Dad For One Oneshots || MHA

By Luna_Herobrine

150K 3.3K 3.5K

My collection of DFO Oneshots because I love the theory about Hisashi Midoriya being AFO. The Oneshots will c... More

Quick Introduction (Content Overview)
2 - The devil (aka AFO) visits Aldera Middle School
3 - The piano incident
4 - The vault
5 - Birthday Boy / Surprise!
6 - Baby Izuku with a gun
Intermission - Crack Pics From The Movie
7 - I have a quirk?! - aka Izuku gets AFO
8 - My son / My nephew (AFO & OFA)
9 - DNA Test
9.2 - DNA Test (The Aftermath)
9.3 - DNA Test (The Aftermath part 2)
9.4 - DNA Test (The Aftermath Finale)
10 - Villain
11 - The grand reveal
12 - AFO kidnaps his child (because he can)
13 - Quirk rants (AFO and Izuku cry over quirks)
14 - Forever One (AFO & OFA)
15 - Custody War of Midoriya Izuku
Important! New Content Overview
16 - Green Bean breaks into Tartarus
17 - Little Nestling (Wings! AU)
17.1 - A Nests Shackles (Wings! AU)
17.2 - A father's choice (Wings! AU)
18 - Coming Home (Soulparent! AU)
19 - Nowhere to run (Yandere! AFO)
19.1 - Suffocating Walls (Yandere! AFO)
20 - The Midoriya-Shigaraki Family Reunion
21 - Rock Man finds Little Lord and cries
22 - The Hair Dye Incident
23 - Deranged father breaks into hospital

1 - Party at UA

9.1K 170 197
By Luna_Herobrine

Idea: Party at UA (UA throws a party, Izuku wears his Dad's suit, and All Might has an aneurysm)

(The pic at the top is drawn by me and for the people who decided to skip the introduction. It's a reference/example of what I imagine AFO to look like)


,,Listen up, problem children. We've decided that the field trip for the first year hero courses will be replaced with a small, on-campus party, to ensure your safety and make sure that the League of Villains won't get another invite to attack you or the school". Aizawa explained to his class from where he was lying, having refused to leave his yellow sleeping bag.

Excited and enthusiastic chatter arose between the students but got quickly toned down by their teacher with a simple glare. ,,The party will be held after classes on Friday, from 5 pm until 9 pm. You are allowed to bring some food, snacks or drinks and music of your choosing. As long as nothing illegal, or something that would cause trouble happens you're allowed to do whatever you like. Oh, and if any of you let Kaminari near the kitchen again you'll face the consequences of cleaning the whole dorms for a month".

With those few last words and a glare directed at the electric student, their teacher fully shrunk back into his yellow cocoon, seemingly passing out immediately and not moving anymore. No one could blame him, though, since the increasing amount of villain attacks and work must've been tiring him out even further than usual. After a few more seconds of just staring at their passed-out teacher, Kaminari let out a groan of defeat, faceplanting onto his desk whilst the others around him just snickered at his suffering.

Midoriya Izuku quietly tapped his notebook titled Hero Analysis for the Future Nr. 14, whilst observing his classmates converse with one another about the upcoming party. It was nice of the staff to not fully cross out the field trip and instead just replace it with a party held on campus so they could watch the students and not risk provoking another villain attack.

They had desperately needed a break or something that would let them calm down after all of the previous incidents and attacks of the league or other villains. Now that he was thinking about it, Class 1-A really kind of worked as a magnet for trouble, didn't they..?

The green-haired boy leaned back in his seat with a sigh, his mind jumping all over the place as he lost himself in his thoughts, not noticing that he had once again fallen into one of his infamous mumbling-sprees, which only lasted for a few seconds before abruptly being cut short by a harsh snap of- ,,SHUT THE FUCK UP DEKU!" Ah, Kacchan and his colorful vocabulary. Always a delight to hear.

