Killer Queen


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{diego hargreeves ff} Kate Patch doesn't know much about her boyfriend's family or their upbringing but offer... Еще

author's note


96 3 0

< November 23rd 1963 >

Arriving at the farm was interesting for the siblings because as soon as the car was parked, they could instantly see that something was wrong. Most of the fields were lit in the warm sunshine of the day but there was one part where the barn stood, which was covered in snow. The siblings slowly slid out of the car, the wind nipping at their features and it felt like some kind of blizzard which was unusual. They knew that it had something to do with Vanya and her powers because the same electricity that had been surging in the FBI building was surging over the barn and every so often, there was a clash of lightening striking the cloudy sky. Diego pulled his jacket closer to try and conserve some heat. "You think whatever's going on inside is causing the cold front?"

"Well, the correlation is high." Five shrugged at his brother, both of them feeling nervous about what was happening and both of them glad that Kate had convinced them to come along because this was definitely a worrying discovery.

The door of the barn swung open and a woman, Sissy, stormed out pointing a gun towards them. Vanya jumped in front of her siblings with her hands held up to try and get her friend to calm down. "Sissy! Sissy!"

"Get back!" She ran at them, her eyes wild and her hands shaking as she held the gun at them. "All of you, just get the hell back!"

"Sissy! Hey! Hey!" Vanya tried to get her attention but it seemed that Sissy was having a hard time to open up to anyone in that moment; let alone a bunch of strangers that she had never seen before who were now on her property. "What's wrong?"

She was hesitant but she answered Vanya, keeping her gun focused on the strangers. "Carl."

"What did he do to you?"

"He's...He's dead. Harlan tossed him aside like a rag doll, same way you sent those policemen flying." Sissy held the gun towards Vanya because she was scared of her, of what she had done to her son. "What did you do to him?"


"Vanya, what the hell did you do to my son?"

Diego rolled his eyes at the confrontation and stepped forward to head towards the barn. "We don't have time for this."

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Diego, she's scared." Kate grabbed his arm and kept him back, knowing that getting closer or making any sudden movements would just cause more damage. This woman was terrified and they weren't helping by forcing her into something without any explanation. "We're trying to help her son." He argued back to her but listened and stayed still instead of pushing himself into the barn.

Vanya took the chance to approach her friend and explain the situation. "Look, Sissy, I found my family. These are my brothers and my sisters."

Luther was the only one that waved as the others just smiled awkwardly. "Ma'am."

"She called me her sister." Kate whispered, not being able to wipe the excited grin from her face.

"Priorities." Diego whispered back to her, knowing that this was not the time to get excited about joining the family – not when there were bigger things to worry about.

"Were you lying to me the whole time?"

"Of course, not." Vanya tried to defend herself, knowing that Sissy had probably seen the news as well because that would explain her worried glances between the faces that had been on the television. "Look, I didn't know who I was, but I do now. And we are not the monsters that they say we are. We did not kill the President; we are not terrorists. We are not here to hurt anyone."

"Then...who are you?"

"The only one who can help Harlan."

Knowing that Vanya was right, Sissy hesitantly opened the barn door and allowed them inside because she had no idea what she was doing and even if she didn't really trust these people; they were the only ones who could save Harlan. Vanya was the first to run towards the boy that was lying in the hay but was shoved backwards by the forcefield which surrounded him. The others entered the barn and had to cover their eyes as the forcefield was strong and blinding them. Harlan was raised into the air, his head tilted back and his entire body shaking. "Harlan? Harlan, it's Vanya! Look, Harlan, I know you're really scared but I can help you! I need you to listen to me, okay? Can you do that?"

Vanya glanced back to Sissy to make sure that she had permission to continue and was relieved when Sissy nodded at her. It was hard for the mother to watch her son going through this but was trusting her friend to help him. Vanya's eyes shine a bright white as she breaks through the forcefield and manages to get to Harlan without hurting herself, something that tied them together through their shared powers. It seemed that it wasn't working as Harlan continued to shake and grunt in the air but she couldn't give up, not when they were making progress and she could still save him.

"Careful." Five warned her, nervous for the boy and for his sister because this was more dangerous than they expected. This wasn't what he imagined when he heard that Harlan needed help, he assumed there was some kind of sickness or that the kid had hurt himself on the farm – not accidentally taken some of Vanya's powers and couldn't control them. "Harlan? I don't know if you can hear me..."

"Uh...guys?" Klaus called the others over when he spotted something outside of the barn and even though Harlan needed help, it seemed that there was something else to worry about.

