Two Halfs, One Heart

By PaigeMarieHall

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When Ben Tennyson, his grandfather Max, his cousin Gwen and his best friend Paige Swan go on a trip for the s... More

Chapter 1- And Then There Were Ten
Chapter 2- Washington B.C.
Chapter 3- The Krakken
Chapter 4- Permanent Retirement
Chapter 5- Hunted
Chapter 6- Tourist Trap
Chapter 7- Kevin 11
Chapter 8- The Alliance
Chapter 9- Last Laugh
Chapter 10- Lucky Girl
Chapter 11- A Small Problem
Chapter 12- Side Effects
Chapter 13- Secrets
Chapter 14- Truth
Chapter 15- The Big Tick
Chapter 16- Framed
Chapter 17- Gwen 10
Chapter 18- Grudge Match
Chapter 19- The Galactic Enforcers
Chapter 20- Camp Fear
Chapter 21- Ultimate Weapon
Chapter 22- Tough Luck
Chapter 23- They Lurk Below
Chapter 24- Ghostfreaked Out
Chapter 25- Dr. Animo And The Mutant Ray
Chapter 26- Back With A Vengeance
Chapter 27- Midnight Madness
Chapter 28- Ben 10,000
Chapter 29- A Change Of Face
Chapter 30- Merry Christmas
Chapter 31- Benwolf
Chapter 32- Game Over
Chapter 33- Monster Weather
Chapter 34- Super Alien Hero Buddy Adventures
Chapter 35- Under Wraps
Chapter 36- The Unnaturals
Chapter 37- The Return
Chapter 38- Be Afraid Of The Dark
Chapter 40- Perfect Day
Chapter 41- Divided We Stand
Chapter 42- Don't Drink The Water
Chapter 43- Big Fat Alien Wedding
Chapter 44- Ben 4 Good Buddy
Chapter 45- Ready to Rumble
Chapter 46- Ken 10
Chapter 47- Goodbye And Good Riddance
Chapter 47- Ben 10 VS. Negative 10 PT. 1
Chapter 48- Ben 10 VS. Negative 10 PT. 2

Chapter 39- The Visitor

74 4 6
By PaigeMarieHall

We were now in St. Louis, enjoying a nice day at the park. Gwen was flying a kite. Then, Ben stole it as Wildmutt. "Benji! You bring that back here now!" I said. "Ben, I'm telling Grandpa," She replied. Then I thought of something, "Hang on a second, Gwen. You may not need to tell Max. I used my Teleportation skills and got the kite back. Then I saw a mischievous smile appear on Gwen's face. I knew that she had something up her sleeve.


She took out Charmcaster's spell book and said, "Amorous Infecta!" I knew which spell she was casting because I've looked through the book as well. The spell causes all of the dogs in the area to be attached to Wildmutt. "That's so cool, Gwen!" She chuckled, "Thanks, Paige. You know, you can use the spell book anytime you want. I mean, you're practically family." Gwen said, smiling.


Suddenly, Ben noticed all of the dogs surrounding him and ran like he was on fire. "I just love it when things work out. Don't you, Paige?" "Absolutely!" I replied. We saw that he was clinging to a tree to get away from the dogs. "Hey, you're the one who always wants more attention," She said.


Finally, the Omnitrix timed out as the tree branch broke. "Never thought I'd be so glad to be me again. Sorry, fido's, playtime's over. Oh, man!" Ben said, as he got licked by the dogs. He came back and he was covered in dog drool. "Hey, Grandpa, check this out!" Gwen said, taking way too much enjoyment in this. "You really shouldn't fool around with your powers like that, Gwen. Honestly, I thought you were more mature than that," He said.


"Grandpa seems pretty bummed." "Really? Hey, Grandpa, what's wrong?" Ben asked his grandfather. "Nothing, nothing. I'm fine. I just need a little time to myself, that's all," Max said. "No problem. We'll be at the playground." I said as I pulled Ben and Gwen away. "Hey, that hurts!" "Yeah, not so hard, princess."


"What wrong with you? You know, other than the obvious," Ben said. "My mom told me that Grandma and Grandpa met in St. Louis," Gwen said. "Yeah. My mom told me the same thing. She and Max have been friends for as long as I can remember," I said. "Yeah. So?" He asked. "How are you not connecting the dots, Benji?" I thought, wondering how my love could be so oblivious.