The spiky blonde human bomb had turned around and glared at him from his seat, obviously ticked off by Izuku's incoherent murmurs. Midoriya quickly raised his hands in defense, leaning back a little to get out of the blast zone. ,,Sorry Kacchan-". His fumbled apology was cut short by an annoyed "tch" from Bakugo followed by another glare, but surprisingly no threat or explosion was thrown at him. Well, that was an improvement-

,,Stupid fuckin' nerd, learn to be quiet for once".  

... Nevermind then. At least he was.. trying?

Deciding to just drop the idea of a potential villain attack happening at the party- and letting himself relax a little since he had pretty much no time to drop down his guard, Izuku instead thought of what he could wear out. He had no appropriate clothes for a formal party in his closet and his suit from I-Island had been... Well... It didn't quite survive. At all. It honestly looked like Wolverine had gotten his claws on it and used it as a scratching board. Maybe he could go shopping to get himself something nice to wear..? Or he could-

Loud ringing ripped him out of his mindset as he blinked up at the clock in confusion, school was already over for today? Aizawa groggily sat up in his sleeping bag, mumbling something about them not forgetting about the party and them being dismissed for today before he flopped back down once again, unmoving. Izuku could only eye his teacher with pity.

Being used to their teacher's behavior, the rest of class 1-A simply started packing up and leaving the classroom within their groups, talking about whatever there was to talk about. Izuku himself grabbed his bag and joined his group, usually referred to as the "Deku-squad" or the Izu-crew, consisting of Todoroki, Iida, Ochako, and Tsu (and occasionally Tokoyami, Shinsou, Hatsume, along with a few others).

They chattered amongst one another on their way towards the dorms, talking about what they'd wear for the party or if they would bring anything until Izuku remembered that he wanted to go check up on his mother and ask her if they still had anything that he could wear for the party. So he quickly waved them goodbye for now and rushed out of the school and off-campus.

It took him about 15 minutes to get to his neighborhood and luckily he had no run-ins with anyone. Knocking at the wooden apartment door, he could hear his mother scrambling on the inside as soon as she recognized his voice, hurrying to open the door and let her baby in. ,,IZUKU!" Inko exclaimed happily as she threw open the door and pulled her son into the apartment.

,,Hi mom". Izuku laughed, melting into her embrace and smiling brightly. He hadn't been able to visit his mother lately because of the upgraded security measures and exhausting classes so he was glad to finally be here again and not just text her through his phone. The hug lasted another few seconds before they pulled apart, his mother smiling up at him.

,,You've gotten a little taller.. My baby is getting all mature". Izuku could see her eyes getting misty with tears and felt his own grow wet at that. ,,Mooom!", he whined at her comment resulting in her chuckling softly. ,,How is school going? Is everyone being nice?". Izuku nodded fondly, thinking back at how his class was constantly on the lookout for one another.

,,UA is holding a party for the first-class heroic courses because our field trip was canceled and I wondered if we still have.. Some formal clothes that I could wear?" His question hinted at his father's wardrobe, which had been left untouched over all these years of his absence in his mother's bedroom. His mother paused, an unreadable expression flashing over her features, before quickly being replaced by a soft smile.

,,Of course, we still have plenty of your father's suits and ties here. Come, let's find you something that fits, he was a giant of a man, after all". Izuku's expression dims a bit at that, slightly guilty of reminding his mother about his absent father. But he kept quiet, silently following her into the bedroom, watching her skim through his father's wardrobe and pick out some suits.

It took them a short while to find something fitting but it was worth it. The suit he was now trying on fit almost perfectly, the black coat and pants complementing the white dress-shirt along with the red tie, which was still hanging loosely around his neck since he still had trouble with tying it the right way. On top of the outfit, his mother had also given him an old watch his father used to wear. Taking one last glance in the mirror and brushing his curly hair out of his face, he stepped out of the bathroom and presented himself to his mother.

Inko had been waiting patiently for her son to change and had just finished setting down a glass of water onto the table when she heard the bathroom door unlock and open. Excitedly she turned around, her eyes locking onto her dressed-up son who had just awkwardly stalked into the living room. Her smile promptly froze as her eyes widened at the sight in front of her.