Diego raised an eyebrow to his brother, not knowing what could be more important than a kid with more power than he could handle, but still followed Kate, Allison and Luther over to the opening of the barn. "What?"

They moved to watch two figures across the field and Kate swore that she could hear her eyes rolling in the back of her head when she recognised one of them. Of course, Lila wasn't going to leave them alone and she was going to turn up right when they were going to get rid of her. She seemed just as miserable as Kate felt when she saw her, glaring across the field as if she could look straight into their eyes. Next to her was a woman with a peculiar fashion sense, including a very large hat which covered most of her head and part of her face, Kate guessed that this was the famous Handler that everyone had been talking about. "Ah, shit." Diego groaned when he recognised them.

Klaus had no idea what was happening because he hadn't met either of them before; he just guessed that they were bad news because they were randomly stood in the middle of a field at a random farm in Dallas. "What, who are they?"

"One's the Handler, the other's Diego's girlfriend."

"Ex-girlfriend." Diego corrected before seeing the glare that Kate was giving him and then quickly corrected himself again. "Not that we ever dated, she just said that we did while I was unconscious. It's complicated."

"Nothing complicated about it." Kate glared at him, explaining the story for the others to understand. "She was a posh obsessive stalker who didn't understand that Diego wasn't interested and for once, Diego was too nice to say anything."

"What? When did that happen?" Klaus questioned, not remembering this happening and wondering whether he had been drugged or drunk when this happened.

"At the Commission. It's a long story."

"If we don't die, we're going out for drinks." He said, patting Kate on the shoulder because he was more than intrigued with this girl. "We have a lot to talk about."

Luther was still staring at the two women and feeling uncomfortable at their glares. "Not what matters right now, they both look angry."

"Yeah, well our brother has that effect on people." Allison shrugged, knowing that Diego had probably messed something up with both of them because they were used to it happening.

Five brushed down his blazer and seemed rather bored with the entire discussion. "I'm going to go find out what they want, you guys stay with Vanya and the kid."

"I'm coming with you."

"And me." Kate added once Diego decided that he was going, there was no way that she was going to let him talk to Lila without her being there. Diego's eyes widened and he shook his head in denial. He was scared to go over himself but there was no chance that he would let Kate accompany him. "Hell no, you're not going anywhere near them."

"Why? Scared I'll find out about your enchanting relationship that blossomed whilst I was imprisoned at the Commission?"

"No because it never existed. I'm worried that she'll hurt you."

"Let her try." She narrowed her eyes across the field but Diego grabbed her hands and squeezed them to get her attention back to the situation. "I'd rather not." He looked deeply into her eyes, pleading with her to stay safely away from Lila because he didn't trust that woman and he wanted his girlfriend as far from her as possible. "Katy, you stay here and watch Vanya. Comfort Sissy or something, you're good with emotions."

She seemed to go quiet for a moment, arguing in her head whether to open up to him or not before deciding to ask the question that had been on her mind as soon as she spotted Lila across the field. "You're not going to do something stupid, are you? Like running off with her?"

"Never, you're the only girl for me, remember? Lila means nothing to me." He promised, reaching down to press his lips against hers and she enjoyed the moment, pulling him closer to her so that she could remember everything about this feeling. Her stomach rolling with butterflies and her heart thumping against her chest. "Stay safe." She said breathlessly as they pulled away from each other, then she turned to the smaller boy and raised an eyebrow. "Hear that Five? Take care of his ass!"

"I always do." Five rolled his eyes as the two brothers began walking down the field and towards the two women, who did not look happy to see them.

Deciding that she didn't want to stand there and watch the interaction, she took Diego's advice and moved to the side of the barn where Vanya was still trying to get through to Harlan. "Harlan! Harlan, I can help!" Nothing seemed to be working as the boy continued to float and the energy surged around the two of them.

"What's happening to him?" Sissy asked her, panicking because she couldn't do anything to help her son and didn't have anyone around that she could trust.

"To be honest with you, I have no idea." Kate answered honesty, noticing the anxious look that Sissy glanced at her with and then explained better what she meant. "I don't have the powers that the others do. But I can tell you that Vanya will do everything she can to save him, she really cares about you, both of you."

"We really care about her too. Is there anything I can do?"

"Not really, just stay close. You're probably comforting Harlan, staying close to him."

She nodded before trying to distract herself with conversation, humming slightly to calm herself down. "Do you have kids?"

"Me? No!" Kate was shocked that she asked, shaking her head repeatedly and laughing off the question. "No, no, no, why would you think that?"

"Just you and Shaggy seemed pretty close and you have that kind of maternal instinct."