"So, being here reminds him of your grandmother. I think he's feeling lonely," I said. "Yeah, I think so too, Paige," She said. "Lonely? Really princess? How can Grandpa be lonely when we're around him all time," He said. "Even you can't be that clueless," Gwen said. Suddenly, we heard screaming and saw kids running. Ben grabbed my hand as we went to go check the situation out. Then I saw a light green alien appear, I wasn't sure what was going on but I kept my guard up and a firm grip on my boyfriend's hand.


Out of nowhere, she grabbed Ben using Telekinesis. "The Omnitrix. Where did you get it? Answer me!" She demanded. Finally, I'd had enough; I used my Telekinesis to lift her up. Then I used my Magical Immobilization to freeze her. "You're not the only one who can use Telekinesis, lady. Now I suggest you start talking.... NOW!"


"Who are you?" She asked. "I am Paige Marie Swan. Daughter of Emma and Neal Cassidy. Granddaughter of Snow White and Prince Charming. Goddaughter of Regina Mills. Princess of the Enchanted Forest and Future Queen. You may address me as Your Highness. Now I suggest you let my boyfriend go.... before I burn you!" I said.


When she let him go, I ran to him. "Benji, are you OK?" "Yes, princess. I'll be even better when this lady is burned. Do you want to help me?" He asked. "Definitely," "Yeah, it's a long story of how I got the Omnitrix. The short answer is... Doesn't matter because you're not getting it." He said as he activated the Omnitrix and was now Heatblast.


Then we blasted flames at the alien but she dissapeared. "Where'd she go, princess?" Ben asked. I shrugged, unsure of the answer. Suddenly, the slides were broken and aimed at us. Then she used Telekinesis and water came out of a fire hydrant. It hit it's intended target, which was Ben. "OK, Mr. Hero, rest time's over. Go fry the bad guy," Gwen said. "I'm soaked. I can't even get a spark," He said.


"Don't worry, Benji. Let me handle this. You're not the only one who can control the elements, lady." I used my Elemental Control and threw water at her but she just threw it back at me. Suddenly, Max came to our rescue, "That was your only warning shot. Leave my grandchildren and future granddaughter alone! Now, turn around slowly," He commanded.


"That voice. Max?" She asked. "Xylene? This that you?" "Did I miss something, Max? You never mentioned Xylene to me before." I said, unsure what to think and not sure who to trust at this point. "Are these children with you?" Xylene asked and he nodded. Now we were back at our campsite and Xylene had been with us for THREE HOURS! "Man this lady is getting on my nerves! We're Max's family! Ben, Gwen and I! NOT HER!"


I was definitely keeping my eye on her and my guard was up. "Make one false move Xylene... YOU'RE DEAD!" I thought as I stared her down. "She's been here for three hours, and she hasn't said anything us. We'd think we were invisible or something," Ben said. "Don't take it so personal. They're just catching up," Gwen said. "Actually, can I talk to you two alone?" I said, suddenly remembering something.


We went into the Rust Bucket where we could have some privacy. "What's wrong?" They asked. "Now I remember who Xylene is! My mom told me that she and Max met when he was a Plumber and when she left earth, Xylene asked Max to come with her but he declined. That's why she's back! Not because of the Omnitrix! She wants him to go with her. I lost one father when my dad died... I can't and won't lose another one!" I said as tears rolled down my face.


Through my tears, I saw them look at me then each other. Ben brought me into his arms, "Shh, shh, princess. It's OK. Everything will be OK, you're NOT going to lose another father figure... not if I have anything to say about it! Right, Gwen?" She nodded, "Absolutely. Grandpa loves you like you're his own, Paige. Do you really think he'd leave us so easily?" I shrugged, unsure of the answer.


"It doesn't matter because I'm taking care of her once and for all!" I shouted, not interested in reason or hearing anyone out. I took my Aunt Regina's mirror out of my backpack and headed off into the forest. Then I transformed myself into a rat and watched Max and Xylene through my mirror.


"The youngsters... I never thought you'd turn out to be the domestic type. Don't you miss your Plumber days?" She asked. "Well, we still get our fair share of excitement around here especially since you dropped that little present of yours in our laps. Plus, with Paige's magic and all. It's definitely not boring around here and people learn the hard way not to mess with my future granddaughter," Max said.


"You haven't aged at all since I last saw you. Do you remember that night?" She said. "How could I forget?" "With Vilgax out of the picture, there's nothing keeping you here any longer. I could use your help out there," Xylene said. "Nothing keeping Max here?! There's nothing keeping him here?! Of course there's something keep him here.... his family! If Max goes, who's going to walk me down the aisle to Ben when we're 19?" I thought.