Izuku immediately catches onto his mother's mood change, calling out to her in confusion. ,,You look just like him..". That was all she managed to whisper as tears gathered in her emerald green eyes. It tugged at Izuku's heart to see her like this, making him rush over and embrace her as tightly as he could. ,,I'm so proud...! You've come so far, Izuku. Wear your fathers' suit with pride". His mother murmured, shakily returning her son's hug.

Izuku could only nod wordlessly.


After another hour of spending time with his mother, he bid her goodbye, promising to visit her once he had some more free time and maybe even send her a picture of the party. On his way back to UA he remained deep in his thoughts, occasionally glancing down at the packed-up suit in his hands, wondering where his father was now.

His mind only spiraled further from thereon. Maybe he should try and contact him? His father had stopped sending in money for them a week after the battle in Kamino happened... Which was rather weird, and they hadn't been able to get ahold of him ever since then. Something was definitely wrong, and he would figure it out no matter what. So that his mother could be happy again.

Izuku was abruptly ripped from his bitter thoughts at the sound of something approaching him at rapid speed, his senses flaring up and the familiar green sparks of One for All illuminating his body as he snapped his hand out, catching the rouge pick-pocket with little to no effort. Shocked gasps from the civilians on the streets arose as they stopped to watch the UA student easily bring the thief into a headlock and restrain them, not even budging when the thief shoved and punched at him.

Izuku just sighed at the thief trying to manifest some kind of glass shards from their hands as he carefully tucked his father's suit under one of his arms whilst he held the struggling pick-pocket at bay for the police to take in. Two officers arrived just a few seconds after, taking the struggling thief from his hold and taking them into custody.

,,Ah- Excuse me! Thank you, young man!" The civilian the thief had stolen from gratefully called after the green-haired student who just gave them a bright smile in return. The rest of his trip back to the school stayed undisrupted, but Izuku still sulked a bit since even today he had somehow managed to get caught up in some kind of crime. Why did it always have to be him?

Passing through the high-security gates of UA with his student license and the facial recognition technology, Izuku sighed as he trotted over towards the dorms, noting that he had made it back just before curfew, which had just saved him another lecture from his homeroom teacher.

,,Yo, Midobro! There you are! Welcome back" Kirishima happily called from his seat on one of the couches in the living room and shot him a friendly wave. The others in the room perked up at the arrival of their bush-haired classmate, greeting him as well. The tension on Izuku's shoulders slipped slightly as he allowed himself to relax a bit. ,,Hello guys". He returned their greetings before quietly excusing himself and making his way over to his room.

Once he had closed and locked his door, Izuku lazily flopped down on his bed, the bag containing his father's suit at his side. Exhaustion started making itself known as soon as he let his muscles unwind but he couldn't care less right now. It had been a really, really tiring week for him. With all of his doubled training of OFA and the exams and tests the teachers had been throwing at them, he had honestly expected himself to crack under the pressure earlier.

But now they had a little break, a day to really let loose and enjoy themselves. Maybe that would replenish his energy enough.


Izuku drifted off easily that night, time slipping through his fingers like sand, and before he knew it the time of the party had arrived. His class was currently getting ready and complimenting each other's outfits or stacking up on snacks they could bring to the party. ,,I'm telling you, man! We need the snickers in case Bakubro acts up!" Kaminari tried to convince Sero and Kirishima whilst Mina just nodded along with him. ,,Denki, no. We already have skittles and his Carolina ghost-pepper chips, we don't need to bring snickers, you know what happened last time!" Sero tried to reason with him.

The surrounding classmates could only shiver at the memory of Kaminari and Mina pulling the "You're not yourself when you're hungry!" Meme on Bakugo (and of course failing miserably in the process, resulting in multiple blown-up objects and a damaged couch, which Aizawa-sensei was absolutely furious about). Mina groaned in defeat, putting the pack of snickers back into the kitchen cupboard. ,,Fineee. Can we at least throw in some more M&M's or something?"

