting Connor knowing he could not talk his wife out of this at this point


Methos, Esther, her parents, and her brothers rode into view of the farm that was being attacked.

"We should help them." Elijah said drawing his sword, beside him David and Noah drew their own

Esther and Methos looked at each other a moment communicating with their eyes before nodding and drawing their own swords.  Athena and Joshua did the same both smirking at the fact that they were about to ride into their first battle in nearly a hundred years

They were tired they had been hunting Khalida and that no good Connor Macleod for nearly two years.  Their latest clue had led them to a village near here.

The seven warriors rode forward letting loose a  blood curling battle cry as they did. Their ememies looked up from the figure they had just killed and quickly turned towards them.

The battle was over before it even began, the immortals were soldiers, and they had fought in more wars then most knew had never taken place. They dimounted and looked around observing their fallen enemies when Noah called out "Sister, I found her."

Esther ran forward and fell to her knees when she saw her daughter bloodied and dead. She let loose a curse that her mother probably would have washed her mouth out for if not for the circumstances. But she was glad to see bodies in piles around her daughter, she had made the monsters pay.

"I found Connor, should I kill him?" David spoke up from where he stood sword at the young immortals neck



Esther and Methos spoke at the same time, and Esther gave her husband a look of pity, she knew he wanted the man dead.

"Not until we know the truth."

It wasnt long until the two awoke gasping for breathe, Khalidas eyes widened when she saw her mother. As did Connors when he awoke to find both Methos and and strange man with their swords pointed somewhere rather important to him.

"Mama..... Papa, Grandpapa No!!!!" Khalida jumped up moving towards her husband and covering his body with her own. Connor grabbed her and gently pushed her way and behind him.

"Tonight we want the truth... Why did you steal my daughter?"


Because I love her, had been Connors answer

And Khalida had sworn that it was all her idea to run away. Her Papa had not believed it but her mother did, Esther had been young once. In love with an immortal far older then herself, and knowing that the world itself could not stand in the way of their love.

So yes, Esther understood as did Athena and they stayed the hands of the men.

Methos was pissed.... They had moved to a campsite about 10 miles from the farm and he walked away to try and calm his temper.

"1,000 years old and the woman still believes in fairy tales!" He scoffed sitting down on a stump

"Why shouldn't she?" The voice of his father-in-law made Methos turn.

The two didnt really talked much, and Methos had kind of realized that the man considered him a thief for marrying his daughter.

"In my daughters eyes she living in a fairy tale because shes married to you....." The man paused staring out into the forest for a second as though considering something before he continued "I hated you, you know? You married my baby girl, but that wasnt the reason...

You got to see her grow, become the woman she is today, I lost part of her childhood. When she came back I expected her to need me as much as she did before she was taken, but she didn't. She had you, she leaned on you, and I had to step back and let you have her.

Now you need to do the same with Macleod, he is the man Khalida chose, you have to accept that... But believe me when I say you have four men, and two women standing behind you if he ever steps out of line."

"Perhaps your right."

"You know I am old man... Now how about a fight, see if I can best you like I did that time in Troy."

Methos stood with a grin as he remembered a time when the man in front of him had gone by a different name and been far less humble.

"Very embarrassing way to die Achilles."

"Oh shut up, I still dont like you."


(Before the events of Methusalahs Stone)

Khalida crept down the hall of her parents Egyptian mansion silently. She really wanted some water, so she had left Connor in bed to go and get some. She came to a stop when she heard talking in one of the drawing rooms

"Dont worry brother I know where the stone is, I can get ahold of it with little problem." Her fathers voice spoke

"If my siblings find out about this we'll both be in trouble." Said her uncle Noah

"Trust me, I know... But you have the piece no one else knows about, Rebecca gave it to you, so technically the stone is partly yours"

Noah sighed "Your right... I wouldn't have asked this of you if... The doctors say.."

"I know, believe me brother, I will return in time."

With that footsteps made their way towards the door and Khalida ran hiding behind a pillar as her father walked out the and left the house.... Whatever her father and uncle were up to, she had the bad feeling her mama was not going to like it.


Authors note: So a chapter that explains Khalida and Connors relationship, and why Methos despises him. We also see that Joshua has a rather exciting past.

One thing I will note is that David and Elijah are married to immortal women, but they are such a small part of the story they will not have names unless something comes up later.

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Disclaimer: I own nothing but my OC's

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