"No, I don't think I'll ever have kids. Don't have time for it, too busy saving the world. Plus, I mean, Diego isn't really the family type."

"I wouldn't be so sure." Sissy smirked slightly, glad that she was being distracted because she needed some gossip to distract her from the danger that her son was in. Kate furrowed her brows, not understanding what the woman was talking about because she didn't even know Diego and was insinuating that she knew him better than his own girlfriend. "What do you mean?"

"Well, he's here, isn't he? Helping his family?" Before she could question Sissy even more, there was a call from outside that perked her ears. "Katy!"

"I'll be right back." Kate said, trying to smile sincerely at Sissy but her brain was overflowing with questions after that conversation. If anything, she was glad that she had been called away from the barn so that she could clear her head for a moment but was worried when she saw Allison, Klaus and Luther watching their brothers across the field. "What do you think they're talking about?" Allison asked her, not taking her eyes away from the boys.

"I don't know, literally could be anything."

"Which one's the girlfriend?" Luther asked, in response Kate punched his arm and he winced. "Sorry, ex-girlfriend?" Another punch to the arm and another wince. "Sorry, which one's the posh obsessive stalker that didn't understand that Diego wasn't interested?"

Kate sighed and seemed hesitant to point her out but knew that they wouldn't move on unless they knew, so she told them. "The one on the left."

Suddenly thousands of people in suits and masks, just like Cha-Cha and Hazel, filled the field that they were watching; each of them holding large weapons and looking ready to attack the brothers. Luther's jaw dropped. "Oh my God." None of the siblings knew how the boys were going to get out of this because they were severely outnumbered and had no chance against the commission. Then both Diego and Five started sprinting back towards the barn, hoping to get a head-start away from the assassins.

"Harlan, I know you don't want to hurt anyone. It's okay, yes, Harlan, you can hear my voice. Everything's going to be okay." Vanya keeps her voice soft as Harlan floats back onto the ground but their moment is interrupted as bullets start flying through the barn and cause an electrical surge between the two, making them both fall backwards into the hay. Kate ran into the barn and tried to keep low, screaming at them. "Get down!" 

"What's going on?" Vanya asked, trying to stay down in the pile of hay.

"We're being attacked! The Commission!"

"Sissy!" Vanya cried, worried that something had happened to her. "Sissy, are you okay?" Sissy revealed herself further down the barn where she had also been thrown into a pile of hay, other than terrified, she didn't seem in bad shape. "Yes, but Harlan-"

"Go check on him!"

"What are you going to do?" Sissy asked her friend but Vanya seemed to be trying to concentrate on something else, which made Kate worried because she didn't want her sister to use too much power and lose control. "Vanya?"

"I'm going to end this thing!" Vanya promised.

Kate glanced outside the barn, trying to stay hidden so that she didn't become a target for the assassins because she didn't have anything to defend herself with. Her eyes landed on Diego straight away, terrified that he wouldn't make it back to safely and was shocked to see him somehow stopping the bullets from flying mid-air before sending them to the side. Five had managed to make it to the farmhouse and the other siblings were taking shelter behind some of the farm equipment whilst coming up with a plan. There was a high-pitched noise from the barn as Vanya floated into the air and used her powers to create a forcefield which ploughed through the field and killed all of the assassins that had been stood there. Kate covered her ears as it was painful to hear and squeezed her eyes shut because the forcefield had been blinding to watch.

When the noise stopped, she uncovered her hands and slowly opened her eyes. She spotted the dead bodies lying on the field but there was something scarier, the Handler and Lila had been protected from the forcefield by some kind of magical bubble and were more threatening than ever before. "What the hell is that?" Lila floats up into the air, just like Vanya had and throws a forcefield just as blinding and powerful as the last one; only this time it was heading straight for the farm. Diego narrowed his eyes as the force got closer to him. "That's not normal." He didn't get the chance to say anything else as his body was thrown backwards into the air.

Kate was inside the barn, taking cover and ran to help Vanya back up once she had fallen from the force of Lila's powers. "Are you okay?"

"Peachy." Vanya frowned, not happy that her own powers had been used against her.

"Good to see your sarcasm hasn't dwelled."

The girl was shocked and almost speechless as she asked. "How could she do that?"

Kate didn't have the chance to answer as they watched Luther being thrown out of the farmhouse by Lila, ready to make her way through the different siblings and end what she had started. Kate knew that it was crazy to think that there were more superhumans out there, but maybe the Umbrella Academy was actually bigger than they knew. Maybe there was a chance that there were other special kids born on the same day, they just had been hidden for most of their lives and Lila was one of them. "Maybe she's the same as you guys."