Meanwhile, the Bakusquad members argued over what else to take with them, the Izucrew along with everyone else just watched and waited for a disaster to strike or maybe even something to start going up in flames. ,,Honestly you four! You've already packed enough!" Iida tried to berate them with his hand-chopping motions, only to be ignored by the chaotic teens. Uraraka and Tsuyu sympathetically patted his back as he sighed in defeat. ,,You know how they are, Iida-kun. There's no taming them..".

Todoroki hummed silently as he watched it all go down, his gaze wandering over all of the students present in the living room. Where was Izuku..? They only had about 10 more minutes until the party started and it wasn't usual for him to take this long. The sound of someone stomping out of the elevator pulled the class's attention off of the argument, turning to see who had arrived, although it was quite easy to tell who it was simply because of the stomping.

,,What're you staring at!?" Bakugo huffed, annoyance clearly written all over his face as he tugged on his wine-red dress shirt. ,,Ah! Bakubro!" Kirishima greeted his friend as the Bakusquad approached their... friend? Surprisingly, the hot-headed ash-blonde didn't blow up this time and instead just glared at the students in front of him.

,,Well then, is that everyone? We should get a move on and get to the cafeteria before we show up late!" Momo called over the chatter of the class, making everyone quiet down and look around for a headcount. Todoroki decided to finally speak up and voice his concern about his fellow classmate. ,,Class Prez, Midoriya hasn't shown up yet...". The dual-haired boy pointed out, earning a few surprised looks.

,,Midoriya? Has anyone seen him since yesterday..?" Ojiro asked, an eyebrow raised in confusion. ,,The boy of light left for his chambers after arriving late yesterday and hasn't reappeared since then". Tokoyami informed his classmates with Dark Shadow hovering next to him and nodding along to his user's words.

,,Tch, stupid nerd probably fell down the stairs or something dumb". Bakugo clicked his tongue in irritation at the mention of the green-haired boy's name, earning him a few piercing looks from the members of the Izu-crew. ,,It isn't usual for Midoriya-kun to be late on time... I will go get him! You can go without us!" Iida exclaimed and moved towards the elevator to go and check up on his classmate when suddenly the "Ding!" from the elevator alerted them of someone having just arrived at the ground floor.

Metal doors parting, the trouble magnet himself stepped out of the elevator, fully dressed up in an intimidating, expensive-looking suit, a white dress shirt, a silver wristwatch decorating his right wrist, and a red tie hanging around his neck. His usually curly, green hair was slightly gelled back and brought under control so his curls wouldn't fall in front of his eyes anymore. Speaking of his eyes- they seemed to glow even brighter than their normal emerald green shine, being complimented by his suit.

His classmates could only stare in awe at the regularly shy, anxious, and friendly boy who now resembled some kind of yakuza boss or an extremely rich kid. His sharp eyes roamed around the room before landing on them, narrowing slightly in the process. Bone-rattling shivers ran down their backs as they stared into the analytical, hooded green eyes of their classmate.

Yet, there were a few classmates that had stronger reactions to his hair-raising entrance. Momo, Todoroki, Iida, Kirishima, and Bakugo all froze as the image of their "class cinnamon roll" overlapped with the man All Might fought at Kamino ward and almost lost to. They had no idea why that image had come forth at such a moment and it was... truly terrifying.

,,Wow- Midoriya?!" Kaminari and Mineta's overlapped screaming finally snapped the class out of their trance of staring, their words, which had been stuck in their throats just a few seconds ago, returning to them as if nothing had ever happened. Midoriya dropped his intense gaze and cracked a small, nervous smile. ,,Hi everyone- I'm sorry that I showed up so late. I had some problems with getting my outfit to look right..". Izuku directed a small glare down at his tie.

,,I-... It's- quite alright...? W-Well then! Let's just get going, shall we? We don't wish to be rude and show up late!" Iida stammered unsurely, halfway collecting himself and fixing his glasses, which had slipped a bit after Izuku had revealed himself to the class. He still wasn't sure how to really process what had just happened, but he did his best as the class rep to make sure that his confusion, maybe even fear, would be ignored and overlooked.