"Another temping offer," Max said. "No way!" I thought, furiously. I returned to our campsite and saw Ben and Gwen cleaning up broken glass. "Don't ask, Paige. It wasn't pretty," She said. "So, what's up with Grandpa and Xylene, princess?" He asked. "I should've kicked her butt back to outer space when I had the chance," I responded. "Grandpa seems to like her. Maybe we should give her a chance," Gwen said.


"You don't get it, Gwen! She wants Max to go with her again!" She didn't get a chance to reply because a robot drone showed up. Ben grabbed my hand and we ran. "Isn't that one of Vilgax's robot buddies? She asked. "It must be after the Omnitrix." "Well, it's not going to get it or you because I'm going to burn it!" I said, determined to protect Ben.


Suddenly, he grabbed my hand and we got ready for a fight. "You want this? You'll have to take it from me!" Ben said as he activated the Omnitrix and was now Four Arms. I used my fireballs to try and blow it up but the drone was too fast. "What in the world?" I heard Max say. "Max! The drone of Vilgax's is back." I said, running up to him. "My princess and I can handle this. I don't need your help!" Ben said.


"Emocha Objectia!" Gwen said, reciting a spell. Then I conjured up a fireball and combined it with the spell. "Excellent teamwork, girls!" Max complimented us. Gwen and I high-fived, proud of our teamwork. Then I noticed, the drone was on top of the RV. "It's taking over the Rust Bucket!" I noticed that Ben had a hold of it but was blasted.


Max saw that I was hiding and told me to ran. "In case you've forgotten, I don't run!" Then I saw the gas can, using my Telekinesis... I lifted it up to the drone and Max finished it off. "The family that fights together, sticks together; sweetheart." He said, smiling. "Absolutely." I said as I hugged him.


"Sorry about the Rust Bucket, Grandpa. I guess I got a little carried away," Ben said. "Yeah, maybe just a little," He replied. Now, we were hard at work repairing the RV. "Guess that Mechadroid was the same one that fell to earth with you," He said. "And it seems to be doing that mergy thing like the other one," She said. "Vilgax just won't give up, will he?" "Apparently, they've developed the ability to amalgamate mechanical devices in order to fulfill their programming. Namely, retrieve the Omnitrix. You are sure the Mechadroid was destroyed, aren't you?" Xylene said.


"Yes, I'm sure the Mechadroid was destroyed. Give me a break," Ben said. "I know that Ben can be a handful, Xylene. I love him and I wouldn't change anything about him. He's a hero. With or without the Omnitrix. He just doesn't believe it. Without him, Max or Gwen... well, I don't want to think about my life without them. They're my family and I love them," I said. Max smiled, "We love you too, sweetheart... so much. Come here." I hugged him and felt a kiss on the top of my head.


"If you wanted to be truly helpful, a Galvanic Mechamorph would've been more appropriate," She said. "She means Upgrade." "Yeah, well, you're not the boss of me," He said. "Come on, now, Ben. Xylene probably does know a thing or two about the Omnitrix. Maybe you should listen to her," Max said. "You're taking her side?" "You're being irrational," Xylene said.


"Well, if I'm such a mess-up, then why'd you send the watch to me in the first place?" Ben asked. "I didn't send you the Omnitrix. You found the Omnitrix before it reached its intended receipt." "What?" He asked. "The pod containing it veered slightly off its intended course. "I got the watch by mistake?"" Ben asked, hurt. "Of course. You didn't believe that I would purposely send the most powerful device in the universe to a child, did you? I was sending it to Max," She said.


"Guess it would make more sense, Grandpa being a Plumber and all," Gwen said. "Unless you don't want to keep your face the way it is, Xylene. I suggest you shut up right now before I burn you to a crisp. Oh, well great! Just take it back, and you two can cruise around the universe while I lose another father figure. See if I can care!" I yelled before teleporting to the woods. "Paige, sweetheart! Ben, go after her," I heard Max say.


"Leave me alone, Benji. Please!" I said, my voice cracking. "So the watch wasn't meant for me? So what? I've gone a good job with it so far," He said. "It's not just about the Omnitrix, my love. Don't you get it? She wants Max to go away with her just like I said before. Only this time there's nothing keeping him here," I said. Ben held me in his arms as we stared up at the stars.