"Impossible." She shook her head violently, not wanting to believe what she was hearing because that would open up even more questions. "We would have known-"

Kate knew that it was crazy but it was the only explanation that made sense. "She has powers, Vanya, what if she's able to do whatever you can do. Whatever all of you can do."

"If that's right, then we're in trouble."

"Shit, Diego, I need to go find him." She suddenly realised that the forcefield would have hit him first because he was on the field and Vanya knew how she felt; her worries instantly going to Sissy as she had been hit with the powerful blast too.

"You get Diego, I'll help Sissy."

"Oh my God." Kate's eyes widened when she saw what had happened to her boyfriend and didn't really know what she was supposed to do. When Diego got thrown from the force, he must have been dropped underneath a tractor and now his leg was completely stuck. She attempted to push the machinery but didn't have the strength and couldn't do anything but huff and almost burst into tears at his position.

"Katy, is that you? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." She swore as she dropped next to his head and brushed the loose hair out of his face. Diego had never been so relieved to see her, safe, he didn't care that he was in pain because he knew that she was alive and in better shape than he was. Kate was more focused on his position and trying not to cry as she was confused on how to help him. "Your leg. What should I do?"

"Get help." He said calmly as she stood up and was about to run away before he grabbed her leg to stop her because he didn't want her to disappear out of his sight. Not when he had just almost died, he wanted her as close as possible. "No, stay with me! Call for help, don't go anywhere."

"Luther! Allison! Klaus! Anyone!" She screamed, gripping Diego's hand as she knelt in the snow and luckily, the siblings sprinted over when they saw her.

"What took you so long?" Diego grunted, feeling the pain from the tractor.

Luther rolled his eyes at his brother and his bluntness. "Well, we're here now, do you want to stop complaining?"

"Or we could just leave you here." Klaus shrugged, not caring what happened.

"What he said." Allison nodded.

Vanya glanced between her siblings and smiled slightly, glad that she had them back; even in this situation. "Does everything in this family have to be a discussion?"

Luther uses his super strength to pick up the tractor, much easier than it would have been for Kate after she had tried to do it with no powers and Allison helps her to pull Diego's leg free. "Are you out?" Luther asked, and Diego slowly gets up so that his brother could drop the tractor back into the snow.

Despite almost losing his leg and all of his siblings, Diego seemed to be in good spirits. "Team Zero! Unstoppable!" The brother's high-five but the mood dampened when they realised that they were missing someone and things were more serious than they expected.

"Okay, has anyone seen Five?" Allison asked.

"I don't know, he's around here somewhere. By the way, your ex-girlfriend – I don't care!" He snapped when he saw the glares coming from both Diego and Kate. "She can blink like Five."

"Yeah, that bitch just rumoured me so I couldn't breathe."

"And destroyed like, half the farm with a shock wave." Klaus rolled his eyes, knowing that they had all seen that trick before. "So unoriginal."

"If she can do everything you can, she's basically one of you." Kate said and the entire family laughed loudly until the laughter died down and they all thought over what she had said.

Luther shook his head. "No, there's no way, it can't be."

"It's a reasonable conclusion." Allison shrugged, seeing that it could have been true.

"Eh, but there were only seven of us." Klaus argued, not wanting to think about the possibility of having more superpowered siblings out there that could do more harm than them. It would cause the end of the world if they couldn't control their powers or didn't know that they had them.

"That you knew about, your dad kept secrets, maybe there are more of you out there?"

"Maybe we need to consider that there are more of us out there?" Vanya offered her own opinion; she had been in deep thought about this for a while now and it seemed the only reasonable conclusion to make. There must be more people out there with similar gifts to them, they cannot be the only ones.

"Yes!" Kate punched the air and glanced up at Diego, jumping up and down on the spot. He tried to stop himself from laughing at her because he knew this was a serious situation. "Can you all say that I'm right, please? For once, I'm right about something!"

Luther frowned and tried to work out the logistics of this fight. "So, if she can mirror our powers that means anything we throw at her, she can match, right?"

"Yeah, but she can only mirror one of our powers at a time." Klaus answered, feeling confident in his answer because the theory hadn't been tested yet.

"Are you sure about that?" Allison questioned as they glanced at each other and all of them wondered whether this was one fight that they would never be able to win. If this girl could use their powers against them, possibly more than one at one time then they had no chance to take her down.

a/n: season three is finally out!! i was so excited & we've watched some of the episodes already 🥳 it's so good & i loved the dance scene in the first episode 🤣 -lizzie ⭐️

date published: 23/06/22

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