It was pretty much the same with the other witnesses of the Kamino battle. All of them were confused at the sudden spike of fear and the overlapping image that had shot up and made their hearts pump harder with fright. What... the hell was that? Todoroki quietly rubbed his eyes whilst Bakugo just stood still, his red eyes not leaving the dressed-up freckled boy.

Kirishima glanced over at Bakugo, immediately realizing that he too had seen... that man. He felt the fear of not being able to do anything, of being powerless in front of that piercing stare. ,,Bakubro.." Kirishima spoke up carefully, watching how Bakugo's eyes widened even more and how his posture shifted. ,,What the fuck...".

,,A-Alright, then! Everyone, gather your things, and let's move!" Momo called out, her dark gray eyes flitting over to Midoriya every now and then as if she was waiting for something to happen. And Izuku being Izuku noticed all of this, of course. Over the years he had become extremely observant of his surroundings and of the moods the people around him were in. His lips were pulled into a slight frown but he decided to keep silent. He could always ask them about their reactions later.


It took Class 1-A about a minute to arrive at the cafeteria but the tense aura around them started to fade away, being replaced by excitement at the food stands and bean-bag corners littered around the whole hall. There were about 4 teachers standing guard around the hall, watching the hero students fall into peaceful conversations with one another and enjoying their time.

Izuku sat off to the side, watching everyone chat and relax while he sipped on his iced water, a small notebook resting in his other hand as he itched to write down his observations of everyone's personality and of the quirks he still hadn't been able to ask about yet. So he set down his glass and pulled out his mechanical pen, beginning to scribble down notes way too fast for any normal person to keep track of.

He had already started flipping to page 6 when suddenly a figure in the corner of his eyes caught his attention, making his frantic scribbling slow down. Was that All Might? The retired blonde-haired pro seemed to be looking for someone as he snuck around. Sighing, Izuku stuffed away his small notebook and pen before taking his cold glass and making his way over to his lanky mentor.

Midoriya approached the former number-one hero from his blind spot, not thinking anything of it as he followed silently behind the pro. ,,All Might?". He finally called out after his mentor hadn't seemed to take notice of his presence. The man spun around quickly, a smile on his skeleton-like features before he stopped dead in his tracks.

His blue sunken-in eyes widened in horror as a look of pure disbelief and terror took the place of the smile he once wore. His mentor grew incredibly pale and stiff as he stared down at him. ,,You- How are you here..- Why-!?" All Might stuttered with panic lacing his voice and his fists clenched as if he was readying himself for a fight. Now Izuku started to grow confused. First his classmates, now All Might? Was there something wrong with his outfit? Was it because of his tie?

,,All Might, is everything alright?" Izuku asked, concerned for his mentor, and took a cautious step forward. All Might's body stilled once again, his blue eyes staring down at him, unblinking and unreadable. ,,Young.. Mido-?". The blonde started before about a gallon of blood sprayed out of his mouth like a goddamn fountain from hell.

Izuku's terrified scream echoed through the whole cafeteria, alarming everyone in the building and making them freeze up or jump off of their seats along with the teachers, who fell into fighting stances. Upon seeing the local problem child fussing and crying over a currently bleeding out All Might, completely soaked in blood from head to toe, they exchanged perplexed glances and went to investigate what seemed to be a whole darn blood bath. It almost looked like they let Freddy Krueger run wild on a bunch of people with the amount of blood that was everywhere.

,,ALL MIGHT!?" Midoriya screeched as he shook his mentor who was currently choking on his own blood, looking like he was having an aneurysm and a heart attack at the same time. ,,Problem child... What did you do-!?" A pissed-off Aizawa has appeared! He used intimidation! It's extremely un-effective and only caused the broccoli child to panic even more!

,,Nana... I'm coming up..."



Well.. so much to a relaxing festival/day off for the hero courses. All of it was ruined by a single suit and a wristwatch... And Izuku looking a lot like his father-

All Might's poor health. Rip to him.



(Word count: 3815)

Next up! Part 2: The devil visits Aldera Middle School


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