We heard Max yell and ran to see what was going on. What I saw absolutely horrified me, the Mechadroid had Max. "No! Max!" I yelled in anguish. "You said you trashed that thing," Gwen said. "Gwen, lay off! There are more important things that we need to deal with now... like getting Max back!" I said, not in the mood for her attitude. "We all thought it was destroyed. That doesn't matter now," Xylene said.


"It doesn't?" "Wait. If that thing only wants the Omnitrix, why did it kidnap Grandpa?" Gwen asked. "I can answer that. Because it knows that we'll do whatever it takes to rescue him. We're walking into a trap," I said. "Exactly. That's why...." "Look, I know you're going to give us the whole, 'The Omnitrix is more important than any single being' lecture." "Well, it is," She said.


"But there is no way that we're letting that living junkyard hurt him," He said. "I agree that...." "So help us or get out of our way because...." The next thing I knew, Ben was slammed into a tree. "Ben! Look, you better let him go right now or so help me... I will burn you. Don't even try using Telekinesis because I use it too," I said. "Be quiet and listen. You three aren't the only ones who care about Max," Xylene said.


"No but we are the ones who have known him our entire lives. You've only known Max for a short time." I thought, ready to strike when necessary. "If we work together, we can save him and the Omnitrix. Truce?" She said. "Truce." "Time is crucial. As we stand here, it's collecting more and more items, becoming stronger for its final battle with us. Where would the Mechadroid have access to the most mechanical items in this area?" Xylene said.


"St. Louis is the largest river port in the United States," Gwen said. "The docks," He said. I teleported myself there and Ben arrived on his hoverboard. "Grandpa!" "Max!" "Ben, Paige, go! This thing has control of the nanotech in my Plumber suit. Do whatever it takes to bring this down, even if that means taking me with it," Max said. "That's not going to happen, Max! I promise," I said.


"My princess is right, Grandpa. It's not an option. Is this what you want? I'll swap you straight up. My Grandpa for the Omnitrix!" "Ben, don't do it!" He said. "We know what we're doing." "We?" He asked. "Max, we must stop meeting like this," Xylene said. "Gwen!" Before I could go check on her, the drone grabbed me. Suddenly, Xylene used her Telekinesis to free me.


We had to hide because the Mechadroid was becoming more and more powerful. "We have to destroy the original Mechadroid to defend it." "Sounds like a job for Upgrade," He said. "I have a better idea, but you must trust me. Your grandfather's life depends on it." "What's this thing supposed to do?" Ben asked. "You're going to eat it. Literally eat it. That's your power," She said. "Well, I am kind of hungry," He said.


"Now, spit!" Xylene said. "Cool! Exploding loogies! I've got upchuck power!" "Great! Like you weren't disgusting enough already," Gwen said. "I'll get Max. Let go of him!" "I'll help you, Xylene." I said as we rushed to save Max. "Ben, hang on!" I heard her say. "Now for dessert." "Way to go, Ben," Max complimented his grandson. "Yuck! Bad robot. Can I get some mouthwash or something?" He asked.


Using my Conjuration, I produced some mouthwash into my hand with a cloud of pink smoke. "Will this do?" I asked. "Did I mention how much I love your magic, princess?" Ben asked. I smiled, "Once or twice." "Paige and I wanted to apologize for being jerks before. I guess we were just jealous. But if you make Grandpa happy, then we're happy. Right, princess?" Ben said.


I nodded, "Absolutely." "You certainly are a Tennyson, aren't you? Take good care of that, Ben. Vilgax isn't the only one interested in it. Take care of Paige too or you'll have to deal with me. Also, I expect to be invited to the wedding," Xylene said. I smiled, "Don't worry, you will be." "Well, you two have managed to impress another alien. Guess we should let Grandpa say goodbye," Gwen said.


"Yeah, but to who?" I asked, worriedly. "You're not coming, are you?" "It's a big galaxy out there, but right now those three kids are my whole world." Max said, smiling at us. Then Xylene kissed him. Out of nowhere, Ben kissed me. Before I closed my eyes, I saw Gwen standing there awkwardly.


"We'll always have Roswell." Xylene said before leaving. "We thought we were going to lose you, Max," I said. "Nah, you can't get rid of me that easy. Besides, if I'm not here... who's going to walk you down the aisle, sweetheart? Come on. Let's go," He said. "Before we leave, Grandpa. There's something we want you to do." Gwen said as she started playing Tim McGraw's song, "My little girl" on the radio. She smiled, "You two enjoy." Then Max and I danced the night away to our song.

Hello Everyone. Here are some examples of the magic that I use in this chapter. A video as well💚

Mirror Enchantments







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